Weekly Bulletin 9th June 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St

Mary’s Church

3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St

John’s Chrysostom Church

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 يزيلجنا احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يبرع ص 8:30 - ٦:30 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجناو يزيلجنإ – ص ١0:30 - 8:30يناثلا سادقلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك يبرع ص ١0:30 – 8:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا بهذلا مف انحوي سيدقلا ةسينك ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Commemoration of the Appearance of the Bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet. 9th June - 2nd Baouna

On this day, the church celebrates the appearance of the bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet, the disciple of Elijah the Prophet, in the city of Alexandria. Julian the Infidel wished to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, having been destroyed by Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus. He intended with malice to prove the invalidity of the saying of the Lord in the Holy Gospel: «Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left her upon another, that shall not be thrown down» (Matthew 24:2(. He supplied the Jewish people with money to rebuild it. He put Elebius, who asked the Jews to assist him secretly, in charge.

Many of the Jews, men, women, old and young, gathered. They started digging the foundation with eagerness, transferring the dirt and rocks away, some with baskets and the others in the tails of their dresses. St. Kyrillos (Cyril(, bishop of Jerusalem, ridiculed what they were doing.

When they finished raising the rocks of the old foundation, they started to put down the new one. A severe earthquake took place, filled the excavation with dirt, dispersed the building material and killed many of the workers. The Jews were not terrified of that, and returned to the work again. Out of the depths of the earth, fiery balls came, showering the workers with rocks and hitting them so they stopped building. Many of them believed because of that and especially because they had fulfilled the prophesy of the Lord Christ, with their hands, about the destruction of the building of the temple from its foundation.

St. Gregory the Theologian and St. John Chrysostom had mentioned this incident. The Jewish historian Emian, in the fifth century, had mentioned this account also incidentally in his writings. Nevertheless, the Jews told the Emperor, «The reason for what happened is the presence of the bodies of Christian leaders in that place. They must be removed from it, otherwise the temple will not be built.» Julian ordered that the bodies of the saints be removed from the place and burned. When they took the bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet to burn them, some believers came forward to the soldiers, gave them a sum of silver and took the two bodies. They brought them to St. Athanasius, Pope of Alexandria. He was pleased and placed them in a special place until he could build a church for them. One day St. Athanasius was sitting in the garden with his scribe, the one to be Pope Theophilos (23rd Pope( who succeeded him on the Chair, and told him, «If God gives me long days, I will build in this place a church in the names of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet, and I will lay their bodies in it.»

When Pope Theophilos was enthroned on the Chair of the

ىبنلا عشيلإو نادمعلما انحوي دسج روهظ ةينوي ٩ - ةنوؤب ٢ يدسج روهظ راكذتب ديعن مويلا اذه في يبنلا عشيلأو نادمعلما انحوي ينسيدقلا كلذو . ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدبم يبنلا ايليا ذيملت لكيه ينبي نأ رفاكلا سونايلوي دصق الم هنأ هنباو سونايسابسو همده امدعب ميلشروأ لوق لطبي نأ هيأر ءوسب ادصاق سطيت رجح انهه كتري لا هنأ « : ليجنلإا في برلا كلذل )3 : 34 تم( « ضقني لا رجح ليع لكوأو هءانب اوديعي كيل لالماب دوهيلا دمأ لىإ اسر دوهيلا اعد يذلا سويبيلا لىإ كلذ ءاسنلاو لاجرلا نم يرثك عمتجاف هتنواعم ساسلأا نورفحي اوأدبو نابشلاو خويشلاو مهضعب راجحلأاو ةبرتلأا نولقنيو ةمهب مهتيدرأ فارطأب رخلأا ضعبلاو فطاقلماب أزهي ميلشروأ فقسأ سليرك سيدقلا ناكو . اذه مهلمعب ميدقلا ساسلأا ةراجح عفر نم اوهتنا المو ةلزلز تثدح ديدجلا ساسلأا عضوب اومهو تاودأ تددبو ابارت رفحلا تلأم ةميظع اوعدتري ملف ةلعفلا ضعب تلتقو ءانبلا . ةيناث ةرم لمعلا لىإ اوداعو اذهب دوهيلا ةيران تارك ضرلأا فوج نم تجرخ ذئنيح ليع اومزع يتلا ةراجحلاب ةلعفلا تقشرو نمآف ءانبلا نع اوفكف ساسلأا في اهعضو تتم دقو اصوصخ كلذ ببسب نويرثك ءانب ضقن نع مهيديأب حيسلما ديسلا ةوبن ةصقلا هذه دروأ دقو هساسأ نم لكيهلا يبهذ انحويو سوغولؤيثلا سويروغيرغ يدوهيلا خرؤلما اضرع اهركذ ماك . مفلا . سماخلا نرقلا في نايما في ببسلا نا « : كلملل اولاق دوهيلا نكلو اذه في ىراصنلا ةئمأ داسجأ دوجو وه كلذ ينبي نلف لاإو . هنم اهعفر بجيو . ناكلما داسجأ جارخإب سونايلوي رمأف « لكيهلا اوجرخأ المو . اهقارحإو ناكلما نم ينسيدقلا عشيلأو نادمعلما انحوي ينسيدقلا يدسج نم يننمؤلما ضعب مدقت ماهقرحل يبنلا اوذخأو ةضفلا نم اغلبم مهوطعأو دنجلا سويسانثأ سيدقلا لىإ ماهب اوتأو نيدسجلا في ماهعضوو كلذب سرف ةيردنكسلإا اباب . ةسينك ماهل ينبي نأ لىإ صاخ ناكم ناتسبلا في اسلاج ناك مايلأا دحأ فيو هفلخ يذلا سليفؤاث ابابلا هبتاك هعمو ليجأ برلا لاطأ نا « هل لاقف سيركلا ليع مسا ليع ةسينك عضولما اذه في تينب عشيلاو نادمعلما انحوي ينسيدقلا نيذه سلج المو . « اهيف ماهيدسج عضأو يبنلا

See of St. Mark, he remembered what Pope Athanasius had told him. He built the church and relocated the pure bodies to it. On their way to the church carrying the holy bodies, they passed by a house of a pagan woman. This woman was in labor for the last four days. She had a difficult labor and she was in severe pain. When she heard the singing and the chanting of the people as they passed by, and when she knew what was happening, she vowed, saying, «O John, the saint of God, if you deliver me from this tribulation, I will become a Christian.» Before she had finished what she was saying, she gave birth to a boy, and she called him John. Then, her family and she were baptized. They laid the bodies with great honor in the church. Many miracles and wonders were manifested through them.

