Weekly Bulletin 6th October 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s


3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s

Chrysostom Church

Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

The Angels’ Annunciation of John the Baptist to Zacharias

6th October - 26th Tote

On this day it was announced to Zacharias, the priest, the birth of John the Baptist. Zacharias was well advanced in years and his wife, Elizabeth, was barren and her time for begetting children had passed.

Zacharias was praying and beseeching God persistently to give him a child because the children of Israel reviled anyone without a son and treated him with ignominy. They would say about him that he was without the blessing that God had told Adam in these words: “Be fruitful and multiply.” The Lord had compassion on him and He hearkened to his petition. He sent him Gabriel the Angel to announce to him the birth of John. The angel came to him while he was in the sanctuary, as it is mentioned in the Holy Gospel (Luke 1:11(, and announced to him the birth of the great prophet John, and that he should precede the Christ as it was said by the prophets, “He shall go before Him.” He asked the angel, “Whereby shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife well advanced in years.” The angel told him that he was sent from God to announce that to him and it is not seemly for him to doubt. He then told him that he shall be dumb till the birth of the child. On the day of John’s circumcision, they asked him about the child’s name. He asked for a tablet and wrote on it John and straightaway his mouth opened. Then he spoke and praised God and prophesied concerning his son John and the Lord Christ. He prophesied about his son that he would be a prophet and he should go before the face of the Lord. The prayers of this priest be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saints Abadir (Apater( and Eraee (Herai(, His Sister 8th October – 28th Thout

Onthis day, Sts. Abadir (Apater( and Eraee (Herai(, his sister, the children of Wasilides, the minister of Antioch, were martyred. Abadir was appointed Esfeh-selar (a high ranking governmental position( in his father’s position. He had a room wherein he prayed and the Lord Christ appeared to him in the middle of the night and told him: “Rise up and take your sister Eraee, and go to Egypt to receive the crown of martyrdom and I will instruct a man whose name is Samuel to take care of your bodies and prepare them for burial.” He bid him peace then went up into heaven. This vision was seen by his sister also, in which she was told, “Hearken to your brother and do not transgress his command.” When she woke up, she trembled, and she went to her brother and told him about the vision, declaring that she would not disobey him. They vowed to each other to go and shed their blood in the Name of the Lord Christ.

When his mother knew that, she and her handmaidens rent their garments, and came to St. Abadir. His mother pleaded with him not to become a martyr. He promised her that he would not go forward to Diocletian seeking martyrdom. Her heart was soothed, not knowing his intention of going somewhere else to become a martyr.

Every night he used to change his apparel and go disguised to give water to the prisoners and minister to them all night, and he asked the door-keeper not to tell anyone. Later on, he saw a vision to remind him of travelling. He took

his sister and went to Alexandria, then they came to Cairo. They met St. Abekragon who recognized them and blessed them. From there they came to Tomwah where they entered the church and prayed in it. Then, they went to El-Ashmunin where they met with Samuel the deacon. The following day Samuel went with them to Ansena, and they confessed our Lord Christ before Arianus the governor, who tortured them severely. Meanwhile, Saint Abadir prayed and entreated God to strengthen his faith and the faith of his sister Eraee. The Lord took their souls and carried them up to the heavenly Jerusalem and they saw the eminent ranks and the luminous habitations of the righteous; then he brought them back to their bodies.

The governor wrote their decree and then adjured Abadir by his God to tell him his name and who he was. The saint replied, “Swear to me that you shall not change what you have decreed,” and when the governor swore to him, he said, “I am Abadir El-Esfeh-selar.”

The governor cried out, saying, “Woe to me, 0 my Lord why did you not let me know that you are my Lord and let me go so far as to condemn you to all these severe tortures?” The saint replied, “Fear not, for you are about to receive the crown of martyrdom. The emperor will seek me and will not find me, and he will hear that you have killed me. Then he will call you, torture you and you will die in the Name of our Lord Christ. And now hasten to finish us.”

