Weekly Bulletin 7th April 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Makary

0433 445 636

يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست

ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7

يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا

يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا

يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا

يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا

ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا
يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 11th March - 26th April 2024 Additional Liturgies Tuesday 12 - 3pm Thursday 5 - 7pm ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2024 ليربأ 26 - سرام ١١ ءاسم 3 - ١2 2 ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75 سيمخلا

The Commemoration of the Life giving Annunciation.

7th April - 29th Baramhat

On this day the church commemorates the Annunciation of our Lady, the Theotokos, the Virgin St. Mary. When the appointed time by God since eternity for the salvation of the human race had come, God sent Gabriel the Archangel to the Virgin St. Mary, who is from the tribe of Judah the house of king David, to announce her with the Divine conception and the Glorious Birth as the Holy Scriptures testifies: « Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin›s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, «Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!» But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, «Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. «And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. «He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. «And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.» Then Mary said to the angel, «How can this be, since I do not know a man?» And the angel answered and said to her, «The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.

Then the angel gave her the proof of the validity of his massage: «Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. «For with God nothing will be impossible.» Then Mary said, «Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.»

And the angel departed from her. (Luke 1:26-36( When she had accepted this Divine Annunciation, the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God, who is One of the Three eternal Persons, came and dwelt in her womb, a dwelling, the human race can not comprehend. And straightway He united with perfect humanity a complete unity inseparable and unchangeable after the unity.

This day then is the first-born of all feasts, for in

لوتبلا ميرم ةسيدقلا

اهرشبيل كلملا دواد ةليبق نمو اذوهي

امك . ديجملا دلايملاو يهللإا لبحلاب

يف : هلوقب سدقملا باتكلا كلذب دهش كلاملا ليئاربج لسرأ سداسلا رهشلا

اهمسا ليلجلا نم ةنيدم ىلإ الله نم

نم لجرل ةبوطخم ءارذع ىلإ ةرصان

ءارذعلا مساو فسوي همسا دواد تيب

ملاس : لاقو كلاملا اهيلإ لخدف ميرم

كعم برلا . ةمعن ةئلتمملا اهتيآ كل هتأر املف ءاسنلا يف تنأ ةكرابم

يسع ام تركفو هملاك نم تبرطضا

« كلاملا اهل لاقف ةيحتلا هذه نوكت نأ

ةمعن تدجو دق كنلأ ميرم اي يفاخت لا

انبأ نيدلتو نيبلحتس تنأ اهو الله دنع

نباو اميظع نوكي اذه عوسي هنيمستو

يسرك هللإا برلا هيطعيو يعدي يلعلا

ىلإ بوقعي تيب يلع كلميو هيبأ دواد

تلاقف « ’ةياهن هكلمل نوكي لا و دبلأا

انأو اذه نوكي فيك « كلاملل ميرم

كلاملا باجأف « ؟ لاجر فرعأ تسل

كيلع لحي سدقلا حورلا « اهل لاقو

سودقلا اضيأ كلذلف كللظت يلعلا ةوقو

« الله نبا يعدي كنم دولوملا

هتراشب قدص يلع لايلد اهل مدق مث

يه كتبيسن تاباصيلا اذوه « : لائاق

اذهو اهتخوخيش يف نباب يلبح اضيأ

ارقاع ةوعدملا كلتل سداسلا رهشلا وه

« الله يدل نكمم ريغ ءيش سيل هنلأ , نكيل . برلا ةمأ انأ ادوه « ميرم تلاقف

كلاملا اهدنع نم يضمف « كلوقك يل ) 38 – 26 : ١ ول(

لزن ةيهللإا ةراشبلا هذه اهلوبق دنعو ةثلاثلا دحأ ةملكلا الله ةوق ديحولا نبلاا

لاولح اهئاشحأ يف لحو ةيلزلأا ميناقلأا

تقولل دحتاو هتيفيك

ديجملا ةراشبلا ديع تاهمرب 2٩ - ليربأ 7 راكذتب ةسينكلا لفتحت مويلا اذه يف ةسيدقلا ءارذعلا هللإا ةدلاو انمأ ةراشب نيعملا تقولا ءاج امل هنأ كلذو ميرم . رشبلا صلاخل الله نم لزلأا ذنم ىلإ ليئاربج ةكئلاملا سيئر الله لسرأ طبس نم يتلا
رشبلا كردي لا هدعب نكي مل لاماك اداحتا ةلماك ةيناسنإب . قارتفا هيف نلأ . دايعلأا ركب وه نذآ مويلا اذهف هلثم يفو ملاعلا صلاخب يرشبلا تناك هينبو مدلآ ةديجملا ةمايقلاب صلاخلا مت انيدافو انهلإ لأسن ناطيشلا يديأ نم نع زواجتيو انماثآ انل رفغيف لضفتي نأ نيمأ . اناياطخ

it was the beginning of the salvation of the world which was fulfilled by the Holy Resurrection of our Lord, saving Adam and his offspring from the hands of Satan.

We ask Our God and Savior graciously to forgive our transgressions and excuse our sins. Amen.

The Commemoration of Samson, One of the Judges of Israel.

8th April - 30th Baramhat

On this day also, is the commemoration of Samson, one of the Judges of Israel. The name of the father of this righteous was Manoah from the tribe of Dan, and his mother was barren. The angel of the Lord appeared to her and announced her of his birth, and commanded her not to drink wine nor to eat unclean food all the days of her pregnancy. The angel also commanded her that no razor should come on his head, for the child was to be a Nazirite (dedicated( unto God from the womb, and that he would deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines.

When she told her husband about what the angel had said to her, her husband asked God to allow the angel to appear to him. The angel appeared, and said to him: «All that I commanded your wife let her observe.» The woman conceived, and gave birth to Samson, and God blessed him and the Spirit of God filled him. At one time, he tore a lion apart as one would tear a young goat, and on another time, he killed thirty men and burned their fields. The Philistines rose against the tribe of Judah to fight and seize Samson, but Samson told the men of Judah: «Swear to me that you will not deliver me to them or kill me yourselves.» They said to him: «No, but we will tie you securely and deliver you into their hands. We surely shall not kill you.» They bound him with two new cords and brought him to the Philistines, who jumped upon him to kill him. The Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and the strong cords that were on his arms became as flax that were burnt with fire, and his bonds broke loose off his hands. He found a fresh jaw-bone of an ass, reached out and took it with his hand and killed a thousand men with it. Then he became very thirsty, he cried out to the Lord and said: «You have given this great deliverance by the hands of you servant, and now shall I die from thirst... ?» The all mighty God then split a hollow place and water came out. He drank and his spirit returned, and he survived. When he was in

