Lingfield Primary School Prospectus

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Lingfield Primary School Respect, Resilience & Relationships

“Lingfield is

truly a thriving school.” PARENT


to Lingfield! Dear Parents,

“Joe has come home in such a great mood! He was thrilled to be invited to perform on the piano at assembly next week. Opportunities like this are so important for children and Joe can’t quite believe he has been chosen to undertake such an important job thank you!” PARENT

Welcome to the Lingfield Primary School prospectus. I hope the contents provide you with a good overview of the education our school offers pupils. Lingfield is a very successful, friendly school where staff have ambitious expectations for the children in their care and, consequently, children thrive and succeed. As a school community we constantly strive to improve provision for pupils. As you read through this brochure, I trust what will unfold is an indication of the philosophy of our school. We are committed to ensuring every child achieves their potential so that they are prepared academically, personally and socially for the next stage of their journey into adulthood. Our school is built on the values of Respect, Resilience and Relationships enabling all to “Learn to Achieve”. Thank you for your interest in our school and please take the opportunity to visit us. You will be most welcome. Yours faithfully, Julia Tappin Head Teacher

“Amy and her friends are much enjoying using the new outdoor

library in the small playground

and also the drawing materials in the gazebo.” PARENT


Our Vision for Lingfield Primary School is to make excellence habitual so that all members of the school community value the importance of learning. For both children and adults, high social and academic expectations are at the heart of this learning culture. The principles of respect for each other; resilience in the face of adversity and the importance of good relationships underpin our philosophy. Learn to Achieve Respect, Resilience & Relationships

“Lingfield is a great school because we’ve got nice

teachers and T.As and we care for each other and always give 100%.“ PUPIL

Mission Statement “It is obvious to me how much thought and preparation goes into each day by the

teachers and it makes such a difference to me as a parent when my son cannot wait to tell me about his day.”


Our school and local community of children, parents, staff and governors work in partnership for us all, as learners, to: ● Be well balanced and healthy individuals, who feel safe and valued as part of a caring community that celebrates success ● Develop into happy and confident individuals with a secure foundation in learning that will last throughout our lives ● Reach our full potential and aspire to achieve excellence in everything we do ● Value and understand religious and moral beliefs and develop a respect for the views of others

● Be resilient enough to take risks in our learning and keep trying when things are difficult ● Be independent thinkers who are able to seek solutions creatively and cooperatively ● Experience and actively participate in an enjoyable and challenging curriculum with high expectations for all ● Be able to develop mutually enhancing relationships to enable us to listen to others and articulate our own responses in order to share and develop learning

Home Learning

The School will...

Learning continues in every part of our lives. 85% of your child’s time is spent outside school so it is important to make good use of this opportunity. Teachers will set relevant homework. In line with the Parent Forum, this will be in the form of basic skills practice (reading, spelling and mental maths, including times tables) completed, marked and returned in the homework book and a creative project based approach. It is critical that children read every day and have help from home to learn their basic number bonds and multiplication tables.

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“We have fun staff, good resources, an

awesome playground, nice facilities and a lovely head teacher!” PUPIL

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Provide a happy and caring environment Build a community, based on respect and belonging Care about each child as an individual Deliver high standards of teaching Provide a curriculum, adhering to the national standards, which is exciting, challenging, creative and matched to individual needs Provide homework that supports your child Encourage children to respect and care for each other and their environment Welcome parental involvement in school Inform parents of your children’s progress at regular meetings Inform parents about what your children will be studying each term Provide a diverse programme of extra-curricular activity Send home Newsletters and provide up-to-date information on school events Provide healthy school lunches

“What a brilliant and memorable day Australia Day was for Year2. Hearing that the children had an aeroplane ride, including a passport and customs, a ticket and refreshments really showed this to be an experience rather than a typical lesson.� PARENT





Lingfield Primary School Respect, Resilience & Relationships

Vicarage Road, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6HA

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