As of the end of Julian the infidel was as follows: He decided to declare a war against Sapor, King of Persia. St. Basilius the Great, the author of the liturgy, and some bishops went to meet him. Emperor Julian asked them, «Why have you come.» St. Basilius replied, «We came asking for a shepherd» He mocked them saying, «Where did you leave the son of the carpenter?» The Saint answered with courage and pride, «We left him making a coffin for you, for you have lost all wisdom and knowledge.» Julian told him, «I have read and memorized it.» St. Basilius replied, «But you did not comprehend it.» Julian became angry and ordered them seized, to be slain after his return from the war with Sapor. St. Basilius told him, «You will not come back, for God has spoken by my mouth.» The Emperor ordered them imprisoned. The Emperor went to the war. St. Basilius prayed before the icon of St. Marcurius Abu-saifain<\A>, asking for the chastisement of the Emperor because he insulted his Lord Christ. St. Marcurius disappeared from the icon, and when he returned, his sword was dripping blood. During the war, Julian was shot by an arrow in his liver. Thlodoritius said in his history of the church: «When this infidel Emperor was stabbed, he took a handful of the blood that was pouring out of his side and scattered it toward the heaven, saying, ‹You have defeated me O Son of Mary.›» The prophesy of St. Basilius was fulfilled in him and the church was saved from his evil. When St. Macarius, Bishop of Edko, was martyred, they placed his body with the bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet. May their prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Abraam, bishop of El-Fayyoum 10th June -

3rd Baouna

Today also, the saint Anba Abraam, Bishop of El-fayyoum and El-Giza, departed. This was in the year 1630 A.M. (June 10, 1914 A.D.(. This saint, whose name was Paul (Boulos(, was born in 1545 A.M. (1829 A.D.( in the Estate of “Gilda”, district of Mallawi, governate of Miniah, to righteous parents. They brought him up in a Christian manner. They sent him to the church school, where he

ةيسقرلما ةزاركلا سيرك ليع سليفؤاث ابابلا سويسانثأ ابابلا هلاق يذلا ملاكلا ركذت ثدح دقو نيرهاطلا نيدسجلا اهيلإ لقنو مامأ اوبرع نأ نيدسجلاب نورئاس مهو في ةسرعتم مايأ ةعبرأ اهل ةينثو ةأرما تيب تملع المو لافتحلاا ةجض تعمسف ةدلاولا انحوي هللا سيدق اي : ةلئاق ترذن ببسلا ةيناصرن تصر ةدشلا هذه نم توجن اذإ هتمسأف ادلو تعضو ىتح اهتملك متت لمو امأ اهتيب لهأو يه تدمعت مث انحوي دقو ةسينكلا في ماهوعضو دقف نادسجلا سونايلوي امأ ، ةيرثك بئاجع ماهنم ترهظ : تيأي ماك هتياهن تناكف رفاكلا كلم روباس دض برحب مايقلاب لع مزع يربكلا سويليساب سيدقلا هلباقف سرفلا لاقف ةفقاسلأا ضعبو ، سادقلا عضاو « سويليساب هباجأ ؟ متضرح اذالم مهل نيأو « مكهتب هل لاقف « ايعار بلطن انيتأ ءايبركو ةماهشب هباجأف « راجنلا نبا تكرت لك تدقف كنلأ اتوبات كل عنصي هانكرت « دق « سونايلوي هل لاق « ةفرعمو ملع سويليساب هيلع درف « اهتظفحو اهتأرق سونايلوي ظاتغاف « اهمهفت لم كنكلو « دعب توملل مهمدقيل مهيلع ضبقلاب رمأو ملف لاإو ، دوعت نل « هل لاقف هعوجر . مهنجسب رمأ مث « يمف ليع هللا قطني مامأ سيدقلا ليص برحلل بهذ نأ دعبو هبيدأت ابلاط ينفيس وبأ سويروقرم ةنوقيأ سويروقرم باغف عوسي هديسل هتناهأ ليع فيو . امد رطقي هفيسو عجر مث ةروصلا نع لاقو هدبك في مهس سونايلوي باصأ برحلا كلذ نعط الم سينكلا هخيرات في ستيرودولث قفدتلما مدلا هيفك في يقلت رفاكلا كللما دقل « : لائاق ءماسلا وحن هثرنو هبنج نم ةوبن هيف تمتف « ميرم نبا اي ينترهق نم ةسينكلا تجنو ، سويليساب سيدقلا فقسأ سويراقم سيدقلا دهشتسا المو هشر انحوي يدسج عم هدسج اوعضو وكدأ نوكت مهتلاص . يبنلا عشيلأو نادمعلما .ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم مويفلا فقسأ ماربا ابنلاا ةحاين ةنوؤب 3 - ةينوي ١٠ مآربأ ابنلأا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ١63٠ ةنس في كلذو ةزيجلاو مويفلا فقسأ م ١٩١4 ةنس وينوي ١٠ ( راربلأا ءادهشلل سلوب همسا ناكو سيدقلا اذه دلو . ) ةدلج ةبزعب ) ١8٢٩ ( ش ١545 ةنس في ينيقت نيدلاو نم اينلما ةيريدم يولم زكرم باتكلا هلاخدأو ةيحيسم ةيبرت هايبرف ةسينكلا ليتاترلا ةينيدلا مولعلا هيف يقلتف