نوكي هنلأ هسأر رعش قلحت لا نأو

ليئارسا ينب صلاخ متي هيدي يلعو . لله

امب اهلعب تربخأ املف نيطسلف لهأ نم هل رهظف كلاملا هيري نأ الله لأس ناك

يلع ظفاحت نأ كتأرما صوأ « لاقو اذه تدلوو تلبحف . « هل هتلق ام ذيفنت

حور هيف لحو برلا هكرابو قيدصلا لتق ةراتو هقشو دسأ يلع ةرات بثوف الله

قرحأو لاجر نيثلاث نيطسلف لهأ نم

اوبراحيل اذوهي ينب يلع اوماقف مهعرز اذوهي ونب هملعأف نوشمش مهوطعيو لا مكنأ متنأ اوفلحا « مهل لاقف رملأاب

هل اوفلح املو « ينولتقت لاو مهل ينوملست لهلأ هوملسو نيتلسلسب هوقثوأف هتاذ ملس

هيلع لحف . هولتقيل هيلع اوبثوف نيطسلف عطقو يوقلا برلا دنع نم ةوقلا حور دجو مث قرتحملا ناتكلا طيخك نيتلسلسلا نم افلأ لتقف هب براحو هذخأف رامح كف

يلع فرشأو شطع املو ليخلا يبكار

هيلع ننجتي نأ يلاعت الله لأس توملا يوقتو برشف بذع ءام نيع هل عبنيو

ماق هوكسميل ةزغ لخاد وهو هوبقار املو

هيفتك يلع هلمحو ةزغ باب كفو ليللا يف لبجلا سار ىتح راسو اهودعوو هتجوز ىلإ اولسرأ كلذ دعبو

هتوق رس نع هنم ملعتستل ةليزج اياطعب ريذن هنلأ هرعش يف هتوق نأ اهملعأ املو املو هل اونمكف هءادعأ تملعأو تماق لله تفعضف هسأر اوقلحو هيلع اولخد مان

مهدلاب ىلإ هب اوضمو هوديقف هتوق تبن اذه دعبو هينيع اوعلقو هوناهأو ىلإ لخدف هتوق هيلإ تداعو ةيناث هرعش

ناكو منصلا ديع موي يف نثولا لكيه

ليئارسإ ىنب ةاضق دحأ نوشمش ةحاين تاهمرب 30 - ليربأ 8 ةاضق دحأ نوشمش راكذت مويلا اذه يف رابلا اذه دلاو مسا ناكو ليئارسا ينب ارقاع همأ تناكو ناد طبس نم حونم هدلايمب اهرشبو برلا كلام اهاتأف ةمعطلأا نم تاساجنلا بنجتت نأ اهرمأو . هب ةلماح تماد ام تاركسملا برشو اريذن
مث هراسيب لكيهلا طقسو نادومعلا طقسف « يئادعأ ناكو هيف ناك نم لك تامف امهطوقسب رثكأ تقولا اذه يف اوتام نيذلا ددع وه تام مث هرمع لوط مهلتق نيذلا نم يف همكح ةدم تناكو مهتلمج يف اضيأ ملاسب حينت مث ةنس نيرشع ليئارسا ينب نيمآ امئاد دجملا انبرلو
فقوف ةزغ لهأ عيمج هيف اعمتجم رخأو هنيميب ادومع طاحأو لكيهلا طسو يلعو يلع « لاقو هيدي عمج

Gaza, the Philistines surrounded the place and laid wait for him all the night at the gate of the city to capture and kill him. Samson arose at midnight, took hold of the doors of the gate, pulled them up, put them on his shoulders, and carried them to the top of the hill. The Philistines came to his wife, Delilah, and asked her to entice Samson to find out the secret of his strength. When Samson told her that the secret was in his hair, for he was a Nazirite Dedicated unto God(. She told his enemies, lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man to shave off the seven locks of hair off his head. She began to afflict him, as his strength went from him. The Philistines took him to their city, insulted him, and plucked out his eyes. His hair grew again, and his strength came back to him. He went to the temple of their idol, and took hold of the two middle pillars which supported the temple. Samson leaned with all his strength on the two pillars and said: «Let me die with the Philistines.» The temple fell on three thousands of the Philistine people and their lords killing them all. So the dead that he killed on his death were more than he killed in his life. He judged for the people of Israel twenty years, then departed in peace. To our God is the glory for ever, Amen. er. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle Brother of St. John the Apostle.

10th April - 2nd Baramoda

On this day, St. James the Apostle, the son of Zebedee, and the brother of St. John, the Apostle, was martyred. After he had preached the Gospel in Judea and Samaria, he went to Spain. He preached the Gospel there, and its people believed in the Lord Christ. He returned to Jerusalem and pursued his ministry. He always advised his flock to give alms to the poor, the needy, and the weak. They accused him before Herod who called him and asked him: «Are you the one that instigating the people not to give the taxes to Caesar but to give it to the poor and the churches?» Then he smote him with the sword, cutting off his head, and St. James received the crown of martyrdom. Clement of Alexandria, from the fathers of the second century, said: «The soldier that seized the Saint, when he saw his courage, he realized that there must be a better life and asked the Saint for his forgiveness. Then the soldier confessed Christianity and received the crown of martyrdom (Acts 12:1,2( along with the Apostle in the year 44 A.D.»

Because Herod saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also. So when he had

نماثلا مويلا نكلو ةربابجلا مسجك مسجو ةعشب ةئيه

عقو املو . ةحلاص ةعيدو تناك هسفن

ينثولا كلملا سويكاد دنج دي يف اريسأ

نييحيسملا مهبيذعت يلع دنجلا خبوي ذخأ

لاول « : هل لاقف دنجلا سيئر هبرضف

لباقأ لاأ ينملعت يتلا حيسملا ةيصو كركسعو تنأ تنك امل اهلثمب ةءاسلإا ىلإ

دئاقلا لسرأف « يمامأ ائيش نوبسحت يدنج يتئام دفوأف . هرمأ هفرعي سويكاد

مهو – ثدحو مهعم رضحف هراضحلإ لاإ مهنم غرف زبخلا نأ - قيرطلا يف

ليلقلا اذه يف كرابو يلصف هنم ليلق

اونمآو نيبجعتم اولكأف اريثك راصف

املو . سروفوتسرخ هلا حيسملا ديسلاب ابنلأا ديب اودمعت ةيكاطنإ ىلإ اولصو

سروفوتسرخ لثم املو كريرطبلا لاوب هرظنم لوه نم بعترا سويكاد مامأ

مث . همامأ نم هفرصو هعداخو هفطلاف

ىلإ هلايمتسيل نيتليمج نيتأرما هيلإ لسرأ


. ةداهشلا ليلكإ لاانو امهيسأر عطقب

قوف ريبك ردق يف هوحرطف سيدقلا اذه

بجعتف ىذأب رانلا هسمت ملف ةدقتم ران

اومدقتو حيسملا ديسلاب اونمآو نورضاحلا

كلملا رمأف ردقلا نم سيدقلا جارخلا برضب رمأ اريخأو . فويسلاب مهعيطقتب

نوكت هتعافش . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانو هقنع . نيمآ . انعم 7١١لا ىردنكسلاا ليئاخيم ابابلا ةحاين ةدومرب 3 - ليربأ ١١