Straightaway the governor ordered that their heads be cut off. The believers wrapped up their bodies in fine apparels and Samuel the deacon took them to his house until the days of persecution were ended and a great church was built for them. Their intercession be for us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Miracle that God Performed for St. Athanasius the Apostolic

10th October - 30th Tote

Onthis day the Lord Christ performed a great miracle for the honorable Saint Abba Athanasius, 20th Pope of Alexandria. When Emperor Constantius, the son of the righteous Emperor Constantine, adopted the teachings of Arius who said that the Son was, after not being, and therefore not equal to the Father, he sent a man, whose name was Gawargios, to Alexandria. He also sent along with him 500 horsemen and letters appointing Gawargios patriarch of Alexandria instead of Abba Athanasius the Apostolic. He ordered Gawargios to support the faith of Arius and slay all who would not be obedient to him.

When this man arrived to the city, he preached the teachings of Arius but only a few people of the city accepted his teachings. Therefore, he killed a large number of people, and St. Athanasius hid himself for a period of six years. After which he went to the city of Constantinople, and asked Emperor Constantius either to restore him to his See or to slay him so he would receive the crown of martyrdom. But the Emperor ordered his men to place him in a small boat and to leave him in the sea without food or water or a guide. The Emperor thought that he would die of hunger or thirst or get drowned. In this way he hoped to get rid of the saint and his admonition to him for his heresy, and they did with the saint as the Emperor had ordered them. The boat sailed along smoothly and in peace with the Lord’s will and His care. St. Athanasius was surrounded and cared for by the Angels until he arrived in Alexandria three days later. When the

believers heard that their shepherd had arrived, they rejoiced and went out to him and received him with candles and songs of praise. Then they brought him into the church and expelled Gawargios and his followers. St. Athanasius dedicated that day as a great feast to the Lord. May his prayers be with us and to our God is the glory and honor now and ever unto the end of ages. Amen.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Arbsima (Repsima( the Virgin and Her Sisters the Virgins

10th October - 29th Tote

On this day, the holy virgins Arbsima (Repsima( and Agatha (Ghana( and their sisters, were martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

This infiel sought out the most beautiful damsel to marry. He sent artists to every country and ordered them to paint a portrait of the most beautiful damsel that their sights fell on and to give him an accurate description of her. When they arrived nearby Rome, they entered a convent for virgins and found Saint Arbsima and none was like her in beauty. They painted a portrait of her and sent it to the Emperor who rejoiced when he saw it. He sent to the kings and governors to invite them to the wedding celebrations. When Arbsima and the virgins knew that, they wept, and left the convent fleeing, entreating the Lord Christ to help them and to keep their virginity. They fled to the country of Armenia, and entered the province over which Tridates was king. There they dwelt in a winery in a deserted garden. They had great trouble in getting their food, so one of them made glass, sold it, and with the money they bought their food.

When Diocletian sought for Arbsima, he did not find her. Later on, he heard that she was in the country of Armenia so he sent to Tridates the governor to look for her. When the virgins heard that, they left their shelter and hid themselves in the city. But someone informed about them. Tridates then commanded to bring Arbsima to him and when she refused, they abducted her and brought her to him. When he saw her beauty, he wanted to have her for himself, but she did not let him. He brought her mother to persuade her but instead she besought her to endure patiently. She comforted her, told her that she must not forsake her true Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that she must not defile her virginity. When he knew what her mother had done, he commanded to break her teeth. God gave St. Arbsima power to overcome the governor; she pushed him forcefully and he fell on his back. She left him lying on the floor although he was well known by his might and bravery in war. Ashamed of having been vanquished by a virgin damsel, he ordered to cut off her head. The soldiers came and tied her, tore out her tongue, plucked out her eyes, and then cut her into pieces. When the governor rose up from his fall and regained his senses, he was sorry for killing the saint. He ordered to slay the rest of the virgins. The soldiers pierced the soles of their feet, flayed them, cut them into pieces, and then cast them out. One of them was sick and was lying on a bed, and she cried out to the soldiers so she might join her sisters. So, they cut off her head also and thus, all the virgins received the crown of martyrdom. The soldiers also slew all who had come with them from Rome.