learned religious subjects and the church hymns. As he was a very bright student, Anba Yousab, the Bishop of Sunabbo ordained him a deacon for the church of Gilda. His heart longed for the monastic life, so he went to El-Muharrak monastery where he was ordained a monk by the name of .Paul Gabriel El-Muharraki. He was nineteen years old He was meek, humble, had a pure life, and he prayed much in seclusion. Accordingly, the monks loved him exceedingly. When Anba Yakoubos, bishop of El-Meniah, heard of him, he summoned him. He retained him in the episcopate for a period of time during which he promoted him to a priest. When he returned to his monastery, the monks with a consensus decided to make him the abbot over the monastery after the death of their Abbot. He was then promoted to archpriest (hegumen( in the days of Abba Demitrius the second (111th Patriarch(. He remained Abbot of the monastery for five years, during which the monastery was the refuge for thousands of the poor. So he was called the father of the poor and the destitute. During his time as abbot, he did not spare an effort to improve the condition of the monastery spiritually and physically. He improved its finances by developing its agricultural land. As he increased his charity toward the poor, the orphans and the widows, some of the monks became more resentful of him, for they considered these charitable works as squandering and extravagant acts. They complained against him to Anba Morcos, Metropolitan of El-Behira, who was the acting Patriarch after the death of Pope Demitrius. Anba Morcos accepted their complaints and deposed him as the abbot of their monastery. Shortly after his dismissal, he left El-Muharrak monastery and went to the monastery of El-Baramous. Several monks from the El-Muharrak monastery went to the monastery of El-Baramous, with archpriest Bolous (Abba Abraam(, because they did not like the attitudes of the complaining monks. He stayed there for some time studying the .Bible and teaching the monks The abbot of the monastery of El-Baramous at that time was archpriest Youhanna the Scribe, who became later on Pope Kyrillos the fifth (112th Patriarch(. In the year 1597 A.M. (1881 A.D.(, Pope Kyrillos the Fifth chose and ordained him a bishop for the parish of El-Fayyoum and El-Giza. He replaced its reposed bishop, Anba Eisak, and was ordained with the name of Abba .Abraam

:During his episcopate, he became famous for two attributes The First: His charity to the multitude of poor that came to

ابنلأا همسر هنارقأ ينب اغوبن رهظأ المو . ةسينك ليع اسماش وبنص فقسأ باسوي ريد دصقف ةنبهرلا لىإ هبلق لامو هتدلب لايبرغ سلوب مساب ابهار مسرو قرحلما . هرمع نم شرع ةعساتلا في يقرحلما يرثك ةيرسلا رهاط اعضاوتم اعيدو ناكو ماج ابح نابهرلا هبحأف ةلاصلل دارفنلاا فقسأ سوبوكاي ابنلأا ذئتقو هب عمسو ةدم هاقبتساو هيلإ هاعدتساف اينلما ، سق ةبتر لىإ اهئانثأ في هاقر ةيفقسلأاب ذئتقو ارماع ناك يذلا هريد لىإ داع المو نأ ليع مهتملك تقفتا ءايقتلأا نابهرلاب مهسيئر ةافو دعب مهل اسيئر هوراتخي سويتريمد ابابلا مايأ في اصمق يقرو . سمخ ثبلو )١١١( كريرطبلا نياثلا أجلم ريدلا اهيف ناك ريدلل اسيئر تاونس بأ بقل هيلع قلطأ ىتح ءارقفلا فلالآ ةدم في ادهج لأي لمو . ينكاسلماو ءارقفلا ايحور ريدلا ةلاح ينسحت وحن هتسائر هيضارأ حلاصإو هتورث ءانمإو ايدامو ةيعارزلا ناكو مالك ارب دادزا ءارقفلاب اناسحإو ىماتيلل لمارلأاو دادزا دقح ضعب نابهرلا هيلع مهنلأ اوناك نوبرتعي هذه لماعلأا ةييرخلا افاسرإ اريذبتو اورمذتف نارطم سقرم ابنلأا لىإ هوكشو هيلع ةباينلاب ذئتقو ائماق ناك يذلا ةيرحبلا لبقف سويتريمد ابابلا ةافول ةيكريرطبلا دعبو ريدلا ةسائر نم هلزعو مهتياكش ريد كرت ةسائرلا هلازتعا نم يرسي نمز ماقأو سومبرلا ريد لىإ بهذو قرحلما باتكلا سرد لاإ هل لمع لا ةدم هب ذئتقو ريدلا سيئر ناكو نابهرلا ميلعتو

the bishopric residence. He gave them all what he had of money. He made the bishopric residence a shelter for many of them. He offered clothing for those who had no clothes and food for those who were hungry. He never allowed anyone to offer him food that was better than that offered to the poor. Once he went down to visit the poor while they were eating, and found that the food he was offered that day was better than that offered to them. He became very sad, and immediately relieved the nun supervising the feeding service of .the poor from her duties

The Second: He was famous for his prayer of faith. Many miracles were performed, through his prayers, on his hands. His fame was spread to all parts of Egypt and also to some parts of Europe. Many patients, of different religions, came to him, seeking the blessing of his prayers and were healed. Anba Abraam was well read of the holy books. He always gave to his visitors advice, instructions and sermons which showed the great depth of his knowledge. More important was that he possessed a pure nature and many virtues. Particularly, his severe denial of himself, and his true renouncement of the pleasures of life and its vain glory. His food and clothing were just bare necessities. His ambition never looked up to the glory of higher ranks or positions. When the Patriarch wanted to promote him to the rank of metropolitan he apologized saying that the Holy Bible did not mention any ranks in the priesthood .except the ranks of the priest and the bishop He was also straightforward in revealing his own opinion, looking only for the truth. He never gave any attention to the rank and greatness of people in higher places, for their greatness was far less than the greatness of the truth. For this reason, all the metropolitans and bishops of the church .avoided his anger and sought to please him Abba Abraam departed to the heavenly bless on the 3rd day of Baouna, 1630 A.M. (June 10, 1914 .A.D.(

More than ten thousand Christian and Moslems walked in his funeral precession. His pure body was laid in the tomb, which was prepared for him in the monastery of the Virgin Mary in El-Ezab. Many miracles were manifested through him after his departure, and his tomb became and still is a pilgrimage for many who have special needs or .infirmities