2٩ ( ش 862 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ابابلا سيدقلا بلأا حينت ( م ١١46 سرام ةكراطب نم نوعبسلاو يداحلا ليئاخيم ةريسلا ىلإ قاتشا دقو ةيسقرملا ةزاركلا

سروفوتسرخ سيدقلا داهشتسا ةدومرب 2 - ليربأ ١0 0 سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف يتلا دلابلا نم ناكو . سروفوتسرخ اونمآ نيذلاو رشبلا موحل اهلهأ لكأي يف ءاج امك - لوسرلا سايتم دي يلع اذ ناكو - تاهمرب رهش نم
اتنمآف سيدقلا امهظعوف . ةيطخلا مامأ اراهج نيفرتعم حيسملا ديسلاب هيدي كلملا رمأف حيسملا ديسلاب امهناميأب كلملا امأ
سويراقم سيدقلا ريدب بهرتف ةرهاطلا يف ةخوخيشلا نس ىلإ ةيربلا يف ثبلو . ابابلا حينت املف . ةيضرم ةحلاص ةريس ةنهكلاو ةفقاسلأا يضق . نوعبسلا لايربغ نمع ثحبلا يف روهش ةثلاث ةنخارلأاو بهار هسفن حيشرتل مدقتو هل افلخ حلصي سنأوي يعدي سويراقم سيدقلا ريد نم بوقعي ابنلأا كلذ يف هنواعي ناردك نب

apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people after Passover. (Acts 12:3-4( So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting, «The voice of a god and not of a man!» Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. (Acts 12:21-23(

As of the body of St. James, the believers took it, shrouded it, and buried it by the Temple. It was said that the body of St. James was translated to Spain, where James the elder considered to be its Apostle. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of the holy father Anba Michael, the Seventy First Pope of the See of St. Mark.

11th April - 3rd Baramoda

On this day also of the year 862 A.M. )March 29th. 1146 A.D.( the holy father Pope Michael, the seventy first Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, departed. He longed to the pure life since his young age so he became a monk in the monastery of St. Macarius. He lived in the desert until he was an old man, in a good pleasing life to God.

When Pope Gabriel (70( departed, the bishops, the priests and the lay leaders spent three month searching for who was best suited to succeed him. A monk from the monastery of St. Macarius, called Yoannis Ebn Kedran, came forward nominating himself supported in that by Anba Yacoub, bishop of Lekanah, Anba Christodolus, bishop of Fowa, and Anba Michael, bishop of Tanta.

Nevertheless, the bishops of Upper Egypt, the priests of Alexandria and the lay leaders of Cairo did not accept that choice. Finally they all agreed to choose three of the monks and those were: Yoannis Abu El-Fatah, Michael of St. Macarius monastery, and Soliman El-Dekhiary of El-Baramous monastery. They cast a lot among them, and the lot fell on the monk Michael, and they ordained him a Patriarch on the 5th of Mesra, 861 A.M. )July 29th, year 1145 A.D.(. He was an honorable old man loving for the poor and the needy. He took for himself a scribe to write his sermons and teachings that he sent to the bishops and priests. When he fell sick, he went to the monastery of St. Macarius, where he departed in peace, after he stayed on the Chair for eight month. May his prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

ديعصلا ةفقاسأ نأ لاإ . اطنط فقسأ

رصم ةنخارأو ةيردنكسلإا ةنهكو عيمجلا قفتا اريخأ ، كلذ اولبقي مل

مهو نابهرلا نم ةثلاث رايتخا يلع نم ليئاخيمو . حتفلا وبأ سنأوي . ناميلسو . سويراقم سيدقلا ريد

. سومربلا ريد نم يرايخدلا بهارلا تباصأف مهنيب ةعرق اوقلأو يف اكريرطب هومسرف ليئاخيم

2٩ ( ش 86١ ةنس يرسم 5 اخيش ناكو ( م ١١45 ةنس هيلوي . نيكاسملاو ءارقفلل ابحم لايلج هلسري ام هل ررحي ابتاك هل ذختاو تاظعلا نم ةنهكلاو ةفقاسلأا ىلإ ىلإ هجوت ضرم املو . ميلاعتلاو حينت كانهو سويراقم سيدقلا ريد يسركلا يلع ماقأ نأ دعب ملاسب

. انعم نوكت هتلاص . روهش ةينامث نيمآ . امئاد دجملا انبرلو ميلشروأ فقسأ انحوي ةحاين ةدومرب 3 - ليربأ ١١

انحوي ابنلأا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف نم دلو دقو . ميلشروأ فقسأ ةعيرشل نيظفاح نييدوهي نيوبأ

ىتح اريثك هاملعو هابذهف . ةاروتلا

لداجي ناكو ةعيرشلا ملع يف غبن هل تبثف مهرظانيو نييحيسملا

يقيقح هلا هنأو حيسملا ديسلا ءيجم سطسي سيدقلا دي يلع نمآف .

اسامش مسرو ميلشروأ فقسأ هتليضفو هملع ةرثكل ارظنو .

