Hutton 6th Form Prospectus

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Church of England

Sixth Form

Message from Sixth Form Leaders Welcome to Hutton Church of England Sixth Form.

Welcome Thank you for taking an interest in Hutton Church of England Sixth Form. Hutton has a long history and a tradition of excellence. Our Sixth Form students are proud of belonging to such an established and successful community. We are one of very few providers in Lancashire to offer a school Sixth Form and I believe that Hutton offers a unique opportunity in this area. If you come to Hutton you will be supported very well in your studies and you will enjoy belonging to a thriving and successful Sixth Form. Our state-of-the-art Sixth Form Centre was opened in September 2010 and the development of this excellent facility represents our commitment to delivering the very best for our students. If you have the motivation to study and work hard, the determination to succeed and the willingness to get involved in all aspects of Sixth Form life, you will find your time at Hutton to be extremely rewarding. Our aim is to support you through this important stage of your education and prepare you for the demands of higher education and employment; give you the opportunity to experience new activities and challenges and encourage you to think independently and make informed decisions about your future. I urge you to visit us to fully appreciate the quality of the experience which we provide and to see what Hutton has to offer you as students and parents. We look forward to welcoming you. D P Pearson Head Teacher

Now is an exciting time to join us at Hutton. In recent years we have seen a remarkable transformation as we continue to grow from strength to strength. Our popularity is clear from the significant increases in student numbers. New facilities, a flourishing enrichment programme and outstanding teaching have all combined to ensure that our students leave us exceptionally well-prepared for their future lives. Success in the Sixth Form is all about partnership. We are justly proud of our record for excellent advice and guidance, a factor that has been recognised as outstanding by Ofsted. You will also find that you get out exactly what you put in. You will receive first class teaching in an exhilarating environment but your chances of success are also down to you and your own selfmotivation.

Your A Level studies are clearly crucial but we recognise the importance of extra-curricular activities in the development of every individual. We offer an extensive enrichment programme, including sport, drama, art and music, in addition to service to the school and our local community. Volunteering in these ways demonstrates a commitment to the school and, often, younger students in the school community. Sixth Form students are vital as role models for students in the main school and benefit greatly from broadening their horizons and experiences in this way. We hope you find your time in the Sixth Form to be both exciting and challenging. We look forward to celebrating your successes over the next two years. Good luck! Mrs L. P. Sissons - Director of Sixth Form Mr J. S. Hill - Assistant Director of Sixth Form Miss R. Ismail - Post-16 Enrichment Coordinator

Aims and Values Hutton Church of England Sixth Form is a small community with big aspirations and ambitions for the education and future lives of our students. Hutton’s reputation as a provider of quality education continues post 16. We welcome determined and motivated individuals who want to further their knowledge and add to their achievements at GCSE into our co-educational Sixth Form. The provision of 11-18 education is an important feature of the school and many of our Year 11 students return to the Sixth Form, along with significant numbers also joining us from a number of local secondary schools. We believe that our Sixth Form provides a unique opportunity in the area. Students have access to state of the art facilities, excellent guidance and support and subject specialist teachers. Teaching groups are relatively small compared with other establishments so students can take advantage of a more personalised style of teaching and learning.

“ The general ethos promotes a caring, safe and aspirational atmosphere.” Ofsted “Around school they are respectful, mature, articulate and responsible.” Ofsted

Our students achieve excellent A Level results and the majority gain places at their chosen universities and further their development through higher education. We are determined to support our students to enable them to reach their full potential in education and beyond in their working life. Their time at Hutton Sixth Form is an opportunity to develop into mature, articulate individuals who are confident in their own abilities and have a desire to succeed. Our aim is to ensure that all students have the education and support necessary to further their development into responsible and active members of the school community and the local community as a whole.

Student Achievements We are extremely proud of the achievements of our students. Past students have consistently achieved excellent results which compare favourably with other local colleges under the government’s officially recognised points scoring system. A full breakdown of last year’s AS and A Level results is enclosed with this prospectus. Once you become part of the Hutton community, you are a Huttonian for life. Students past and present are proud of their association with the school and Sixth Form and we in turn are proud of their achievements and successes. “Studying at Hutton were the two most memorable years of my academic life. With the array of extra-curricular activities such as the poetry and debating societies, various sports and other activities, as well as the perpetual and vigorous help and support of the staff, I really feel that they aided me along a journey not just in my academic pursuits but also through a personal voyage on which I feel I matured and became a more rounded, more sophisticated individual. The environment we stepped into as new students was one of comfort, openness and freedom – traits that are essential to successful learning and personal growth: the perfect environment for success. I still use the advice given to me by my teachers when studying for exams today! Studying at Hutton is definitely an experience that is sure to stay with you in the years to come.’’ Sarah Khalil – published poet and Biomedicine student at Lancaster University (Hutton Sixth Form 2007-2009).

