Masefield Primary School

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BASE Academy Trust is a value driven Multi-Academy Trust with a determination for educational excellence that is rooted in moral purpose. Our overarching aim and vision is to deliver outstanding education for all children in our schools, ensuring that they have access to the highest standards of teaching, resources and learning opportunities in order to achieve their full potential and improve their life chances and future prospects.

The trust is fully committed and focused on continuous school improvement and outstanding leadership. Each of our Academies is dedicated to achieving the highest quality of learning experience for all of its pupils and to achieving the best possible outcomes for them. Through partnership and collaboration we will raise aspiration and achievement through ensuring better provision, richer resources and higher standards for all our pupils, thus fulfilling our motto: ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed in Education’.


Dear Parents and Carers,

On behalf of all our staff and the Local Governing Board it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Masefield Primary School. We pride ourselves on our motto ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’ and believe that all our children can achieve well, becoming successful future citizens. We are committed to developing the whole child, that is, supporting our pupils to progress both academically and socially.

This work is underpinned by our school’s core values and the excellent relationships we form with both our pupils and families. If you would like to know more about our school, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us via the main office.


• To work together to achieve and maintain high standards of behaviour, promoting an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and understanding where all are valued and included.

• To promote spiritual, ethical, moral, cultural, intellectual, personal and social development of all our pupils, ensuring well-being and celebrating diversity.

Our School


At Masefield we believe that all our children can achieve, becoming successful future citizens that contribute positively to a society in which all members are equally valued.

High aspirations, high motivation and high outcomes for all, ensure that achievement gaps wherever they exist are narrowed in order to improve pupils’ life choices and future prospects.

We strive for all of our children to be safe, feel valued, develop resilience and continually learn within our nurturing and supportive community. At Masefield, our children BELIEVE, ACHIEVE and SUCCEED!

To provide a supportive and nurturing environment to develop pupils’ self-awareness and caring attitude, enabling them to value and develop responsibility for themselves, their families, relationships, society and the environment.

• To achieve and maintain an inclusive climate of equal opportunity, developing individuals to aspire to and reach their full potential, in a safe, secure and engaging environment.

• To involve and value children’s contributions in a democratic, decision-making process that impacts upon their learning, personal development and their environment.

• To foster an inclusive atmosphere conducive for learning and teaching which provides a breadth and balance of learning experiences that meets the needs of all children to promote independence.

• To equip children with the skills, knowledge and positive character attitudes which will allow them to develop a joy for life and learning, confidence in themselves, resilience, patience and respect for others.

To strengthen partnerships between home, school and the wider community, including parents/carers as partners who are actively involved in their child’s progress in development and learning.

• To prepare pupils as future citizens; preparing them to engage and persevere as individuals, parents, workers in society who embrace economic, social, cultural and technological change.

Our School


At Masefield Primary School we value the uniqueness of all our children.

Our children are encouraged to take risks and develop a Growth Mindset within safe boundaries whilst developing lifelong skills and values. They are encouraged to be inquisitive and responsible lifelong learners and citizens who question and explore the world around them. Our nurturing staff recognise and support a diversity of needs relating to health, mental wellbeing, learning, behaviour and emotional and social development ensuring that our children feel safe, secure and are able to aspire to be the very best they can be.

Parents & Carers




Masefield is proud to be an inclusive school.

Meeting the needs of all our children is a priority. We are ambitious for our children to achieve their very best. Our high expectations for work and behaviour are shared across our school community. We have an inclusive approach to meeting the needs of children with disabilities, special educational needs, English as an additional language and those identified as gifted and talented. Targeted support, intervention and personalised learning is coordinated by our in school Inclusion Team.

At Masefield Primary School we passionately believe that a strong positive partnership between home and school is key to the success of our pupils.

We believe that good communication between parents/carers and school is vital for our children to achieve their very best. There are regular opportunities for parents and carers to find out more about their child’s learning and progress and how they can support this at home. Our regular classroom visits and parent workshops offer additional opportunities for parents to be involved in supporting learning.

We encourage families to become involved in supporting and organising many successful events such as fairs and bingo sessions in order to raise money for school.


At Masefield, the curriculum is rooted in the needs and context of our community and learners.

We provide an enriching and exciting curriculum, the foundations of which are rooted in quality first hand experiences, designed to develop vocabulary and cultural capital whilst ensuring that knowledge is durable and transferrable, allowing our children to make connections, develop and apply skills and reason.

Each and every pupil has access to a rich, broad and balanced curriculum that is differentiated to ensure that all individual needs are met. We are committed to knowing all children as individuals and the school curriculum and our teaching is focused on supporting individuals in terms of ability, gifts, talents and any additional needs they may have. We understand that children learn in different ways and are committed to always exploring teaching and learning strategies and using these within lessons.


An outcome of the strong relationships that pupils have with staff is that there is an atmosphere of mutual respect.
The parents and carers who responded to Ofsted’s survey, Parent View, are very positive about the welcoming staff and about the improvements that you have brought about at the school.


As a fundamental part of our commitment and vision to develop successful future citizens, our school curriculum is embedded with a number of enrichment opportunities for our children.

These opportunities are vital in developing a wide range of new skills, providing new opportunities and experiences for children and for discovering talents through access to activities that may be inaccessible for some children.

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children will take part in various projects which complement their in class studies and develop key knowledge, life skills and social responsibilities. Children also take part in new activities or experiences. Specialist sports and dance coaches provide expert tuition for children in sports and styles of dance which are additional to the curriculum studied in class.

The pupils at the school are a delight. Their behaviour in lessons shows that they know what it means to be a successful learner.




Our children have the opportunity to take part in a range of after school clubs and activities across a range of subjects and disciplines including sport, music and art.

The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.

Teachers’ enthusiasm for reading and for teaching phonics is infectious. As a result, children enjoy their learning and are keen to join in.


Believe Achieve Succeed MASEFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL Masefield Primary School, Masefield Road, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1NG Telephone: 01204 333714 E-mail: Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520

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