Priory Primary School Prospectus

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Primary School

Welcome to Priory Primary School Thank you for taking an interest in our school. As Headteacher, it is my pleasure to introduce our current school brochure to you. Priory is a school which is full of life and is looking forward to the future with energy and enthusiasm. Whilst attending our school, all children are given the opportunity to study a range of subjects, sometimes through topics, which develop skills and a love of learning. We aim to offer our pupils memorable learning experiences through irresistible topics and activities. This in turn secures a base for their future in education. We recognise that every child has their own individual needs and we support these with an emphasis on a strong partnership between home and school. We also value the community around us and recognise the contribution it can bring to the education of our children. We actively seek and encourage positive partnerships with all who can help us to develop as a centre of excellence and enjoyment.

Priory Primary has a highly committed staff who aim to provide a high quality education for its pupils. Children are encouraged to develop independence, confidence, initiative and a sense of responsibility and pride. All pupils are expected to do well and achievement is celebrated at all levels. We also expect and celebrate good behaviour. I hope that this brochure will provide useful information and answer any questions you have. Priory also welcomes visitors to see our school at work. Should you wish to visit us and see for yourself, please contact our school office who would be more than happy to arrange an appointment for you. Information can also be found on our school website. We look forward to welcoming you and your child into our school. Yours sincerely Jill Bennett Headteacher

Believe in Yourself

Curriculum High design of the curriculum Expectations ‘The is a key factor in forming Our success is largely dependent on our high expectations. We have high expectations of dress, behaviour and attitudes towards learning. It is expected that all children will make progress. Progress is reviewed regularly and rigorously (every half term). Any child demonstrating a lack of progress becomes the focus for the next half term. ‘No child is allowed to slip through’

positive attitudes to learning and good behaviour.’

The children of Priory Primary will experience a curriculum which is challenging, exciting, relevant to their needs and which prepares them for the future and encourages lifelong learning. Running through our curriculum are our primary drivers – they are based on pupils needs and are tackled relentlessly throughout the curriculum. As such they have created a culture and climate which promotes important values and healthy attitudes. We believe that learning is most effective when it takes place in a memorable context. To do this we have established links and developed partnerships with a range of experts in their respective fields. We have for example established a partnership with the Black Country Museum, schools in India and Sri Lanka, links with local artists and a range of sports coaches.

We want our children to be healthy. We work hard to promote healthy lifestyles. Priory has its own fully functioning fruit and vegetable garden. Pupils help to grow crops, harvest them and then use them to create tasty and healthy meals.

We want children to develop positive and productive attitudes to learning. The children frequently reflect on their learning and how successful they have been (the metacognitive). They use this to inform future learning. Resilience is an attitude which is promoted relentlessly as a means of ensuring success.

We want our children to make a positive contribution to the world by caring for people, communities and their surroundings. We have a forest school and a gardening club in which children learn to appreciate and look after their environment. We have an elected School Council and Junior Leadership Team. They work with children and adults by listening to their views and caring for our school. We explore, celebrate and reflect on the range of cultures, beliefs and values that exist in the world. We work with schools in other countries to develop a deeper understanding of how other cultures live their lives. We raise money for charities.

Teaching and Learning â€˜Teaching is good with some outstanding practice.’ Teachers have a clear understanding of the needs of every pupil. The programme of teaching is based then on such needs. Lessons often start with a hook designed to engage the children and give them a reason for learning. Learning is then modelled and practiced before the children then apply the objective of the lesson independently.

Class teachers differentiate learning activities to ensure the less able are supported and the more able are challenged and extended. Groups are fluid because we know that children have strengths and weaknesses even within subjects. The children are encouraged to be both responsible and accountable for their own learning. In conjunction with the teacher they review their progress and identify what they need to do next in order to make further progress.

Respect All

Extended Schools We pride ourselves in offering a very successful and well supported and affordable before and after school, as well as a holiday club to support children, parents and carers. The clubs are all managed by qualified practitioners in dedicated and purpose built facilities. In addition we offer a range of exciting after school activity clubs. More information is available from the school office.

Supporting, developing and helping children at home and at school. It is clear that children make the most of their school experience when there is good communication and a strong working relationship between home and school. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher. They are always happy to discuss and help you with any problems or concerns you may have with your child’s learning or social education in the school. Additionally, we have a family worker who supports both children and families in and out of school.

Succeed Together

Forest School

'Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers children and young people opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self-esteem, through hands -on learning experiences in a local woodland environment.' We are very proud of our forest school. It is one of the finest examples that exists within a school. We have four areas of forest land that is utilised by both our Forest School leader and class teachers. It consists of 2 shelters, three fire circles, a mud kitchen and an outdoor stage.

Forest School has had a huge impact on learning.

Children experience forest school lessons, led by our forest school expert. In addition children are taught elements of the curriculum using the forest school. We also create bespoke programmes based on the needs of individual groups to support their learning.

• promoted key learning skills and values (resilience is an example)

It has: • developed the confidence of individuals and groups • developed feelings of self-worth

• made learning fun! • helped to secure and embed understanding • developed a range of curriculum / forest school skills.

Primary School

Priory Primary School Limes Road, Priory Estate, Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 4AQ Tel: 01384 816845 E-mail: Web:

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