“I returned to Preston after living abroad. I found the Hutton community to be an extremely welcoming one and I settled in very quickly. Looking back now I am so glad I chose Hutton as the place to study my A Levels as I feel I have made friends for life during my time at the Sixth Form. I was very sad to leave but I do love studying Chemistry at the University of Sheffield and I hope to pursue this subject into later life.” Lucy Jackson – former Head Girl (Hutton Sixth Form 2009-2011). “My time at Hutton helped to develop me as a person, both academically and socially. The sporting opportunities enabled me to expand my skills further. The Hutton ethos provides a friendly, community atmosphere that was enjoyable to learn in.” Chris Tribley – former Head of Hines House and Economics student at Hull University (Hutton Sixth Form 2008-2010). “Sixth Form at Hutton was a brilliant experience for me. Hard work yes but also plenty of opportunity to enjoy the social side of things. I play the piano and got involved in the Sixth Form Revues and some of the school productions - High School Musical was probably the highlight of my musical career! After Hutton I went on to study law at Lancaster University, completed the Legal Practice Course at the College of Law in Manchester and am now a trainee solicitor at Napthens in Preston.” Edward Hamilton – (Hutton Sixth Form 20062008).

Student Support & Pastoral Care Hutton Church of England Sixth Form is a small learning community where students are supported to achieve their full potential and develop the knowledge and skills needed for further education, work and life. We are able to offer small class sizes which allows the teaching staff to spend more time focusing on the needs of individual students. It also provides a comfortable atmosphere for students to get involved and contribute to discussions in class. All students are part of a form group and will have a form tutor who will look after and support the group throughout their time at Hutton. As a school Sixth Form, we are able to offer a level of support and guidance that is unique in this area. Students who have attended Hutton in Years 7–11 can take advantage of the continuity of being taught and supported by staff who already know them as individuals and understand their abilities and ambitions. Students who are new to Hutton in the Sixth Form will quickly feel part of our welcoming,

close knit community, thanks to the small class sizes, members of their form group and the support of staff and students. Subject teachers are always willing to offer help and support with work as required and the Sixth Form Leaders are available to discuss any issues or concerns. Staff will also offer support and guidance with careers advice and applications for university or employment. We encourage students to work together both in and out of the classroom and provide a wide range of enrichment opportunities and extra curricular activities to enable them to contribute to our school community. We also operate a 16-19 bursary scheme. Details of the criteria and who is eligible can be found on the school website.

“Students’ personal development and well being are excellent. Students enjoy being in the Sixth Form and play a full part in the school community and beyond.” Ofsted “They are aware of their own beliefs and are able to articulate them confidently.” Ofsted

Facilities Our Sixth Form is housed in a new purpose built Sixth Form Centre which provides students with their own space to study, socialise and relax. The building is modern and spacious. Downstairs there are Sixth Form seminar rooms, a recording studio and a refectory and seating area where students can relax and chat. Our school catering staff sell snacks, sandwiches and other light meals at break or lunchtime in the Sixth Form refectory. We are particularly proud of our study facilities. The upstairs of the building is dedicated as a quiet study area. Different study zones allow for different types of study, including a silent study area, a Sixth Form careers library and a computer room. This facility has been designed to enhance our students’ ability to become independent learners, preparing themselves for university and beyond.

The school is situated in a 30 acre campus in the heart of the rural village of Hutton, 2.5 miles from Preston city centre. The site is adjacent to a major bus route, has car parking and is close to local shops. Sixth Form students also have access to the outstanding facilities in the main school including a dedicated Performing Arts block, well equipped ICT suites and excellent sports facilities including a swimming pool; tennis and netball courts; a large Sports Hall and Gymnasium and sports pitches.

Enrichment While studying at Hutton Sixth Form you will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of enrichment activities. Both universities and employers value students who have shown commitment and participation in a range of activities while at Sixth Form, both academic and extra curricular, so we urge you to get involved and enhance your prospects. Whether it’s competitive sport that drives you, drama and the arts that inspires you or the entrepreneurial instinct that motivates you, there’s an enrichment activity at Hutton to excite and engage everyone. If none of these are your area of interest you could consider being involved in the Prom Committee or Sixth Form Charity Committee or supporting younger students through Paired Reading or Peer Support. Time is dedicated on Wednesday afternoons to allow students to take part in sporting activities which include: Rugby, Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Netball, Athletics and Aerobics. Students are also encouraged to represent their house in the sporting events that are part of our Inter-house competition.

