Weekly Bulletin 7th November 2021

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Services at St Mary’s Church :‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Tuesday )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ Englisg for adults - All ages ‫ عرىب‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار‬8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫الليل‬ ‫نصف‬ ‫تسبحة‬ Thursday ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫املقدس‬ ‫الكتاب‬ ‫درس‬ English Midnight Praises 7:30pm ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ English Bible Study 7:30pm ‫رث‬ ‫فأك‬ ‫سنة‬ 25 ‫الشباب‬ ‫مساء‬ 9–7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday )‫أسبوعني‬ ‫(كل‬ ‫األرسة‬ ‫أجتامع‬ ‫مساء‬9-7 Youth 25 and above 7-9pm ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm ‫السبت‬ ‫ صباحا‬10,30 – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm ‫ مساء‬3 - 1:30 ‫اجتامع الكشافة‬ Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm ‫ مساء‬4 - 3 ‫مدرسة الشاممسة‬ Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ English ‫ مساء انجليزى‬7 – 5,30 ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm ‫ مساء عرىب‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫ ص عرىب وانجليزى‬9,15 – 7 ‫القداس األول‬ Sunday: Sunday ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English ‫مساء‬ 12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic :‫بالكنيسة‬ ‫الكهنة‬ ‫األباء‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 12:30pm 0414251251 Church Priests: Priests Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ Email: frtadros@me.com 94498871Email: - 0401238177 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0401238177 – 94498871 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 93766651 :‫تليفون‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 The above Timetable is currently replaced with a temporay Timetable for the next week - Page 14 ‫مواعيد الخدمة الموضحة أعاله سوف تستانف قريبا‬ ١٤ ‫المواعيد الحالية صفحة‬

The Martyrdom of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica ‫استشهاد القديس دميرتيوس التسالونييك‬ 8th November – 29th Baba ‫ بابة‬29 – ‫ نوفمرب‬8 On this day, the great St. Demetrius, was martyred, ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس العظيم‬ in the days of Maximianus the Emperor. He was a ‫ يف زمن مكسيميانوس امللك‬، ‫دميرتيوس‬ pious Christian young man from the city of Thes‫ وكان شابا مسيحيا تقيا من أهل مدينة‬. salonica. He learned various subjects, and most ‫ وقد حصل عيل علوم كثرية‬. ‫تسالونييك‬ of all, those of the Orthodox Church. He taught ‫وكان‬ . ‫وباألكرث علوم الكنيسة األرثوذكسية‬ and preached diligently in the Name of the Lord ‫فرد‬ ، ‫املسيح‬ ‫يعلم دامئا وينذر باسم السيد‬ Christ. He converted many to the faith. ‫امللك‬ ‫لدي‬ ‫كثريين إىل اإلميان فسعوا به‬ Some made accusations against him to Emperor ‫مكسيميانوس فأمر بإحضاره واتفق عند‬ Maximianus who ordered that he be brought to ، ‫حضوره إن كان عند امللك رجل مصارع‬ him. It happened that when he came before the Emperor, a wrestler whose body was strong and ‫ قد فاق أهل‬. ‫ ضخم التكوين‬، ‫قوي الجسم‬ huge, and who surpassed the people of his time in ‫ وكان امللك يحبه ويفتخر به‬. ‫زمانه بقوته‬ strength, was present. The Emperor loved this man ‫حتى انه خصص أمواال طائلة جائزة ملن‬ and was proud of him to the point that he specified ‫ فتقدم رجل مسيحي يسمي‬. ‫يتغلب عليه‬ a large sum of money for whoever could vanquish ‫نسطر من بني الحارضين وقتئذ وسال‬ him. A Christian man whose name was Nostor ، ‫القديس دميرتيوس إن يصيل من اجله‬ came from among the people who were present at ‫ويصلب بيده املقدسة عيل جسمه فصيل‬ that time and asked St. Demetrius to pray for him ‫عليه القديس ورشمه بعالمة الصليب‬ and to make the sign of the Cross with his holy ‫عليه‬ ‫املقدس الذي ال يغلب كل من اعتمد‬ hand over his body. The saint prayed and made over him the sign of the Holy Cross which makes ‫ ومن ثم تقدم وطلب مصارعة ذلك القوي‬. ‫ وملا صارعه انترص‬. ‫الذي يعتز به امللك‬ those who believed therein invincible. ‫ فاغتم امللك لذلك وخجل وتعجب‬. ‫عليه‬ Nostor went and asked to fight that fighter about whom the Emperor was boasting. Nostor fought ‫ وسال الجند عن‬، ‫كيف تغلب نسطر عليه‬ him and vanquished him. The Emperor was very ‫رس ذلك فاعلموه إن رجال يدعي دميرتيوس‬ sorry and ashamed. The Emperor wondered how ‫ فغضب‬. ‫صيل عليه وصلب عيل وجهه‬ Nostor conquered him. He asked the soldiers for ‫امللك عيل القديس وأمر برضبه إىل إن يبخر‬ the secret behind that. They told him that a man ‫ وملا مل يطعه أمر بطعنه‬. ‫أللهته ويسجد لها‬ called Demetrius prayed over him and made the . ‫بالحراب حتى يتمزق جسمه وميوت‬ sign of the Cross over his face. ‫ينثني‬ ‫فاعلموا القديس بذلك ليخيفوه لعله‬ The Emperor became angry with the saint and ‫فقال‬ .‫عن اإلميان باملسيح ويسجد لألصنام‬ ordered that he be beaten until he offered incense to his idols and worshipped them. When St. Deme- ‫ فأنني ال اسجد وال‬. ‫ اعملوا ما شئتم‬: ‫لهم‬ trius disobeyed them the Emperor ordered his men ‫ فرضبه‬. ‫أبخر إال لريب يسوع اإلله الحق‬ to thrust spears at him until his body would be torn ‫الجند بالحراب إىل إن اسلم روحه الطاهرة‬ to pieces and he would die. They told the saint ‫ وملا طرحت جثته املقدسة أخذها بعض‬. that to frighten him and make him turn away from ‫ ووضعوها يف تابوت من الرخام‬، ‫املسيحيني‬ his faith in the Lord Christ and worship the idols. ، ‫وبقي مخفيا إىل إن انقيض زمن االضطهاد‬ He told them, “Do whatever you please, for I will ‫ وبنيت‬. ‫فأظهره الذي كان موضوعا عنده‬ neither worship nor offer incense except to my ‫ ووضعوا‬، ‫له كنيسة عظيمة بتسالونييك‬ Lord Christ the True God.” The soldiers drove the ‫ وكانت تجري باسمه عجائب‬. ‫جسده فيها‬ spears into him until he delivered his pure soul. When they threw away his holy body, some Chris- ‫ ويسيل منه كل يوم دهن طيب فيه‬. ‫كثرية‬ ‫ وخاصة يف يوم‬، ‫شفاء ملن يأخذه بأمانة‬ tians took it and laid it in a coffin made out of marbles. The body remained hidden until the end ‫عيده فانه يف ذلك اليوم يسيل منه اكرث من‬ of the days of persecution, when the one who had ‫كل يوم أخر إذ يسيل من حوائط الكنيسة‬ hidden it revealed it. A great church was built for ‫ ومع كرثة املجتمعني فانهم‬. ‫ومن األعمدة‬ him in Thessalonica, and they laid his body there‫جميعا يحصلون عليه مبا يرفعونه عن‬ in. ‫ ومن عاين‬. ‫الحوائط ويضعونه يف أوعيتهم‬

