2022-23 Proposed Budget

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2022-23 Staffing Variance 2021-22 Staffing Non Non Non Certificated Certificated Certificated School Name Certificated Certificated Certificated FTE FTE FTE 2022-23 Proposed Budget FTE FTE FTE k12northstar.org/budget Anderson Elementary 10.37 13.10 (10.37) (13.10) Anne Wien Elementary 10.30 23.30 9.80 18.20 0.50 5.10 Arctic Light Elementary 11.87 23.50 11.20 22.50 0.67 1.00 Barnette Magnet School 11.87 22.10 11.87 24.10 (2.00) Crawford Elementary 10.80on school 21.70 7.87 and the14.60 2.93 7.10 Teacher allocations have been adjusted based enrollment projections pupil-to-teacher ratio (PTR). Denali Elementary 9.80 18.10 9.30 17.80 0.50 0.30 Investments Hunter Elementary 9.80 23.40 Reductions9.30 18.20 0.50 5.20 Joy Elementary - grade, 21.40 (Lathrop High, (9.50) (21.40) • 7.1 FTE Certificated Staff (addition of 6th • 4.0 FTE9.50 Grade 6 Secretary West Ladd Elementary 10.80 23.50 10.80North Pole 24.50 (1.00) less enrollment decline and PTR) Valley High, High, and Randy Smith Midnight Sun Elementary 10.80 19.40 9.80 19.40 1.00 Middle) • 3.0 FTE Safety Assistant (Randy Smith1.00 Middle, Nordale Elementary 9.30 19.20 (8.30) (19.20) North Pole Elementary 10.30 19.40 19.40 High, small0.80 • 2.0 FTE9.50 Teachers (Hutchison school Ryan Middle, Tanana Middle) Pearl Creek Elementary 9.80 23.00 9.80 24.00 (1.00) allocation) • 1.0 FTE Assistant Principal (Randy Smith Salcha Elementary 5.03Middle) 6.50 5.03 6.50 Ticasuk Brown Elementary 24.30 10.80 23.30 1.00 1.00 • 1.0 FTE Secretary (Tanana Middle) 11.80 Two Rivers Elementary 5.67 6.80 5.67 6.80 • 1.0 FTEPark Teacher (Career & Technical 10.73 Education) 24.60 University Elementary 9.73 23.60 1.00 1.00 Weller Elementary 10.87 19.70 10.87 19.70 • 0.5 FTE Counselor (Randy Smith) Woodriver Elementary 10.80 20.60 9.80 22.60 1.00 (2.00) Districtwide Elementary 96.40 0.40 86.40 10.00 0.40 266.71 358.90 (8.27) (38.60) NTotal o n - Elementary C e r t i f i ca ted a n d Cer258.44 ti f i cat ed320.30 St affing Co mpar iso n

S econ d a r y Sc ho o l s

School Name North Pole Middle School Randy Smith Middle School Ryan Middle School Tanana Middle School Districtwide Middle School Ben Eielson Jr/Sr High School Districtwide Jr/Sr High Hutchison High School Lathrop High School North Pole High School West Valley High School Districtwide High School Total Secondary

2022-23 Staffing Non Certificated Certificated FTE FTE 14.73 28.00 11.57 24.10 14.40 29.60 14.40 31.40 21.00 11.53 23.80 1.00 10.83 23.50 20.20 44.00 17.40 35.00 18.64 46.00 42.50 8.50 198.20 293.90

2021-22 Staffing Non Certificated Certificated FTE FTE 14.40 31.40 11.07 19.10 13.40 26.10 11.90 20.80 22.00 13.03 22.00 1.00 11.53 26.00 22.93 50.20 19.40 36.30 22.27 49.40 38.50 5.50 201.43 286.80

Variance Non Certificated Certificated FTE FTE 0.33 (3.40) 0.50 5.00 1.00 3.50 2.50 10.60 (1.00) (1.50) 1.80 (0.70) (2.50) (2.73) (6.20) (2.00) (1.30) (3.63) (3.40) 4.00 3.00 (3.23) 7.10

D i st ric t w i d e Districtwide support has been reduced across departments.


Investments • 24.0 FTE Special Education Positions (restored from CARES funds)

• 3.0 FTE Shift Custodians

• 3.3 FTE English Language Learning Positions (restored from CARES funds)

• 1.0 FTE Career Education Center Teacher

• 2.0 FTE Nursing Staff

• 2.0 FTE Star of the North Teachers

• 1.0 FTE Network Technician • 0.5 FTE FEA President Release Time

• 1.0 FTE BEST Homeschool Teacher

• 0.5 FTE ESSA President Release Time

• 0.5 FTE After School Program Development Specialist

• Reduction in Benefit Rate

• BEST Homeschool Allotments

• Five paid days (ESSA school term)

• Cyber Security Software


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