املف . ميلشروأ يلع افقسأ هوبختنا

نم مده ام ءانبب رمأ سونايرأ كلم

احول هباب يلع اجرب ينب مث ةنيدملا عنمو . همسا هيلع ابوتكم ماخر نم

ةثجلجلا يف ةلاصلا نم نييحيسملا

اذهلو ناكملا كلذ يف روبعلا نمو

اوقياضف مملأاو دوهيلا دعاس دتشا

بلأا اذه باصأف اريثك نييحيسملا

نازحلأاو ايلابلا نم كلذ ءازج نم

تلبقف هيلإ همضي نأ الله ىلإ

بلطف يلع ماقأ نأ دعب ملاسب حينتو هتبلط هتلاص . نيتنس ةيفقسلأا يسرك نيمآ . انعم نوكت

Reflections on the Holy Bible readings

The Glorious Feast of Annunciation Luke 1:26-38 “Rejoice, highly favoured one” Luke 1:28 Today is the twenty-ninth of the(Coptic( month of Baramahat; the Glorious Feast of Annunciation … in the Feast of Annunciation we reflect on this amazing personality, who the Lord has chosen to carry a Babe then a Child … the Virgin and pure Saint Mary … who deserved to be the (Theotokos( Mother of God … she is full of Grace …though she is the young maiden whose years has not exceeded 14 years of age, still was able when confronted with a great Annunciation of great importance and there was no other Annunciation like it in the history of all mankind, but she was still able to say “Let it be to me according to your word”, with great assurance and faith … whilst an experienced elder like Zachariah the priest could not believe that his wife will conceive a son in their old years … St Mary’s strength in her simplicity and strong faith … and this faith did not stem from nothing or emptiness but from fullness of Grace …

+ Rejoice, highly favoured one:

There are many who appear to be righteous in their appearance on the outside but within there are emptiness and the time of tribulations will deny the strong faith … appearing to others as giants in stature … but when subjected to the melting pot of tribulations, they diminish to midgets … a clear evidence of (spiritual( emptiness … the inner spiritual emptiness … this is what the Lord Jesus meant in the parable of the sower and the stony ground (Matthew 13:1-9 & Luke 8:4-15(. This ground appear good on the surface for planting and soon sowed seeds take roots to grow but the roots cannot grow deeper in the ground and as the sun rises the seedlings dry and perish because it has no depth (in the ground(. Goliath was a mighty giant … he had 5 brothers, all were mighty strong as seen by the world, and David was a young youth, who is seen by Goliath as irrelevant lowly (person( to mock … but the small stone from the sling (of David( revealed what could be seen by human eyes … revealed the inner fullness and high stature in David and revealed the complete emptiness within Goliath. King Saul appeared strong and mighty … he was the tallest among all the (Israelites’( congregation from the shoulder and above but soon came the temptation which revealed his real height … tempted by wealth, gold and war gains … he preferred to disobey God’s commandments who commanded that all that belongs to the Amalekites be destroyed and nothing to remain, even all the possessions and wealth … but Saul kept the sheep and calves with the excuse that it will be used as burnet offering to God … Samuel the prophet answered him … to obey God is much better than the sacrifice )1 Samuel 15( … pleasing God not in offering sacrifices but in obeying His commandments … and the Lord regretted making Saul a king (on Israel(.

تقحتسأ دقل .. ميرم ةسيدقلا ةرهاطلا اهنأو .. ةمعن ةئلتملما ىهف .. هللل امأ يرصت ةعبرأ اهنس دعتي لم ىذلا ةيرغصلا ةاتفلا ىهو اذهب ميظع برخ مامأ تعاطتسا اماع شرع اهلك ةيشربلا خيرات فى ليثم هل سيل رادقلما فى .. كلوقك لى نكيل ةقثو ن ايمإب لوقت نأ

برتخم برجم خيش عطتسي لم ىذلا تقولا هتجوز نأ درجم قدصي نأ ايركز لثم نهاك ةوق تناك .. اهتخوخيش فى نبأب لبحت فوس .. اهنايمأ ةوقو اهتطاسب فى ءارذعلا ةديسلا

نم لب غارف نم اعبان نكي لم نايملاا اذهو .. ةمعنلاب ءلاتمأ

:ةمعن ةئلتملما اهتيأ كل ملاس + نم ىوقتلا ةروص نولمحي نويرثك ك انه

فىو غارف كانه لخادلا نم نكلو جراخلا

سانلل نودبي .. اهتوق نوركني ةدشلا تقو

نوضرعتي امدنع نكلو .. ةقلامع تاماق فى

مازقلاا ةماق لىا نوشمكني ةبرجتلا نوتلأ

غارفلا .. ءلاتملاا مدع لىع حضاو ليلد ..

برلا هنع برع ام اذهو .. ىحورلا لىخادلا ةيرخصلا ضرلاا نع عرازلا لثم فى عوسي اهيف ىقلت ةديج اضرأ جراخل ا نم ودبت ىتلا

تابنلا روذج نكلو ومنت ام ناعسرف روذبل ا ا علطت ن أ امو ضر لاا فى قمعتلا عيطتست لا

سيل هن لا تويمو تابنل ا فجي ىتح سمشل .. قمع هل

هل ناكو .. ارابج ماخض تايلج ناك دقل رظن فىو ءايوقأ ةربابج مهلك ةوخأ ةسمخ تايلج رظن فى يرغصلا ىتفلا دواد ناكو لماعلا ةراجح نكلو .. هنم رخسي اهفات ايرقح ائيش

أبتخأ ام تفشك ةيرغصلا ءاسمللا علاقلما لىخادلا ءلاتملاا تفشك .. سانلا نويع نع

غارفلا تفشكو دواد فى ةيلاعلا ةماقلاو .. تايلج فى لماكلا لوطأ ناك .. ايوق ارابج ودبي كللما لواش ناك نكلو قوف لىا

سادقلا ليجنأ فى تلامأت ديجلما ةراشبلا ديع ٣٨
كل ملاس
- ٢٦ :1
٢٨ :1اقول ةمعن ةئلتملما اهتيأ
تاهمرب رهش نم نوشرعو عساتلا
ةراشبلا ديع فىو .. ديجلما ةراشبلا ديع
ىتلا ةبيجعلا ةيصخشلا هذه فى اضيأ ءارذعلا .. لافط مث انينج هلمحتل برلا
هفتك نم بعشل ا عيمج نم هلوط تفشك ىتلا ةبرجتلا تتأ ام ناعسر بهذلاو مئانغلاو لالما ءارغأ مامأ .. ىقيقحلا نأ هاصوأ ىذلا هللا ةيصو سركي نأ لضف .. ىتح ةيقب هل ىقبي لاو قيلماعل ام لك ىنفي مئانغلا لىع لواش ىقبأو .. هداتعو هلاومأ .. هللل ةحيبذ اهيمدقتل اهنأ هتجح تناكو ءاغصلاا نأ .. هيلع ىبنلا ليؤمص در ناكو تسيل برلا ةسرم نأ .. ةحيبذلا نم لضفأ

