Weekly Bulletin 8th October 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of St. Eustathius and His Two Sons

8th October - 27th Tote

On this day, St. Eustathius and his two sons were martyred. He was one of the ministers of the Roman Empire. Early in his life, he did not know God, but he used to give alms and charity in abundance, and the Lord did not wish that his toil should be in vain. While he was in the desert hunting wild animals, a figure of a cross, appeared to him between the horns of a stag, and it reached up to heaven. He chased the stag in the mountains to hunt it. The Lord spoke to him and told him about his new name which is Eustathius, for he was called, Ephlokidus, before. The Lord ordered him to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Christ and told him that poverty should come upon him speedily. When he heard that, he descended from the mountain and went to the bishop of the city who baptized him, his wife and his sons, and he changed his name to Eustathius as the Lord had ordered him. Right after that, he lost all what he had from slaves, handmaidens, cattle and money. Then he took his wife and his sons, and went forth from the city of Rome and embarked on a ship. And as he could not pay the fare, they took his wife instead. He took his two sons and came to a river. He crossed over to the other side with one of them and returned to get the other, but he did not find him because a lion had taken him. He went back to get the first but he did not find him either because a wolf had snatched him. He felt deep sorrow because of the loss of his wife and his two sons.

St. Eustathius worked, for a period of time, as a guard in a garden until the Emperor of Rome died and another reigned instead who sent messengers to search for that saint. One of the messengers happened to enter the garden which the saint guarded. The two men recognized each other and St. Eustathius was taken back to the Emperor. The Emperor honored him and reinstated him to his former position. It happened in that time that a war broke out and they recruited two men from every city to the army. The two sons of the saint were saved by the Divine Will from the lion and the wolf and were brought up in the same city. They remained for a long time not knowing each other. Then the Divine Will arranged that both would be recruited from that city. One day while they were walking, they reached a garden and sat there talking together, and they discovered that they were brothers.

As for their mother, the owner of the ship who had kept her in payment of the fare was a barbarian, but God protected her from him. He kept her in a garden which by the Divine Will was the same garden, where her two sons had gathered in, and she was close by her sons while they were talking and she recognized them. The two sons were assigned to guard the treasury of their father who did not recognize them.

When the Lord willed to gather this blessed family together, the wife entered the place where her husband was, and they recognized each other and rejoiced for reuniting unexpectedly. Then she told him that she had met their sons in the

هتجوزو هيدلوو سويثاطسا سيدقلا داهشتسا توت ٢٧ - ربوتكأ ٨ سويثاطسأ سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في في ناكو ، نامورلا ةكلمم ءارزو نم اناك . هادلوو ةقدصلا يرثك ناك هنكلو ، هللا فرعي لا هرمأ لوأ ىدس هبعت عيضي نأ برلا دري ملف . ةمحرلاو ةيبرلا في شوحولا ديص دصري ناك مانيب ذإ . اعفترم ليأ نورق ينب نم بيلص لاثم هل رهظ هديص ديري لابجلا في ليلأا دراطف . ءماسلا ليإ وهو ديدجلا همساب هفرعو برلا هبطاخف . . سديكلافا لابق ىمسي ناك هنلأ ، سويثاطسأ رقفب هرذنأو ، حيسلما مساب دمعتي هنأ هرمأو دمعتو ، لبجلا كرت كلذ عمس مالف ، لاجاع هيتأي يرغو . ةنيدلما فقسأ نم هادلوو هتجوزو وه عزو مث . برلا هرمأ ماك سويثاطسأ لىإ همسا يراوجلاو ديبعلا نم هل ناك ام لك لاحلا في جرخو هيدلوو هتجوز ذخأو . لاوملأاو شىولماو هعم نكي لم المو . ابكرم بكرو ةيمور ةنيدم نم راسو هيدلو ذخاف ، اهيرظن هتأرما اوذخأ ةرجلأا . رخلأا ئطاشلا لىإ ماهدحأب هبرعف . رهن لىإ هذخأ ادسأ نلأ هدجي ملف نياثلا ذخأيل داعو ابئذ نلا اضيأ هدجي ملف لولأا ذخأيل عجرف . هتجوز دقف لىع مايظع انزح نزحف . هفطخ في اسراح لغتشي نامزلا نم ةدم ىقبو ، هيدلوو لادب رخآ كلمو ةيمور كلم تام نأ لىإ ، ناتسب . سيدقلا اذه نع ثحبلل لاسر لسرأف . هنم يذلا ناتسبلا لخد لسرلا دحأ نأ ةفدص ثدحو لىإ هب عجرو ماهضعب افرعف ، سيدقلا هسرحي قفتاو . لىولأا هتبترم لىإ هداعأو همركأف . كللما لك نم اوعمجف . برح ثودح تقولا كلذ في سيدقلا اذه ادلو ناكو . ةيدنجلل ينلجر دلب ايبرتو بئذلاو دسلأا نم هللا ةئيشبم اصلخت دق فرعي لا ةليوط ةدم ماهقارفلو ، دحاو دلب في ادنجي نأ ةهللإا ةيانعلا تربدف . رخلأا ماهدحأ في ماهو مايلأا دحأ فىو . دلبلا كلذ في اعم ماهنأ افراعتف ناثدحتف ناتسب لىإ لاصو قيرطلا اهذخأ يذلا لجرلا ناف ، ماهمأ امأو. ناوخأ هنم هللا اهسرح دقو ، ايربرب ناك ةرجلأا يرظن نأ ةيهللإا ةيانعلا تءاش ناتسب في اهاقبأو ، اهادلو هيف عمتجا يذلا ناتسبلا سفن وه نوكي ماهتفرعف اهنم برقلاب اهيدلو ةثداحم تناكو . لمو ماهدلاو ةنازخ ةسارح في نادلولا ينعتو . ةلئاعلا هذه لمش عمج برلا دارأ المو . ماهفرعي افراعتف اهجوز لىع ةجوزلا تلخد . ةكرابلما مث راظتنا يرغ لىع ءاج يذلا ءاقللا اذهب احرفو ناتسبلا في ماهيدلوب تقتلا اهنأ هيلإ تثدحت نادلولا لخد كلذب هملعت يه مايفو ، روكذلما اقناعتف . انادلو ماهاه ةحرف تحاصف ، ماهيلع اوركشو ، حرفلا عومد مهنويع تفرذو عيمجلا ءانه في اوشاعو هب دعو ام مهل متأ يذلا برلا لىع سلجو كللما تام ليلق دعبو . ملاسو سيدقلا ضرحأف ، ناثولأا ةدبع نم وخأ شرعلا