After their departure, the governor became mad and the physicians

could not help him until Saint Gregory, Bishop of Armenia, came to him and prayed over him. By this he was healed of his affliction and believed in the Lord Christ. He took the bodies of the holy and pure virgins and laid them in a holy place. Their intercession be for us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Coming of Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt 12th October - 2nd Baba

On this day St. Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, came to Egypt in the days of Eustinos the Emperor. This Emperor opposed the Orthodox belief, following that of the council of Chalcedon. However Queen Theodora, his wife, was an Orthodox and she loved St. Severus because of his Christian virtues and his true faith. The Emperor called him one day and many discussions took place regarding the faith, but the Emperor would not turn away from his wrong belief. The Emperor issued his orders to slay St. Severus. The Queen besought the saint to escape to save himself but he refused saying, «I am ready to die holding the Orthodox faith.» However, as the Queen and the God loving brethren insisted, he and some brethren left to Egypt. When the Emperor sought St. Severus and did not find him, he sent soldiers after him. But God hid St. Severus from the soldiers and they did not see him although he was close to them. When he came to Egypt, he went disguised from place to place and from monastery to monastery, and God made many signs and wonders by his hands.

One day, he went to the desert of Scete, at Wadi-El Natroun, and he entered the church in a uniform of a stranger monk and a great miracle took place at that time. It came to pass, that after the priest had placed the bread (Kourban( on the altar and gone around the church offering the incenses, and after the reading of the Epistles and the Gospel, he lifted off the Ebrospharin (altar covering(, and did not find the Kourban in the paten; so, the priest was disturbed and wept. He turned towards the worshippers saying, «O my brethren, I did not find El-Kourban in the paten, and I know not whether this thing has happened because of my sin or because of your sin.» The people wept; and straightaway, the angel of the Lord appeared to the priest and told him, «This has happened not because of your sin or because of the sin of the worshippers but because you offered El-Kourban in the presence of the Patriarch. The priest replied, «And where is he, O my Lord?» The angel pointed towards St. Severus. St. Severus was standing in a corner of the church and the priest recognized him by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The priest came to Abba Severus, who commanded him to continue the liturgy after they brought him to the altar with great honor. When the priest had gone up to the altar he found the offering on the paten as before. They all praised God and glorified His Holy Name. St. Severus went forth from that place and came to the city of Sakha where he dwelt with a noble, and righteous man named Dorotheus, and he remained there until his departure. His prayers be with us all and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

Meditations on 4th of Tote Bible Readings

Luke 7: 36-50

“her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much” Luke 7:47.

By His feet … wetting His feet with tears … and wiped them with her hair … anointing them with a fragrant oil it is a true image of a repentant person … true repentance from the heart and it is not a false repentance from the lips only … this is repentance in its most beautiful forms … where the heart directly converses with God … even if the lips failed to utter the right words … where the eyes express their language (of repentance( in most articulate way to enter God’s heart directly … how effective is true repentance with God’s heart … in the Song of Solomon addressing the virgin maiden “turn you eyes away from me; for they have over come me” (Song of Solomon 6:5( … how joyful is the repentant eyes to God … the repentance of the people of Nineveh made God relented from the disasters that He had said He would bring upon them (Jonah 3:10( .. How great is true repentance and how magnificent it is … it produces saints … it turns adulators into pure virgins and robbers and thieves into captures of the heavenly kingdom. + weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears ..

It (the tears( is the logo of the sinful person … because he or she had wounded the heart of the One who loves them … he or she had hurt their Lover who Loved them … it is not just a feeling of fear from the great punishment that awaits the sinner … fear from punishment makes one fearful and troubled … maybe such feeling can lead one to despair and committing more sins, but the feeling of God’s love makes one regret his or her sin and weep for his or her sins.