Many are those who are of high stature, but in God’s sight they are nothing more than small midgets … and many are those who are despised and belittled by the world , but before God their stature is tall to reach the skies … it is the stature of those full of Grace .. St Sarabion bishop of monifia )a province of lower Egypt( was a simple man … of a humble nature and simple attires … but he maintained within him a great cash of spiritual strength … one day he was called by the patriarch Anba Botrous El-Gawley who asked him to go and pray for Zahra Hanem who was Mohamed Ali’s (ruler of Egypt at the time( daughter who was possessed by an evil spirit … and the bishop accepted the instruction and went to the ruler’s palace where he led to where the sick person is and he stood praying and the evil spirit got agitated and St Sarabion prayed on some water and made the sign of the Cross on the water saying “Lord be glorified and hear our supplications” … “Lord Glorify your church” and he scattered some of the water on the woman’s face and immediately the evil spirit departed making a loud noise and left the woman laying on the floor, calm and became normal again … the ruler offered him a sack with 4000 pounds in it, which he (St Sarabion( refused and accepted a few pounds which he gave to the solders guarding the doors in front of the palace … later, one day some (people( told Abas Pasha who inherited the thrown from his father Mohamed Ali, that St Sarabion is a sorcerer … the ruler called him (St Sarabion( and asked about this, and he answered him saying “we are not socerers but we are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ” … but the pasha mocked him and asked how did you cure Zahra Hanem … the St Sarabion stood and shouted before the pasha (the ruler( with a great voice saying “through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ” … the whole palace shock as it was a strong earthquake and the ruler was extremely frightened and almost fell down as if some one struck him on the face a strong hit and started saying “aman ya papa –safety o father” …

The near church history tells us the story of one of upper Egypt’s priests called arch-priest Matta Bassilli who served in Luxor and he passed away almost 60 years ago, he was a humble and calm man and God gave him the gift of healing the sick with his prayers … he was simple in appearance but he had an inner fullness of Grace … one day as he was walking in the streets of Luxor a horse drawn cart driver intended to harm him, so he reversed his cart till ye hi the priest and made him fall on the ground, people gathered who helped to priest to get up and caught the cart driver whom they witnessed hurting the priest … but the priest in absolute humbleness and total love, asked the gathering to release the driver and said leave to God … God forgives you my son … the driver with

نوئلتملما ةيفونلما فقسأ نوماباصر ابنلاا سيدقلا ناك هتئيهو ةطيسب هسبلام .. ادج اطيسب اناسنأ ةيرخذ هلخاد فى لمحي ناك هنكل .. ةعضاوتم ابابلا ةسادق هاعدتسأ .. ةلئاه ةيحور ةوقو ةلاصلل بهذي ناب هفلكو لىواجلا سرطب ابنلاا حورب ةباصلما لىع دمحم تنب مناه ةرهز لىع لىا بهذو فقس لأا بلاا عاطأ لاعفو .. سجن لىصي فقوف ةضيرلما ثيح هولخدأو لىاولا صرق لىصو ةروثو اجايه دادزي ةأرلما فى سجنلا حورلاو

ةملاع هيلع مشرو ءالما ضعب لىع نوماباصر ابنلاا .. انل بجتسأو دجتم براي لوقي وهو بيلصلا فىو ةأرلما هجو لىع ءالما شرو .. كتسينك دجم ميظع توصب اخراص سجنلا حورلا جرخ لاحلا تداع دقو ةئداه ضرلاا لىع ةاقلم ةأرلما كرتو

هب لالما نم سيك لىاولا هل مدقو .. اهتعيبط لىا

ةنفح طقف هنم ذخأو هضفرف هينج فلاآ ةعبرأ

.. صرقلا باب لىع ينفقاولا دونجلا لىع اهثرن

نبأ اشاب سابعل ىدل ضعبلا هب شىو امويو

لمعتسي هنأ كلذ دعب ايلاو راص ىذلا لىع دمحم

لاقف كلذ نع هلأسو لىاولا هاعدتسأف .. رحسلا

.. عوسي برلا مادخ نحن لب ةرحس انسل اننأ هل

تيفش ةوق ىأب هلأسو هنم رخسي اشابلا ذخأو نوماباصر ابنلاا فقو ذئدنعو .. مناه ةرهز عوسي انبر ةوقب اشابلا هجو فى خصرو ةوق فى دق ايوق لاازلز نأك هلك صرقلا زتهأو .. حيسلما

ههجو لىع عقي نأ داك ىتح لىاولا بعترأو ثدح راصو ههجو لىع ةيوق ةمطل همطل اصخش نأك .. نامأ اباباي نامأ ماحترسأ فى لوقي ةصق نع صراعلما ةسينكلا خيرات انل كىحي ماك لىيساب ىتم صمقلا وهو ديعصلا ةنهك ءابآ دحأ هنأ ةنس ينتس لىاوح نم حينت ىذلا صرقلاا فى بهاوم هللا هاطعأو ةئداه هعداو حورب زيتم هرهظم فى اطيسب ناك .. ةلاصلاب ضارملاا ءافش دحأ فىو .. ةمعنلا نم لىخاد ءلاتمأ فى نكلو دمعتو صرقلاا عراوش دحأ فى ارئاس ناك مايلاا نأ دمعت

مدنو .. هاياصو لىا عماتسلااب لب حئابذلا ميدقتب .. اكلم لواش لعج هنأ برلا فى مهنكلو ةليوطلا تاماقلا باحصأ ثركأ ام ثركأ امو .. ةيرغص مازقأ نع نوديزي لا هللا رظن نكلو راغصتسإو راقتحأب لماعلا مهيلا رظني نيذلا ةماق اهنأ .. ءماسلا لىا تلاط هللا مامأ مهتماق .. ةمعنلا نم
هنأ ةجردل هقياضي نأ روطنح قئاس بلاا فقي ناك تيح فلخلا لىا هروطنحب عجري ضرلاا لىع هتطقسأ ةيوق ةمدص همدصو نهاكلا روطنحلا قئاسب اوكسمأو هوماقأو سانلا عمجتو بلاا ءاذيلا هدمعت نع هوأر نيذلا دهش ىذلا ةلماك ةبحمو ةعادو فى انوبأ نكلو .. نهاكلا .. انبرل هوبيس مهل لاقو هوكتري نأ مهنم بلط روطنحلا قئاس ضىمو .. ىنيأ اي كحماسي هللا ناك ةليلق مايأ دعبو .. نكي لم ائيش نأكو هتبرعب

his cart went on his way as nothing has happened … a few days later as the driver driven his cart down the streets, an overhead electric cable became loose and fell on the horse killing it instantaneously … the man started to weep his luck … and he went to Fr Matta asking his forgiveness and said … why did you let me go … wasn’t better to call the police for me … and again in absolute love, the priest said comforting words for him and gave him some money as help.