garden. While she was telling him so, the two sons joined them and she cried joyfully, “There are our two sons!” They embraced each other in tears of joy, and they praised God who fulfilled what he had promised and they lived in joy and peace. Later on, the Emperor died and another reigned who worshipped idols. He summoned St. Eustathius and his wife and his sons. He ordered them to worship the idols but they refused. So he ordered his men to torture them with fire, but they were not harmed. Then he commanded to cast them into a brazen cauldron and set fire under it. Thus they delivered their souls into the hands of the Lord, and received the crowns of martyrdom from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Their prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saints Abadir (Apater) and Eraee (Herai), His Sister

9th October – 28th Thout

Onthis day, Sts. Abadir (Apater) and Eraee (Herai), his sister, the children of Wasilides, the minister of Antioch, were martyred. Abadir was appointed Esfeh-selar (a high ranking governmental position) in his father’s position. He had a room wherein he prayed and the Lord Christ appeared to him in the middle of the night and told him: “Rise up and take your sister Eraee, and go to Egypt to receive the crown of martyrdom and I will instruct a man whose name is Samuel to take care of your bodies and prepare them for burial.” He bid him peace then went up into heaven. This vision was seen by his sister also, in which she was told, “Hearken to your brother and do not transgress his command.” When she woke up, she trembled, and she went to her brother and told him about the vision, declaring that she would not disobey him. They vowed to each other to go and shed their blood in the Name of the Lord Christ.

When his mother knew that, she and her handmaidens rent their garments, and came to St. Abadir. His mother pleaded with him not to become a martyr. He promised her that he would not go forward to Diocletian seeking martyrdom. Her heart was soothed, not knowing his intention of going somewhere else to become a martyr. Every night he used to change his apparel and go disguised to give water to the prisoners and minister to them all night, and he asked the door-keeper not to tell anyone. Later on, he saw a vision to remind him of travelling. He took his sister and went to Alexandria, then they came to Cairo. They met St. Abekragon who recognized them and blessed them. From there they came to Tomwah where they entered the church and prayed in it. Then, they went to El-Ashmunin where they met with Samuel the deacon. The following day Samuel went with them to Ansena, and they confessed our Lord Christ before Arianus the governor, who tortured them severely. Meanwhile, Saint Abadir prayed and entreated God to strengthen his faith and the faith of his sister Eraee. The Lord took their souls and carried them up to the heavenly Jerusalem and they saw the eminent ranks and the luminous habitations of the righteous; then he brought them back to their bodies. The governor wrote their decree and then adjured Abadir by

ةدابعب مهرمأو هيدلوو هتجوزو سويثاطسأ ملف ، رانلاب مهبيذعتب رمأف . اوضفرف ناثولأا ردق في اوعضوي نأ رمأ ايرخأو . رضر مهقحلي اوملسأف رانلا مهتحت دقوتو ، ساحنلا نم نم دجلما ليلكإ اولانو ، برلا ديب مهسوفن مهتاولص . حيسلما عوسي انصلخمو انبر لبق .ينمآ دبلأا ليإ دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتخأ ئياريإو ريدابا ينسيدقلا داهشتسا توت ٢٨ – ربوتكأ ٩ ريدابأ ناـسيدقلا دهـشتسا موـيلا اذـه لـثم في ةيكاطنإ رـيزو سديليـساو ادلو ، هـتخأ ئيارـيإو ، هـيبأ زـكرم في رلاـسهفسإ رـيدابأ ناك دـقو . لاـ ديـسلا هـل رـهظف هـيف لىـصي عدـخم هـل ناكو ذـخ مـق : هـل لاـقو لـيللا فـصن في حيـسلما لـيلكإ لااـنتل ر م لىإ ىـمأو ئيارـيإ كـتخأ لـيئومص همـسا ناـسنإ دـشرأسو ، ةداهـشلا ملاـسلا هاـطعأو ، ماـهنفكيو ماكيدـسجب مـتهي لاـ اضيأ ايؤرلا سـفن ترهظو ، ءماـسلا لىإ دـعصو ماـسلا يفلاخت لاو كـيخلأ يعمـسأ اهل لـيقو ، هـتخلأ لىإ تءاـجو تدـعترا تظقيتـسا ماـلف . هرـمأ ماـ لا اـهنأ ةررـقم اـيؤرلا هـيلع تـصقو ، اـهيخأ لىع ماـهمد اكفـسي نأ لىـع اـفلاحتف ، هـفلاخت هـتدلاو تـملع اـلمو ، حيـسلما ديـسلا مـسا لىإ ينتأو ، اـهيراوجو يـه اـهبايث تقـش كـلذب هفلحتـست هـتدلاو لزـت لمو ، رـيدابأ سـيدقلا لىإ مدـقتي لا نأ اـهدعوف ائيـش لـعفي لا نأ اهبلق. باـطف . ةداهـشلا لجأ نـم سوـنايدلقد رـخأ ناكـم لىإ ي لما لىـع هـمزعب ةـلماع يرـغ لىـ يرـ هـبايث يرـغي ةـليل لك ناكو . هـيف دهـشتسي يرـ ليللا ينـلقتعملل ءاـلما مدـقيو ارـكنتم جرـخيو لقتعملل دـعبو . ادـحأ مـلعي لا نأ باوـبلا رـمأو ، هـلك تىأو هتخأ ذخاف . رفـسلاب هركذت ايؤر ىأر كـلذ ةيردنكـسلإا نـم اـجرخ مـث . ةيردنكـسلإا لىإ نوـجاركابأ سـيدقلا دـجوف ر م لىإ اـيتأو لىإ اوءاـج كاـنه نـمو . ماـهكرابو ماـهفرعف ابهذ مث ، اـهيف ايلصو ةيـسنكلا لاخدو هـيومط ، لـيئومص سماـشلاب اـعمتجاو يننومـشلاا ليإ ماـشلاب اـفترعاو اـنصنأ لىإ ماـهعم ي م دـغلا فىو اباذع ماهبذعف ، لياوـلا سونايرأ ماـمأ حيـسلماب رـيدابأ سـيدقلا ناك كـلذ ءاـنثأ فىو . اديدـش ناـيمإو هـنايمإ ىوـقي نأ حيـسلما نـم بـلطي دـعصو ماهيـسفن برـلا ذـخأو ، ئيارـيأ هـتخأ بتارلما كـلت اـيأرف ةيئماـسلا ميلـشروأ لىإ اـهب ماـسلا لىإ ماهداعأ مـث . ةـينارونلا نكاـسلماو ةيماـسلا ماـهفرعي نأ صرأ دـقف لياوـلا اـمأ ، ماهيدـسج وـه نـمو همـسا هـفرعي نأ هـهلإب هفلحتـساف، ماع عجرتلا كـنأ لي دـهعتتأ سـيدقلا . هـباجأف رـيدابأ اـنأ : هـل لاـق دـهعت اـلمو ،هـيلع تـمزع ىديـس اي هل : لاـئاق لياوـلا خرـف رلاـسهفسلأا ئاق ر سهفسلأا كبذعأ لا ىـتح ىديـس كنأ يـنملعت لم فـيك ، . فـخت لا : سـيدقلا هـباجأف باذـعلا اذـهب نلأ ةداهـشلا لـيلكإ اـضيأ تـنأ لانتـس كـناف

