Glenfield Primary School Prospectus

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Primary School





Glenfield Primary School (part of Launde Multi Academy Trust) Learn together, achieve together and be the best that we can be. Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to Glenfield Primary School. The information contained in this booklet will enable you to find out more about our school. It offers a picture of life at Glenfield and shows some of the amazing opportunities your child will experience on their learning journey here. We look forward to developing a successful partnership with you, our parents and carers which will enable every child to fulfil their potential during their time at Glenfield. Visitors to Glenfield are very welcome. Should you wish to see the school at work, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment. Information can also be found on the school website. Pat Gardner Headteacher

Aims of the School

The staff and governors of Glenfield School are committed to the development of its pupils to reach their full potential, linked to the mission statement:

“Learn together, achieve together and be the best that we can be.” At Glenfield Primary School, teaching and learning will support our pupils to become: • Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve. • Confident individuals who are able to lead safe and healthy lives. • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Our Learning

Environment At Glenfield Primary School children are educated in a happy, caring, secure and stimulating environment. The school building is relatively new and provides light, airy and attractive spaces to learn. We have extensive grounds including a woodland area, a pond, a sports field and a climbing wall, all of which enable teachers to provide learning opportunities inside and outside.

The Curriculum Our curriculum is broad, balanced, exciting and relevant and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils. It prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Teachers endeavour to provide exciting memorable learning opportunities which will give the children a depth of knowledge and understanding. Children are taught as a whole class, in sets, groups and as individuals. Teachers set challenging targets for each pupil and pupils progress is tracked termly. Parents receive termly reports on children’s attainment, progress and attitude to learning.

“My child loves coming to Glenfield. She has made excellent progress due to the excellent teaching. Staff know how to get the best out of each individual child.� Parent of Year 3 child

Inclusion “My son has special needs and is receiving the support and focus his condition requires. This has only happened with the continual support of the school both for my son and our whole family.� Parent of Year 1 child

Glenfield is an inclusive school with an ethos of learning which is founded upon excellent care, guidance and support. We strive to support all children to enable them to achieve and become active participants in their education. In order to do this many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey and we recognise that every child is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to their individual needs. We have an inclusive approach in meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, (SEND) and welcome pupils who need additional support with their learning. We carefully monitor the progress of pupils with SEND. This allows us to identify needs and informs our provision. We provide support within the classroom as well as additional interventions where appropriate. We work closely with outside agencies and families of children with additional needs to ensure that all children are well supported and make good progress. Within the school, we also have a specialist Speech and Language Provision which currently meets the needs of up to 30 pupils. All children within the provision have a Statement of Special Education Need with speech and language as their primary need.

Our Community “As a parent I enjoy coming into school whether it’s for coffee mornings, open sessions or parents evenings. It’s a welcoming school.” Parent of Year 5 child We believe that by working together with parents, carers and the local community we can provide an education rich in first-hand experience. Our curriculum is supported by school visits, visiting speakers and workshops and partnership work with local businesses and charities. Glenfield parents are automatically members of the Glenfield School Association. This is an organization of parents and staff whose role is to encourage closer links between home and school. Throughout the year they are engaged in fund raising events and the money raised pays for enrichment activities for the children. The group also has a useful social function as it provides an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together. There is also an active Parents Coffee Morning Group which has both a social and learning focus, the parents meeting weekly to socialize and learn new skills such as flower arranging, crafts and much more. We also encourage parents to help in school, whether it is hearing children read, joining us on a school visit, or assisting with special events. We encourage frequent contact between home and school through parents’ evenings, curriculum meetings and open sessions. Newsletters, email and text messages are used for communicating with parents.

Beyond the Curriculum Children are offered a programme of extracurricular activities. We celebrate children’s talents and skills which they may have developed outside of school life and aim to continue to nurture these interests in school. We offer a variety of lunchtime and after school clubs as well as residential activities. The emphasis is on giving children opportunities to enjoy their favourite pastimes and to introduce them to activities which they might otherwise not have tried. These are organised by school staff or external agencies both at lunchtimes and after school. There are opportunities for instrumental music tuition as well as coaches for a variety of sports.

“My son loves this school and he really enjoys the extra-curricular activities he is involved with especially African drumming. The school has a lovely atmosphere.� Parent of Year 5 child

Expectations “My daughter loves coming to school and has developed good friendships with her peers in Early Years. I am very pleased with her progress.” Parent of Early Years child Good behaviour is a prerequisite of effective learning and we expect all children to follow the school Golden Rules, treat everyone at school with kindness and respect and take good care of our school. Children are required to wear the Glenfield school uniform and we expect a high standard of dress from all our pupils. All children aim for 100% attendance and to be on time to start learning at the beginning of the school day. We believe that homework serves as a window through which you can observe your children’s education and express positive attitudes towards your children and their education. When all these expectations are in place it gives all our children the highest chance of fulfilling their potential.

Admissions Admissions to Glenfield are made in the September of the year your child turns five years of age. Applications should be made to the Local Authority and can be made electronically via their website. Paper copies of application forms can also be requested. Visits to the school are encouraged for parents of prospective pupils. Please contact the school office if you would like to make an appointment to view the school. Please check the Local Authority website for more information: Leicestershire Local Authority:


Primary School

Glenfield Primary School

Stamford Street, Glenfield, Leicestershire, LE3 8DL Tel: 0116 287 2188 Email: Web: Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520

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