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This is Miss Sophie’s class. It is nearly home time. „Tomorrow,“ says Miss Sophie, „tomorrow morning we are going to learn about where potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn and big pumpkins come from“.

This is Tim. Tim really likes going to school but Tim would much rather go on trips around the world where he can discover lots of new and exciting things.

Not so long ago Tim was in the land of the buffalo, raccoon, bald eagle, jeans and Indians. That’s why Tim knows all about where potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn and big pumpkins come from.

Tim was in America! America is a GIGANTIC country. And because Tim spends a lot of time outside in the sun when he is on his adventure travels, he always wears suncream.

Looking for new plants Tim paddled off into the Wild West and it was there that he discovered pumpkins and tomatoes. „Pumpkins, tomatoes and even potatoes originally came from my homeland America,“ says the raccoon, „but today you can find them all over the world“.

„These are funny looking cattle,“ whispers Tim! „These are buffalo,“ says the bald eagle, „a breed of wild cattle with a thick hide to protect them from the cold in winter and the hot sun in summer“.

„I have learned something very important,“ says Tim. „Because we are not buffalos, we have to wear warm clothes in the winter and, when we are out in the hot sun, we have to protect our skin with clothes and suncream.“

The further adventures of Tim: Tim in Australia

© 2011 – Spirig Pharma AG, CH-4622 Egerkingen Text: Lahor Jakrlin, Illustrations: Roberto Pena

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