Many great signs were made by his name. Each day, ‫ذلك من الكهنة األبرار وحىك وشهد‬ sweet oil was distilled from his body which cured . ‫به‬ those who used it with faith, especially on the day of ‫شفاعته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا‬ his feast. On his feast day, the oil flowed in a larger . ‫ابديا امني‬ quantity than on any other day, and it dripped from ‫نياحة القديس ابراهيم املتوحد‬ the walls of the church and the pillars. Though the ‫ بابة‬٣٠ - ‫ نوفمرب‬٩ gathering was huge, they all received their share, ‫العظيم‬ ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح االب‬ from what they took off the walls and put in their ‫اهيم‬ ‫ر‬ ‫إب‬ ‫يف القديسني العابد املجاهد‬ containers. Those of the righteous priests who had ‫مدينة‬ ‫من‬ ‫ كان هذا االب‬. ‫املتوحد‬ seen this told and testified to that. ‫منوف ابنا ألبوين مسيحيني من ذوي‬ His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, ‫ فلام كرب اشتاق إىل الرهبنة‬. ‫الرثاء‬ forever. Amen. The Departure of St. Ibrahim (Ibraham) the Hermit. ‫ ومن هناك وصل‬، ‫ فقصد أخميم‬، 9th November - 30th Baba ‫إىل القديس باخوميوس حيث البسه‬ On this day also, the great saint, the worshipper and ‫ فاضني جسده بالنسك‬،‫ثياب الرهبنة‬ fighter St. Ibrahim, the hermit, departed. This father ‫ وأقام عنده ثالثة وعرشين‬، ‫والعبادة‬ was from the city of Menuf, a son of rich, Christian‫سنة ثم رغب الوحدة يف بعض املغارات‬ parents. When he grew up he longed for the monastic ‫فسمح له القديس باخوميوس بذلك‬ life. He went to Akhmeem and from there he came . ‫ وكان يصنع شباكا لصيد السمك‬، to St. Pachomius, who put the monastic garb on him. St. Ibrahim exhausted his body with ascetic practic- ‫وكان أحد العلامنيني يأيت إليه ويأخذ‬ es and worship. He stayed with St. Pachomius for 23 ، ‫عمل يديه ويبيعه ويشرتي له فوال‬ years, then he wished for the solitary life in some of ‫ وأقام عيل هذا‬. ‫ويتصدق عنه بالباقي‬ ‫ كانت مئونته‬، ‫الحال ست عرشة سنة‬ the caves. St. Pachomius allowed him to do so. He made nets to catch fish. One of the laymen used to ‫يف كل يوم منها عند املساء ربع قدح‬ come, take the work of his hands to sell it, buy beans ‫ والن اللباس الذي‬. ‫فول مبلول مملح‬ for him, and give the rest of the money as alms on his ، ‫كان قد خرج به من الدير قد تهرأ‬ behalf. He led this life for 13th years; his food each . ‫فانه سرت جسده بقطعة من الخيش‬ evening was a handful of salted beans soaked in wa- ‫وكان يقصد الدير يف كل سنتني أو ثالث‬ ter. Because the apparel that he went forth with from ‫ وقد حورب‬. ‫لتناول األرسار املقدسة‬ the monastery was worn out, he covered himself with ‫كثريا من الشياطني يف أول سكنه هذا‬ a piece of sackcloth (Khaish). He went to the monastery every two or three years to partake of the Holy ‫ حيث كانوا يزعجونه بأصوات‬، ‫املغارة‬ Communion. The devil fought with him much at the . ‫ ويفزعونه بخياالت مخيفة‬، ‫غريبة‬ beginning of his dwelling in that cave. They disturbed ‫ وملا‬. ‫فكان يقوي عليهم ويطردهم‬ him with strange voices and terrified him with fearful ‫دنت وفاته أرسل األخ العلامين الذي‬ images. But with the grace of God he used to over- ‫كان يخدمه إىل الدير يستدعي االب‬ come them and drive them away. . ‫تادرس تلميذ القديس باخوميوس‬ When his departure drew near, he sent the lay brother ‫فلام حرض إليه رضب له مطانية وسأله‬ who used to serve him to the monastery to bring Abba ‫ ثم قام وصيل‬. ‫إن يذكره يف صالته‬ Tadros, the disciple of St. Pachomius. When Abba ‫ ثم رقد متجها‬. ‫هو والقديس تادرس‬ Tadros came to him, he bowed down and asked him . ‫إىل الرشق واسلم روحه الطاهرة‬ to remember him in his prayers. Then St. Ibrahim rose ‫وملا أرسل القديس تادرس الخرب إىل‬ up and prayed with St. Tadros. He laid down facing the east and gave up his soul. When St. Tadros sent the ‫الدير حرض الرهبان وحملوه إىل هناك‬ news to the monastery the monks came and carried ‫ثم صلوا جميعهم عليه وتباركوا منه‬ . ‫ووضعوه مع أجساد القديسني‬ him. Then they all prayed over him, were blessed by ‫صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا‬ him and laid him with the bodies of the saints. . ‫ابديا امني‬ His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen. ‫استشهاد القديس كليوباس الرسول أحد‬ The Commemoration of Saint Cleopas the Apostle ‫تلميذى عمواس‬

