Moulton School Prospectus 2017

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Welcome to Moulton School

Dear Students and Parents Welcome to Moulton School and to our prospectus. We understand that choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions that you will make. We hope that this prospectus will help you in that process, and will be the start of a successful relationship over the next few years. Moulton School is built on a commitment to academic excellence and the highest of personal standards, within an environment which provides each individual with the care, support and encouragement that he or she needs to succeed. We pride ourselves on traditional values, such as hard work and discipline, whilst preparing young people for all the challenges of life in the 21st Century. We are proud of our school and of the achievements of our students. GCSE results are significantly higher than the national average, reflecting the commitment of both students and staff to this level of success, and our students continue on to further success, either at college or in our own Sixth Form, where results are again consistently strong.

‘Leaders and the Governing Body have maintained the good quality of education since the last inspection’ Ofsted 2017 We are equally committed to the care and development of the whole person, and have a large and dedicated support, care and guidance team to supplement the work of our tutors and year teams. A thirst for excellence and continual improvement is a core philosophy at Moulton School, and we believe strongly that this culture is central to our achievements and successes. Also fundamental is the partnership between staff, parents and students; and parents frequently comment on the warm and welcoming atmosphere within the school. We hope that you will choose to join us, and we look forward to welcoming you into the Moulton School community. Yours sincerely Trevor Jones Headteacher

Achievement Our values, and our ASPIRE ethos, underpin everything which we do as a school. Our values, as determined by students, parents and staff, are • • • • •

Respect Safety Positivity Cooperation Kindness

Students at Moulton School follow a broad and well-balanced curriculum in the initial years, which provides a sound academic foundation for future success. Particularly important to us, is developing each child’s natural intelligence, curiosity and abilities, and his or her appetite for learning and for full involvement in school life.

We also use ‘ASPIRE - strive for great things’ to summarise our ethos. It describes the behaviours and attitudes that we expect to see from all those associated with the school, both within and beyond the school day.

As the students progress through school, they will have increasing choice in selecting from a wide range of subjects those which best meet their needs and aspirations. The curriculum at Moulton facilitates the highest of academic challenge, leading on to A levels and higher education, and also a broad range of opportunities, leading on to apprenticeships and further study at local colleges. Central to all curriculum pathways is the pursuit of excellence in a student’s chosen field.

• • • • • •

‘Evidence seen during the inspection, in lessons and in pupils’ books, supports the school’s assessment information that most pupils make good progress across the curriculum.’

Achievement through learning Service to the community Pride and determination Individual responsibility Respect, courtesy and consideration Excellence and high expectations

Ofsted 2017

Our aim is to be a school in which each individual • is challenged to achieve to his or her full potential • sets the highest of personal standards in work and conduct • enjoys a genuine sense of success, both individually and collectively • is encouraged to develop a wide range of talents and interests • is prepared for life, education and employment beyond school • develops a deep moral, spiritual and cultural understanding • is valued, cared for and supported • feels safe and secure, and is healthy and happy • accepts his or her responsibility to the other members of the school community

‘There is a purposeful atmosphere of learning in lessons. Pupils respect and trust their teachers, and have confidence in them to support them to do their best.’

Ofsted 2017

‘Staff are very friendly and are always available to provide help.’

Year 11 Student

‘The school makes people feel special. My daughter is quiet but still feels valued and noticed.’


In pursuing excellence, each student follows a rigorous programme of academic mentoring. Challenging targets are set, and students are monitored against these through regular progress reports; completing their ‘Tracking my Progress’ profiles and identifying improvements to be made. This, combined with our gifted and talented programme, and highly talented Learning Support team, ensures that each student is challenged to achieve a level of performance that truly fulfils his or her potential. At the heart of high achievement are high quality learning experiences which engage and challenge the students. A continual programme of school self-evaluation and professional development ensures high quality teaching and learning, and we are committed to supporting individual student progress through a range of effective learning strategies. We also demand a high level of commitment from the students to the learning process, both within lessons and through homework, revision activities and engagement with the wide variety of trips, visiting speakers and other experiences that exist to enhance their learning.

‘Being at Moulton School has been a great experience. I have learnt lots.’

Year 8 Student

‘Students achieve well.’

Ofsted 2013

‘I am really pleased with the standard of education and progress my child is making.’


‘I am really pleased with the standard of education and progress my child is making.’ Parent

‘Thank you for everything you have done to help my son throughout his time at Moulton. We are so delighted with the school! Many thanks.’


Moulton School has a strong and well-deserved reputation for the quality of its care, support and guidance, ensuring that the school is a thriving community in which every student can grow and develop, be happy and healthy, and experience achievement and success. The year teams, together with the form tutors, work with the students on a daily basis, providing the support and encouragement necessary to success. We also have a range of other dedicated support, care and guidance professionals, including family liaison workers, achievement coaches and counsellors. Together with the Learning Support team, this ensures that we can respond sensitively and effectively to specific student needs as they arise. In addition, we have eight small ‘houses’ of students from across the year groups, which allows for a small family atmosphere, and a sense of belonging, within the larger school. We recognise that this is particularly important for students as they make the transition to secondary school. The houses are run by senior students, under the guidance of a lead teacher, as part of our extensive student leadership programme.