Debating Society won the prestigious Debating Matters Competition in 2010, our Connect Chapel Group have helped to secure our status as a Fair Trade school in December 2011 and the Economics Society have launched their own advertising initiative, producing the first ‘Hutton Trade’ magazine in May 2012. We value your opinion and input to make the Sixth Form a successful community. Each form group elects a representative to the Sixth Form Council who meet with the Sixth Form Leaders every fortnight. The council organises social events, helps clubs and societies within school and contributes to decision making on Sixth Form policies, such as the dress code. Above all else it is a democratically run organisation which exists to express the views of all Sixth Form students.

Our Shares4Schools investment team were North of England regional champions in 2011, the

“...students enjoy school life, particularly the sports and extra-curricular activities and are proud to be at Hutton.” Ofsted “Students readily take on roles and responsibilities, raise funds for charitable causes and contribute to the school council. Students are exceptionally well prepared for their future lives...” Ofsted

Courses “...preparation for their future lives is outstanding.” Ofsted At Hutton we are A Level specialists. Students can choose from a wide variety of A Level courses including: Art and Design; Biology; Business Studies; Chemistry; Computing; Dance; Design Technology (Product Design); Drama and Theatre Studies; Economics; English Language and Literature (combined); English Literature; French; Further Mathematics; Geography; German; Government and Politics; History; ICT; Law; Mathematics (with either Mechanics or Statistics); Music; Music Technology; PE; Physics; Psychology; Religious Studies; Spanish. You will also take an A Level in General Studies and will have the opportunity to take part in the Extended Project Qualification. The EPQ is an independent research project which carries UCAS points and is equivalent to half an A Level. Whether you have a clear idea about your future career or not, it is important that you choose A Level subjects that will help you move on successfully after you leave the Sixth Form. You should pick subjects that you enjoy and are good at, considering what opportunities and career paths they lead on to. It is worth remembering that some universities will accept any combination of subjects but others prefer specific combinations for certain courses. If you have a particular career or degree course in mind, you should discuss this at your interview and when you enrol so that staff can give advice on the suitability of your subject choices.

University & Careers Guidance Within weeks of arriving we will ask you to think about what you want to do when you leave! You will receive regular guidance from your form tutor who will help you to identify degree course options or employment opportunities as appropriate. Specialist careers advice and analysis is available both in the Sixth Form and from outside agencies. If you are applying for university, your UCAS application will be closely monitored and staff will provide assistance with your personal statement and interview practice during Year 13. We hold an information evening for parents and students to explain the university application process towards the end of Year 12. Students in Year 12 will also have the opportunity to attend a regional higher education conference. Information about careers events and university open days is regularly published in the Sixth Form area of our school website and you will be encouraged to attend these to help you make decisions about your future career. Following AS and A Level results day, staff will be available to provide guidance, support and counselling for those who need it. We will do all we can to help start you on your chosen career path. In July 2011, the Sutton Trust ranked Hutton Sixth Form as the best post 16 provider in Central Lancashire for advice and guidance.

Applications & Entry Requirements How to apply If you wish to apply for a place at Hutton Church of England Sixth Form you will need to complete the enclosed application form and return it to the school by 31st January. Applicants will be invited to look around the school and attend an interview with a senior member of staff during the Spring Term. If your application is successful you will receive a provisional offer of a place by Easter. The place will be conditional on GCSE results meeting the entry requirements.

Entry Requirements Students’ potential, ability and subject choices are reviewed on application, together with a high school reference. Some courses have specific entry requirements, details of which are in the enclosed course booklet. In general, students will need to have achieved at least grade B at GCSE in the subjects they have chosen to take at A Level.

Enrolment Once you have accepted your provisional offer of a place, you will be asked to confirm which subjects you wish to study. Prospective students and their parents will be invited to an Induction Evening during the summer term. Students will then enrol at the Sixth Form after they have received their GCSE results in August. If you would like more information or would like to discuss anything relating to the entry requirements and application process, please contact the Sixth Form.

“Our School is a caring Christian community. Within this environment we aim to develop individuals of character who can achieve their full potential; can think for themselves; will want to continue learning; and will become responsible members of society.�

Liverpool Road, Hutton, Preston, PR4 5SN Telephone: 01772 613112 Fax: 01772 617645 E-mail: Further information, including policy documents, is available on request from the school office. Information can also be accessed on the school website at

Photography by Andy Bramah Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520

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