and His Companion. ‫ هاتور‬١ - ‫ نوفمرب‬١٠ 10th November 0 1st Hator ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تذكار القديسني‬ On this day also is the commemoration of St. Cleopas ‫ اللذين كانا‬، ‫كليوباس الرسول ورفيقه‬ the Apostle and his companion who were traveling to ‫ وفيام هام‬. ‫منطلقني إىل قرية عمواس‬ a village called Emmaus. ‫يتكلامن ويتحاوران اقرتب منهام الرب‬ So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that ‫ قال‬. ‫ وملا مل يعرفاه‬، ‫يسوع نفسه‬ Jesus Himself drew near, and went with them. When ‫لهام «أيها الغبيان والبطيئا القلوب‬ they did not know Him, He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the proph- ‫يف اإلميان بجميع ما تكلم به األنبياء‬ ets have spoken! Ought not the Christ to have suffered ‫أما كان ينبغي إن املسيح يتأمل بهذا‬ these things and to enter into His glory?” Later, as He ‫ وملا اتكأ معهام‬، »‫ويدخل إىل مجده‬ . ‫اخذ خبزا وبارك وكرس وناولهام‬ sat at the table with them, He took bread, blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them. Then, their eyes were ‫فانفتحت أتعينهام وعرفاه ثم اختفي‬ opened, and they knew Him, and He vanished from ‫ وهذان الرسوالن من االثنني‬. ‫عنهام‬ their sight. (Luke 24:13-31) These two Apostles were . ‫ صالتهام تكون معنا‬. ‫والسبعني رسوال‬ among the 72 Apostles. ‫استشهاد القديسني مكسيموس‬ Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, for‫ونوميتيوس وبقطر وفيلبس‬ ever. Amen ‫ هاتور‬١ - ‫ نوفمرب‬١٠ The Martyrdom of the Saints Maximus, Numitius, ‫القديسون‬ ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد‬ Victor (Boctor), and Philip (Philopus). ‫ونوميتيوس‬ ‫املجاهدون مكسيموس‬ 10th November 0 1st Hator ‫ايام‬ ‫يف‬ ‫وكانوا‬ . ‫وبقطر وفيلبس‬ On this day, the striver Saints Maximus, Numitius, Victor (Boctor), and Philip (Philopus) were martyred. ‫ الذي يف عهده‬، ‫دقلديانوس امللك‬ They lived in the days of Decius the Emperor. During ‫اختفي الفتية السبعة يف كهف بجبل‬ his reign, the seven young men disappeared in a cave ‫ وكان هؤالء القديسون من‬. ‫يف أفسس‬ in a mountain in Ephesus. ‫ وقد تآخوا بالحب الروحاين‬، ‫أفريقية‬ These four saints were from Africa, and they were ‫ وجمعهم الشوق إىل املسيح عندما‬، brethren in spiritual love. The desire for Christ gath‫كان هذا امللك يعذب املسيحيني‬ ered them together. When Emperor Decius was tor‫ واتفق رأيهم إن يظهروا إميانهم‬، turing the Christians, they agreed together to declare ‫ فتقدموا إىل األمري واقروا انهم‬. their faith. ‫يسجدون‬ ‫ وأنهم للمسيح‬. ‫مسيحيون‬ They went before the Prefect and confessed that they ‫ا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫م‬ ‫فرضبوا‬ ‫ فأمر برضبهم‬. ‫ويعبدون‬ were Christians and only worshipped and bowed to ‫ظهورهم‬ ‫احرق‬ ‫ ثم‬، ‫بالسياط وبالعيص‬ Christ. He ordered them beaten, and they were many times, with whips and sticks. Their backs were burned ‫ ثم دلكوا أجسادهم‬. ‫بسفافيد محامة‬ with red-hot rods. Their bodies then were rubbed with ‫بخرق من شعر مبللة بالخل وامللح‬ ‫ وإذ مل ينثنوا عن رأيهم بالرغم من‬. rags made of hair steeped in vinegar and salt. In spite of all this severe torture they remained stead- ‫ بل آمن بعض‬، ‫هذا العذاب الشديد‬ fast in the faith. Some of the people present believed ‫الحارضين بالسيد املسيح عندما رأوا‬ in the Lord Christ when they saw their patience and ‫ فأمر امللك حينئذ‬، ‫صربهم وثباتهم‬ endurance. Finally, the Prefect ordered the heads of ‫ وإن‬، ‫برضب رقاب بعض القديسني‬ some of the saints to be cut off and the sword to be ‫ فنالوا‬. ‫يعمل السيف يف البعض اآلخر‬ used on the others. Thus they all received the crown ‫ صالتهم تكون‬. ‫بذلك إكليل الشهادة‬ of martyrdom. . ‫معنا امني‬ Their prayers be with us. Amen. ‫الكبري‬ ‫كرياكوس‬ ‫القديس‬ ‫نياحة‬ The Departure of St. Cyriacus. ‫من أهل كورنثوس عضو مجمع‬ 12th Novembere - 3rd Hator ‫القسطنطينية‬ On this day, the holy father, St. Cyriacus, departed. This striver was brought up in the city of Corinth in ‫ هاتور‬٣ - ‫ نوفمرب‬١٢ Greece. He was the son of Orthodox Christian parents, ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح االب القديس‬ who taught him the church subjects. They brought ‫ وقد نشا هذا املجاهد يف‬، ‫كرياكوس‬

him to Abba Peter, Bishop of Corinth, who was his ‫ ابنا ألبوين‬. ‫مدينة قورنثية ببالد اليونان‬ cousin, and he ordained him a reader. Cyriacus read ‫ فأدباه بعلوم‬. ‫مسيحيني أرثوذكسيني‬ continually and searched in the interpretations of ‫الكنيسة ثم قدماه إىل االب بطرس‬ the Holy Scriptures until he surpassed many in it. ‫ فرسمه‬، ‫ وهو ابن عمه‬. ‫أسقف قورنثيه‬ Abba Peter appointed him to read to the people in ‫ فداوم عيل القراءة والبحث‬، ‫اغنسطسا‬ the church and to him in his cell, and he was pleased ‫ حتى فاق‬، ‫يف معاين أقوال الكتب اإللهية‬ with him. When he was 18 years old, his parents asked him if‫ ورتب عليه األسقف القراءة‬، ‫فيها كثريين‬ ‫ وعليه يف‬، ‫عيل الشعب يف الكنيسة‬ he wished to marry, but he refused. He asked them ‫من‬ ‫بلغ‬ ‫ وملا‬. ‫ فكان مرسورا بهذا‬. ‫القالية‬ for permission to visit one of the monasteries in order to be blessed by the saints therein. He contin- ‫ عرض عليه أبواه‬، ‫العمر مثاين عرشة سنة‬ ued to visit the monastery from time to time and he ‫ وطلب منهام السامح له‬، ‫الزواج فأىب‬ longed for the monastic garb. He went to the Holy ‫بزيارة أحد األديرة للتربك من القديسني‬ city, Jerusalem, and met its bishop, Abba Cyril. He ‫ وداوم الرتدد عيل الدير من‬، ‫الذين به‬ presented to him his wish to become a monk. Abba ‫ فاشتاق إىل لباس الرهبنة‬، ‫وقت ألخر‬ Cyril approved his wish and prophesied of him say- ‫ وذهب إىل أورشليم املقدسة واجتمع‬، ing that he would become a great father, would have ‫بالقديس كريلس أسقفها وعرض عليه‬ many accomplishments, and many souls would be ‫ فاستصوب رأيه وتنبأ‬، ‫رغبته يف الرهبنة‬ enlightened by his teachings. He blessed him and ‫عنه بقوله «سيكون هذا أبا كبريا ويقوم‬ sent him to the great father Euthymius (Otimus), the ‫مبجهودات كثرية وتستضئ بنور تعاليمه‬ father of the monks of Palestine. Father Euthymius accepted him with joy and put the ‫ ثم باركه وأرسله إىل‬. »‫نفوس كثريين‬ garb of the monk on him. He handed him to one of ‫االب الكبري اوتيموس أىب رهبان فلسطني‬ the elders of the monastery who taught him the ways ، ‫ فقبله فرحا والبسه ثياب الرهبنة‬، of worship and revealed to him the artifices of Sa- ‫ثم سلمه ألحد شيوخ الدير لريشده إىل‬ tan. Abba Cyriacus lived a virtuous life with much ‫طرق العبادة ويكشف له حيل الشياطني‬ asceticism besides humility, godliness and devout‫ فسار هذا االب بالسرية الفاضلة‬. ness. God bestowed upon him the gift of healing. He ‫والتقشف الزائد وغري ذلك من النسك‬ healed all those who came to the monastery with all ‫ فأعطاه هللا نعمة‬. ‫والتواضع والورع‬ kinds of sicknesses or infirmities. His virtues and his ‫شفاء األمراض حيث كان يشفي كل‬ holiness spread everywhere. ‫سقم‬ ‫من يقصد الدير ممن به علة أو‬ This holy man accompanied Abba Cyril, Bishop of ‫هذا‬ ‫وصحب‬ . ‫ فشاع فضله وقداسته‬. Jerusalem, to the Ecumenical council of the hundred ‫إىل‬ ‫أورشليم‬ ‫أسقف‬ ‫القديس االب كريلس‬ and fifty that gathered at Constantinople because of Macedonius, the enemy of the Holy Spirit. Abba ‫مجمع القسطنطينية املائة والخمسون‬ ‫الذي اجتمع عيل مقدونيوس عدو‬ Cyriacus opposed his arguments and vanquished him by evidences and proofs. He departed at a good ‫ فناضله وقاومه بالحجة‬. ‫الروح القدس‬ old age. The Lord made manifest from his body af- . ‫ وتنيح يف شيخوخة صالحة‬.‫والربهان‬ ter his departure, many signs and miracles. His body ‫وقد اظهر هللا من جسده بعد نياحته‬ still rests in one of the monasteries of the city of Je- ‫آيات كثرية وال يزال جسده باقيا بأحد‬ rusalem, without any change or corruption, to the ، ‫ مل ينله أي تغري‬، ‫أديرة مدينة أورشليم‬ extent that anyone who sees him today would think‫حتى ليعتقد كل من يراه إن رقاده قريب‬ that he just died only a short time ago. More than 700 ‫ وقد ميض عليه إىل يوم تدوين‬. ‫العهد‬ years have passed from the time of his departure till the writing of his biography. He lived at the time of ‫ حيث‬. ‫سريته اكرث من سبعامئة سنة‬ Theodosius the Great in the later part of the fourth ‫كان يف زمان ثاؤدسيوس الكبري يف أواخر‬ ‫ شفاعته تكون‬.‫القرن الرابع املسيحي‬ Christian century. . ‫معنا امني‬ His intercession be for us. Amen.