May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen

سليرك ابابلا دعب مايف راص يذلا خسانلا انحوي صمقلا سومبرلا ريد لىإ بهذ ماك . )١١٢( كريرطبلا سماخلا نيذلا قرحلما ريد نابهر نم طهر سلوب صمقلا عم ١5٩7 ةنس فيو هب نيرمذتلما مهناوخإ لاح مهبجعي لم افقسأ سماخلا سليرك ابابلا هراتخا ) م١88١ ةنس ( ش ابنلأا حينتلما اهفقسأ نم لادب ةزيجلاو مويفلا ةيشربلأ في رهتشا دقو مآربأ ابنلأا مساب هتماسر تمتف كاسيإ : نيرمأب هتيفقسأ ةدم : لولأا راد نودصقي اوناك نيذلا نييرثكلا ءارقفلل هاياطع دقو . لالما نم هيدل نوكي ام لك مهبهيف ةيفقسلأا مدقي ناكو . مهنم نييرثكل يوأم ةيفقسلأا راد لعج نأب اقلطم حمسي لمو ينعئاجل اماعطو يننايرعلل ابايث ةرم قفتاو ءارقفلل مدقي مام رخفأ ماعط هيلإ مدقي ظحلاف ماعطلا نولوانتي مهو ءارقفلا دقفتيل لزن نأ مام رخفأ ناك مويلا كلذ في هيلإ مدق يذلا ماعطلا نأ ةبهارلا لاقأ لاحلا فيو نزحلا هرواسف مهمامأ هدجو . اهلمع نم ءارقفلا ةمدخب ةلكوم تناك يتلا نياثلا رملأا امأ ليع اهتطساوب ترج يتلا نايملأا وهف هب رهتشأ يذلا ءاحنأ في همسا عاذ ىتح ةديدع ءافش تايآ هيدي ضيرلما هدصقي ناكو اضيأ ابروأ نادلب ضعبو رطقلا نولانيو هتلاصب نوكرابتيف مهنايدأ نيابت ليع اجاوفأ . ءافشلا ةسدقلما بتكلا ليع علاطلإا عساو مآربأ ابنلأا ناكو لدت تاظعو ميلاعتو حئاصن ائماد هيرئاز ليع يقلي مهلأا نكلو سدقلما باتكلا راسرأب هملع ةرفو ليع . ةمج لئاضفو ةيقن تافص اذ ناك هنأ كلذ نم اديدش اراكنإ هتاذل هراكنإ تافصلا كلت صخأ نمو هماعطف اهداجمأو ةايحلا ذلام في يقيقحلا هدهزو نكت لم هسفنو ةروضرلا دح طق ازواجتي لم هسابلو كريرطبلا نأ ىتح بترلاو بصانلما ةهبأ لىإ حمطت اهلوبق نع رذتعا ةينارطلما ةبتر لىإ هعفري نأ دارأ الم ةسينكلا بتر نم ركذي لا سدقلما باتكلا نأ هلوقب ناك هنأ اضيأ هتافص نمو . ةيفقسلأاو ةيسيسقلا لاإ لاو . هيأر ءادبإ في ةحاصرلا دودح صيقأ لىإ احيصر همامأ لءاضتتف ، هتاذل قحلا لىإ لاإ لوقي مايف رظني هللاجو قحلا ةبيه مامأ ءابركلا زكارمو ءماظعلا ةبيه هبضغ نوقتي اهتفقاسأو ةسينكلا ةنراطم ناك كلذلو . .هاضر نونمتيو ش ١63٠ ةنس ةنوؤب 3 في ميعنلا لىإ مآربا ابنلأا لقتناو ةشرع نم ثركأ برقلا لىإ هعيشف ) م١٩١4 ةينوي ١٠ ( هنماثج عضوو ينيحيسلماو ينملسلما نم سفن فلاآ بزعلاب ءارذعلا ريد في هل ةدعلما ةبرقلما في رهاطلا لزت لم ثيح هتافو دعب يرثك تايآ هنم ترهظ دقو . ةكرب. عاجولأاو تاجاحلا ووذ اهروزي ةبعك هتبرقم ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص Feast of Holy Ascention Thursday 13th June 2024 Liturgy at St Mary’s Church 9 - 11am

Fifth Sunday of the Holy Pentecost

John 14: 1-11

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me” John 14:1

One of the most troubling in any man’s life … is to ponder his or her surroundings … and for one to find himself or herself without a goal (destination in life( … without a future … not knowing where one is going or which direction to take, which is being lost (in life( … one continues in living without enjoyment … aiming to an unknown target … without any planning … it is rather agonising for one to feel that he or she is not in control of ones-self … but one became just a traveller on a speeding train (of life( to unknown destination … one might fall in the see … or collide with another object … or one will never reach a purpose (in life( … it is the feeling of being lost … and the more troubling in this, is that life nowadays in our modern world … it offers you all things you desire … but one is never satisfied with anything … and not content with all things … for, the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing (Ecclesiastes 1:8(, nor the tongue is finished with talking nor the stomachs are filled from eating … since all is without a clear goal … for instance; one will find a person attending a party and inviting friends to dance and be merry and spending a good time … thinking when one dance’s and goes round and round with others will be comforted and release one’s troubles … but (truly( examine this poor soul in the following day … is a broken person, despising himself or herself and mourning their luck and has no hope to care for nor a goal to aim for … and thus such person will be tired (of life( and asking … what one can do????????

+ Let not your heart be troubled … in My Father’s house are many mansions

Beloved, why are worried??? Why do you feel lost??? Have you forgotten, there are a place awaiting you in heavens … even, if the whole earth rejected you, you will not be lost in heavens … but how??? Is there a place for me??? (Yes( There is the One who bought you a place … and paid the full price for (this place( … He paid with His own precious Blood for this mansion … the person who knows that he or she has a place (in heavens( … one will find them peaceful… consoled… never troubled with anything (worldly( … even with the harshest tribulations … the three young men went to exile … three young men (still in the spring of

