Abbeyfield School Prospectus

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“Leaders, including middle leaders, share a vision to improve the life chances of the students in their care.� Ofsted



ELCOME to Abbeyfield School, an academy within the Creative Education Trust.

We are delighted to have this opportunity to introduce you to our students and school; we are hugely proud of the people that they are and the success that they achieve. Abbeyfield School puts achievement at the heart of everything it does. We believe that we have a responsibility to take children into our community and work alongside them and their families to ensure that they are fully prepared to make choices about their future pathways through life.

This is a place where our students feel happy; it is a nurturing place to learn. We care for our young people at the times when they feel vulnerable and we celebrate with them when they succeed. Above all we are ambitious for them and believe that every classroom counts and that every lesson takes them one step nearer to achieving their personal goals and individual successes. Abbeyfield School is the place for people to realise their ambitions whatever role they play in our Learning Community. We welcome you to our school and look forward to exploring the future with you.

Curriculum at Abbeyfield School


NDERPINNING the achievement of our students lies our belief that we have a duty to provide a curriculum at which all students can succeed. We have a strong focus on the core and academic subjects from the time the students arrive in Year 7, to the time they leave us in Year 11 or Year 13. The core curriculum, which all students follow, consists of: English, mathematics, PE, religious studies, IT and science. All students study a modern foreign language, history and geography as their main provision. However, we feel most strongly that students grow in confidence and assurance by undertaking subjects that develop their creativity and imagination. For this reason our students study art, dance, drama and music. Both in and beyond the school day, students excel in these areas: the school is alive with performance and music. As an academy within the Creative Academies Trust, our students in Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a unique Design Curriculum. We believe that by following this curriculum we can encourage our students to be creative, practical and enterprising adults. Our goal is to ensure that our students become innovative and inquisitive. Our vision is that they leave us with a hunger for learning that will remain with them as they become economically independent members of a wider society. When students start their GCSE courses there is a strong focus on English, mathematics, science, modern foreign languages, history and geography. These subjects provide the vehicle to undertake a Post-16 education in the ‘facilitating’ subjects that are required for entry to top universities.

The Sixth Form curriculum has a wide range of A Level subjects. Prior to entry to the Sixth Form, A Level choices are discussed at length with students to ensure that their academic qualifications match their ability and career aspirations. We are committed to providing opportunities for all students whatever their abilities and talents and as such we invest significantly in a broad but balanced curriculum.

“Relationships between members of staff and students are very good. This helps to create an atmosphere in lessons which has a positive impact on students’ attitudes to learning and on the progress they make.” Ofsted



ROM the first day that students arrive at Abbeyfield School, we provide an environment in which they are safe, happy and well advised. We believe that in an environment that nurtures confidence, learning is rapid and sustained. We are committed to ensuring that all students learn in a way that most empowers them. We challenge all students to think and inquire, to have opinions and to have the confidence to express them. We do not inhibit learning by limiting their imagination. We welcome parents’ input and hope that you will be more than a person who visits during formal events. We undertake to contact you to celebrate your child’s success; we undertake to contact you to plan for aspects of their learning that we feel need improvement. We believe most strongly that their learning is only complete when there is a strong bond of relationship between the student, the school and their home. It is our belief that learning is so much more than recalling knowledge. It is about understanding people, understanding the world in which they live and understanding how to realise their goals.

The Enriched Curriculum


T is our ambition that our students leave Abbeyfield School having experienced opportunities that they might not have done in other schools. We want them to feel confidence and be proud of their successes beyond the classroom. In order to achieve this, we provide a rich extra curriculum programme; this is both extensive and varied. If your child wishes to perform, there are opportunities to dance, sing, act, improvise or direct performances in our state of the art theatre. If you child enjoys sport, we encourage them to join one of our many clubs ranging from rugby to long jump. We provide opportunities for minority

sports to ensure that whatever your child’s interest we build upon their talents. Confidence grows through cultural experiences. Your child will visit theatres with us, experience music from different cultures and of different styles and listen to speakers who both inspire and motivate them to achieve their goals. There are many opportunities for foreign travel. Whether your child is a member of the debating club or the rugby team they will have the opportunity to grow beyond the classroom.

Support and Guidance


HROUGHOUT all of our lives there are times when we feel the need for personal support. Abbeyfield School provides an extensive programme of academic support that encompasses Academic Mentoring, Homework Clubs and Subject Catch Up and Extension Classes. All students are encouraged to participate in these opportunities which can take place at break times or after school. The school is a very busy place until it closes its doors at 6 o’clock.

There are also times when some students feel vulnerable for reasons which are frequently personal and private. Our Success and Target Centres provide a haven of quiet security and confidential support in order to nurture our young people back to confidence. There is always someone to whom students can speak and frequently that person is formally identified to students and families. We help students shape their futures by showing them the possibilities that are there for the taking. We work closely with families. If you need us, there will always be someone to work alongside you.

“Students’ behaviour is good. They are polite, friendly and take pride in their appearance. Positive relationships between members of staff and students create an atmosphere which contributes to good learning. Students are safe.” Ofsted



E welcome students into the Sixth Form from our own Year 11 and from other schools. We have about 200 students who follow A Level or Level 3 courses in Years 12 and 13. This is the time when students prepare for the transition between school and Higher Education and we support them in developing the skills of organisation and independent learning that will carry them successfully though their degree courses. We expect our Sixth Form students to act as role models for the rest of the school population. They wear smart, business dress and they take roles of responsibility throughout the school.

The majority of our Sixth Formers leave us for Higher Education. We ensure that they are well prepared and equipped to enter universities that will realise their ambitions they are given the opportunity to visit universities and have a taste of university life.

“Year 12 was excellent, brilliant teaching, great social life, great community, listened to our views and acted upon them.” sixth form student

“It has been interesting and has given me a great insight into what I want to pursue my future career in.” sixth form student

“I couldn’t have asked for better teachers as well as the support from the Sixth Form team which encouraged me to do my best in subjects as well as giving me information about university.” sixth Form student


T 01604 763616 F 01604 765036 principal: claire morrell

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