‫تامالت فى انجيل القداس‬ Meditations on the Gospel of the Mass Fourth Sunday of the blessed month of Babah ‫االحد الرابع من شهر بابه المبارك‬ ١٧--١١ ::٧ ١٧ ٧ ‫لو‬ Luke 7:11-17 ‫عليها‬ ‫تحنن‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫“” فلما راها‬ “When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on ١٣ : ٧ ‫لو‬ ›‹ ‫تبكى‬ ‫وقال لها ال‬ her and said to her, “Do not weep.” Luke 7:13 Nain: A village from the villages of Galilee; Nain .... ‫ قرية من قري الجليل‬: ‫نايين‬ famous for the beauty of its landscapes. This ‫اشتهرت بجمال مناظرها الطبيعية‬ name Nain means the city of beauty, joy and ‫وهذا االسم نايين معناه مدينة‬... pleasure. .... ‫الجمال والفرح والمسرة‬ There is currently a village with the same name ‫وتوجد حاليا قرية بنفس االسم فى‬ in the same place. .... ‫نفس الموضع‬ +Behold, a dead man was being carried out, the ‫ اذا ميت محمول ابن وحيد المه‬+ only son of his mother; ‫كثيرون‬... ‫مدينة الفرح والمسرة‬ The City of Joy and Pleasure, so many, as soon ‫جدا بمجرد ان يسمعوا عن نايين‬ as they hear about Nain, long to go and live ‫يشتاقون الذهاب اليها واالقامة فيها‬ there. In the city of Nain, the beautiful city, ‫فى المدينة نايين المدينة الجميلة‬... the happy city, the lucky country, a city full of ‫البلد المحظوظة‬.. ‫ السعيدة‬... pleasures, desires, and joys. ‫مدينة مملوءة بالمتع والملذات‬... But how is the hardest truth, at the city gate the ... ‫واالفراح‬ truth is revealed; there is a widow weeping and ‫عند‬... ‫ولكن ما اصعب الحقيقة‬ wailing she has lost her only one. Everything for ‫هناك‬... ‫باب المدينة تنكشف الحقيقة‬ ‫لقد فقدت‬... ‫ارملة تبكى وتنوح‬ her, she came to the city of joy with her husband ‫كل شئ بالنسبة لها‬... ‫وحيدها‬ and her only one, and she wished herself days of ‫حضرت الى مدينة الفرح ومعها‬... happiness and contentment. Today, however, she has lost everything she has. ‫زوجها ووحيدها وكانت تمنى نفسها‬ ‫بايام سعادة وهناء‬ She has lost true happiness with her husband ‫عندها‬ ‫شئ‬ ‫كل‬ ‫فقدت‬ ‫اما اليوم فقد‬ and children. And only remains were her ‫فى‬ ‫الحقيقية‬ ‫السعادة‬ ‫فقدت‬.... false happiness in vain beauty and ephemeral ‫وبقيت لها‬... ‫زوجها واوالدها‬ pleasures. How many were deceived by Nain, ‫باطل‬ ‫السعادة المزيفة فى جمال‬ and had swept them away in its fake life, ‫كثيرين‬ ‫وكم من‬. ‫ومتع زائلة‬ drowned, and destroyed their souls. ‫وتجرفهم فى‬.... ‫تخدعهم نايين‬ A famine occurred in the land, so Abraham went ‫وربما تغرقهم‬... ‫تيارها المزيف‬ to sojourn in the land of Egypt. In the land of ... ‫وتهلك نفوسهم‬ Egypt Abraham had to lie to save himself, lest ‫فذهب‬... ‫حدث جوع فى االرض‬ they would kill him because his wife was very ‫ابراهيم ليتغرب فى ارض مصر‬ beautiful in appearance. And he said about Sarah ‫وفى ارض مصر اضطر ابراهيم‬... that she was his sister (Genesis 12:10-20). In ‫ان يكذب لينجى نفسة لئال يقتلوه‬ the land of comfort and beauty there was the ... ‫الن امراته جميلة المنظر جدا‬ temptation to sin and fall. .... ‫وقال عن سارة انها اختة‬ A severe famine occurred in the land of Canaan; ٢٠-١٠ : ١٢ ‫تكوين‬١ seven years and the Children of Israel were .... ‫ففى ارض الراحة والجمال‬ forced to go down to the land of Egypt for .. ‫يوجد اغراء الخطية والسقوط‬ ‫حدثت مجاعة شديدة فى ارض‬ 430 years, during which they tasted all kinds

of torment, misery, slavery and humiliation. Another famine occurred; Abimelech and his wife Naomi and their children had to migrate from Bethlehem to the land of Moab. And in the land of Moab, the land of comfort and beauty, Naomi lost everything; her husband and two sons. And she returns to Bethlehem, empty of everything. But the Lord gave her Ruth, who became a blessing to her and to all Israel. (Ruth 1-2) Many rushed to emigrate just to find comfort and pleasure because life there is easier and more beautiful. But on the way they forgot many things, they forgot the most important thing, which is the salvation of their souls. In the country of comfort and beauty they became slaves for material profit only, and their lives became just busyness that does not end day and night. Even on vacation days, even on the day of the Lord, they paid huge price. They paid their health, their happiness, and more dangerous than all of this is their children. And how low was the price that the world has paid for them; material things that they hardly feel. Rather, they hardly see it because of their busyness. In the country of comfort and beauty they attached themselves to the customs and traditions of this new country. And they forgot that they are just strangers in it. When they lose their customs and traditions and hold on to the values and morals in which they lived, they also lose their personality and turn into a new form that is neither from their own identity nor from the identity of the country in which they live. Here are the factors of collapse, disintegration and dissolution. It is very cruel when a person feel lost.