his God to tell him his name and who he was. The saint replied, “Swear to me that you shall not change what you have decreed,” and when the governor swore to him, he said, “I am Abadir ElEsfeh-selar.” The governor cried out, saying, “Woe to me, 0 my Lord why did you not let me know that you are my Lord and let me go so far as to condemn you to all these severe tortures?” The saint replied, “Fear not, for you are about to receive the crown of martyrdom. The emperor will seek me and will not find me, and he will hear that you have killed me. Then he will call you, torture you and you will die in the Name of our Lord Christ. And now hasten to finish us.” Straightaway the governor ordered that their heads be cut off. The believers wrapped up their bodies in fine apparels and Samuel the deacon took them to his house until the days of persecution were ended and a great church was built for them. Their intercession be for us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Miracle that God Performed for St. Athanasius the Apostolic

11th October - 30th Tote

Onthis day the Lord Christ performed a great miracle for the honorable Saint Abba Athanasius, 20th Pope of Alexandria. When Emperor Constantius, the son of the righteous Emperor Constantine, adopted the teachings of Arius who said that the Son was, after not being, and therefore not equal to the Father, he sent a man, whose name was Gawargios, to Alexandria. He also sent along with him 500 horsemen and letters appointing Gawargios patriarch of Alexandria instead of Abba Athanasius the Apostolic. He ordered Gawargios to support the faith of Arius and slay all who would not be obedient to him. When this man arrived to the city, he preached the teachings of Arius but only a few people of the city accepted his teachings. Therefore, he killed a large number of people, and St. Athanasius hid himself for a period of six years. After which he went to the city of Constantinople, and asked Emperor Constantius either to restore him to his See or to slay him so he would receive the crown of martyrdom. But the Emperor ordered his men to place him in a small boat and to leave him in the sea without food or water or a guide. The Emperor thought that he would die of hunger or thirst or get drowned. In this way he hoped to get rid of the saint and his admonition to him for his heresy, and they did with the saint as the Emperor had ordered them. The boat sailed along smoothly and in peace with the Lord’s will and His care. St. Athanasius was surrounded and cared for by the Angels until he arrived in Alexandria three days later. When the believers heard that their shepherd had arrived, they rejoiced and went out to him and received him with candles and songs of praise. Then they brought him into the church and expelled Gawargios and his followers. St. Athanasius dedicated that day as a great feast to the Lord.

May his prayers be with us and to our God is the glory and honor now and ever unto the end of ages. Amen.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Arbsima (Repsima) the Virgin and Her Sisters the Virgins

