Alperton Community School Sixth Form Prospectus

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Raising Achievement by Learning Together and Caring for Each Other Est. 1925

sixth form

Headteacher’s welcome I am very pleased to welcome you to the Sixth Form at Alperton Community School.

includes the EPQ qualification, Sports Leaders Award, Arts Award and the annual residential opportunities available abroad or within the UK.

We are extremely proud of our outstanding successes in post-16 education. The progress made by our A- level students is significantly above the national and local averages (Department for Education Learner Achievement Tracker, 2014). We sit in the top 5% of schools across the country for student progress over the past four years. We achieve outstanding results in many subjects, but particularly in Mathematics, ICT, Computing and the Sciences. Almost half of our students achieved A*-B grades in their A Levels. We fully anticipate these results will continue to improve annually.

The Sixth Form provides outstanding support for students who wish to apply to University through UCAS, culminating in practice interviews with real staff from top Russell Group Universities. Recently students have been successful in their applications to Cambridge, Imperial College, UCL and the London School of Economics (LSE).

We achieve these results because we have a highly skilled and motivated set of teachers who strongly believe in our school motto “Raising Achievement by Learning Together and Caring for Each Other”. Our students tell us the difference our teachers make: “Alperton feels like a small family of students, supporting and helping one another with teachers who are like parents. Alperton is an amazing place to study.” “lt was a great decision to stay at Alperton, the teachers were a great support and I’m very happy.”

‘It was a wonderful experience. With supporting teachers and a friendly environment, learning becomes a great experience and I’m glad to be part of ACS. STUDENT

“l feel that our success and results are the result of a joint effort from both students and teachers.” We are successful because we are able to offer a very broad curriculum: everything from Physics to Photography. Our curriculum covers A Level, Level 2 courses and a Level 1 offer – we have something for students of all abilities. We have a truly inclusive sixth form offer with vocational courses providing one day a week of work experience. We have many opportunities for students to develop their personal and social skills. All students in the Sixth Form take part in Prefect Duties which can be as varied as reading with Year 6 students in a Primary School to helping to improve the school environment. We also have a rich and wide-ranging enrichment programme which

The Alperton sixth form also offers the opportunity to take part in a wide range of volunteering and fund-raising opportunities. The most prestigious roles in the Sixth Form are Head Boy and Head Girl, which involves representing the school at key events in the community and advocating student voice on behalf of the entire student body. As a school, we also lead the way with Digital Technologies. All students have access to tablet PCs, which can revolutionise the way learning takes place in the classroom. We also offer a number of students a Bursary to attend our Sixth Form. Of course, Sixth Form students are very fortunate in having their own building which has a large computer suite, access to laptops and a Study Centre. We are a very welcoming school to students who join us in the Sixth Form from other institutions. These students constantly tell us how quickly they are made to feel at home. They are respected and cared for in the same way as students who have been with us for five years. We are extremely proud of our Sixth Form and the results achieved by our students and our teachers. I very much look forward to you joining us for the next stage in your education.

Mr. G McKenna Headteacher

‘Alperton is a terrific school as all the teachers will help you to the best of their abilities. The resources provided in many subjects by teachers are fantastic and will help you achieve the best grade possible; this is not something provided by every school. You will feel at home here!’ STUDENT

Making the Right Decisions This is a really important time in your life - GCSE exams on the horizon and some serious choices about what to do next. Unlike your previous years in school, you now can decide exactly what you study and where, as long as you meet any course entry requirements. Therefore, achieving the best possible grades in the summer exams is crucial in you being able to make those choices. The vast majority of our students consistently achieved and exceeded targets, with our overall A Level performance for progress placing us within the top 10% of schools nationally. Students have consistently performed at this high standard and are able to secure university places across the country, including at Oxford, Cambridge and other top institutions, as well as studying medicine, law and other highly competitive subjects. In addition, it has been pleasing to see the progress made by students across the ability range, allowing them to progress to higher level studies or secure posts in employment or apprenticeships. It is also important that students are given opportunities to extend their life experiences in preparation for the world of work, and at ACS there are many activities available that allow our young people to develop their personal qualities and skills. Now is the time for you to plan for your future. Find out what you are good at and enjoy doing and consider pursuing those interests where you have a high chance of experiencing success. Alperton has an impressive history of success and supporting students in the next stage of lifelong learning.