‫واضطر بنى‬... ‫سبع سنين‬.... ‫كنعان‬ ‫اسرائيل ان ينزلوا الى ارض مصر‬ ‫ سنة ذاقوا فيها امر انواع‬٤٣٠ ‫لمدة‬ . ‫العذاب والشقاء والعبودية والذل‬ ‫واضطر‬.... ‫حدثت مجاعة اخرى‬ ‫ابيمالك وزوجتة نعمى واوالدهم ان‬ ‫يهاجروا من بيت لحم الى أرض‬ ‫ارض‬... ‫وفى ارض موآب‬... ‫موآب‬ ‫تخسر نعمى كل‬.... ‫الراحة والجمال‬ ‫وتعود الى‬... ‫زوجها وولديها‬.... ‫شئ‬ .. ‫بيت لحم فارغة من كل شئ‬ ‫ولكن الرب اعطاها راعوث التى‬ .. ‫صارت بركة لها ولكل اسرائيل‬ ٢_١ ‫سفر راعوث‬ ‫كم من كثيرون اندفعوا وراء الهجرة‬ ... ‫لمجرد البحث عن الراحة والمتعة‬ ‫لمجرد ان الحياة هناك اسهل واجمل‬ ‫ولكنهم فى الطريق نسوا اشياء كثيرة‬ ‫نسوا اهم شئ وهو خالص نفوسهم‬... ... ....، ‫فى بلد الراحة والجمال‬ ‫وضعوا انفسهم عبيدا للربح المادى‬ ‫وصارت حياتهم مجرد‬..... ‫فقط‬ .... ‫مشغولية ال تنتهى ليال ونهارا‬ ‫حتى فى‬... ‫حتى ايام االجازات‬ ‫ وما ابهظ الثمن الذى‬... ‫يوم الرب‬ ‫ سعادتهم‬... ‫ صحتهم‬...... ‫يدفعونة‬ .... ‫ واخطر من كل هذا اوالدهم‬.... ‫وما ابخس الثمن الذى دفعة العالم لهم‬ ‫اشياء ماديه يكادوا ال يشعروا‬.... ‫ بل يكادوا ال يرونها من من‬.... ‫بها‬ ‫ وفى بلد الراحة‬.... ‫كثرة مشغوليتهم‬ ‫ ربطوا انفسهم بعادات‬..... ‫والجمال‬ ‫ ونسوا‬.‫وتقاليد هذا الوطن الجديد‬ ‫انهم مجرد غرباء فية عندما يفقدوا‬ ‫عادتهم وتقاليدهم وتمسكوا بالقيم‬ ‫واالخالق التى عاشوا فيها يفقدوا‬ ‫ايضا شخصيتهم ويتحولوا الى شكل‬ ‫حديد ال هو من طبيعتهم وال هو من‬ ‫وهنا‬... ‫طبيعة البلد التى يعيشوا فيها‬ In the country of comfort and beauty they ‫تدب فيهم عوامل االنهيار والتفكك‬ neglected all the means of grace they used to ‫وما اقس ان يشعر‬.... ‫واالنحالل‬ practice. Prayers became lukewarm or non.. ‫االنسان بالضياع‬ existent. Fasts became mere occasions in which ‫اهملوا‬... ‫فى بلد الراحة والجمال‬ ‫كل وسائط النعمة التى تعودوا على‬ they celebrate changing food. Confession has

become a rare thing. Thus beloved, you lose and ‫الصلوات اصبحت فاترة‬... ‫ممارستها‬ ‫االصوام اصبحت‬.... ‫او معدومة‬ you do not win if this is how you are. One day ‫بتغيير‬ ‫مجرد مناسبات يحتفلون فيها‬ I fear that you will stand in the same position as ‫نادر‬ ‫شئ‬ ‫االعتراف اصبح‬... ‫الطعام‬ this widow standing at the gate of the city, the .... ‫هكذا‬... city of comfort and beauty, crying and wailing. Even if you reach this stage, you still have hope ‫انت تخسر وال تكسب‬... ‫ايها الحبيب‬ ‫ويوما ما‬... ‫اذا كان هذا هو حالك‬ and the Lord’s salvation is on his way to you, ‫اخشى ان تقف نفس موقف هذه‬ and he will meet you at the city gate

‫االرملة تقف على باب المدينة مدينة‬ +When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on .... ‫الراحة والجمال تبكى وتولول‬ ‫وحتى لو وصلت الى هذة المرحلة‬ her ‫ما زال لك امل وخالص الرب‬..... God knows our fatigue and our humiliation, ‫وسوف يقابلك‬... ‫فى طريقة اليك‬ He knows how tired we are in the country of ‫على باب المدينة‬ pleasure and comfort, and when you cry and ask ‫ فلما راها تحنن عليها‬+ for Him, He hears and responds. It is a beautiful ‫يعرف كم‬.... ‫هللا يعرف تعبنا وذلنا‬ thing to be an ambitious person, it is a beautiful ‫نحن تعبنا فى بلد المتع والراحة‬ thing to look for a better future for you and your ‫وعندما تصرخ وتطلبه فانة يسمع‬ children, and it is a beautiful thing to look for ‫شئ جميل ان تكون‬.... ‫ويستجيب‬ the means of comforts for you, your children ‫انسانا طموحا شئ جميل ان تبحث‬ and your family members. But don’t let these ‫عن مستقبل افضل لك والوالدك‬ things be your entire goal. Stop wasting your ‫شئ جميل ان تبحث عن وسائل‬.... ‫الراحة لك والوالدك والفراد اسرتك‬ life, time and effort in this world. ‫ولكن ال تجعل هذه االشياء تكون‬.... Bring God into your life. In the country of ‫هى كل هدفك كفاك ما اضعتة من‬ comfort and beauty you became a widow that ‫هذا‬ ‫عمرك ووقتك ومجهودك وراء‬ lost her family. ... ‫العالم‬ Truly, you have lost the comfort and peace in .... ‫حياتك‬ ‫فى‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫ادخل‬ your heart. You have lost the one you love most ‫صرت‬ ‫والجمال‬ ‫الراحة‬ ‫بلد‬ ‫فى‬ dearly to you. You have lost your principles ..... ‫فقدت عائلتها‬.... ‫ارملة‬ and morals; you have lost spirit of discernment, ‫الذي‬ ‫والسالم‬ ‫حقا لقد فقدت الراحة‬ love, and kindliness in your home. You have lost ‫تحبة‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫وحيدك‬ ‫فقدت‬.... ‫فى قلبك‬ the spirit of love and peace with your friends. ‫فقدت مبادئك‬.... ‫اغلى شي عندك‬ And thus you stood lonely crying. ‫فقدتروح التفاهم والحب‬.... ‫واخالقك‬ Don’t cry; I know your sorrows, your ‫فقدت روح المحبة‬... ‫والود فى بيتك‬ exhaustion and your pain. Your tears are very ‫وهكذا وقفت‬... ‫والسالم مع اصدقائك‬ precious to Me. ..... ‫وحيدا تبكي‬ He came and touched the open coffin; that’s ‫انا عارف احزانك‬..... ‫ال تبكى‬ what she got out of this place; a mere coffin full ‫دموعك ثمينة جدا‬.... ‫وتعبك والمك‬ of bones and death. Let Me touch it with My ..... ‫امامى‬ hand. Let the loving Lord make His touches in ‫هذا ما‬..... ‫تقدم ولمس النعش‬ your life. Let Him touches everything you have. ‫مجرد‬.... ‫خرجت بة من هذا المكان‬ Make him touch your home, make the Lord ‫دعنى‬.... ‫نعش مملوء عظام وموت‬ present in every word you say and every action ‫دع الرب المحب‬.... ‫المسه بيدى‬ ‫كل‬ ‫يلمس‬. ‫يصنع لمساتة فى حياتك‬ with your wife and with your children. Tell

