Launde Primary School Prospectus

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Launde l o o h c S y r a m i r P

to Launde Primary School Academy Trust Dear Parents and Carers Welcome to Launde Primary School which is the lead school for the Launde Multi Academy Trust. The information contained in this booklet and folder will enable you to find out more about our school. It will confirm our belief that the partnership between the school and home is essential if your child is to reach his / her potential. We hope you feel the information is useful and we are always available if you need further clarification. Launde Primary School is an outstanding school with highly committed staff and we hope to offer the best in education where your child can discover what he / she is capable of in a safe secure and disciplined environment. We look forward to working with your child and yourselves. Inderjit Sandhu OBE Headteacher

The staff and governors of Launde Primary School are committed to the development of its pupils to reach their full potential. We aspire to achieve the following statement:

“Every child’s academic, artistic, physical and social potential will be developed to the full within the Launde family.� By working towards the above we aim to create a school where children feel confident and develop good habits for learning which will last a life time. We want children to become responsible citizens with high moral standards developing a respect and tolerance for different races, religions and ways of life.

We are very fortunate at Launde that the school grounds are extensive which enables teachers to use both the inside and outside place to extend learning. The classrooms are located within several buildings and children move freely around them. There is an outdoor classroom and a meadow area with a pond within it which is used for science activities. There are a number of other outdoor learning areas that children use both during lessons and playtimes.

“Pupils greatly enjoy their education because outstanding teaching ensures that the work they receive excites their curiosity and challenges them to learn.� Teachers work hard to ensure that the national curriculum is delivered in exciting memorable ways. Key skills are built upon from Foundation to the end of Key Stage 2. Children are encouraged to take an active part in their learning in a variety of ways. As part of curriculum organisation teachers may look at a number of different ways go delivering the learning process i.e. whole class, setting, group and individual work. Teachers at Launde set challenging targets for each pupil and pupils progress is tracked termly, outcomes of which are reported to parents. We aim to deliver the curriculum in exciting ways to ensure children remain focused and committed to learning. The curriculum is further enhanced through visits and visitors, journeys and special theme weeks which enable children to also plan their learning alongside the teacher.

Launde is an inclusive school, with a wonderful ethos that is underpinned by excellent care, guidance and support. We believe that every child has the capacity to extend their learning beyond their expectations. We have a good record of achievement for all our children and we are proud of their successes. We closely monitor the children with special educational needs and provide additional support when necessary, this could be both in class support or small group support. We work closely with our families to meet all the children’s needs.

“Pupils from different faiths and cultures form strong friendships.” All members of Launde embrace and celebrate the diversity of our local community. We believe in working together with our families and our community to provide the best possible education for our children. We provide an extensive range of enriching activities including visits to museums, galleries and places of worship as well as receiving visitors and providing workshops. Launde parents are members of the Parents’ Group and they organise a range of events that bring the school community together and raise valuable funds for our school. Parents are encouraged to keep in close communication with the school. Newsletters, email and text messages are used for this purpose. Parents are invited to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss progress and set targets for learning at Parents’ Evenings.

Our children have many opportunities to take part in extra curricular activities which are organised by school staff or external agencies both at lunch times and after school. School visits and residentials are organised as part of the learning beyond the curriculum. Launde currently has a before and after school club who cater for families who require an extended day.

“This is a large school, but it has much of the family atmosphere of a small one. Key to this are the high quality of relationships and mutual respect, which results in exemplary attitudes and behaviour.�

Good behaviour is a pre requisite of effective learning and we expect all children to behave in accordance with the school rules which they assist in devising. Furthermore we have a strict uniform policy and expect a high standard of dress from all our pupils. All children aim for 100% attendance and to be on time to start the school day. We believe homework makes a positive contribution to the development of children and is an integral part of the work at the school. When all these expectations are in place it gives all our children the highest chance of delivering their full potential.

School Council “Pupils are very proud of their school, describing it as a place that is ‘fun, interesting and where people are friendly’.”

Children are elected by their peers to be members of our school council. They meet regularly with staff to discuss important issues affecting school life and local community. Children’s opinions and ideas are valued and we believe that this enables them to make a positive contribution to the ethos and organisation of the school.

Admissions to Launde are made in the September of the year your child turns five years of age. Applications are made to the Local Authority and can be made by electronically via their website. Paper copies can also be requested. Admission to any other year must also be made via the local authority. Please check the school website for Launde’s admission policy.

Launde Launde Primary School

New Street, Oadby, Leicestershire LE2 4LJ Tel: 0116 2712261 Fax: 0116 2710024 Email: Web: Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520

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