Welcome to Abbeyfield School, part of the Creative Education Trust. We understand that choosing a new school for your child is a very important decision and we are delighted to have this opportunity to introduce you to our school.
Abbeyfield School is a strong supportive community where ambitions can be realised. Students are inspired, challenged and supported to achieve their personal best in every aspect of school life. Ensuring the highest quality of teaching and learning is at the heart of everything we do at Abbeyfield. “Ambitious to Achieve” heads up our mission statement and our core values, voted for by the students and staff, underpin every aspect of school life. We place a high value on students’ personal and social development, equipping them with the life and employability skills needed for successful adulthood.
As a school we are self-reflective and forward looking and like all schools in the Creative Education Trust pursue a rigorous and continuous programme of educational
improvement. We are passionate about students, staff and parents having the opportunity both to inform our improvement planning and to influence the day to day experiences of our students.
We place strong importance on links with the community, higher education and employers in order to widen horizons and support students’ aspirational goals. Building and sustaining positive and constructive partnerships between our students, the school and parents/carers is of paramount importance in achieving this aim and also in ensuring that our students are safe, happy and successful at Abbeyfield. Tailoring our provision to promote students’ individual talents, needs and interests alongside high expectations, positive relationships and a calm purposeful environment provides the opportunity for all to succeed.
We look forward to welcoming you to Abbeyfield so that you have the opportunity to see the many reasons why we, staff and students, think Abbeyfield is a very special place in which to work and learn. Our students are our best ambassadors and they look forward to sharing with you why they enjoy learning at Abbeyfield.
“This school is great. I think it creates a lot of opportunities. If you work hard you can succeed.”
The Creative Education Trust inspires and enables young people to build successful lives on foundations of learning, resilience and employability. We believe that a rewarding educational experience and the highest possible qualifications are the best way to ensure social mobility for young people.
Creative Education Trust is a growing multi-academy trust educating over 13,000 children in England. It was established in 2010 and has successfully transformed schools in England’s post-industrial cities and coastal towns.
Creative Education Trust defines creativity as the ability to find connections between the things we know and turn these connections into new ideas and action. The academic arts and the sciences, practical subjects and life skills all need this creativity, and creativity is valued highly by employers. Our unique Knowledge Connected approach teaches pupils to analyse and understand their curriculum of study through the application of six key concepts. More information can be found at https://www.creativeeducationtrust.org.uk/
“Teachers encourage you to try new things. Whatever you are interested in, there will be plenty of opportunities. There is always someone to support you.”
We are committed to providing a high quality, memorable learning experience for our students. We provide a rich, engaging curriculum within the classroom alongside extension and enrichment activities.
Underpinning the achievement of our students is a curriculum at which all students can succeed. We have a strong focus on the core and academic subjects from the time our students arrive in Year 7, to the time they leave us, alongside a very wide range of vocational and creative subjects.
We are committed to providing opportunities for all abilities and talents and as such we invest significantly in a broad and balanced curriculum. The core curriculum, which all Key Stage 3 students follow, consists of: English, Mathematics, PE, Religious Studies, Key Life Skills, IT/ Computing, Science, French, History, Geography, Music, Dance and Drama. When students choose their GCSE options they will all continue with a core curriculum
alongside an unusually wide range choice of academic, vocational and creative subjects to meet their individual needs, interest and talents.
We are fortunate to have some fantastic facilities including: excellent sport facilities, a fitness suite, a science lecture theatre, dance and drama studios and a professional theatre. Most classrooms have interactive whiteboards which further enhance the learning experience for our students.
Our quality first teaching charter provides the framework for outstanding teaching and learning. Teachers are reflective and are always looking to improve their practice in order to provide the highest quality learning experience for our students.
Staff are committed to ensuring individual students get the right support, challenge and praise to maximise their learning. We have a strong SEND department to provide bespoke support and an Ambitions team who ensure students have access to wider opportunities and approaches to which to challenge them.
As an academy within the Creative Education Trust, CET, our students benefit from the unique Knowledge Connected Curriculum centred around 6 key concepts: Structure, Performance, Human Interaction, Meaning, Practice and Pattern. Our goal is to ensure that our students have the creative opportunities to become innovative and inquisitive, developing a hunger for learning that will remain with them into adulthood. Creative Learning Days and a rich extra-curricular offer alongside trust wide events such as competitions, music workshops, CET days of Sport and Shakespeare are fantastic opportunities for students to develop wider skills and interests. Throughout the year, a range of trips are offered to expand our students’ ambitions and widen their experiences as they progress through their education. We have a strong Student Leadership Team including Heads of House who take a lead on initiatives and support an effective student voice in the school. There are many student leadership opportunities including: being part of the Abbeyfield Echo team producing our student written school newsletter; taking a lead as an anti-bullying ambassador, or even interviewing prospective new staff!
“You get a lot of opportunities for what you want to do in the future. Every teacher will help you reach your goal.”
“Abbeyfield is a good school and will welcome you with open arms.”
Our pastoral team which consists of Heads of Year and the Student Support Team provide an outstanding service for our students and support the work of our Form Tutors who are the first point of contact for students and parents.
The Student Support Hub is accessible to students outside lesson time and provides a wide range of short and longer term support and intervention.
We have high expectations of behaviour at Abbeyfield and place a high emphasis on restorative justice and working with students to help them develop the positive behavioural techniques needed for them to be successful. This works effectively alongside a clear action and consequences behaviour code.
A recognition that a healthy mind and body is essential underpins our planning and provision within the Student Support Hub. We recognise that there are times when some students may feel vulnerable and need additional nuture and support. Our Success Centre provides a haven of quiet security and confidential support in order to nurture our young people, building their confidence and resilience for them to be able to continue learning effectively.
Students joining us with English as an additional language receive fantastic support from our EAL Hub who ensure
their language and social needs are met with tremendous academic success.
The pastoral team work closely with a range of outside agencies to tailor provision, support and guidance for our students and their families. Working effectively with parents/carers is essential to the team meeting students’ needs.
“Teachers and students always have a smile on their face.”
We have a strong Sixth Form at Abbeyfield led by an experienced team.
A high proportion of our own students stay on at the Sixth Form to study a range of academic and vocational subjects. We also offer a warm welcome to students from other schools. Alongside a wide choice of subjects on offer students follow a comprehensive key life skills and enrichment programme. Our Sixth Form are fantastic ambassadors and role models and play an active role in all aspects of school life. They work hard, contribute to the wider life of the school and enjoy a rich social experience as a close knit group of friendly and positive young adults.
They have access to leadership opportunities, enrichment, community and business engagement activities, events and trips alongside a wealth of bespoke trust events for Sixth Form students which included debate, creative writing, creative media, drama events and competitions. Students are very well supported during their time with us and in preparing them for their next steps. They have access to the support and guidance needed for successful entry onto universities, courses, apprenticeships or employment routes. Students wishing to study medicine, dentistry or access Oxbridge offers are given bespoke support and guidance.
“Year 12 was excellent: brilliant teaching, great social life, great community. The school listened to our views and acted upon them.”
T 01604 763616
PRINCIPAL: MR JAY KERBY enquiries@abbeyfieldschool.org.uk www.abbeyfieldschool.org.uk
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