‘The last seven years have been years I will never forget. The teachers have always been supportive and I have met some great people along the way.’ STUDENT

Entry Requirements Alperton Sixth Form Courses and Entry Requirements Pathway 1 and 2 (Level 3 Courses): This is a two year programme of study that is at a higher level of challenge than work undertaken in Year 11. Level 3 courses prepare students for entry to university. ACS Sixth Form offers a wide range of both academic A Levels and applied courses (equivalent to 2 A Levels) at Level 3. Each A Level has 10 hours of taught study and BTEC subjects have 20 hours of face to face teaching each fortnight. For success a similar amount of private study is expected out of hours. Each full A Level is divided into four units (six in Maths and Science) - two (three) AS units are studied in Year 12 and the further two (three) A2 units are studied in Year 13. Both the AS and A2 parts of the course have examinations in Summer Term. AS qualifications carry half the university points of an A2 qualification and success is essential to be able to progress to the A2 units. A BTEC qualification is achieved at the end of the second year. BTEC qualifications earn the same university entrance points as 2 A Levels and are also welcomed by universities and employers. Level 3 students will undertake one of the following pathways and study one of the options below in Year 12:

Pathway 1 (Academic) • 3 A2 level subjects • 1 AS Level subject Pathway 2 (Applied) • 1 BTEC Level 3 subject • 1 A2 level subject • 1 AS level subject Any student not achieving at least grade C in GCSE English and Maths will follow additional study in English and/or Maths and resit exams. In Year 13, students normally drop their AS Level subjects and study: • Their A2 subjects at A2 level. • The BTEC subject they chose plus their 1 A2 Level subject • Exceptional students may continue with all the subjects undertaken in Year 12. This is not expected by universities. Entry Requirements for Level 3 Courses in Year 12 (Pathways 1 and 2) The minimum entry requirement for a Level 3 programme of study is 6 A* to C grades at GCSE or equivalent in 6 or more subjects, including English and Maths. However, many Level 3 subjects have specific entry requirements (such as a B grade in a chosen subject). These requirements are outlined in the subject information leaflet available from the Head of Department, and must be met. Students not achieving grade C or higher in English/Maths may be permitted to follow Pathway 2, depending on the grade achieved.

Entry Requirements Entry Requirements for Progressing Level 3 Courses into Year 13 The minimum entry requirement to progress from Year 12 into Year 13 for Level 3 students is: • 3 A-D grades at AS level for students wishing to continue with A2 levels in 3 subjects • 4 A-B grades at AS level for students wishing to continue with A2 levels in 4 subjects • A satisfactory progress report and 1 AS at grade A-D for students on a mixed BTEC and A level programme involving 1 subject at A2 • A good progress report and 2 A-D grades at AS level for students on a mixed BTEC and A level programme involving 2 subjects at A2 * The School reserves the right not to offer students with poor behaviour or attendance a place in Years 12 or 13.

Pathway 3 (Level 2 vocational) This is a one year programme of study for students who wish to progress to the Level 3 Ap­plied Pathway and have not yet quite gained the 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent needed for this.

This Pathway enables students to retake English and Maths, gain an applied Level 2 qualification and participate in extended work experience. All Level 2 students will study one BTEC First Diploma or Extended Certificate (worth a minimum of 2 GCSE passes) taught in 25 periods per fortnight and lesson in English and/or Maths. Subjects offered in Pathway 3 are: • BTEC First Certificate in Business • Certificate in Digital Applications (CiDA) • BTEC First Certificate in Health and Social Care • BTEC First Certificate in Information and Creative Technology • BTEC First Certificate in Travel and Tourism Entry Requirements for Level 2 Courses in Year 12 The minimum entry requirement for a Level 2 programme of study is 5 D-G grades at GCSE or equivalent in 4 or more subjects. A minimum of an E grade in English and/or Mathemat­ics is also required. * The School reserves the right not to offer students with poor behaviour or attendance a place in the Sixth Form.