.... ‫شئ عندك‬ him, O Lord; our relationship at home has ‫اجعل الرب‬.... ‫اجعلة يلمس بيتك‬ become just dead relationships that are placed ‫موجود فى كل كلمة تقولها وكل‬ in a coffin. Come, Lord, and touch it. Lord, .... ‫اوالدك‬ ‫مع‬.... ‫تصرف مع زوجتك‬ stop the procession of death in my life, in my ‫فى‬ ‫عالقتنا‬ ‫قل لة اه يارب لقد صارت‬ house. Touch, O Lord, my children to know ‫البيت مجرد عالقات ميتة توضع فى‬ You and to live for You alone .Open your ‫اوقف‬.... ‫تعالى يارب والمسها‬.... ‫نعش‬ Holy Bible in your home and let the finger of ‫من‬... ‫حياتى‬ ‫يارب موكب الموت من‬ God touches the hearts of the people of your ‫يتعرفونك‬ ‫اوالدى‬ ‫المس يارب‬... ‫بيتى‬ house. Sanctify them in life of repentance and ‫كتابك‬ ‫افتح‬.... ‫وحدك‬ ‫ويعيشوا لك‬... purity. ‫المقدس فى بيتك ودع اصبع هللا تلمس‬ Let God touch your work and then you will ‫تقدمهم فى حياة التوبة‬... ‫قلوب اهل بيتك‬ be freed from the bondage of matter and ...... ‫والطهارة‬ worldly gain. And you will be free from this ‫وعندئذ تتحرر‬... ‫اجعل هللا يلمس عملك‬ painful coffin in which you were placed. You ‫من عبودية المادة والكسب العالمى‬ will be free from carrying a burden that will ‫وتصير حرا من هذا النعش المؤلم‬ take you to where you do not want. The Lord ‫الذى وضعت فية وصرت تحمل حمال‬ touched the boat of Simon and it became a ‫الى حيث ال تريد لقد لمس الرب سفينة‬ pulpit calling for salvation and repentance. ‫فصارت منبرا ينادى فية‬.... ‫بطرس‬ And Peter became a fisher of men. ‫بالخالص والتوبة‬ The Lord touched the heart of Saul of ‫وصار بطرس صيادا‬ Tarsus, just one touch. The worldly eyes .... ‫للناس‬ ‫لقد لمس الرب قلب شاول الطرسوسى‬ were closed and the enlightened spiritual ‫اغمضت‬.... ‫مجرد لمسة واحدة‬.... eyes were opened to him, and Paul became ‫وفتحت لة العيون‬.... ‫له عيون العالم‬ the apostle of the nations. The Lord touched Zacchaeus and his house, and great salvation ‫الروحية المستنيرة وصار بولس رسول‬ happened for the people of this house. In one ..... ‫لقد لمس الرب زكا وبيتة‬.... ‫االمم‬ ‫وصار خالص عظيم الهل هذا البيت‬ word ‘Young man, I say to you, arise.’ Just ‫الشاب‬ ‫ لك ايها‬.... ‫ وفى كلمة واحدة‬.... the word ‘rise’ liberates from the chains of ‫ مجرد كلمة قم تحرر من‬... ‫اقول قم‬ death and set out in the procession of eternal, ‫الحياة‬ ‫قيود الموت وانطلق فى موكب‬ incorruptible life. ... .‫االبدية غير الفاسدة‬ You will know in truth that God has visited ‫سوف تعرف بالحقيقة ان هللا قد افتقد‬ His people; He saved them from the shackles ‫انقذهم من قيود العبودية والذل‬... ‫شعبة‬ of slavery and humiliation. Don’t be one ‫ال تكن واحدا من هوالء الذين يحبون‬ of those who love the life of the coffin, the ‫حياة النعش ظلمة القبور وعفونة‬ darkness of the graves and the rottenness of ‫ بل لتصر واحدا من هوالء‬.... ‫االموات‬ the dead. Rather, be one of those who long for ‫الذين يشتاقون الى الحرية واالنطالق‬ freedom and liberation to a better life and a .... ‫ ومستقبل افضل‬.... ‫الى حياة افضل‬ better future. But not better in the world, but ‫ بل افضل‬... ‫ولكن ليس افضل فى العالم‬ better in heaven. ‫فى السماء‬

Halloween HG Bishop Youssef My Dear Brethren, The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. As October 31st draws near, I want to make all uninformed Christians in our Diocese aware of certain traditions celebrated in the United States on this day. The «Halloween» celebration pays tribute to Satan. Every act revolving around Halloween is in honor of false gods. False gods are spirits in the Satanic realm. «We only do this for fun», some say. «We do not actually practice witchcraft», others repeat. I often wonder how one justifies the celebration of Halloween, the day Satanists have set aside as their «holy day». I am told that children «dress up» as witches, goblins, ghosts and little devils. Let me think about this for a moment, a small child dressed to resemble Satan›s darkness. Also, I am told of games played at Halloween festivals that promote fear in children as they are ushered through horror houses and rooms decorated with skeletons, black cats, and bats. Does this representation of death and darkness seem like fun? Certainly not to me, I am told that pumpkins designed with faces are «cute ways» to denote the present day meaning of Halloweenthe literature purports that pumpkin faces are symbolic of skulls. Also around Halloween I am told of theatre movies which celebrate the cult of death...Somehow I still have not found fun within all of this...Have you? Have your children? To me, this sounds more like fixation with death and mental illness to me... Many attempt to compromise on the celebrating of Halloween. Many think the meaning behind Halloween has become obscure today. The fact of the matter is, the actual methodology of witchcraft survives until today. When our children are taught it is «alright» to celebrate heathen practices such as «Halloween» it does not give them the repulsion and resistance they need to stand against greater Satanic involvement. When celebrations such as these are taken lightly, it sets a precedence for our children to accept evil rather than resist it. Many have asked me, «What is the harm?» My answer to this question is that occultism can be seen as a threatening storm brewing on the religious horizon gredually becoming very strong. More specifically, let›s contemplate a moment on the origin of «Halloween,» begun as a day to give tribute and praise to the dark forces of Satan. «Halloween» is derived from the word «Samhain (Sa-ween).» Samhain, the lord of the dead, called together all the wicked souls who had died within the past year and were destined to inhabit animals. The celebration of the dead honored the god of the dead on this particular night, October 31st. Bonfires were lit high on mountaintops so the spirits of the dead could find their way. Suitable food and shelter were provided for these evil spirits or they would inflict havoc, cast spells, steal infants, destroy crops, kill farm animals, and instill terror as they haunted the living. This is where «trick or treat» is derived. To worship evil spirits and false gods is against scripture. If one knows the Lord Jesus Christ before death, their spirit will be with the Lord. St Paul tells us that to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord Christ. If one is an unbeliever at death, the scripture says there is no second chance as «it is appointed unto man once to die and after that judgment». Therefore, prayer for the satanic is in opposition to God›s Word and a pagan practice cannot become «Christianized.» We must make a decision to be for or against Christ. Our Christian practices must display our beliefs and be an example to the others. Furthermore, Ephesians 5:6-12 states, «Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what