10th October - 29th Tote

كنأ عمـسيو نيدجي لاـف يـنبلطي فوـس كـللما لاـ ي ع لىـثم توـتمو كـلتقيو كذـخأيف يـنتلتق بـتكف ، اـنيلع ءاـضقلاب عسرأـف حيـسلما مـسا ضعب فـلف . ماهيـسأر اوـعطقو هـتيضق لياوـلا ماهذخأو ةرـخاف باـيث في ماهيدـسج ينـنمؤلما ىـتح كراـبلما هـتلزنم لىإ سماـشلا لـيئومص ماـ ةعيب ماـهل تـينب ثـيح داـهجلا ناـمز ءاـضقنا . اـنعم نوـكت ماهتعافـش . ةـميظع ينما ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو سيدقلا عم برلا اهعنص يتلا ةزجعلما راكذت ليوسرلا سويسانثأ توت 30 - ربوتكأ ١١ هـل عوـسي برـلا عـنص موـيلا اذـه لـثم في ابنلاا لـيلجلا سـيدقل! عم ةـميظع ةـيآ دـجلما نيشرعلا ةيردنكـسلإا اـباب ليوـسرلا سويـسانثأ ينطنطـسق نب سونيطنطـسق كللما نأ كـلذو . سوـيرا مـيلاعت قـنتعا اـلم ، سـيدقلا كـللما يرـغ اـم تـقو في ناك نـبلاا نأـب ىداـن يذـلا اناـسنإ لـسرأ . بلآل واـسم يرغ هـناو ، دوـجوم سراـف ةئماـسمخ هـعمو ، سوـيجرواج همـسإ لادب ةيردنكـسلإا لىع اكريرطب هـنيعتب لئاـسرو تبثي نأ لىـع ، ليوـسرلا سويـسانثأ اـبنلأا نـم المو ، هـعيطي لا نـم لـتقيو ، سوـيرأ هـلاق اـم اـهعيف ىداـنو ، ةـنيدلما لىإ لـجرلا اذـه لـصو يرـسي رـفن لاإ هـلوق لـبقي لم ، سوـيرأ مـيلاعتب ةيردنكـسلإا لهأ نم لتقف . ةـنيدلما لـهأ نـم هـناف سويـسانثأ سـيدقلا اـمأ . ايرـثك اـقلخ ثك جرـخ ، يننـس تـس اـيفختم لـظو ىـفتخا بـلطو ةينيطنطـسقلا ةـنيدم دـصقو اـهدعب لىإ هدرـي نأ اـمأ« سونيطنطـسق كـللما نـم امأ . »ةداهـشلا لـيلكإ لاـنيف هـلتقي وأ هيـسرك كتريو يرـغص بكرم في لـمحي نأب رـمأف كـللما اـنظ ، رـبدم لاو ءاـم لاو زـبخ يرـغب رـحبلا في غب شطعلا وأ عوـجلاب اـمأ كـلهي كـلذب هـنأ هـنم لىـع هـتيكبت نـمو هـنم صـلختيف قرـغلا وأ ع كـللما رـمأ ماـك سـيدقلاب اوـلعفف ، هـتقطره ك يرـبدتب ملاـسو ءودـه في بـكرلما هـب تراـسف . لاـ ىتح ةـكئلالما اـهطيحتو هاـعرت هـتيانعو برـلا المو ، ماـيأ ةثلاث دعب ةيردنكـسلإا ةـنيدم لـصو اوجرخو ، ادـج اوحرف همودقب نوـنمؤلما عمـس ىـتح ، حيباـستلاو تاوـلصلاب هولبقتـساو هـيلإ سويجرواج اـهنم اوجرخأو ، ةـسينكلا هوـلخدأ سويـسانثأ سيدقلا لعجف هباحصأو سيوـيرلأا دجلما هـل يذلا برـلل مايظع ادـيع موـيلا اذـه نـيرهدلا رـهد لىإ ناوأ لكو نلآا مارـكلإاو . ينـمآ مآ اهعم نمو ءارذعلا مايسبرأ ةسيدقلا داهشتسا توت ٢٩ - ربوتكأ ١0 0 تاـسيدقلا تدهـشتسا موـيلا اذـه لـثم في تياوـللا ماـهتاوخأو اـثاغو مايـسبرأ ىراذـعلا كـلذو سوـنايدلقد كـللما ماـيأ ، ماـهعم نـك لـمجأ نـم جوزـتي نأ دارأ ةـيغاطلا اذـه هـنأ

On this day, the holy virgins Arbsima (Repsima) and Agatha (Ghana) and their sisters, were martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

This infiel sought out the most beautiful damsel to marry. He sent artists to every country and ordered them to paint a portrait of the most beautiful damsel that their sights fell on and to give him an accurate description of her. When they arrived nearby Rome, they entered a convent for virgins and found Saint Arbsima and none was like her in beauty. They painted a portrait of her and sent it to the Emperor who rejoiced when he saw it. He sent to the kings and governors to invite them to the wedding celebrations.

When Arbsima and the virgins knew that, they wept, and left the convent fleeing, entreating the Lord Christ to help them and to keep their virginity. They fled to the country of Armenia, and entered the province over which Tridates was king. There they dwelt in a winery in a deserted garden. They had great trouble in getting their food, so one of them made glass, sold it, and with the money they bought their food.

When Diocletian sought for Arbsima, he did not find her. Later on, he heard that she was in the country of Armenia so he sent to Tridates the governor to look for her. When the virgins heard that, they left their shelter and hid themselves in the city. But someone informed about them. Tridates then commanded to bring Arbsima to him and when she refused, they abducted her and brought her to him.

When he saw her beauty, he wanted to have her for himself, but she did not let him. He brought her mother to persuade her but instead she besought her to endure patiently. She comforted her, told her that she must not forsake her true Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that she must not defile her virginity. When he knew what her mother had done, he commanded to break her teeth.

God gave St. Arbsima power to overcome the governor; she pushed him forcefully and he fell on his back. She left him lying on the floor although he was well known by his might and bravery in war. Ashamed of having been vanquished by a virgin damsel, he ordered to cut off her head. The soldiers came and tied her, tore out her tongue, plucked out her eyes, and then cut her into pieces. When the governor rose up from his fall and regained his senses, he was sorry for killing the saint. He ordered to slay the rest of the virgins. The soldiers pierced the soles of their feet, flayed them, cut them into pieces, and then cast them out. One of them was sick and was lying on a bed, and she cried out to the soldiers so she might join her sisters. So, they cut off her head also and thus, all the virgins received the crown of martyrdom. The soldiers also slew all who had come with them from Rome. After their departure, the governor became mad and the physicians could not help him until Saint Gregory, Bishop of Armenia, came to him and prayed over him. By this he was healed of his affliction and believed in the Lord Christ. He took the bodies of the holy and pure virgins and laid them in a holy place.

Their intercession be for us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