David … the psalmist … the elegant psalmist of Israel … used to weep tears … and wets his bed by night … putting his sin before him at all times … feeling how much hurt he has caused God’s heart which he has wounded … he has offered a true repentance with a contrition before God and deserved to hear the answer quickly “And the Lord has taken away your sin” (2 Samuel 12:13( Even Ahab the evil king … when he heard God’s warning from Elijah’s mouth … even it was declarations of the punishments he deserved for his evil doing and sins … we find Ahab tore his clothes and put sackcloth on his body, and fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about mourning (1Kings 21( … and because of his humbleness and contrition … The Lord did not bring calamity in his days … but in the days of his son … just

feeling of remorse pleases the Lord’s heart … and it make God remove His wrath from him. Tears has great appeal to God’s heart … Hezekiah the righteous king … when was told by Isaiah that he would die … he wept before the Lord and asked God to change His edict … and indeed, Isiah before he reaches his town, returned to Hezekiah to tell him the Lord has added to his days 15 years (2 Kings 20(. The Lord was willing to forgive Sodom entirely … when Abraham pleaded for them … only if he found 10 righteous men among them … indeed God is a loving and merciful God … long suffering and has great mercy; the fathers and saints of old knew Him … thus also Jonah the prophet knew Him … because of this, he (Jonah( hesitated to warn the people of Nineveh, lest they offer a true repentance and be accepted by the Lord and forgive them; then he ( (Jonah( would appear as a false prophet … but God taught him a lesson in loving mankind … and to be happy with repentance of sinners…

How happy was God with Zacchaeus … for Zacchaeus has offered acceptable tears before God … in his climbing the sycamore tree … as a sign of his conrition and feeling of being undeserving … and how happy and grateful was Zacchaeus for the Lord to entre his house.

How happy was the Lord with the tax collector’s repentance who stood a far beating his chest and crying “Lord have mercy for I am a sinner”? And you beloved; do you feel how bitter is the sin you live in … do you truly sense that you have grieved God’s heart who loves you … and still seeking your salvation … suffering a lot for you … He loved you to the end … He carried the Cross for your sins … He suffered the hurt of being cursed, slapped and shame for your salvation … don’t you hear the hammers driving the nails in His hand every time you hate your brother and despise and judge him … aren’t you pleating a crown of thorns every time you allow yourself to sin because of your evil lusts … or because of keeping bad company and life of evil and malice … don’t you feel that you are truly spearing His side by your dishonesty and preferring the worldly life to life with Him … don’t you see the blood poring out from His side because of you … beloved, meditate on the Saviour’s passions for you to know how much suffering and sadness you caused our Saviour the Beloved. + wiped them with the hair of her head .. One of the greatest obstacles in the way of repentance … is the issue of self-honour (pride( … David

the king in total contrition says before Nathan the prophet “I have sinned before the Lord” … the sinful woman … ignored all the people looking at their and criticism and poured herself on the Lord Jesus’s feet and wipping them with her hair; her glory and the crown of her physical pride …

How glad was the Lord with the Canaanite woman and her contrite attitude who asked for herself the portion of dogs … even though she was not considered one of the siblings …

How happy was the Lord with the contrition of centurion … who sent to the Lord saying Lord, “I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed” …

And you my beloved; are you ready to go to your brother and apologise to him! … or your pride is grater than the heavenly kingdom … is it too much to confess your sins … or your status and pride are more important than your salvation … are you wary to reveal your hearts evil thought before the priest (in confession( … how useful then is this wariness … for this will make you carful of falling (in sin( when you feel how bitter and terrifying it is.

Reveal your sins beloved … for many sins are hidden within and you will not feel how dreadful except when you reveal it … don’t let pride, appearance and status become an obstacle in the way of your repentance … do you know the you one day will stand before God naked … of all status, pride or position … why then hold to all these vain issues and delay you repentance and your own salvation.

Cain … did not humble himself before God … he was insistent on his pride … because of this continued wit his sins and destroyed himself.

King Saul … kept hold of his pride … even against God’s commandments … because of this an evil spirit came upon him and the God’s spirit departed from him.

And you beloved … which more precious to you … your pride … or heavenly Jerusalem. + she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil ..

