Priory Fields School Prospectus

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Priory Fields School Everyone Achieving Together

The School’s Mission Statement With respect for all and with high aspirations, together we positively contribute to our ever changing community, both now and in preparation for the future.

“The pupils develop a love of reading and talk about their favourite authors with confidence and enthusiasm.� OFSTED

“Parents and carers praise the school for its efforts in helping their children to learn and settle in quickly.� OFSTED

The Aims of the School At Priory Fields School we provide a broad, balanced education for all the children in our care. We aim to create a happy caring and stimulating learning environment, in which all children can grow in self-esteem, will feel secure and confident in their abilities to enable them to fulfil their full potential as members of society and to engage in lifelong learning. In particular we will: • emphasise to parents and children the value and importance of a good education • make learning fun • encourage all children to value themselves and develop their potential to the full • value and welcome links with parents • give parents access to the School staff for help and advice and involve them in activities • keep parents well informed about ways in which we teach their children and seek their help with homework • try to help and comfort families in times of difficulty • forge close links with the local community

“Teachers have high expectations of all pupils. They manage their classes well and through excellent planning ensure that additional adults have the same high expectations.� OFSTED

The Curriculum: Children are taught through a topic-based approach and each theme is launched with an enriched start. These may be special trips, activities, a guest speaker or story teller, which helps the children understand the topic better and inspire them to find out more.

Priory Fields School Everyone Achieving Together Astor Avenue, Dover, Kent CT17 0FS Phone: 01304 211543 FAX: 01304 21154 Email Headteacher: Office:

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