عاـقصلأا عـيمج لىإ نـيروصلما لـسرأف ةـيبص عـقي ةاـتف لـمجأ هـل اوروـصي نأ مـهرمأو ، اقيقد اـفصو هل اـهنوفصوي مـث اـهيلع مـهرظن اريد اوـلخد ، ةـيمور يـحاون لىإ اوـلصو ماـلف ، لف مايـسبرأ ةـسيدقلا هذـه اودـجوف ، ىراذـعلل اوذـخأف لماـجلا في اـهلثايم نـم نـكي لمو ، ماـجلا ، اـهب حرـفف كـللما لىإ اهولـسرأو اـهتروص لاـفتحلاا لىإ ءاـسؤرلاو كوـللما وـعدي لـسرأو ةـيقبو مايـسبرأ تـملع ماـلف ، سرـعلاب ماـ رـيدلا نـم نـجرخو ينـكب كـلذب ىراذـعلا نـهنيعي نأ حيـسلما ديـسلا لىإ نلـسوتي نـهو ينـتأو رـيدلا نرـجه مـث ، نـهتيلوتب ظـفحيو نـمقأو هـتاديرت ةـيلاو في ةـينيمرأ دلاـب لىإ لاـ نكو ةـبرخلا ينتاـسبلا دـحأ في ةر عم لـخاد ةطـساوب ةيمظع ةقـشبم نهتوق لىـع نـلصحي ع تنتقيو هـعيبتو جاـجزلا عـنصت نـهنم ةدـحاو لم مايـسبرأ سوـنايدلقد بـلط اـلمو . هـنمثب لـسرأف . ةينيمرأ دلاب في اـهنأ عمـسو ، اـهدجي ظفتحي كيل اـهتصقب هفرعي لياوـلا هـتاديرت لىإ نهاوأم نـكرت كلذ ىراذـعلا فرع ماـلف ، اـهب . نـهيلع مـهضعب لدـف . ةـنيدلما في ينـفتخاو درـت لم ذإو . مايـسبرأ راـضحإب هـتاديرت رـمأف اـهلماج ىأر اـهلف . هـيلإ اـهب اوـتآو اـهوفطتخا ، كلذ نم هـنكتم مـلف هـسفنل اـهذخأي نأ دارأ اهنكلو ، اـهبلق بـيطت اهلعل اـهمأ اـهل ضرـحاف حاف اـهيصوتو اـهدضعتو اـهبرصتو اـهيزعت تـناك عوـسي برـلا يـقيقحلا اهـسيرع كترـت لاأ ترـ ابم ملع ماـلف ، اـهتيلوت سـندت لا نأو ، حيـسلما ماـ ةـسيدقلا امأ ، اهنانـسأ سركب رمأ اـهمأ هـتلعف تـبلغتف ةوـق برـلا اـهاطعأ دـقف مايـسبرأ لىـع طقـسف ةوـقب هـتعفد ناـب لياوـلا لىـع ضرلأا لىـع ىـقلم هـتكرتو تـجرخو ، هرـهظ لىـ ةـلوطبلاب برـحلا في اروهـشم ناك هـنأ عـم نـم بـلغ ذإ يزـخلا هاترـعاف . ةعاجـشلاو ترـ دـنجلا تىأـف اهـسأر عـطقب رـمأو ءارذـع ةـيبص اهينيع اوـجرخأو ، اهناـسل اوـعطقو اـهوفقوأو. لىع مدن لياوـلا قافتـسا مالف ابرأ اـهوعطقو ، ، ىراذـعلا ةـيقب لـتقب رـمأو . ةـسيدقلا لـتق مث ، نـهدولج اوخلـسو هـبلطك دـنجلا لـعفف ةدـحاو تـناكو ، نـهوحرطو، اـبرأ نـهوعطق في تـحاصف ، خوـك في ةدـقار ةـضيرم نـهنم اهـسأر اوـعطقف نـهتوخأب اـهوقحلي نأ دـنجلا اولتقو . ةداهـشلا ليلكإ نـهعيمج نـلنو اـضيأ دعبو ، ةـيمور نـم نـهتبحص في تىأ نـم اـضيأ ىتح ءابطلأا هـيف راتحاو لياوـلا نـج نـهتحاين ةـينيمرأ فقـسأ سوـيروغيرغ سـيدقلا هاـتأ ديـسلاب نـمأو هـئاد نـم ئبرـف هـيلع لىـصو برـ تارـهاطلا تاـسيدقلا داـسجأ ذـخأو حيـسلما نوـكت نـهتلاص . سدـقم ناكـم في اـهعضوو ينـمآ اـيدبأ اـئماد دـجلما .اـنبرلو . اـنعم

Meditations on the Eucharist Holy Bible readings

Forth Sunday of the blessed month of Tote Luke 7: 36-50

“she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head” Luke 7:38 How often we feel superior to others … and how many times we think that we are better than those around us … Beloved … this matter of utmost importance … such led one of those who are infected with this ailment to feel superior to the Lord Jesus Himself … this pharisee thought he knows more than the Lord Jesus … he thought that he knows the people and their sins more than the Lord Jesus … and because of this, the Lord Jesus taught him a severe lesson, revealing the greatness of this sinful woman’s repentance and how she excelled above him in her love, self-sacrifice and repentance … but she even honoured the Lord Jesus more than the hospitality of this pharisee in his own house. How dangerous is this train of thoughts … when a person starts to despise others and belittle them … when one become more self-content and thinks much of ones-self and arrogance enters his or her heart, then one starts to measure others according to his or her own measure … then one starts to despise the action of others … justifying his or her own short-comings then this leads to the loss of ability of recognizing one’s own faults … and in this one loses the way of repentance.

+ if He were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is ..

This pharisee was applying his own measures … which are within him and he believed that they were correct … and thought it was the ultimate only way (of thoughts) … as according to his own logic, it is not proper to deal with or even sit with sinful (people) … but the Lord Jesus has contradicted this rule (of his), therefore He is not a prophet because He did not know this woman is a sinful woman … a logic full of mighty words such as … not allowed … if … therefore .. How troublesome are those who possess this logic … and how much troubles they cause to others with it.

This was the problem to man like Ahithophel … he was a wise man … and David used to rejoice with his advice … and thus it became set in Ahithophel’s mind that his advice is best and must be followed … and when Absalom repelled against his father David … Ahithophel became Absalom’s adviser and advised him how to get rid of David … but Absalom, took another person’s advice and