‘My daughter has embraced Moulton and is really happy there.’


Living our values ‘The pupils I spoke with said that they enjoy school. Relationships between pupils and staff are positive.’

Ofsted 2017

We demand high standards of behaviour, and positive attitudes to school and learning, from all our students. Our Positive Behaviour policy sets out the expectations for all members of the school community, including a strict uniform policy to which all students must adhere. At its heart are our key school values: respect, safety, positivity, cooperation and kindness. We also operate an established ‘restorative approach’ to behaviour, which seeks to hold students to account for the impact of their behaviour, as well as giving them the opportunity to put things right, learn from what has happened, and move on successfully.

‘And please tell the Moulton students that they were the best group I have ever had for a workshop.’ External Provider



& guidance

‘Don’t be scared coming to Moulton; it’s really friendly.’

Year 7 Student


talents ‘Doing the school production is great fun and you make lots of friends.’ Student

Moulton School has a vibrant cultural and sporting life, central to which is recognising, nurturing and developing the full range of each child’s interests and talents. A wide range of opportunities exist in music, art and drama, including individual tuition, involvement in various ensemble groups, and music and drama productions. In recent years, these have included productions such as ‘Sweeney Todd’, ‘We Will Rock You’, ‘Oliver’ and ‘Bugsy Malone’. In sport, students train in both traditional and more modern activities, learning about self-discipline and teamwork, and engaging in inter-house and inter-school competitions; the school has a strong tradition of both individual and team success in inter-school and regional competitions. All students learn about exercise and fitness as part of a balanced approach to a healthy lifestyle. Year 7 students are involved in a programme of team building activities to help them become settled and established within school, and to develop good and positive relationships within their form group. Older students also have the opportunity to be involved with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and in Sports Leader Awards, and all students can benefit from the variety and number of school trips, including trips in Languages, Geography, History, Science, English, Drama, reward trips and an annual ski trip.

Service to each other There is a long-standing ethos of service to the school and local community, built around a well-established student leadership programme. Within this, you will find sixth formers trained to deliver individual reading and maths programmes, older students mentoring and supporting younger students, active involvement in raising money for local and national charities, the running of year councils and the school council, and the much prized positions of Prefects, Senior Prefects, Headteacher Ambassadors, and Head Boy and Head Girl. Thus, individual achievement is set within a culture of service and responsibility for each other.

Celebrating success One of our aims as a school is that students should enjoy a genuine sense of success, both individually and collectively. We look to celebrate these successes in a variety of ways, believing strongly that success breeds further success. Thus, student achievements are celebrated in class, in assemblies, through our merit awards in lower years, in postcards and letters home, in achievement evenings; and especially through our house system.

‘We would like to thank all my son’s teachers for their hard work in making their subjects accessible and engaging.’


Partnership We attribute our success as a school to many factors, but one key factor is the true partnership between all the members of the school community.

Sixth Form A substantial number of our Year 11 students continue on to the Moulton Sixth Form to study for A-levels. Membership of the Sixth Form provides students with a thriving and successful environment in which to continue to study and grow. A-level performance is very strong, and we have an excellent record in supporting students into employment or on to the university course of their choice. As well as a continued commitment to academic excellence, students in the Sixth Form are particularly encouraged to show independence, personal responsibility and leadership. There is also a strong tradition of community service and support for younger students.

‘Since attending Moulton Sixth Form, my selfesteem and confidence in what I can achieve have improved massively.’

Sixth Form Student

The Governing Body comprises members of the local community, elected parents and representatives of the school staff; and is very active in its support of the school. It meets as a full body at least six times per year, in addition to the various sub-committees. As a school, we are robust in reviewing our own performance and, in addition to fulfilling its statutory roles, the Governing Body also regularly reviews this self-evaluation and the school’s strategies for further improvement. We actively encourage parental involvement in all aspects of school life, recognising that it is the on-going support and involvement of parents, which is invariably the essential ingredient in a student’s success. Parents regularly receive a report on their child’s progress at school; are invited in to information evenings, to parent consultation evenings and to our achievement evenings; and are always welcome in school to discuss any concerns. We also regularly seek the views of parents on how the school can improve further. Thus, our "success equation" is "Students + Parents + Staff = Success" It is only by working together that we will achieve our aims as a school; to prepare our students to be happy and successful in all aspects of their adult lives.

‘Leaders are forging good links with parents to work together to improve outcomes for pupils.’ Ofsted 2017

In conclusion We are a deeply caring community, who have the highest of expectations of what we can achieve together, both in terms of academic excellence, and also in terms of ensuring our students have the very best preparation for all of life’s many challenges and thrills. We are very proud of our students and of their achievements. We are particularly proud of the young people that they become. We hope that this prospectus has given you a good introduction to the school. If you would like to know more about us, please join us on an open evening, visit our website or contact the school directly.

‘I cannot praise the school highly enough.’


Pound Lane, Moulton, Northampton, NN3 7SD T. 01604 641600

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