ةسدقملا نيسامخلا نم سماخلا دحلأا 11 – 1 :14 انحوي نونمؤت متنأ .. مكبولق برطضت لا « 1 :14 انحوي ىب اونمآف للهاب نا ... ناسنأ ىأ ةايح ىف ءيش بعصأ لاب يضمي هسفن دجيف ... هلوح رظني فرعي لا ... لبقتسم لاب 000 فده روعشلا هنا هجتي فيك لاو يضمي نيأ معط لا ةايح يف يضمي ... عئاض هنأب ..هفرعي لا فده ىلا هجتيو ... اهل ملؤم ءيش هنا لب ... هل ططخي ملو لا حبصأ هنا ناسنلاا رعشي نا رثكأ حبصأ هنا ... هسفن رمأ ىتح كلمي ةعرسب يضمي راطق يف بكار درجم طقسي امبر ..لوهجم فده ىلا ةقراخ ... ءيشب مدطصي امبر ... رحبلا ىف هنا ..ءيش يأ ىلا ادبأ لصي لا امبر ... عايضلاب روعشلا هنأ رملاا ىف بعتي ىذلا ءىشلاو مويلا ةثيدحلا ةيندملا ةايح يه اذكه كنكلو ... هديرت ءيش لك كيطعت ... ىلا حاترت لاو ... ءيش نم عبشت لا رظنلا نم عبشت لا نيعلاف ... ءيش ناسللاو عمسلا نم ئلتمت لا نذلااو ئلتمت لا نطبلاو ملاكلا نع فكي لا لاب وه هلك هنلأ ... ماعط نم عبشت لاو بهذي لاثم اناسنا دجت ... حضاو فده صقرلل ضعبلا هوعديو ةلفح ىلا ... مهلا لتقو تقولا ءاضق ىوعدب صقريو صقري امدنع هنا نظيو نيرخلآا لوحو هسفن لوح روديو نكلو ... هبعت نع جرفيو حاتري هنا لاتلا مويلا ىف نيكسملا اذه ىلا رظنا بدنيو هسفن رقتحي مطحم ناسنا ... ... اهب متهي ةليضف هل دعي ملو هظح فقي انهو ... هيلا ريسي فده وأ اذام ... لأسي ... ادودهم ابعتم ناسنلاا ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟لعفأ ىبأ تيب ىف ... مكبولق برطضت لا + ةريثك لزانم ادامل ؟؟؟بيبحلا اهيأ فاخت اذامل نا تيسن له ؟؟؟ عايضلاب رعشت ىتح ...ءامسلا ىف كرظتني اناكم كانه كسفن دجت نلف اهلك ضرلاا كتذبن ول نكلو ... ءامسلا ىف كانه قوف اعئاض نم كانه ؟؟؟اناكم يل فيك ؟؟؟فيك ..لاماك نمثلا عفد ... اناكم كل ىرتشأ ... لزنملا اذهل انمث ميركلا همد عفد ..اناكم هل نأ فرعي يذلا ناسنلأا نأ نم بعتي لا ..ائداه ..انئمطم هدجت ...دئادشلا دشأ نم ىتح ..ءيش ..يبسلا ىلا ةثلاثلا ةيتفلا بهذ

tier life( … found themselves in Babylon … the capital of the world at that time … in the palace of the king which is full of that is desirable from the worldly offerings … but, there they remembered one thing … that is; this place of exile is not their home nor the palace is their palace … for their home is in Jerusalem … and their (true( palace is there where God’s altar is (in Jerusalem’s Temple( … because of this, they despised all (of they found in Babylon( … and rejected it … and when (the captures( wanted to force them to bring their hearts closer to their gods, they refused … and preferred to be thrown into the fire and not to sacrifice their true home (Daniel 3( … Moses felt estranged in pharaoh’s palace in the land of Egypt more than any estrangement he felt in the wilderness … in pharaoh’s palace which is full of all the riches and enticing possessions he felt a stranger in this place and people … preferring instead to be subjugated with God’s people than the temporarily pleasures with sins (in the life in Egypt( (Exodus 7-8( Abraham father of fathers … there in Ur the Chaldeans … his birth place … and in Haran too, where he settled with his family … he still felt as a stranger … have you ever heard of a person feels a stranger in his own homeland??? This land was a strange land for him … but there, in the land of Canaan … where he dwelt in a tent (Genesis 11-13( … he felt peace and comfort … to the extent that he flatly refused for his son Isaac to go this land once more to choose a wife for marriage (Genesis 24( … and his grandson Jacob returned and lived there for twenty years … but still considered himself a stranger from his own homeland and people … for their hearts in reality was attached to the promised land which God had promised to give to them as an inheritance for ever … And you beloved … where is your heart set??? Where is your (true( home??? Do feel that you have become a part of this strange land which you live in?? do feel because you live in Australia and had become an Australian lite them??? You wear the same clothing … eat the same food and dwell in the same houses … and have the same habits … they drink alcoholic drinks and get drunk, then you drink and get drunk (too( … they dance and have fun in promiscuity and vulgar and you imitate them (too( … they gamble and you