سادقلا ليجنأ فى تلامأت كرابلما توت رهش نم عبارلا دحلأا 50 – 36 :٧ اقول ماهحستمو عومدلاب هيمدق لبت تأدتبأو« 3٨ ٨ :٧ اقول »اهسأر رعشب ةرم مك .. نيرخلآا لىع لىاعتن ةرم مك .. كلوح نيذلا نم لضفأ كسفن نظت هتروطخ هل رملاا اذه نأ .. بيبحلا اهيأ ينباصلما ءلاؤه دحأب لاحلا لصو دقل .. عوسي برلا لىع لىاعت هنأ ءادلا اذهب فرعي هنأ سىيرفلا اذه نظ دقل .. هسفن نع فرعي هنأو .. عوسي برلا نم ثركأ برلا نم ثركأ مهاياطخو سانلا لاوحأ اسرد عوسي برلا هاطعأ كلذلو .. عوسي هذه ةبوت ةمظع هيف هل رهظأ ايساق لحاربم هتقاف اهنأ فيكو ةئطاخلا ةأرلما اهنأ لب .. اهتبوتو اهتيحضتو اهتبحم ىق اذه همركأ مام ثركأ عوسي برلا تمركأ .. هتيب فى سىيرفلا أدبي امدنع .. يركفتلا اذه بعصأ ام مهنأش نم للقيو نيرخلاا رقتحي ناسنلاا نظيو هسفنب دتعي ناسنلاا أدبي امدنع .. ركفلا ا ذه لخدي امدنعو ءشى هسفن فى نيرخلآا سايق فى أدبي هنإف ناسنإ بلق فى لمع راقتحأ فى أدبي مث .. هقطنم بسح لصي مث .. وه هيرصقت اربرم .. نيرخلآا فاترع لاا لىع هتردق مدع لىا رملأا هب ةبوتلا قيرط دقفي كلذبو .. أطخلاب ةأرلما هذه نم ملعل .. ايبن اذه ناك ول + .. ةصاخلا هسيياقم قبطي سىيرفلا أدب دقل اهنأ اماتم قثي هلخاد فى تحبصأ ىتلا .. قيرطلا ىه اهنأ دقتعيو .. ةحيحص لا هنأ هقطنم بسحف .. ديحولا لىاثلما .. ةاطخلا ةسلاجم لاو لماعتلا زوجي ةدعاقلا هذه سرك عوسي برلا نأ ثيحو فرعي نأ عيطتسي لم هنلا ىبن سيل وهف ءولمم قطنم .. هئطاخ ةأرلما هذه نأ نأ ثيحو .. زوجيلا .. لثم ةيربك تمالكب .. نذأ .. مكو .. قطنلما اذه باحصأ بعتي مك .. مهعم سانلا نوبعتي .. لفوتيخأ لثم ناسنأ ةلكشم هذه تناك حرفي دواد ناكو .. مايكح اناسنإ ناك دقو خسرت اذكهو .. هيرشتسيو هيلا عمتسي نأ

this was Hushai the Archite … this troubled Ahithophel greatly, who considered his advice like God’s edicts must be obeyed … so, Ahithophel arisen and set his house on order and hanged himself (to death) … he could not accept a rejected advice (of his) … (2 Samuel 17).

This was also the same problem Moses had, before he left the land of Egypt the first time … he was a zealous man … loving of his own people (the Jews) and wanted to help in freeing them … very nice thoughts … but how?? … with his own means … to fight with the Jew against the Egyptian … with violence and murder … and Moses means failed … and he had to escape to the wilderness to stay there for forty years to learn the correct means (Exodus 2) ... Again this was Saul of Tarsus’s problem … as those Christians (in his own view) are rebelling against the law (of Moses) and traditions … therefore they should be killed and as loving man of the law and traditions, then one must dedicate all his powers to this matter … and it was as if Saul was kicking goads (Acts 9).

Similarly, many suffer because they view others within the limited harsh knowledge and laws of humans.

Matters which are treated in this way will cause many problems to their owners and others … for there are those who measure the sincerity of others simply by judging their words or actions … and since he said this … therefore, I must do this to him … and this way we do not appreciate others’ position or condition (with no empathy) … and simply we divide all those who are around us to foes and friends for the mere words or actions which was not intended … we often try to use our own knowledge in understanding what others meant … trying to uncover the ulterior motives in their words, then we start judging them for what they did not do … but what we expected them to do … isn’t this agonizing indeed??? And what is more troubling, that we let our emotions control all these actions … if you like someone then all they say or do is acceptable and good and if you did not like this person, all he does, no matter how good it is, then it is bad and full of mistakes …

ةروشم لضفأ ىه هتروشم نأ لفوتيخأ نهذ فى لىع مولاشبأ ماق امدنعو .. عاطت نأ ىغبنيو نأ ىغبنيو هاطعأو .. مولاشبلأ ايرشم لفوتيخأ ناك .. دواد هيبأ مولاشبأ نكلو .. دواد نم صلختي فيك هتروشم كىرلاا ى اشوح وهو رخآ صخش ةروشم لىا عمتسأ هتروشم برتعي ناك ىذلا ادج لفوتيخأ بعتو .. لفوتيخأ قلطنأو .. عاطي نأ ىغبني هللا ملاك لثم لشفي نأ لمتحي لم .. هسفن قنش مث هتيبل صىوأو .. )١٧ نىاثلا ليئومص( .. ضرأ كتري نأ لبق اضيأ سىوم ةلكشم هذه تناكو ناسنأ هنأ ثيحف .. ةرم لولأ رم هبعش صلاخل لمعي نأ بجي هبعشل بحم .. رويغ .. ةصاخلا هتقيرطب ؟؟ فيك نكلو .. ليمج ملاك .. .. لتقلاو فنعلاب .. ىرلما لىع ىدوهيلا رني نأب ر ةيبرلا لىا برهي نأ رطضأو .. سىوم ةقيرط تلشفو ةحيحصلا ةقيرطلا ملعتي ةنس ينعبرأ كانه ىقبيل .. )٢ جورخ( .. ثيح .. سىوسرطلا لواش ةلكشم اضيأ تن اكو نع ينجراخ )هرظن فى( مه ينيحيسلما ءلاؤه نأ هنأ ثيحو مهلتق بجيف .. سومانلاو ةعيشرلا نأ هيلع بجيف سومانلاو ةعيشرلل بحم ناسنإ سفري نمك لواش ناكو .. رملاا اذه فى ةوقب لمعي .. )٩ لسرلا لماعأ( سخانم فى نيرخلآا اوعضو مهنلأ نويرثكلا بعت اذكهو .. ةبعصلا ةيشربلا مهنيناوقو مهتلاماعم زيح بعاتم ببست قطنلما اذهب جلاعت ىتلا روملاا نأ سيقي نم كانهف .. نيرخلآلو اهباحصلأ ةيرثك .. مهتافرتوأ مهتمالك درجبم نيرخلآا صلاخأ هعم لعفأ نأ بجيف نذأ .. اذه لاق هنأ ثيحو مهلاوحأ لاو نيرخلاا فورظ ردقنلا اذكهو .. اذكه انلوح نيذلا سانلا مسقن ةطاسبب ا ذكهو .. يرغ تافرت وأ تمالك درجلم ءاقدصأو ءادعأ لىا .. ةدوصقم فى صاخلا انئاكذ مادختسأ فى ايرثك لواحن اننأ نىاعلما طابنتسلاو .. نيرخلاا دصاقم ةفرعم انايحأ مهيلع مكحلا فى أدبنو مهملاك فى ةيفتخلما .. هولعفيس مهنأ انعقوت ابم نكلو .. هولعفي لمابم ؟؟؟ اقح المؤم اذه سيلأ .. ا ذه فى مكحتت انئاوهأ كترن اننأ بعتلما شىلاو هلعفي امو هلوقي ام لكف ناسنأ بحت تنك ولف بحت لا تنك نأو نسحو لوبقم وه ناسنلاا ا ذه ءىدر وهف انسح ناك ماهم هلعفي ام لكف اناسنأ .. ءاطخأ هبو لا .. عيمجلل بحم ناسنإ وه ىحيسلما ناسنلإا نا مهيركفتو نيرخلاا ءارأ مترحي .. دحأب ءوسلا نظي