‘I am so pleased to have attended Alperton, as I would not be where I am today without the support of my teachers and friends. From start to finish I have never felt alone, I could not ask for anything more.’ STUDENT

‘Alperton was an excellent experience. The teachers go to extreme lengths to make you reach your goal. They are welcoming and put in their best effort and support which is what really counts in the end.’ STUDENT

Punctuality As a member of the Sixth Form, we expect all students to set a good example and be good role models for the rest of the school. This means following the Sixth Form dress code, having respect for staff, other students and the wider community. At the start of the term each student is required to read and sign the Sixth Form Code of Conduct agreement that holds him or her accountable to the protocol in the Sixth Form.

Dress Code • • • • • • • • • •

Smart ‘business like’ dress (both male/female) i.e. suits/pencil skirts. ¾ length trousers are allowed in the summer, of smart style. Waistcoats/cardigans/sweaters - within ‘business like’ dress code. Shirts/Polo shirts/blouses can be of any colour, but not too garish (suggest black/white/green). No other type of T-shirts. Footwear - black (no open toes) or brown (any smart). No trainers. Plain black trousers are allowed or any business-like trousers in the colours of navy, grey, blue or brown. NO Jeans are allowed. No baseball caps/no hoodies. In winter - poloneck/highneck tops permitted (NO hoodies). Outer garments to fit in with business Dress Code (colours: black/ grey/brown/navy accept­able). ID cards must be worn at all times.

UCAS UCAS Applications This is where students begin a process of decision-making that has profound implications on their future. You need to make decisions on: • The subject, • The type of course, • The University In making these decisions you will be shaping your future career.

Universities are looking for • Academic achievement • Current progress • Academic potential • Personal qualities • Interests and transferrable skills • Contribution to University life • Ability to sell yourself at interview • A good application form

Pastoral Care in the Sixth Form As you think about entering the Sixth Form you will already have developed a strong sense of what you want to achieve academically and personally. In joining us at Alperton you can be confident that you will be surrounded by a supportive, friendly pastoral team who wish to see you succeed and will support you in each step of the next two years.

CONNEXIONS Additional support and advice, especially for those not going to University but looking to continue their Education outside Alperton Community School. We have a Connexions adviser in school three times a week, available to help students select other colleges or apprenticeship schemes, and any type of careers and education advice.

16 to 19 Bursary Fund You can get help to pay for essential education-related costs if you’re 16 to 19 at the start of the academic year and in further education or training. You can’t apply if you’re studying at university. The Bursary Fund can help pay for costs like: • equipment you might need for your course • lunch • transport to and from your school or college You could get a bursary of £1,200 a year if you’re: • in care or a care Ieaver • claiming Income Support or Universal Credit • disabled and getting Employment and Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance

The Sixth Form at Alperton offers an extension of the outstanding pastoral care given to students throughout Years 7-11. The Sixth Form mentors have been specially chosen to support and mentor the Sixth Form students through these crucial years in Alperton Sixth Form. The Sixth Form has a longstanding tradition of extra-curricular and charity activities. Students are encouraged to get involved in and run a variety of events, from the annual Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party to The Challenge and Children In Need. Such activities enable students to discover new ways of working, and create fun opportunities for collaboration and developing life skills. We value our Sixth Formers as individuals and as leaders of our school community. Our pastoral provision aims to ensure that their transition from school to university is a happy and successful one.

Volunteering Alperton Community School is at the heart of the local community and the involvement of our Sixth Form students in creative, sports, environmental and educational projects was accredited by the Millennium Volunteers Scheme from 2000. The Scheme has now been re-branded and their website encourages all 16 to 25 year olds to participate in volunteering. Students really enjoy their experiences whether helping staff and younger students in the school; organizing community events; fundraising or managing sports activities. Students have access to training and gain accreditation for supporting the wider community. Leadership, communication and team work skills are developed in a range of activities.

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