مامأ مهسفنأ اودجو ..راغص نابش ةثلاث ىف ..تقولا كلذ ىف ملاعلا ةمصاع ..لباب تاوهشلاو تايرغملاب ءيلملا كلملا رصق اوركذت اذه لك مامأ مهنكلو ..ةيملاعلا مهنطو سيل يبسلا اذه نأ ..ادحاو ائيش يف كانه مهنطو نأ ..مهرصق سيل اذهو ..الله حبذم ثيح كانه مهرصقو ..ميلشروأ امدنعو ..هوضفرو ..اذه لك اورقتحا كلذلو نم مهبولق بذجنتل مهومغري نأ اودارأ نأ ىف اوقلي نأ اولضفو ..اوضفر مههلأ ءارو ... يقيقحلا نطولاب اوحضي نأ ىلع نارينلا ىف وهو ةبرغلاب رعشي ىسوم ناك دقل ريثكب رثكأ رصم ضرا يف نوعرف رصق ةيربلا ىف وهو اهب رعش ىتلا ةبرغلا نم رخافملا لكب ءيلملا نوعرف رصق ىف ... اكملا اذه نع بيرغ هنأ رعش ..تايرغملاو لضفو ..بعشلا اذه نع بيرغو ... ن نوكي نا ىلع الله بعش عم لذي نا ىرحلأاب ... ةيطخلاب يتقو عتمت هل روأ ىف كانه ... ءابلاا بآ ميهاربأ ... هدلايم لحم ... هنطوم ... نيينادلكلا ضعب رقتسا ثيح اضيا ناراح ىف كانهو له ..ةبرغلاب رعشي ناك ... هترسا دارفا هتيب يف ةبرغلاب رعشي ناسنا نع متعمس ... هنع ةبيرغ ضرلاا هذه تناك اذكه ؟؟؟ نكسي ثيح ... ناعنك ضرا ىف كانه اما ةحارلاو ملاسلاب رعشي ناكف ..هتميخ ىف هنبا دوعي نا امامت ضفر هنا ىتح ... جوزتيل ىرخأ ةرم ضرلاا هذه ىلا قحسا شاعو كانه ىلا عجر هديفح بوقعيو ... ابرغتم هسفن ربتعاو ..اهيف ةنس نيرشع ةقيقحلا ىف مهبولق ... هلهأو هضرأ نع الله دعو ثيح دعوملا ضرأب ةقلعتم تناك ... ايدبا اثاريم مهيطعي نا نيا ؟؟؟كبلق راص نيا ... بيبحلا اهيا تنأو ؟؟؟كلزنم وه هذه نم اءزج تحبصا كنأ رعشت له له ؟؟اهيف شيعت يتلا ةبيرغلا ضرلاا ترصو ايلارتسا يف شيعت كنأ رعشت لكأت ... مهسبلام سبلت ؟؟؟ايلارتسا مهلثم كل تراصو ... مهتويب ىف نكست ..مهماعط تنأو نوركسيو نوبرشي مه ... مهتاداع نوجم ىف نوصقري مه ... ركستو برشت تناو نورماقي مه ... مهدلقت تناو ةعلاخو ةبعللا نونف ملعتتل دهتجتو مهلثم رماقت نورعيو مهداسجأ نونيزي مه ... اهلوصاو ... تناو ةيندملاو ةضوملا ىوعدب مهسفنأ ... مهنم ادحاو ترص فسلألايو ؟؟يوامسلا كنطو بيبحلا اهيا تيسن له له ؟؟؟ضرلاا هذه ىف ابيرغ كنإ تيسن له قيلي لاو ناكمل ا ا ذه يف رفاسم كنإ تيسن هتعتمأب ىقليو هسفن ىسني نأ رفاسملاب يتلا رظانملاب لغشنيو هرفس نع فلختيو

gamble like them and even study the art of (gambling( and its origins … they adorn themselves and display their bodies (almost( naked on the pretence of modernity and fashion and you … alas, had become one of them …

Have you forgotten, beloved, your heavenly home?? Have you forgotten that you are a stranger on this earth??? Have you forgotten that you are heading to that place (in heavens( and it is not befitting of such sojourner to forget oneself and throw away his or her luggage and be delayed on his journey being involved with the local sceneries …?

Beloved, re-examine yourself and remember well there is a mansion awaiting you in heavens and if you delay yourself with what is here on earth, then you will never arrive (to the mansion in heavens( … for the Light which accompany you on the way … is with you for little longer … But, how do I know the way??? But we do not know where You are going (Lord(, and how can we know the way … + I am the way, the truth, and the life

I am the way … the only way that leads to the heavenly mansions … and there is no other way leading to this place … maybe the philosophers of the world will say to you … there are many other ways … but, this is not true ever, Simon the sorcerer … who astonished the people of Samaria with his sorcery … to the extent that they thought such was the powers of a great gods (Acts 8( … but, such was not ever the way … even Simon himself new this … and he tried to gain the faith … but he tried to enter the faith with his old corrupt believes … and because of this he suffered greatly and could not attain salvation for himself … so, he tried to gain the gifts of God with money such as he obtained his knowledge of his corrupt sorcery (Acts 8:20( There are many ways appear to be straight for man … but its end is destruction … because it is not the Way, ask king Solomon the wise … who said of himself … Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, for my heart rejoiced in all my labour; and this was my reward from all my labour. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labour in which I had toiled; and indeed, all was vanity and grasping for the wind (Ecclesiastes 2 :10-12( …

Ask Saint Augustine … who told us in his confessions, that he left no desire untried nor a sin without committing it … he tried to find comfort and pleasures in all worldly pleasures … but he failed since

... قيرطلا يف ركذتو كسفن ىلا عجرا بيبحلا اهيا ىف كرظتني لازنم كل كانه نا ا ديج لصت نا عيطتست نل كنأو ءامسلا ىف انه اه كسفن تلطع ول كانه ىلا يف كبحصي يذلا رونلاف ... ضرلاا اريسي انامز مكعم ... ةلحرلا قيرط ... انسل ؟؟؟قيرطلا فرعأ فيك نكلو ردقن فيكف ... براي بهذت نيا ملعن ... قيرطلا فرعن نأ ةايحلاو قحلاو قبرطلاوه انا + ا ديحولا قيرطلاو ... قيرطلاوه انا 00 ةيوامسلا لزانملا ىلا ىدؤي ىذل يدؤي هاوس رخآ قيرط كانه سيلو ملاعلا ةفسلاف امبر ... كانه ىلا ةريثك ىرخأ قرط كانه ..كل نولوقي ادبأ احيحص اذه سيلو ... لهأ شهدي .ناك ... رحاسلا نوميس اونظ مهنأ ىتح ... هرحسب ةرهاسلا نكلو ... ةميظعلا الله ةوق ىه هذه نا نا لب ... ادبا قيرطلأ وه اذه نكي مل لواحو ... كلذ فرع هسفن نوميس نا لواح هنكلو ... ناميلاا لخدي نا دسافلا هناميأ هعمو ناميلاا لخدي نا عطتسي ملو ا دج بعت كلذلو ... نا دارأ ... هسفن صلاخ ىلع ظفاحي ىنتقا املثم لاملاب الله بهاوم ىنتقي ... ةدسافلا رحسلا مولع ناسنلإل رهظت ةريثك قرط كانه كلاهلا وه اهتياهن نكلو ... ةميقتسم قيرطلا اذه نم تسيل اهنلأ ... لوقي يذلا 000 ميكحلا ناميلس لاسأ هتهتشا امهم لوقي هنأ ... هسفن نع مل ... اهنع هكسما مل يانيع تفتلا مث ... حرف لك نم يبلق عنما يادي اهتلمع يتلا يلامعأ لك ىلا اذاف هلمع يف هتبعت ىذلا بعتلا ىلاو :2 ةعماج ... حيرلا ضبقو لطاب لكلا ... 12 -10 سونيطسغا سيدقلا لاسأ نع هتافارتعا ىف ثدحتي يذلا ... لاو اهبرجو لاا ةوهش كرتي مل هنا دجي نا لواح ... اهلمعو لاا ةيطخ ملاعلا نم ءيش يأ يف هتحارو هتذل نع ثحبي ناك هنلأ لشف هنكلو ... سيل ىدلا ... الله نع ا ديعب ةحارلا اهيا تنأو ... هيف لاا ةحار كانه دنع ةحارلا نع ثحبت له بيبحلا ؟؟›؟لكاشم كدنع ناك امبر ؟؟؟ملاعلا ؟؟؟ملاعلا ىلا ؟؟؟كلكاشمب بهذت نيأ ... ديزي فوس امب كحصني فوص ملاعلا