The Christian person, is a loving person of all (people) … does not think bad of anybody … respects all others and their views and does not haste to judge anybody.

+ Do you see this woman …

Look (at yourself) pharisee … this woman who you disparaged … she is a person of many virtues … it is your self-love and narcissism which had blinded you and made you no longer see, feel or appreciate the love of others … you have set yourself as judge (and executioner) of others … you sit mighty high on your lofty seat judging and criticising with no action … and in this, you have become a source of troubles and hindrance for other who do work (for good). How easy it is to criticise … and much harder it is to do good …

The great secrete behind this pharisee’s critique … is his own shortcomings … for he could not tolerate to see another person doing an act of love, which he supposed to initiate … and from this, pride took over and became a critic … instead of encouraging … and instead of recognizing his deficiency and express regrets …

When the pharisees saw the great works performed by the Lord Jesus, they were filled with envy and jealousy … and when they saw Him cast out demons, they said He by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons casts out demons (Matthew 12:24) … again, they could not bear to hear the words of truth that Stephen the first deacon and martyr, testified to them … they did grind their teeth and angrily … they rushed to stone him (Acts 7:54 – 8:1).

John the Baptist was great in his humility and self-denial … when he heard that the Lord Jesus and His disciples are baptizing many more than him … and all the people are following Him … he was not saddened nor angry for he had fulfilled his mission … and did not falter … but in great happiness said my joy if fulfilled … He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30) … this is a very valuable lesson the world should learn today.

The saints had learned this lesson and understood it very well … the (early) saints like Anba Antony or Anba Makarios the great … they used to find great virtue in their dealing

.. دحأ لىع مكحلا فى عسرتي لاو عفدني لاو .. ةأرلما هده ىرتا + اهرقتحت ىتلا ةأرلما هذه نأ .. سىيرفلا اهيأ رظنأ كتاذل كتبحم نأ .. لئاضفلاب ةئيلم ةناسنأ ىه .. سحت لاو ىرت لا كلعجو كينيع ىمعأ دق كءايبركو كسفن نم تمقأ كنأ .. نيرخلآا ةبحم ردقت لاو كيسرك لىع كانه سلجت .. نيرخلآا لىع ايضاق ائيش لمعت لا كنكلو ثدحتتو دقتنتو مكحت لياعلا نيرخلآل ةثرعو بعت ردصم تحبصأو .. .. نولمعي نيذلل نأ ءايشلاا بعصأ نمو .. دقنت نأ ءايشلأا لهسأ نم .. يرخلا لمع لمعت ناك .. سىيرفلا ا ذه دقن ءارو يربكلا سرلا نأ رخآ اناسنأ ىري نأ لمتحي لم هنأ .. وه هيرصقت ءىدابلا وه نوكي نأ اضورفم ناك ةبحم لمع لمعي لادب .. دقني راصو هيف ءايبركلا كرحت اذكهو .. هيف رذتعيو هيرصقت فرعي نأ نم لادب .. عجشي نأ نم .. اهلمعي ىتلا ةميظعلا لماعلاا نويسبرفلا ىأر امدنع جرخي هوأر امدنع .. ةيرغو ادسح اولاتمأ عوسي برلا ينطايشلا سيئر لوبزلعبب هنأ هنع اولاق ينطايشلا .. ينطيشلا جرخي اهب قطن ىتلا قحلا تمالك اولمتحي لم مهنأ لىع اورف .. مهنيب ةسمماشلا سيئر سونافتسأ .. هنومجري اوعفدنأو .. اوبضغو مهنانسأ هتاذل هراكنإ فى ابيجع نادمعلما انحوي ناك دقل برلا نأ عمس امدنع .. هعاضتاو سانلا لك نأو .. هنم ثركأ نودمعي هذيملاتو عوسي وه متأ دقل .. بضغي لمو نزحي لم .. هعبتت تراص اذه ىحرف اذأ لاق حرف فىو .. رقي لم .. هتلاسر ر هنأ .. صقنأ انأو ديزي اذه نأ ىغبني .. لمك دق .. مويلا هملعتي نأ لماعلا جاتحي ينثم سرد .. ادج هوعوو سردلا ا ذه نوسيدقلا ملعت دقل وأ سوينوطنأ ابنلاا لاثمأ نم نوسيدقلا ناك دقف مهلماعت فى ةعفنم نودجي .. يربكلا سوير اكم ابنلاا .. ناسنأ ىأ عم نهاك وأ .. ةريشر ةأرمأ ةيرخسو تمالك نم ىتح ا ملعت .. يرغص لفط ثيدحو ةصق نم وأ .. ناثولال نيذلاو راغصلا نم ىتح .. ناسنأ لك نم ديفتست ن .. نيرقتحم سانلا رظن فى مه رخأتم كنآ .. رقم كنأ ترعش اذأ .. بيبحلأ اهيأ ر نيرخلآا قيرط فى فقت لاف .. ةبحلما لمع فى ادج .. دقان درجم نكت لا .. ةبحلما لمع نولمعي نيذلا دنستو عجشت فيك ملعت .. ابحم نيوكت نأ ملعت سيل .. ةبحلما فى أدبأو كدعاس نعرمش .. نيرخلآا

with any one … even from a mocking words from an evil woman … or from pagan priest … or from a tail and talking to a young child … learn (beloved) to benefit from every one … even the young whom they are irrelevant in the view of others.

