John Hanson Community School Prospectus 2024

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We value our school community, all the positive aspects that are developing our son’s confidence.

Pupils work hard and find the work “really challenging”.

There are strong systems in place that support students in reaching the highest grades.



At John Hanson Community School our vision is to inspire and empower our students, within a culture of care and belonging, to embrace opportunities to learn, succeed and become the best versions of themselves. This is underpinned by our strapline: Inspire. Care. Succeed.


Students who leave John Hanson Community school will:

• Be motivated to reach their academic and personal potential

• Be proud of their achievements

• Find their passion for knowledge


All members of the John Hanson community will:

• Feel cared for and safe

• Show kindness and respect to themselves, each other and the environment

• Develop a strong sense of belonging and service to the community


We achieve success by:

• Striving for excellence in all that we do

• Learning from mistakes

• Embracing opportunities

We believe that a successful and happy school depends on the strength of relationships between students, staff and families. Whether you are a prospective family, or an existing parent who would like to see the school on a typical day, we would warmly invite you to come and visit us to experience this special place for yourself.


John Hanson provides an exceptional learning experience, founded on mutual respect and responsibility. Our mission is to offer supported challenge to all, and to develop well-rounded, healthy and successful people. Our aim is for every student to achieve their best and to develop their talents and skills.


In Years 7-9, students follow a common curriculum which comprises English, Maths, Science, Art, a choice of languages (French, German, Spanish), Geography, History, ICT, Music, Personal, Social and Health Education, a wide range of Physical Education/Sporting Activities, Religious Studies and a wide range of technological disciplines.

Students meet daily with their Tutor and weekly as a Year Group for assembly. As well as work in the curriculum we also encourage students to join in with extra-curricular activities.

During Year 9, students are supported in choosing some of their subjects for Key Stage 4. All students study English, Maths, Science, PSHE and PE as their core curriculum. Triple Science is available for more able students. They will then select from a wide range

of optional subjects such as Art, Business Studies, Child Development, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Electronics, Food Preparation and Nutrition, French, Further Maths, German, Geography, History, Music, Photography, Religious Studies, Resistant Materials, Spanish, Sport, Statistics, PE and Textiles.

We are involved in an educational partnership with Andover College enabling some students to study from a greater range of vocational courses.

I really like the way that students are encouraged to participate in activities. I am particularly impressed with the after school activities.


The curriculum is increasingly a strength of the school.


Students receive especially informative advice and guidance on careers. As a result, they are very well prepared for their future.


The school’s work to promote students’ personal development and welfare is good.



…is integral to everything we do at John Hanson.

PSHE is explicitly taught across six off time-table days. We cover all areas of PSHE and Citizenship, including: Emotional Well-being & Mental Health, Relationships & Sex, Drugs Awareness, Living in the Wider World, British Values, and Careers & Enterprise education.

We work with a wide range of outside agencies, nationwide charities, and local businesses to bring

these days alive for our students and help them to develop many of the skills and attributes they will need as they progress through their teenage years and in to the adult world of work.

Our Personal Development curriculum does not solely lie within the PSHE days. It is underpinned by an outstanding curriculum within tutor time, assemblies and throughout our curriculum offer in other subjects.


At John Hanson we are proud of our Careers Education provision.

The quality of what is on offer to our students has been recognised by the fact that we were one of the first 3 secondary schools in Hampshire to hold the Quality in Careers Standard.

• Our Careers Advisor and Work Experience co-ordinator meet regularly with students in Years 9, 10 and 11 to support them with GCSE option choices and post-16 applications.

• We host a successful annual Careers Fair for all Andover Secondary Schools.

• We ensure our students are ready for the world after John Hanson; this is of upmost importance to us, whether it be Sixth Form College or an Apprenticeship, followed by University or the world of work, we strive to enable all students to make informed decisions about their future.


John Hanson is committed to supporting student’s literacy skills across the curriculum.

Through a robust ‘Literacy at Tutor Time’ programme, all students have the opportunity to develop their Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening skills in a meaningful and engaging way. Regular extra-curricular opportunities are available throughout the year including competitions and book clubs.



There are high performing, able and talented students in every year group that require extra challenge.

Learning at John Hanson is designed to ensure that students are challenged to think hard in every lesson. The highest performing students take part in the Plus Programme which is designed to inculcate a love of academic learning, to develop a passion for the pursuit of knowledge and to develop future leaders in a global community.

At John Hanson, all of our students are challenged and supported to ensure their personal success.

There are times when a student’s needs require a particularly focused level of support. We pride ourselves on the way our dedicated team support our young people, whatever their needs.

John Hanson is a place that makes you want to come to school. You can’t pick a favourite lesson, as they are all amazing!

Students relish the leadership opportunities they experience in the classroom, on the sports field and around the school.


The teachers are kind and caring, with a passion for teaching. It is amazing!


A significant strength of the school is the range of opportunities that students have to learn beyond the classroom.



Away from formal lessons we provide a wide range of activities – we aim to provide something for everyone.

The thriving PE faculty offers many sports activities including football, rugby, hockey, netball and athletics. Anyone can join in. Some students become junior sports leaders and coach teams in our feeder Primary schools.

Our Creative and Performing Arts subjects put on a range of performances, from small showcase events to full production shows. Students wishing to get involved attend lunchtime and after school rehearsals. There are opportunities to learn to play musical instruments, sing (including a choir), as well as create music digitally in our new iMac Suite.

Students have the opportunity to travel and take part in school trips. These range from day trips linked to the subjects they are studying to theatre trips, to overseas visits to a multitude of countries, including the USA, France and Spain.

Home Learning Club provides an excellent opportunity for students to work in our Learning Resource Centre where they can complete Home Learning, or carry out research for school projects. The centre is staffed before and after school to ensure that if students need support, help is at hand. In addition to this in Year 10 and 11, we also offer catch-up and revision sessions for students and a quiet study space each night after school.

Good communication with your child’s secondary school is vital. As a school we report academic progress and achievements three times a year. We publish a weekly news e-newsletter which is sent out electronically to parents. John Hanson School also communicates with parents through Parent Mail, alongside regular updates on the school website and through our Facebook and X (Twitter) feeds.


At John Hanson we recognise that a positive partnership with parents/carers will help lead to students achieving to the best of their potential. To this end we will:

• Provide you with contact details for all members of staff

• Provide you with a termly report on the progress and attitude to learning of your child

• Provide you with opportunities each year to come in to school and meet the teachers who teach your child

• Provide regular family information evenings to support you and your child through their 5 years of secondary education

• Provide you with two dedicated communications apps to make sure you are fully informed at all times

• Provide you with regular updates through our website, Facebook page, X (Twitter) and Instagram accounts


Changing school is a big step for any child.

We liaise closely with the local primary schools to ensure all new students are supported in their transition. We believe that children need to be happy in order to learn; we have an experienced pastoral team to support young people during these important years.

Each student is placed in a tutor group which meets every morning. Together they learn about team work, additional literacy work, cultural capital, co-operation and encouraging each other’s successes.

Heads of Year have the important role of ensuring that all students are safe, healthy and achieving. They are ably supported by their tutor teams who have student welfare at the core of everything that they do.

If this change happens mid-way through a school year our pastoral team, supported by our student buddies, make sure that new students quickly become part of the John Hanson community.

We are delighted that our son has made such an amazing transition to secondary school. Coming from a small village primary school to John Hanson has been a huge leap. His confidence has increased immensely.


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