This is the indication of repentance … mark of love … to pour fragrant oil on the feet of the One who loved us … and you; do you have a flask of fragrant oil?? To pour on the feet of the Lord who loved you. Zacchaeus has filled his flask with a fragrant oil … he gave half his money to the poor … anyone he accused falsely, he restored it fourfold … this aroma was before the Lord Jesus a fragrant oil … the Lord prised … “Today salvation has come this house”

Actions of repentance is the flask of fragrant oil you pour on the Lord’s feet. St Moses the black perfumed the wilderness with his good deeds and ascetics … St Mary the Egyptian offered her body as an offering to become a flask of fragrant oil of very high value as an indication of her love of Jesus Christ. St Baessa (the repentant( … refused to return or even see the house where she sinned once more … she given a flask of fragrant oil filled with tears of repentance … in one night the aroma of the fragrant oil reached heavens and the Lord accepted it and her spirit among the righteous and saints.

The words of the thief on the right (Demas –of Christ( on the Cross in the ears of the Lord, more precious of any fragrant oil … and you beloved … where is the fragrant oil you will pour on the Lord’s feet?? Where is the flask of perfume you have prepared?? Alas, this world perfume and fragrant oils which you pour on yourself will not fill even one drop of this flask … all your worldly triumphs, status and degrees will not fill even one atom this flask … where are your tears of repentance?? Where is your humbleness and contrition?? Where is your rising incense of good deeds and righteousness?? With Repentance offer a flask of fragrant oil … offer your offering … an indication of love to God … there are people who offered all their lives … martyrs for the sake of God’s name … there are those who refused the world and became sojourners in the wilderness and the earth’s caves as needy, troubled and submissive … for the sake of the King Christ whom they loved greatly … those, the world did not deserve them … also, there are those who preached and taught in the name of the Lord, leaving everything for His sake. And you, what do you offer?? First, repentance … absolute and true repentance … then offer your fragrant oil … then, it will please the Lord greatly and He will look upon you and say “your sins are forgiven” … then you shall forget yourself … forget the whole world and feel that you are soring in heavens … in great joy wishing to transcend to be with the saints (in heavens( and will long to hear the voice saying … “go in peace”.


Tears of Sorrow

Perhaps the most prominent examples in the Bible are:

The tears of sorrow for the sinners who perished or were rejected by the Lord. An example of this is the prophet Samuel’s weeping over king Saul. The Bible says, “Samuel mourned for Saul” (1 Samuel 15:35(, “Then the LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him?” (1 Sam 16:1(.

In like manner, Paul the apostle wept over the ministers who fell and perished. He said, “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction” (Phil 3:18, 19(.

The book of Revelation mentions the weeping over Babylon, the mighty, sinful city: It says, “And the kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her, when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, “Alas, alas”. (Rev 18:9,10(.

Perhaps we might also remember David’s weeping over Absalom?!

Truly he was sorrowful over his son who had died, but there is a sensitive point which is, at death he perished. He died being a betrayer of his father, rebelling and fighting against him and committing fornication with his women.

David did not weep over his son whom the wife of Uriah gave birth to and he said, “Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me” (2 Samuel 12:23(, but he wept over Absalom.

At death he perished, and his father did not go to him, but was separated from him forever.

Another example of weeping as a result of grief was the weeping of David and all the people when the Amalekites invaded the city of Ziklag, burned it and took captive the women. Here the Bible says: “Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep”. (1 Sam 30:1-4(.

Truly it is a very moving situation, where the weeping reached its utmost limit that they had no power remaining to weep.

One more example of sorrowful weeping is, all the Book of ‘Lamentations’. It is the book of weeping and tears. It enters into sorrowful weeping, but it is sorrow as a result of the ministry, and with a drive of holy zeal. This book is also suitable for a person to use to lament over himself.

Tears of Separation

It is not easy for hearts that have been joined with love to be separated, especially if the separation is without return, at least on this earth. Hence, in this field we find examples of saints who wept as a result of this separation, amongst these examples are:

◆ The weeping of our father Abraham over Sarah: The Bible, after the death of Sarah says, “Abraham came to weep for Sarah and to weep for her” (Gen 23:2(.

◆ Likewise, it was said about Mary, the sister of Lazarus, after his death: It was said about her “She is going to the tomb to weep there”. (John 11:31(.

