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The Headteacher provides outstanding leadership through high expectations for achievements and behaviour, a clear vision for school development and highly effective arrangements for developing teaching. Ofsted October 2013
A message from the Headteacher As Ashcroft High School’s Headteacher I am fortunate to be part of the Ashcroft Family, a community of committed and talented staff, students and governors. In October 2013 the school was judged to have ‘outstanding leadership and management’ by a team of Ofsted Inspectors. The whole of the school community is immensely proud of this achievement as it recognises the hard work of our staff and governors, the unique qualities of our students, and the support of their parents. I am also proud of our new school building, which includes modern classrooms, a theatre, a café and youth community facilities. Our smart school uniform is a visual symbol of Ashcroft’s high standards.
I have very high expectations of myself, of staff, students, parents and governors. I am proud of the way in which we constantly work together as members of the Ashcroft family to improve our school. That is the ‘Ashcroft Way’. The school continues to improve due to our shared determination to achieve excellence. We would welcome the opportunity to show you why we are so proud to belong to the Ashcroft family, and encourage you to join us. Ms M Austin Headteacher
The school provides opportunities for high-quality outcomes in a wide range of academic, work-related and sporting subjects, which are well matched to the needs and aspirations of the students. Ofsted October 2013
Our School Motto A Learning Community driven by High Expectations and Respect For All
Our Values
Our Aims
At Ashcroft High School we value people and learning above all. Our work is guided by the belief that every child matters and has something unique to offer.
As a group of staff and governors we aim to develop a community of individuals who aim high in all they do and view themselves as lifelong learners.
We believe that individuals achieve more in an environment that sets high standards and demands their personal best. In a rapidly changing world we believe that the values we promote must be enduring and provide the foundations for individual and collective success.
We are committed to working in partnership with parents, governors and external communities to develop skills and attitudes that will enable our students to succeed in their personal and professional lives.
Students make outstanding progress in English, and GCSE pass rates are above average. Ofsted October 2013
Achievements Ashcroft students choose our school because of the progress they make in both their academic and personal development. We expect every student to make good to outstanding progress, no matter what their starting point. As it states in the school motto, Ashcroft is driven by high expectations. We set our students challenging academic targets that they regularly meet. To quote the Ofsted inspectors, the progress made by students in the school is good and, as a result, their attainment at the end of year 11 is above average.
Students are known as individuals and treated according to their different needs. As a result all groups of students make good progress at Ashcroft because we make sure that the quality of their learning is good to outstanding. GCSE results for all groups of students are significantly above expectations because of the value that we add to each student’s education.
Independent learning skills are crucial if students are to make outstanding progress. The new Learning Resource Centre is an exciting, modern facility which students use for independent learning during lunchtimes and after school.
Teaching and learning Teaching and Learning is the school’s main focus. We work hard to ensure that, on a daily basis, every lesson across the school is a positive learning experience for each student. Many teachers are described as ‘inspirational’ by students, and Ofsted described relationships between teachers and students as ‘always outstanding.’ Ashcroft teachers are constantly developing new ways of making learning even more inspiring and memorable in their lessons. They work in teams across the school and with teachers in other schools to share their expertise and good practice. Teachers are very ambitious for Ashcroft students and expect a great deal of them; students respond positively to this challenge and work well with their teachers.
All students are assessed by their teachers on a regular basis to identify their progress and any areas for improvement. Teachers give clear advice on how to move up to the next level, and students are given time to act on that advice. Students play an important role in improving teaching and learning at Ashcroft. They work with their teachers to plan lessons, giving valuable advice on which teaching strategies help them to learn best. Independent learning skills are crucial if students are to make outstanding progress. The new Learning Resource Centre is an exciting, modern facility which students use for independent learning during lunchtimes and after school.
Behaviour and Safety Ashcroft is an exceptionally caring school and we place the excellent guidance and support we provide at the heart of our work. This enables students from many different backgrounds to make the very best of the opportunities we provide. We are ‘parents’ to our students during the school day; if what we offer would not be good enough for our own child, then it is not good enough for our ‘Ashcroft child.’ Ashcroft students enjoy coming to school because they know staff provide for their needs outstandingly well and that they are very safe. Our students respond by participating in, and contributing to school and community activities.
The school’s clear and straightforward behaviour policy ensures that behaviour in lessons and around the school is good to outstanding. Our students are typically considerate, respectful and courteous. They show a positive attitude to teachers, to their learning and to one another. Students show great pride in their new school, and understand that being part of an outstanding school demands an outstanding attitude. They understand the concept of ‘The Ashcroft Family’ and their responsibility towards others in the school community. The Ashcroft Family Code sets out clearly the expectation that
all members of the Ashcroft family will treat one another with kindness, will be proud of one another and help each other to grow, both academically and socially. As a result, our students are very sympathetic to other people’s feelings, values and beliefs. Students from many different backgrounds work in harmony together and with the local community. Bullying and racism are not tolerated by staff or students. Ashcroft students have a strong sense of right and wrong and will not turn a blind eye to injustice. They understand that such behaviour is not part of the ‘Ashcroft Way.’ Incidents are dealt with swiftly and decisively.
The Leadership and management are outstanding. The Headteacher, senior leaders and governors share the same commitment to securing high standards in the school. Ofsted October 2013
Leadership and Management The school is led by an outstanding senior leadership team. Our ambition for the school is extremely high and fiercely uncompromising. Our expectations are communicated to staff, students and parents on a consistent basis. The school is organised on a House system; each of the 4 Houses is led by a House leadership team. This structure breaks down the large school into 4 ‘mini-schools,’ and ensures that no child at Ashcroft is forgotten or overlooked. Leaders at all levels of the school understand the community that we serve. Ashcroft’s strong relationship with parents is a key element in our success as a school. Staff
and parents work as partners in educating each child, and we value regular communication with parents. As a school we have developed effective ways to inform our parents about the work of the school, as well as their child’s progress and well-being. These include meetings, phone conversations, parent/teacher evenings, parent/Headteacher coffee mornings, email messages, text alerts, website information and regular newsletters. Ashcroft has a strong and committed governing body. Governors work closely with the school staff, with students and with parents to ensure that standards in all areas of the school are outstanding.
The Curriculum Ashcroft’s curriculum is imaginative, well-organised, and provides a wide range of learning opportunities to suit the needs and interests of all students. Gifted and talented students, students with special educational needs and students with English as an additional language are all catered for exceptionally well. The year 7 curriculum develops key competences and independent learning skills that are needed across all subjects.
Students in year 9 receive individual guidance on the most appropriate GCSE pathway that supports their interests and future career plans. The GCSE curriculum in years 10 and 11 provides a core of compulsory subjects that are studied by all students. Students are then able to choose from a range of optional subjects at various levels. These options include both academic and vocational subjects.
Ashcroft High School Crawley Green Road Luton Bedfordshire LU2 9AG Tel: 01582 436100 Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520