Hummersknott Academy Prospectus

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Hummersknott Academy has a long tradition of high academic standards. We pride ourselves on the broad range of subjects we teach and the extensive opportunities for students to learn outside of lessons, including opportunities to visit other schools as far afield as China and Russia.

“Students have an obvious and very strong desire to learn and are confident in asking for support and guidance from their teachers which they receive with excitement and relish.� Ofsted 2014

All Hummersknott staff are committed to providing outstanding learning for all students regardless of their ability. Our success is built upon a strong partnership between parents, students, staff, local community groups and our partner schools across the world. We believe in developing every aspect of our students so that they can live successful and fulfilled lives.

Our aim is to provide students with outstanding learning opportunities both within and beyond the classroom. Our curriculum offers a broad range of subjects, including Triple Science, Engineering, Computing, French, Spanish, German and Mandarin, and more vocationally based courses such as Health and Social Care. Students and staff work in outstanding facilities. Our Arts facilities include drama rooms, dance studio, ceramics and a recording studio. In PE students enjoy the use of a sports hall, 3G artificial football pitch and a swimming pool. These facilities ensure high quality teaching, but also provide opportunities for a wide range of arts and sports activities before, during and after school.

“The thirst for excellence that leaders show in all aspects of the Academy’s work is outstanding.” Ofsted 2014 “Students’ behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary, they feel safe and are very proud of their Academy.” Ofsted 2014

Everyone in the Hummersknott community is committed to achieving their best. Children are actively encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour, their work and their learning, to show respect for those around them and to show they care about the feelings, views and opinions of others.

For future success, we believe that our students not only need high academic qualifications, but also the skills and personal qualities required in an ever changing world. Through our teaching, extracurricular activities, productions, concerts, sports events, and opportunities to take responsibility as student leaders, we aim to develop the skills of self-confidence, resilience, imagination, creativity, enquiry, problem solving and teamwork. Our range of languages and the opportunity to discover more about different cultures is a key part of our students’ preparation for life within a global community. Work experience for students with careers advice from our own careers adviser and a strong careers curriculum, support students and parents when making option choices and deciding destinations after 16.

“Leaders continue to develop the curriculum offered at the Academy to ensure that it is enriched, matches the interests of students well and supports their future career.” Ofsted 2014 “Students are courteous and respectful of each other and staff, and they respond well to the rich and diverse curriculum.” Ofsted 2014

As a result we have one of the highest proportions of students staying in learning and one of the lowest dropout rates nationally. Students progress to a wide range of careers. Past students include International Football Players, Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Plumbers, Builders, Chefs, Company Directors, and Engineers, even the local MP is a former Hummersknott student.

OUTSTANDING SUPPORT “Students speak highly of the support they receive from the staff and state that this is helping them to do well in their studies.” Ofsted 2014 “Students feel safe and have an acute understanding of how to keep safe.” Ofsted 2014

Although we are a large academy we pride ourselves in ensuring that every child is treated as an individual. On joining the academy each child joins one of five Colleges. Each College acts as a “family” within the Academy. Care, support and guidance are provided by College Managers and Form Mentors. These form a key part of the partnership between parents, students and staff, which lies at the heart of our success. By working together we can make sure every child grows both academically and as an individual. The Colleges also enable students to participate in a wide range of activities and competitions including sport and music. Students are also encouraged to take on posts of responsibility, helping lead and manage their College. Where additional support is needed we provide this through our team of SEN staff, Learning Mentors and, where appropriate, external agencies.

EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE BEYOND BOUNDARIES “There is an abundance of opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities outside academy hours, and inspectors observed many instances of students in several locations across the academy after school continuing to enjoy learning new skills.” Ofsted 2014 At Hummersknott learning does not only take place in lessons. Our dedicated staff provide a wide range of activities, including clubs, sport, music ensembles, trips and international exchanges, as well as regular concerts, pantomime and an annual musical production. Recent performances have included ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘Joseph’. Students also organise fundraising activities for their chosen charity, and host an annual Christmas Party for the local community. Over a number of years they have worked hard to enable Hummersknott to be the first Secondary School in Darlington to be designated as a Fair Trade School.

Hummersknott is an International School. We are one of the leading centres for the teaching of Mandarin in England, recognised by our status as a Confucius Classroom, part of the Institute of Education Confucius Institute. As well as learning a wide range of languages, students have the opportunity to travel to France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and China, and to meet fellow students who visit Darlington from our partner schools in these countries. Students gain confidence, independence and a good insight into the language and culture of other countries. As a result Hummersknott students can be found working in countries across the globe.

“The academy’s specialism in languages is continuing to contribute to the development of students’ confidence and teamwork.” Ofsted 2014

Edinburgh Drive, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 8AR Tel: 01325 241191 Fax: 01325 241122 Email: Hummersknott Academy Trust Company Registered Number 7664322 Registered in England & Wales Registered Office: Edinburgh Drive, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 8AR

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