◆ Mary Magdalene wept at the tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ: It was said about her, “But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping” (John 20:11(. The two angels said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?”. The same phrase was said to her by the Lord Jesus Christ (John 20:13, 15(.“

◆ The widow of Nain wept over her dead son: It was said about her “When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep”. (Luke 7:13(

The whole congregation wept when Saint Paul said to them, “(you( will see my face no more”.

The book of ‘Acts’ says, “Then they all wept freely, and fell on Paul’s neck and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he spoke, that they would see his face no more”. (Acts 20:37, 38(.

◆ The weeping of the people after the death of Moses:

The Bible says, “And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days. So the days of weeping and mourning for Moses ended” (Duet 34:8(. After saying all of these things I am amazed at some of the priests, deacons and other responsible persons who rebuke women severely when they weep at funerals!!

This weeping is something natural, they are human feelings which are difficult to conceal. However, they must be within reasonable limits, and should not turn into constant screaming which delays the prayers in the church.

Departed to the Lord, Mrs Sara Moussa, wife of Mr Fawzy Moussa, daughter of Mr Sabry And Ayda Abd elseed. Mother of Maria, Nicole and Daniel. Cousin of Mina Kamal and Nancy. Relative of Adel and Milad Moussa in Australia and Sana, Kamal, Yousef and Khairy, Mona, Magda, Eman, Peter and Kirollos in Egypt.

The funeral will be on Tuesday 1/10 at St George’s church 11am May God repose her soul in the paradise of joy and comfort her family.

His Eminence

Metropolitan Asheia and His Grace Bishop Daniel

Visit to Melbourne

9th October 2024 – 3rd November 2024

Wednesday 9th October – His Eminence Arrives QF479 @ 7:35 pm

Thursday 10th October – 11 AM – Seniors meeting at AA Michael Church - Oakleigh

6 PM – Family visits at AA Michael Church

Friday 11th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Athanasius Church – Donvale Seniors meeting at St Athanasius Church

6 PM – Family Visits at St Athanasius church

Saturday 12th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St George Church – St Albans - Ordination of new priest

6 PM – Vespers - St Athanasius Church - Donvale

Sunday 13th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St John/Verena Church- Armadale - Ordination

6 PM - Family visits at St Bishoy Church

Monday 14th October- 10 AM – Clergy meeting and lunch - Donvale

6 PM – Family visits at St Mina/Marina Church

Tuesday 15th October- AM – Privatee Visits

6 PM – Family visits at St Bishoy/St Shenouda Church

Wednesday 16th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Bishoy/St Shenouda Church - Bulleen

6 PM – Family visits at St Mark’s Church

Thursday 17th October - 11 AM – Meeting with Tasony’s and lunch - Donvale

6 PM – Family visits at St George Church – St Albans

Friday 18th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s Church - Kensington

6 PM – Family visits at St Mary’s Church

Saturday 19th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Macarius’ Church – ordination of deacon

6 PM – Vespers at St Philopateer Church - Melton

Sunday 20th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mark Church - Preston

6 PM – Family visitations at St Mark Church

Monday 21st October - AM – Visit to St. Mary’s College

6 PM – Family visits at St Severus Church

Tuesday 22nd October – AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Macarius’ Church

Wednesday 23rd October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Bishoy/St Shenouda church - Bulleen

6 PM - Family visits at St Mary’s Church

Thursday 24th October - AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Mina’s Church

Friday 25th October Saturday 26th October - Sunday 27th October - Adelaide

Monday 28th October – AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Athanasius church

Tuesday 29th October – AM – Hospital visits

6 PM – Family visits at St John/Verena Church

Wednesday 30th October – 9 AM Liturgy at AA Michael/St Anthony’s Church - Oakleigh

6 PM – Family visits at AA Michael church

Thursday 31st October - AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St George Church

Friday 1st November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mark’s church - Preston

6 PM – Family visits at St Severus Church

Saturday 2nd November – 8 AM – Liturgy at St Severus church - Pakenham

Seniors meeting at St Mina/Marina Church

6 PM – Vespers at St Mina/Marina Church - Hallam

Sunday 3rd November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s church - Kensington

PM – HE travels to Perth @6:25 pm on QF777

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project

can be made by the following Link


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