is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.» It is at this point I want the reader to stop and think about October 31st. Do we find «All Saints Day» in the Coptic Synaxarium? My Synaxarium does not contain this celebration. Please let me know if yours does. I would certainly like to read this. I was under the impression we celebrated Coptic Saints throughout the ENTIRE year, not on one particular day. While you were searching in your Coptic Synaxarium did you happen to notice two very important feasts, which occur on October 31st, and another the following day? Did you know that the Commemoration of St Mary and the Feast of Anba Roewis occur on October 31st? I am quite sure these feasts were more familiar to you as Copts than the pagan celebration of «Halloween». Am I correct? The following day is the Feast Day of the Great Evangelist St Luke. I am quite sure you also knew this. Am I again correct? I do not believe it is in Christian fellowship to celebrate Halloween. I do NOT encourage our children to dress in costumes. Costumes on this night are symbolic of celebrating Halloween. The same holds true for the acceptance of candy. Please think about the following pointsWhy do we not greet one another during the Holy Passion Week from Wednesday until Saturday morning? It is because we do not want to do anything symbolic of Judas kiss. Another thought to coincide with this thought is, on Holy Thursday we must complete the Divine Liturgy, according to Church Canons, before sunset. There is a reason for this. The Coptic Church does not want to have fellowship with the Jews eating during the Passover. Therefore, any day not set aside for Halloween; any day in which these practices are not symbolic of Satanic practices is alright for eating candy and wearing appropriate costumes. There exists 364 days in which one can eat candy and wear costumes. Only one day in which one cannot. Attend Church, the Vespers, and the Exaltation of the Saints on October 31st. Create plays and skits for the great saints St. Mary, St. Roewis, and St. Luke. The Mother of God, the poor layman who sold salt, and the Gospel writer›s life can teach us so much! Reflect upon their lives. Spiritually meet together, and then enjoy the social atmosphere of Christian fellowship, Saints› plays and Agape meal. Let›s all give thanks to God for a true Christian reason to celebrate this day! I want to close with one final thought. Using witchcraft to foretell the future was against God›s Law and caused King Saul of Israel to lose his life. I Samuel 28:7-8 says, «Then Saul said to his servants, ‹Find me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.› And his servants said to him, ‹In fact, there is a woman who is a medium at En Dor.› So Saul disguised himself and put on other clothes, and he went, and two men with him; and they came to the woman by night. And he said, ‹Please conduct a sance for me, and bring up for me the one I shall name to you›.» (It should be noted that familiar spirits are nothing more than demons). Has anyone ever told you about the psychic phone lines and readings offered on television? I have been told of these things and am appalled that anyone would use these whether in jest or seriously. Foretelling the future by psychics is clearly addressed here. Read further to discover what happened to King Saul and his involvement with «familiar spirits». The Lord Pronounced His sever punishment upon Saul that very night; «And the LORD has done for Himself as He spoke by me. For the LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor, David. Because you did not obey the voice of the LORD nor execute His fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore the LORD has done this thing to you this day» (I Samuel 28:17-18). The Bible clearly warns us to flee from the occult practices. It delineates the consequences making it forbidden to mankind. I did not find one reference to «only doing this for fun.» How can one derive «fun» from celebrating darkness and honoring the «lord of the dead»?

Satan worship is prevalent today in middle schools and high schools. We address this issue frequently in our youth meetings. Literature searches have revealed that at least 100 million Americans practice some form of the occult. We know that using witchcraft to foretell the future was a crime that cost King Saul his life. What will the price we will have to pay «for just having fun» be? Let us pray that God will grant us wisdom to abstain from this dark celebration, and in all things bring honor to His Holy Name. Bishop Youssef Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

Progress Report of St. Mary`s Church ‫تطورات مشروع المبانى بكنيسة العذراء‬ ‫طورات‬ Building Project ‫مريم‬ Tender offers were recieved and opened in ‫تم فتح مظاريف المناقصات الخاصة بمشروع‬ a special project meeting. The offers are ‫ تقوم حاليا لجنة‬.‫المبانى الجديد لكنيسة العذراء‬ being studied to choose the most suitable ‫من المختصين بدراسة تفاصيل المناقصات‬ offer. Final results will be aanounced in ‫ من المحتمل أن تعلن‬.‫لختيار أنسب عرض‬ the next few weeks. Demolishing the old ‫ ومن‬.‫نتيجة العطاءات خالل األسابيع القادمة‬ building could start on middle of November. ‫المحتمل ان تبدأ عملية هدم المبانى القديمة‬ Construcion could start on December. ‫خالل شهر نوفمبر وتبدأ عمليات المبانى‬ Project expected to be finished Feb - May ‫خالل شهر ديسمبر ومن المحتمل أن تنتهى‬ 2023 ‫عمليات اإلنشاءات خالل الشهور األول‬ Let us all pray that the Lord accompany .٢٠٢٣ us through this project progress and make ‫الرب يبارك هذا العمل ويعوض كل الذين‬ it a source for his Glory and reward all .‫يتعبون من أجل أتمامه علي أحسن صورة‬ those who are working hard to acoplish this ‫الرب يبارك تشجيع واهتمام وتبرعات‬ wonderful work. .‫الجميع‬

Services at St Mary’s Church starting from Saturday 30th October Starting from next Saturday 30th October, these are the new limits for church services: Religious ceremonies: ceremonies Inside the church one person for each 4 square meters fully vaccinated. Max 30 persons for unvaccinated. Same numbers will be allowedfor Funerals and Weddings. At St Mary›s Church Here are list of the new service: During the week Tuesday 5 - 7am, Wednesday 9 - 11 am& Friday 9 - 11am Services can be attended only by 85 fully vaccinated persons. Saturday 8-10am St St John’s Church for nonvaccinated (30 persons) 9 - 11 at St Mary’s Church 85 person fully vaccinated Sunday: 7-9am & 9 - 11an at St Marys - 85 Sunday persons fully vaccinated. 9 -11am for 45 persons fully vaccinated at St Joh’s Church Please book at the Booking Application Very Important: It is very recommended thatThose who are not fully vaccinated produce a negative a COVID-19 Test two days before having communion. We need to protect everone including our fathers the priests and the church sevants.