And you Beloved … do you want to be strong?? Then know, that the real strength is not the physical body strength … but the strength of the spirit and being filled by the spirit … don’t deceive yourself with physical body strength on the outer (appearance( … Samson was very strong physically … there was no other man with equal strength … but due to lust and the desires of the body, he became very weak and fell to a harlot woman (Judges 16( … do you want to be great?? True greatness is not in riches of money … but true richness is in virtues, St Paul the apostle says about himself and all the apostles … “poor yet making many rich” (2 Corinthians 6:10( … do you want be great before God?? The world positions will only give you the outer appearance greatness which is empty (greatness( … St John the Baptist was great before God … yet he had no positions or a worldly status at all … but his voice terrified kings in their palaces and the world shuddered for his sleep and silence … come and be filled … to fullness of spiritualities … be filled by Grace … then you will have the true greatness, riches and strength … + Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word ..

In absolute submission and faith St Mary the virgin accepted this command (of God( … she felt witin herself that she was not deserving but let be according to God’s will … did St Mary the virgin think of all the complications and problems she will face because of this )command(?? Without any doubt her strong faith made her feel the comfort and promise in God’s commands … many do not accept God’s commands easily … but some become troubled and filled with doubt and thus loose the peace and blessing which accompany God’s promises … There is a story of woman who offered to the patriarch a donation of a large sum of money … and in absolute simplicity the holy father the patriarch accepted the donation and said “the Lord will reward you” … and he did not add to this saying … but it appears that the woman was expecting more word of praise or a special prayers akin to the value of her great gift … so, she left the pope feeling perturbed … and one of fathers present felt this feeling so rushed to the holy father the patriarch and told him, so he recalled her again and asked one of his assistants to bring the bag of money which the woman gave him and brought small cutting of paper which he written on it “God will reward you” and asked for weighing scales to be brought to them, then asked the woman to weigh both the small cutting of paper and the large bag of money and to choose

ول لضفأ ناك شوم .. انيرل ىنتبس هيل

انابأ بيط ةبحم فىو .. سيلوبلل ىنتكتشأ .. هفصرو ةدعاسم لالما ضب هاطعأو هرطاخ

نوكت نأ ديرت له .. بيبحل ا اهيأ تنأو تسيل ةيقيقحلا ةوقلا نأ نذأ ملعأ ؟؟ ايوق

حورلا ةوق فى لب .. هتلاضعو مسجلا ةوق فى ةيدسجلا ةوقلاب عدخت نأ كايأ .. اهء لاتمأو

.. ادج ايوق نوشمش ناك دقل .. ةيجراخلا تحت نكلو .. هتوق فى ناسنأ كانه نكي لم

ادج افيعض راص دسجلا ةوهشو ءارغلاا نوكت نأ ديرت له .. ةيناز ةأرمأ مامأ طقسف

ىنغ فى سيل ىقيقحلا ىنغلا نأ ؟؟ مايظع سيدقلا لوقيف لئاضفلا ىنغ فى لب .. لالما

.. لسرلا ءابلآا و هسفن نع لوسرلا سلوب

نأ ديرت له .. نييرثك ىنغن نكلو ءارقف نل لماعلا زكارم نأ ؟؟ هللا مامأ مايظع نوكت

.. ةغرافلا ةيحراخلا ةمظعلا ىوس كيطعت

هلل ا مامأ مايظع نادمعلما انحوي ناك دقل

.. ةرلماب ةيلماع ةئيه لاو زكرم لاب هنأ مغر ..

مهروصق فى كوللما بعري ناك هتوص نكلو لاعت .. هتابسو همون فى هلك لماعلا لزلزيو

ةمظعلاو ىنغلا و ةوقلا كل نوكتف .. ةمعنلا .. ةيقيقحلا .. كلوقك لى نكيل .. برلا ةمأ انأ اذوه + ةديسلا تلبق بيجم نايمأو ميلست فى

فى تسحا اهنأ .. رملأا اذه ميرم ءارذعلا

ةدارأ نكتل نكلو قاقحتسلاا مدعب اهلخاد فى ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا تركف له .. هللا اهلانت فوس ىتلا بعاتلماو ةبيهرلا لكاشلما اهلعج ىوقلا اهنايمأ نأ كشلاب ؟؟ اذه ببسب

.. هللا ديعاوم فى ةحارلاو نايملااب رعشت

لب .. ةلوهسب هللا ديعاوم نولبقي لا نويرثك

دقفي كلذبو كشلا هؤليم ابعتم ضعبلا لظي .. هللا ديعاوم بحاصي ىذلا ملاسلا ةكرب بلاا لىا اموي تمدقت ةأرمأ نع ةصق كانه

.. لالما نم ايربك اعبرت هل تمدقو كريرطبلا ةيطعلا كريرطبلا بلاا اهنم لبق ةطاسب فىو

لىع دزي لمو .. ايرخ كضوعي برلا

طقس ةأجفو عراوشلا ىدحأ فى هتبرعب ارئاس هتحت هرورم ةظحل فى عطقنأ ئىايرهك كلس
طقسو .. هظح
كىبي لجرلا ذخأو .. لاحلا فى رايتلا
هل لوقيو هحمستسي ىتم انوبأ لىا ضىمو
لأتمأ .. تايحورلا نم لأتمأ .. لأتمأ
اهل لاقو نأ ةعقوتم تناك ةأرلما نأ ودبيو .. كلذ ةصاخ تاولص وأ ثركأ تمالك اهل مدقي عم بسانتت حيدم تمالك ابمر وأ ةكبرلل دنع نم تجرخف .. ةيربكلا ةيطعلا ةميق ءابلآا دحأ سحأو .. ةرمذتم ىهو ايابلا ىذلا ابابلا برخأو عسرأف كلذب نيدوجولما نأ همداخ نم بلطو ىرخأ ةرم اهاعدتسأ ضرحيو ةأرلما اهتمدق ىتلا لالما ةصر ضرحي

which one will be heavier and to her surprise the small cutting of paper was heavier than all the money she donated, then the woman fell on her knees asking forgiveness from the pope and to accept her donation … she realised the blessing given by God to her on the lips of the holp father the patriarch was much better than all the money, gold and silver she has … How great is the blessings of having faith and trust in God’s promises …

