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your export PPA revenue effectively?

For many growing enterprises, investment in renewable generation over the last few years has been a no-brainer. This is due to systems substantially decreasing business overheads, providing farm diversi cation, as well as additional revenue generated from government subsidies and surplus power sales. However, not all growers have the time required for the ongoing negotiations and analysis required to ensure maximum revenue from their system.


Oakwood Energy Group specialises in the negotiation and management of export PPA contracts, allowing customers to get back to doing what they do best. The company works alongside over 20 energy suppliers, who purchase renewable power via Oakwood Energy Group. This enables it to conduct extensive market tenders, to ensure the most lucrative deals in the industry are always included. This same concept is also applied to the rm’s import electricity and gas negotiation services, reducing expenditure on grid purchased energy as much as possible. Customers that use this service alongside its export PPA management bene t from having a single point of contact for all their energy needs, Oakwood says.

Unlike price comparison websites, the company’s specialist team negotiates in person, directly with senior authorities within its supplier network. This approach allows Oakwood to conduct several rounds of negotiations, bespoke to the client’s system, driving competition and increasing potential purchasers’ o ers.

With energy markets rapidly returning to what would be deemed ‘normal’ levels, there has never been such a wide gulf between top and bottom end o ers from suppliers. Some suppliers are o ering only £60/MWh (6p/kWh), whilst others are still o ering anywhere between £100/MWh and £130/MWh for the exact same power, making it crucial that the market is scoured thoroughly, Oakwood says.

As a wider organisation, Oakwood Energy Group o ers a variety of renewable services, which it says means “we don’t just sit behind our desks”. The company reckons it truly understands both the physical and contractual aspects of power generation, helping it to get the most out of its customers’ systems. This includes the design and installation of solar PV, for those either wishing to extend an existing system, or invest in on-site generation for the rst time. It provides a variety of O&M packages for those looking to maintain optimal performance from their arrays.

If you have any form of generation, of any size, and would like to nd out what is achievable in the current market speci c to your system, contact Oakwood’s commercial director Alex directly.

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