‫الخدمات بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ أكتوبر‬٣٠ ‫ابتداء من السبت‬ ٣٠ ‫أبتداء من يوم السبت القادم‬ ‫أكتوبر هذه هى األعداد المسموح بها‬ :‫فى خدمات الكنائس‬ ‫ يسمح بشخص واحد‬:‫داخل الكنيسة‬ ‫ متر مربع للمطعمين بالكامل‬٤ ‫لكل‬ ‫ فرد لغير‬٣٠ ‫ويسمح بحد أقصى‬ ‫المطعمين بالكامل‬ ‫يسمح بنفس األعداد فى الخدمات‬ ‫الخاصة بالجنازات أو عقد الزيجات‬ ‫الخدمات بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬ :‫خالل األسبوع‬ ‫ صباحا‬٧ - ٥ ‫الثالثاء‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫األربعاء والجمعة‬ ‫بكنيسة القديس يوحنا‬١٠- ٨ ‫السبت‬ ‫ فرد‬٣٠ - ‫لغير المطعمين بالكامل‬ ‫يمكنهم حضور القداس‬ ‫ صباحا بكنيسة‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس‬ ‫ مخصص للمطعمين‬- ‫القديسة مريم‬ ‫ فرد يحضرون القداس‬٨٥ - ‫بالكامل‬ ‫ كنيسة العذراء‬١١-٩ & ٩ - ٧ ‫األحد‬ ‫ فرد للمطعمين بالكامل‬٨٥ ‫ فرد‬٤٥ ‫ كنيسة القديس يوحنا‬١١ - ٩ ‫للمطعمين بالكامل‬ ‫رجاء الحجز على التطبيق المخصص‬ :‫مالحظة هامة‬ ‫من المفضل جدا ان تحصل عل نتيجة‬ ‫أختبار سلبى قبل التناول بيومين‬ ‫ من‬.‫للذين هم غير مطعمين بالكامل‬ ‫الضرورى أن نحافظ علي صحة‬ ‫الجميع وخصوصا اإلباء الكهنة‬ .‫وخدام الكنيسة‬

Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

The ever-changing world ‫عالم سريع التغير‬ We live in an ever-changing world. ‫أننا نعيش فى عالم عجيب سريع التغير الى درجة‬ It changes so fast that we can hardly ‫ وقد سبق الرب وأخبرنا‬.. ‫ال يكاد األنسان يصدقها‬ follow these quick changes. The Lord .. ‫عن هذا العالم الملىء بالضيقات والتغيرات‬ had foretold us to be ready for the ‫يأكلون‬ ‫ كان الناس‬.. ‫فكما كان الحال فى أيام نوح‬ tribulations of this world. In the days of ‫ويشربون ويمرحون ورغم األنذارات العديدة لم‬ Noah, people were eating and drinking and all the warning they heard from Noah ‫ وفجأة‬.. ‫يتنبه الناس الى الى الخطر الرهيب اآلتى‬ over about a hundred years they did not ‫فى ساعات قليلة تغير العالم كله واذا بفيضان هائل‬ give them any attention not realizing ‫يستمر أربعين يوما متواصلة وتختفى كل مظاهر‬ the enormous disaster which is about to ‫الحياة فى العالم كله وال يبقى سوى ثمانية أنفس‬ unfold. Suddenly huge floods of water ‫ لقد ظل نوج يبنى الفلك لمدة مائة عام ينذر فيها‬.. start and continue for forty days until it wiped out all life on earth. Only eight ‫العالم لكى يتوب الناس عن شرورهم فلم يسمعوا‬ people were saved. The chance was ‫ وهكذا مازلنا نعيش اليوم فى نفس هذا العالم‬.. there to repent and be rescued but very ‫ فشعب من الشعوب‬.. ‫المتغير الذى ليس له أمان‬ few listened. We still live in this type of ‫تتغير‬ ‫يعيش مطمئنا ويمارس حياته المعتادة وفجأة‬ unsecured world. People may live very peacefully in their country but suddenly ‫األحوال وبين يوم وليلة يتحول اآلالف الى مجرد‬ things change, and thousands find ‫ يذهب الناس‬.. ‫الجئين يبحثون عن مكان يأويهم‬ themselves refuges running around trying ‫الى المطار يودعون أحبائهم المسافرين فى رحلة‬ to find any country to accommodate ‫يعبرون عن كل أمانيهم الطيبة وبعد ساعات قليلة‬ them. Family members may go to the ‫يهرعون الى نفس المطار يبكون ويولون فقد‬ Airport to see their loved ones going in ‫أختفت الطائرة بركابها وأصبح مئات من البشر‬ a trip but few hours later they come back in a shock as the airplane has suddenly ‫ حكومة‬.. ‫مجرد أسماء وأخبار يتداولها البشر‬ disappeared and hundreds become just ‫مستقرة تبدو ناجحة جدا فى مشروعاتها وعملها‬ names in the news. A government which ‫ومحل ثقة الكثيرين وفجأة تتغير األحوال وتسقط‬ looks to be stable and successful and ‫هذه الحكومة فى األنتخابات وتتغير السياسة‬ carrying out a lot of efficient projects but suddenly everything changes as this ‫ مدينة تعيش فى أمان وسالم وفجأة‬.. ‫واألشخاص‬ government loses elections. A city lives ‫تهتز األرض تحتها وتتحول أحياء المدينة الى‬ in peace and suddenly an earthquake ‫أطالل ويختفى آالف من البشر … اليوم يكفى‬ shakes the city and destroys its peace ‫أن تطالع أى جريدة يومية لتسمع عن أمثال هذه‬ and life is never the same again. Read ‫ومتكررة‬ ‫ أنها فى الواقع دروس يومية‬.. ‫القصص‬ any daily newspaper and similar news ‫ أننا فعال نعيش‬.. ‫لمن يفهمها ويدرك مغزاها‬ are there every day. These are actually daily lessons we should understand their .. ‫فى عالم ليس فيه شىء ثابت أو دائم أو مؤكد‬ significance. We really live in a world ‫والرب يريدنا أن نكون ساهرين مستعدين وال‬ which cannot be trusted. The Lord wants ‫ننخدع بمظاهر هذا العالم الشىء الوحيد المؤكد‬ us to be ready and watch and not be ‫أبدا‬ ‫ الصخرة الوحيدة الثابتة وال تهتز‬.. ‫هو األبدية‬ deceived by the appearance of this world. .. ‫هو الرب ذاته‬ The only sure thing is the eternity. The only rigid unchanging Rock is the Lord Himself.

Estimated cost for the project 10 - 11 million Dollars Donations collected and funds available from church income is 3.6 million Dollars Donation Accounts are listed below

Progress of the Building Project

Tender Results to be announced by the end of November ‫تعلن نتائج المناقصات فى نهاية شهر‬ ‫نوفمبر‬ Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

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