The word Kyrie-eleison (Lord have mercy( with true faith and belief, lifted the mountain entirely and shifted it in the miracle of shifting the mokattam mountain .. Trust in God’s promises that “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18( has given amazing peace in the hearts of the church fathers over the generations and in the most darkest times and the severest tribulations, they faced all calamities with great joy knowing the Lord will fulfil His promises … Do you trust, beloved in God’s promises?? Do you have the strong faith to say “let it be to me according to Your word”?? … how much we are in need of this submission to God’s will which makes you assured and say here I am the “maidservant of the Lord” … many are those who think in revolting, insurgency and refusal as a path nowadays … but some, even think that rebellion and insurgence is the only way to achieve ones needs and therefore incidents of violence and crime is increasing … and problems become more complicated and correct solutions is lost … instead of solving problems by a method of refusal … violence … loud voices, irritabilities and anger … schism … hate … start today and try a different attitude … the attitude of humbleness and calmness … the attitude of submitting in joy to God’s will … not submission in weakness … but submission with strength of faith and trust (in God( … not a desperate submission without hope … but submission with strength looking forward in trust and certainty that the Lord will not abandon you or desert you ever … the saintly fathers )of the church( with faith have shattered the impossible and St Paul says of them in (Hebrews 11( “who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to fight the armies of the aliens … Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection … yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, [k]were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented, of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth” … because of their great love of The King Christ. )Hebrews 11: 33-34, 35-38(.

تكردأو .. اهاياطع لبقيو اهحماسي

ةسا دق مف لىع اهايا برلا اهيطعي ىتلا .. اهتضفو اهبهذ لك نم مظعأو لضفأ تناك هللا ديعاوم فى ةقثلاو نايملاا تاكرب مظعأ ام لبجلا تعفر ةقثو نايمأ فى نوسيلايرك مالك نأ لبج لقن ةزجعم فى هتلزنأ و هناكم نم هلك باوبأ« نأ هللا ديعاوم فى ةقثلا نأ .. مطقلما ابيجع املاس تطعأ »اهيلع ىوقت نل ميحجلا

فىو لايجلاا رم لىع ةسينكلا ءابآ بولق فى نوهجاوي اوناك تاقولاا ملظأ و دئادشلا دشأ

فىوي فوس برلا نأ ينلماع حرف فى بئاصلما .. هدوعو

؟ ؟ هللا ديعاوم فى بيبحلا اهيأ قثت له لى نكيل لوقي ىذلا ىوقلا نايملاا كدنع له ةدارلا ميلستلا اذه لىا انجوحأ ام .. ؟؟كلوقك انأ اذوه لوقت نانئمطأ فى كلعجي ىذلا هللا راكفأ مهل تراص نيذلا ثركأ ام .. برلا ةمأ راص لب .. مايلاا هذه فى ضفرلاو ةروثلا و درمتلا

ةليسولا ىه ةروثلا و درمتلا نأ نظي ضعبلا تدادزأ كلذلو هبلاطم لىع لوصحلل ةديحولا لكاشلما تدادزأو .. مئارجلاو فنعلا ثداوح

لدب .. ةميلسلا لولحلا صرف تعاضو اديقعت فنعلا .. ضفرلا بولسأب كلكاشم لحت نأ نم

ةعطاقلما .. بضغلا .. ةزفنرلا لىاعلا توصلا .. .. رخآ ابولسأ برجو مويلا أدبأ .. ةيهاركلا .. ميلستلا بولسأ .. ءودهلاو ةعادولا بولسأ ينكتسلما ملاستسلاا سيل .. هللا ةدارلا حرفلما سيل .. ةقثو نايمأو ةوق فى ميلستلا لب .. ميلستلا لب .. ءاجر لاب ىذلا سئايلا ملاستسلاا نأ دكأتو ةقث فى ماملاا لىا رظني ىذلا ىوقلا

ءابلآا نأ .. ادبأ كنع لىختي نلو ككتري نل برلا لوقيو ليحتسم وهام اومطح نايملااب ينسيدقلا مهنأ )11بع( لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا مهنع ديعاوم اولان ارب اوعنص كلمام اورهق نايملااب دح نم اوجن رانلا ةوق وأفطأ دوسأ هاوفأ اودس

برحلا فى ءادشأ اوراص

ىتلا ةلمجلا اهيلع بتك ةيرغص ةقرو ةصاصق انازيم ضرحأو »ايرخ كضوعي برلا« اهل اهلاق ةفك فى لالما ةصر عضت نأ ةأرلما نم بلطو ماهيأ اهسفنل راتختو ةفك فى ةيرغصلا ةقرولاو اهب ىتلا ةفكلا نأب تئجوف اهتشهدلو .. لقثأ ىأ لفسأ لىا تلزن ىتلا ىه ةيرغصلا ةقرولا هتمدق ىذلا بهذلا و لالما لك
نم لقثأ اهنأ نأ هنم بلطت ابابلا ىمدق لىع ةأرلما تطقسو
فعض نم اووقت فيسلا اوتام اوبرج اوشرن اومجر .. ءابرغ شويج اومزه ىزعم دولجو منغ دولج فى اوفاط فيسلاب لاتق لماعلا نكي لم مهو ينلذم ينبوركم نيزاتعم رياغمو لابجو ىرارب فى ينهئات مهل اقحتسم كللما فى مهتبحم مظع لجأ نم ضرلاا قوقشو .)11 ينينابرع( .. حيسلما

“Meekness to the Honourable”

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II

The word “Honourable” is derived from “Virtue,” and the honourable person is one who grows in virtue. Every Christian is an image of Christ wherever they go because the Lord said to us, “You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14(. It is said that you are the “ For we are to God the fragrance of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:15(.

Saint Peter says, “ But the end of all things is at hand; therefore, be serious and watchful in your prayers. 8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” 9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:7-10(. These words are an invitation to honourable living. God has given each person a specific gift so that we can complement one another. Thus, our teacher James says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17(.

How do we acquire virtue?

God allows some to be born with virtue, as seen in special cases like John the Baptist, who was filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb (Luke 1:15(, or Jeremiah the prophet, to whom God said, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” )Jeremiah 1:5(. However, the majority of people strive to attain an honourable life, as we hear about the ascetic struggle of the strong Saint Moses the Black.

Why do we say, “meekness to the honourable”?

Because virtue does not live or manifest itself without meekness. One without meekness cannot display their virtue. The passage we read in the morning prayer clarifies this: “ I, therefore, the prisoner [a]of the Lord, [b]beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4: 1-3(.