Beloved … if you feel that you are lacking … and you are behind in doing acts of mercy … then don’t stand in the way of those who are merciful … don’t be just a cretic … learn to be loving … learn how to encourage and support others … roll up your sleeves and start with acts of mercy … it is not a shame for others to be ahead of you (in acts of mercy) … but the shame is to stay still as a criticising voice (only) … and no action … the little only want all other to be little like them … but the great labour to make the little great with them … this pharisee is in need to fall on his knees and pour tears … confessing his shortcomings and delay in offering the required honour and love to the Lord Jesus … but sometimes this (confession) is hard to do … and specially with those who are arrogant … + her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much …

How hard it is for an arrogant and conceited person to (repent and) confess his or her sins which is hidden within ones-self … specially, if this person in his or her own view and portrays to others that he or she is a leader, teacher and an example (to follow) … Beloved … repentance … and confession are not just for the little and young children only … and it is not an act of the weak (personality) only … but it is for you … specifically you who is need of repentance and to pour yourself in confession more than others … you are afraid of others seeing what is within you … you are afraid of exposing your troubles … you have become great in your own self-image and have locked your heart with many locks which had rusted …

My beloved, come whether you are young or old (great or belittled) … come and pour your-self before the Lord Jesus, just as this sinful woman did … for the kingdom of heavens is not cheap or irrelevant to let it escape you easily (in this way) … the heavenly kingdom is be plucked fast … don’t stand there as a spectator … let go of your traditional role of a cretic … and profess a new role as a repentant person … through critique you will lose yourself and those around you … but, through repentance, you will gain yourself and the souls of those around you … and how joyful it is when hear this joyful words … “go in peace”.

نأ بيعلا لب .. نيرخلآا كقبسي نأ ابيع ادي سيلو .. دقني توص كناكم فى لظت نوديري نيدلا مه طقف راغصلا .. لمعت امأ .. مهلثم اراغص عيمجلا ولعجي نأ راغصلا اولعجي كىل نودهاجي مهف رابكلا سىيرفلا اذه حاتحي مك .. مهعم ارابك عومدلا بكسيو هيمدق لىع حرطني نأ ميدقت فى هرخأتو هيرصقتب افترعم .. .. عوسي برلل ماركلااو ةبحلما بجاو .. ابعص رملاا اذه يرصي انايحأ نكلو .. نيبركتلما ءلاؤه لاثملأ اصوصخو تبحأ اهنلأ .. ةيرثكلا اهاياطخ توفغ + .. ايرثك لىاعتلما ناسنلاا لىع بعص وه مك فاترعأ ةسلج فى سلجي أ بركتسلماو .. هلخاد فى هئبتخلما هاياطخ ركذيو لازامو هسفن رظن فى ناك نأ اصوصخ ذاتسأ هنأ لىع هيلا نورظني نيرخلآا .. سيئرو ملعمو .. فاترعلااو .. ةبوتلا نأ .. بيبحلا اهيأ ... طقف راغصلاو لافطلأا لماعأ تسيل لب .. طقف ءافعضلا لماعأ نم تسيل ةبوتلا لىا جاتحت تاذلاب تنأ .. تنأ نييرثكلا نم ثركأ فاترعلاا فى باكسنلااو كلخادب ام نيرخلآا ىري نأ فاخت كنأ .. تصر .. كبعاتم فشكت نأ فاخت .. كبلق تقلغأ اذكهو كسفن رظن فى ايربك .. أدصلا اهلاع دق لافقأب ايرغص مأ تنك ايربك بيبحلا اهيأ لىاعت لثم عوسي برلا مامأ كسفن بكسأ .. توكلم نأ .. هئطاخلا ةأرلما هذه هئطاخلا ىتح انيه لاو اصيخر سيل تاومسلا هذهب كنم عيضي هكترت فطتخي تاومسلا توكلم نأ .. ةلوهسلا نع لىخت .. اجرفتم فقت لا .. افاطتخأ فترحأ و .. دقنلا فى ىديلقتلا كرود للاخ نم .. بئات ناسنإك ديدجلا كرود نم سرختو كسفن سرخت فوس دقنلا ىنتقت فوس ةبوتلا للاخ نمو .. كعم .. كلوح نم سوفن ىنتقتو كسغن ةملكلا هذه عمست امدنع كدعسأ امو « ملاسب ىبهذأ« .. ةحرفلما
St. Mary’s Church Sunday School Primary & Secondary Camp Friday 29th September1st October 2023

Blessed Baptism

Baby Righteous

Son of Atoinne & Youstina Famumia

Sunday 1st October 2023

St Mary’s Church

“And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!””

Revelation 14:13

Mr Nabil Barsoum Guirguis reposed this morning 2nd October 2023.

A deeply faithful man who was one of the pioneers of the establishment of the Coptic community in Australia. He graciously accepted his grieve illness and prepared his soul for eternity.

He is survived by wife Nadia, his sons Mark and Carl, his daughter-in-law Carolyn, and his 6 grandchildren Sam, Hannah, Sarah, Andrew, Ryder and Harley. The Funeral will be 12noon Monday 9 October 2023 at Archangel Michael & St Anthony’s church followed by the burial 2:00PM at Springvale Cemetery and the Third day prayer.

موي سجرج ليبن ذاتسلأا ةزانج اضيأ و لاف جنربسا يف نوكتس نفدلا و يلكواب سوينوطا ابنلاا و كلاملا ةسينك نم ارهظ ١2 ةعاسلا نينثلإا ةرسلأا دارفإ لكل ءازع يطعي و ميعنلا سودرف يف هحور حيني انبر ،لاف جنربسا يف نوكت فوس ثلاثلا ةلاص

Blessed Marriage

Mina Tawadros & Helena Soliman

St. George’s Church

Thursday 28th September 2023

Blessed Engagement

Mina Elias & Lamis Moussa

St George’s Church

Sunday 1st October 2023

Church New Building Project Financial Summary As on 18th Sep 23 Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: https://forms.gle/ wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR) - 3 نس( ةناضحلل ميدقتلا ةرامتسإ )تاونس 4 2024 رياني نم ءادتبا حضوملا QR لا مدختسأ

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready December 2023. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2023 ربمسيد عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Iconastis of the New church

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