he was seeking comfort away from God … where there are no-comfort except in Him … and you beloved do you seek comfort from the world??? Maybe you have a few problems??? Where do you go with your problems??? To the (earthly( world???

The (earthly( world will advise you with what will increase your problems … because the world does not know the Way.

Come to the true Way and there you will find your way to the heavenly home …

+ I am the truth … the truth has no deceptions … but the worldly truth is full of deceptions …

When you are troubled … (the world( will say to you … occupy yourself … be merry … sing and dance … get drunk … so you can forget your troubles and problems … isn’t this the worst deception, lies and deceit any person can experience …

When you experiencing some problems at home … or there is a small misunderstanding between you and your life long partner … the world says … leave him or her … and go in the way of sinful acts … go out and enjoy the worldly (life( … and this way, you will lose yourself and your children too … you will lose the peace between you and your family … this is a painful deception … beloved, the Lord Christ … is the only Truth too …

And God’s commandments are the Truth which never fail … never ever try any other commandments except God’s commandments … all other decrees are false and deceptions which lead to destruction

+ I am the life … the life which has no death … the life which is everlasting for ever … the world would say to you … live your life and in this it means your life in the world … in darkness and sins … but the Lord Jesus wants to give you the everlasting life … But you might say; beloved … I know all this … only show us the Father … so we can go on the Way and know the Truth and enjoy life … and here is the answer …

+ Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip

All this time and you haven’t known the Father … beloved … the Lord is present in His life-giving commandments in the holy bible … He is present in His Body and Blood which are offered on the Altar for the salvation of mankind … don’t go far, (the Lord( is very near … the Lord is calling you beloved to come to Him …

I am in the Father and the Father in Me … And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son (John 14: 11-13(.

لا ملاعلا نلأ ... كبعاتمو.قيرطلاكلكاشم فرعي ك انهو يقيقحلا قيرطلا ىلا ىلاعت ... يوامسلا نطولا ىلا لصت فوس سيل يذلا قحلا 000 قحلا وه انأ يملاعلا قحلا امأ ... عادخ يأ هيف 000 عادخ هلك نولوقي ... اقياضتم نوكت امدنع صقرأ ... كحضا ..ىلست ..كل كمه ىسنت ىتح ... ركسأ... ىنغو عادخ اوسأ وه سيلا ... كتقيضو ... ناسنلاا هيف عقي ليلضتو بذكو وأ ... كتيب ىف اقياضتم نوكت امدنع نيبو كتيب مهافت ءوس درجم ثدح لوقي ... كتايح ةكيرش وا كيرش ... اهكرتا وأ ..هكرتا ... ملاعلا كل وا ... ةيطخلا قيرط ىف يضمأو اذكهو ... ملاعلاب كسفن حرف جرخأ ... اضيا كدلاواو كسفن رسخت مك ... كترساو كتيب ملاس رسختو ..ملؤم عادخ نم وه حيسملا ديسلا نا ... بيبحلا اهيا ... اضيأ ديحولا قحلا وه... لشفي لا يذلا قحلا ىه الله اياصوو اياصو برجت نأ كايا 000 ادبا اياصولا ... الله اياصو ىوس ىرخا ىدؤت لاو عادخ يف عادخ يه ىرخلاا ... كلاهلا ىلا لاإ اهيف سيل يتلا ةايحلا ..ةايحلا وه انا ... دبلاا ىلا مودت يتلا ةايحلا ... توم كتايح شيع ... ملاعلا يف كل نولوقي يف ... ملاعلا ىف اعبط نودصقي عرسي برلا امأ ... ةيطخلاو ةملظلا ... ةيدبلاا ةايحلا كيطعي نأ ديريف ىنأ ... بيبحلا اهيا لوقت دق نكلو نا ديرن طقف ... اذه لك فرعا قيرطلا ىف ريسن ىتح ... بلاا يرن انهو ..ةايحلاب عتمتتو قحلا فرعنو ..ةباجلاا ملو هتدم هذه انامز مكعم انا + سبليفاي ىنفرعت ... بلاا فرعت ملو نامزلا اذه لك دوجوم انه برلا نأ ... بيبحل ا اهيا باتكلا يف هييحملا هاياصو ىف همدو هدسج ىف دوجوم ... سدقملا لجلأ مدقملا حبذملا ىلع نييحملا اديعب بهذت لا ... ةيرشبلا صلاخ اهيأ كيداني برلا نأ ..ادج بيرق هنا ... هيلا ىتأتل بيبحلا امهمو ... ىف بلااو بلاا ىف انا بلآا دجمتيل هلعفأ كلذف يمسإب متلأس 12 - 11 :14 انحوي نبلااب

From Resurrection to Pentecost –

6. Christ the Conqueror of the World (John 16:33(

The last week of the holy fifty days is about Jesus Christ our Victory. In the world well have a lot of hardship “but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33(. (. Among such hardships and tribulations, there are some coming from within us such as love of the world and love of praise. The Holy Bible tells us that “even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:42,43(. They could not confess Christ as their redeemer, nor (. could they preach the Gospel of the good News to others. They cared more about staying in the synagogue and receiving the praise of men rather than living in the victory of having all these bondages broken off of them. St. Paul said it explicitly that “for if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10(. (. If the Lord overcame the world for our sake, in Him we too can overcome all tribulations and complications and become victorious. I say this to all the youth who do not find the courage to say no to bad company, bad places, and bad habits and urge them to be able to say with St. Peter: “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29(. Of ( course we need to have love for and reconciliation with every one. However, if need arise, forcing us to make a choice; then we must choose pleasing God repeating with St. Paul, “for if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10(.