In this passage, we find three things:

1. Conduct: “ to walk worthy of the calling”. Each one of us has a different calling (father, priest, servant, teacher, engineer, doctor, etc.( and must conduct themselves in this calling with integrity. In one’s conduct, God speaks reassuringly: “Do not fear, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32(

2. Tolerance: “ bearing with one another in love”. This passage is read every morning in the morning prayer before we go out and interact with people, teaching us to bear one another with love, not being affected by a facial expression, word, or action. The Lord Christ said, “Love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44(, so the heart must be open to every person.

3. Diligence: “ endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”. This means maintaining the well-being of your family, your service, and the community in which you live so that the community remains stable and strong.

What is meekness?

Every person must present virtue, and it is preserved with humility. Jesus said: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29(. Christ, in whom all the virtues are perfected, exemplified humility and meekness, which are the fundamental virtues He taught us to emulate. Blessed is the person who endures and understands that in doing so, they resemble their Master. The words “gentle” or “kind” are beautiful names. It is the meaning of the name of Saint Demiana, and one of the meanings of the name of the Prophet David. We remember that the Virgin Mary said in her hymn: “He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly” (Luke 1:52(. Saint Moses the Black also said, “Humility of the heart precedes all virtues, and pride is the foundation of all evils.”

How do we live meekness?

Humble yourself before the Lord: Humility needs meekness as you practice it. An ex-

ample is the story of the Prophet David and Nabal the Carmelite. David’s messengers went to Nabal to request some food on a day of celebration, and he angrily rejected them, behaving foolishly, as his name suggests (Nabal = Foolishness(. David decided to avenge himself, but when his wise wife Abigail learned of this, she gathered food, went with some servants, and met David on the way. Then, she began to speak kindly, gently, and humbly, offering the provisions. Through her advice, David reconsidered taking revenge on his own and said to her, “Blessed is your discernment” )1 Samuel 25:33(. Thus, one who is humble diverts anger. The book says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1(.

Pay attention when conversing with anyone that no word emerges from you that might tire, hurt, or be unacceptable to others.

Meekness protects love: Today’s world craves love; it is a world drowning in materialism, technology, modern inventions, social media platforms, and stray strange thoughts, as the Lord Christ said, “ and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19(. Saint Moses the Black says, “Hardness of heart begets anger, and meekness begets mercy.”

Learn to speak the word characterized by meekness. When they brought a woman caught in adultery to the Lord Christ, standing in the midst, holding stones and ready to stone her, He sat in all calmness and meekness and started by writing their sins on the ground without specifying. He said to them, “ He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (John 8:7(. So, they left. He did not attack or expose them but behaved with love and meekness. Then, He looked at the woman with meekness and said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more” (John 8:10-11(. So, we present the virtue with meekness, meekness with courage: One must be courageous, but courage without meekness becomes recklessness. The Lord Christ expelled the merchants and money changers who were buying and selling in a manner inconsistent with the sanctity of the temple, saying, “My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a robbers’ den” (Matthew 21:13(. You have turned it into a “cave of thieves” (Matthew 21:13(, and in this phrase, there is teaching, principle, and advice. Daniel the Prophet was accused of disobeying the king because he refused to worship the golden statue. The result was that he was thrown into the lions’ den. On the next day, when the king went to him and found him alive, he replied to the king with utmost meekness, saying, “O king, live forever! My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths” (Daniel 6:21-22(

Meekness in worship and prayers: “ Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, “ (Psalm 10:17(. The person who, with their prayer, presents weeping or sighing, God listens to them. Saint Ambrose says, “Meekness is the first rule worthy of following in praise, hymns, and our prayers themselves. Our prayers with meekness are very acceptable and gain us great grace before God.”

Meekness has these three main characteristics:

1. Kindness: “Be kind to one another” (Ephesians 4:32(. Just a kind word has a great impact that lasts a long time.

2. Forgiveness: “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12(. A forgiving person lets things pass without holding onto them.

3. Humility: It is “a land bearing all virtues,” as the fathers teach.

In conclusion

The Church reassures us to pray for those in the position of presenting virtue )the honourable(, asking that God envelop them with meekness, so that virtue may manifest with meekness.

+ 40th Day Commemoration: «the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance» Psalm 112:6

Next Sunday 7th April 2024 during the Divine Liturgy 9:30 - 11:15am at St. Mary›s Church in Kensington 40th Day Commemoration for Late Mrs Linda Eskander well be held. She is wife of Late Mr Wadie Eskander and mother of Mr Michael Eskander and Mrs Elena Naffe and sister of of Mr George Morcos. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members

Sanctuary of the New St John Chrysostom Church ةديدجلا
مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا ةسينكب لكيهلا ةيقرش
St Mary’s Church representative to make a reservation is Mrs Mona Amin, mobile 0423 473 630
:ينعبرلأا ىركذ + سادقلا للاخ ميحاترلا ماقت ٢٠٢٤ ليربأ ٧ دحلأا موي ىهللأا ةسينكب احابص 11:1٥ - ٩:٣٠ ىركذل ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ادنل /ةديسلا ةموحرملل ينعبرلأا /ديسلا موحرلما ةجوز ردنكسأ نم لك ةدلاوو ردنكسأ عيدو /ةديسلاو ردنكسأ لكيام /ديسلا ىعفان دراشتير /ديسلا ةجوز انيليأ .سقرم جروج /ديسلا ةقيقشو ىزعيو اهسفن حيني بحلما برلا ةسرلأا دارفأ لك
Blessed Baptism Baby Raphael (Kyrollos( son of Jospeh & Dolagy Maurice Blessed by HG Bishop Fam 31st March 2024 - St Mary’s Church His Grace Bishop Fam of East Menia visiting our new St John Chrysostom Sunday 31st March 2024 Blessed Baptism Meklet Mengesha ( Mary( Sunday 24th March 2024

Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2024

«Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.» Psalm 41:1

Beloved congregation ot the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions,

As we begin the blessed season of The Great Holy lent and the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection, Coptic Hope Charity Is pleased to announce the Easter Hamper Appeal2024.

With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt.

Our aim this year Is to present 4500 Easter Hampers where your gift of $65 for each Easter Hamper Includes Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, sugar etc. to make celebrating the Feast of Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal Is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible. Including the 1400 families in our Family-to-Family program.

lo contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference «Easter Hamper Appeal» to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope.org.au

Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity limited AIF

BSB: 063-159

Account Name: 10686722

Tax deductible receipts for all donations ab.ve $2 will be Issued upon receipt.

All funds raised by Coptic H.pe Charity are for the sole purposes 0f the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need.

On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support.

For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@coptichope.org.au

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 27th February 2024

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready March 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be

blessing and
2022 ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2024 سرام عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser( Building Site 31st March 2024
very appreciated.

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