7. Christ Announcing the Comforter (John 15:26(

The seventh week is the celebration of the long-waited-for coming of the Comforter, Teacher, Interpreter, Intercessor, Knowledgeable, Infallible Holy Spirit that our Lord Jesus Christ had promised to send; and on whose coming depended the understanding and revelation of the secrets of the Kingdom of God.

In order to appreciate the Holy Spirit we have to understand His role in the Church and in our lives as members in the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the: Our Lord Jesus Christ left a lot to be done by the Holy Spirit because the former knew that without the latter the disciples would not be able to understand nor bear to hear the secrets of the kingdom of God. Without the Holy Spirit we would be orphans. The adoption to the Father occurred by Christ, the son, through the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit the human failing memory would have rendered Christ an old forgotten episode instead of a live everlasting Redeemer.

Teacher: “He will teach you all things” (John 14:26).

Interpreter: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20,21).

Intercessor: “For we do not know what we should pray for as “For we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26).

Reminder: “bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).

Our Lord Jesus Christ left a lot to be done by the Holy Spirit; because the former knew that without the latter the disciples would not be able to understand nor bear to hear the secrets of the kingdom of God. Without the Holy Spirit we would be “orphans”. The adoption to the Father occurred by Christ, the son, through the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit the human failing memory would have rendered Christ an old forgotten episode instead of a live everlasting Redeemer.

May the period between the Resurrection and the descent of the Holy Spirit be a period of contemplation upon the Person of Jesus Christ: who He is, and what He has done for us; as well as an appreciation of the work of the Holy spirit in us to bring us closer to the Father, help us witness to the Son and keep Him, the Holy Spirit, always alive and kindled in us. Amen.

by H G Bishop Youssef
Link for booking https://forms. gle/PLyy9juV5GYrfJfGA

The Holy Feast of Ascension –

We celebrate two great feasts on a Thursday. The first great feast of the Lord is Great Thursday of the Holy Pascha, on which the Lord gave us the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The second is the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord into Heaven, after He spent forty days with His disciples. This Thursday is also a Feast of the Lord called the Feast of Ascension. By the Ascension of the Lord, we mean His bodily Ascension. Because in His divinity, He is everywhere, He does not ascend nor descend. Therefore, in the Liturgy of St. Gregory we say “And You ascended into the heavens in the body…” This ascension is evidence that His Glorified Body is not subject to the earth’s gravitational laws. It is also evidence of His Divinity. He ascended before His disciples as they were looking. This scene strengthened their faith because the Lord not only resurrected using His Divine power, but He also ascended into heaven in front of them.

In His ascension to Heaven, He did not leave His church alone on Earth. He told them before His ascension “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Mt. 28:20 (. Christ stayed with the church, and they did not feel His material presence . only, but also His spiritual presence…He appeared to St. Paul the Apostle more than once. He also appeared to St. John the disciple on the Island of Patmos and gave him letters to the Seven Churches.

By His ascension, He sat on the right hand of His Father. This is according to what was said in St. Mark’s Gospel “So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.” (Mk. 16:19 (. Sitting on the right hand of God fulfilled God’s promise to Him in the Old Testament saying: “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.’” (Ps 110:1 (. This event was witnessed by St. Ste- . Ste phen the Archdeacon during the time of his martyrdom (Act 7:56 (. St. Paul the Apostle also spoke about this in his epistle to Hebrews (1:20; 8:1; 12:2(. (.

And His ascension to Heaven, and sitting on the right hand of the Father, all that means the end of the statement “made Himself of no reputation.” (Phil 2:7 (. The statement, “on the right hand of the Father” means in the power and holiness of the Father. God who fills all does not have a right and a left side like limited beings. However, the right means the power and holiness (Ps. 118:16 (. So, sitting on the right . hand of the Father means ending making Himself of no reputation, and going back to the form of power that He gave up in His Incarnation. The statement “sat” means settled, meaning that He will not go back to being of no reputation again. Therefore, in His second coming He will come in power and great glory (Mt. 25:31 (. Moreover, the ascension of the Lord Christ to Heaven makes us direct our sights to Heaven where He is and where He was before His incarnation. The statement “to Heaven” means to the highest, and so our sights rise up there when we pray. And so do the church towers and aim for the Heaven. The Lord’s ascension is also a guarantee of our ascension. Not now, but when He catches us up in His second coming and “we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:17 (. When He “will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body.” (Phil. 3:21 (. But not now as many think that we . are now in Heaven on the right hand of the Father! We congratulate you all on the occasion of this Great Feast of the Lord.

Happy Feast to you all.

– from the book “The Holy Feast of Ascension” by H.H. Pope Shenouda III (the 117th Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria( ( Share this:

Blessed Marriage Adild Wiesa & Wardah Ageed Sunday 9th June 2024 St Mary’s Church

Blessed Marriage Stefan Awad & Marina Mohareb Saturday 8th June 2024 St Mary’s Church



Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2024 Ekrlstos Anesti, Ailthos Anesti - Christ Is Risen, truly He Is Risen Beloved congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions.

Through the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation across the Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions, Coptic Hope Charity is pleased to announce a total of $205,356 has been raised in support of the Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2024 for our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt.

With your love and generosity, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal has provided approx.

4835 Easter Hampers that include meat, rice, flour, butter, milk and sugar etc to make celebrating the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal is providing hampers to be distributed to as many families as possible, including the 1202 families in our Family- to-Family Sponsorship program.

On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we thank you for your love, generosity, and support.

Wishing you and all your families a Blessed Feast of the Glorious Resurrection.

To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity or assist with ongoing support please donate to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope.org.au

Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity limited ATF

BSB:063-159 Account Name: 10686722

Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need.

For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@coptichope.org.au

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready

We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser( New

تارايسلا راظتنأ نكامأو ىنبملاو ةديدجلا ةسينكلا لامعتسأ انأدب بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ليربأ 27 رزاعل تبس موي نم ديدجلا ىنبملا لامعتسأ انأدب .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح داتعملا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل
Buildindg Wednesday
May 2024

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