Regent Farm First School - Prospectus

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REGENT FARM Inspiring Our Rising Stars


KEY INFORMATION Head Teacher: Mrs Deborah Ashcroft Chair of Governors: Mr Jodi Armstrong Address: Regent Farm First School Wansbeck Road South Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear NE3 3PE Telephone: 0191 2852294 Website: Email:

LOCATION Regent Farm First School is conveniently located on Wansbeck Road, close to the metro station and other transport links. Unfortunately due to the small size of the car park there is no designated parking for parents and carers at school itself and we ask that you are considerate of our local community when choosing a place to park. We have a purpose built bike shelter where children may store bikes and scooters during the school day. We work in partnership with Sustrans to promote a school ‘Bike it’ scheme.

(Please note we do not provide bike locks). We encourage you to walk or cycle to school. This not only encourages your child to take exercise but also makes the roads around us safer by reducing traffic.

THE SETTING We are a larger than average first school. We take children from Nursery to Year 4. We have approximately 320 children on roll and 51 members of staff. Children are usually admitted to Nursery in the September before their 4th birthday. In Year Reception to Year 4 we have 2 classes. Each Year group has approximately 60 children, 2 teachers and 2 or more Teaching Assistants. Please note this varies across school and our staff is flexible depending on needs of the children and that ratios are often higher in Early Years. All of our children are taught in single age classes. Varied styles of teaching and teaching strategies are employed in order to ensure the best teaching and most effective learning for all of the children. Subjects are taught in cross curricular

“It’s nice in reception, we have kind hands and we love each other.” themes and projects to promote depth of understanding and provide interesting, relevant and memorable experiences. We are part of The Gosforth Schools’ Trust and work collaboratively with the other 10 schools who form the trust as well as Gosforth Junior High Academy and Gosforth Academy. Our children often go on to Gosforth Junior High Academy when they leave us as well as Gosforth Central Middle School and occasionally Gosforth East Middle School. We work closely with these schools, so that when the time comes, the transition for you all can be as smooth as possible.

OPENING HOURS We are open in term time in line with Local Authority schools in Newcastle. Term dates and holidays can be found on the Newcastle City Council website for this coming academic year and next. We also have 5 training days a year which you will be informed of in advance. On these days school will be closed to all pupils. Although formal school hours begin at 8.50am and end at 3.15pm, we provide extended care facilities which parents and children can access to fit in with modern day lifestyles.

Breakfast Club (Reception – Year 4) - Breakfast Club is held in our family room and is hosted by a small team of enthusiastic learning support assistants. Children can be brought in by parents or carers anytime from 7.50am onwards and join in the informal, relaxed session. Children are provided with a breakfast meal (the specifics of this can be discussed with breakfast club staff) and delivered to classrooms at 8.50am ready for the formal school day to begin. Please note Breakfast Club is subject to a charge. Application forms are available at the office. After School Club - Unlike many local schools, we are able to offer our own After School Club which is on site, based in our Family Room and staffed by our own staff who will be familiar to the children. We see this as a very important part of our wrap around care offer and of huge benefit to the parents who choose to use the service. Children can access after school club until 5.45pm. Children are collected at 3.15pm from their classes by our fabulous learning support assistants who run the club. A range of exciting and creative activities are on offer to the children. These include outdoor play and calming activities for children who are tired at the end of a school day. Children are offered a small meal or snack and may be collected at parents’ convenience before 5.45pm.

After School Club should be booked in advance and is subject to a charge. Application forms are available from the office. Subject specific after school clubs such as needlecraft, football and choir will be available for your child to access at different times during their school career. These are very popular and heavily subscribed so early application is advisable when a club is advertised. These classes are funded mainly by school, although for some, there may be a charge. School is also used by local community groups for classes such as yoga and zumba, and we are proud to say that 18th Newcastle Rainbows are based at our school.

At Regent Farm First School we are always happy to see you. We have an open door policy and value parental involvement. We hold formal parents meetings twice a year to discuss the progress of your child and you may be asked to attend reviews held in school. We endeavour to offer these appointments at times to suit parents, although sometimes, especially when outside agencies are involved this is not possible. Please speak with the member of staff arranging the appointments to agree suitable times. Informally we meet with parents all of the time, at the request of staff members or parents. Always feel free to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss any aspect of school life. Our office staff are available from 8.30am until 3.30pm to answer questions parents may have, there is never a query too big or too small. Parents are encouraged to share with us their celebrations as well as their concerns, so don’t forget to mention any big family events, baby scans and other important milestones your child will be involved in. In the early days we understand that there will be a mixture of emotions for you all and lots of questions you will want to ask. Being as relaxed and as comfortable as possible will

help your child and yourself settle into life at Regent Farm First School and enjoy all we have to offer. Visit and contact us as much or as little as you feel necessary in order for this to happen. Every year we endeavour to make the settling in period as easy as possible for everyone. Part of this is our ‘Tea & Tissues’ coffee mornings, which are held by parents who last year were in your position. Every morning of the first week, you are invited for coffee and cake to our Family Room, where you can chat to parents who know exactly how you are feeling and are there to offer ‘Tea & Tissues’ as well as friendly advice. We will also invite you into school on a regular basis to help share in our celebrations. You will notice we are keen on celebrating success and feel very proud of our little stars. We hold Celebration Assemblies every week which are always open to parents. In these assemblies we celebrate academic achievement, social development, attendance and punctuality and of course our birthdays. We also hold ‘Hand in Hand’ events where you are invited to join in activities and learn alongside your child.

“I like the bit when we go to the library, we get new books to read.”

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

THE EARLY YEARS ENVIRONMENT Our learning environment encourages the free flow of children from one activity to the next. We endeavour to make our learning environment a place for children to explore, create and investigate the world around them. Our environment encourages independent exploration and works to enhance their natural curiosity. When you look around our environment please remember it is your child’s world. These activities are their ideas, their work, their fun. Sometimes a child’s idea of decoration, beauty and housekeeping does not coincide with adults. A child’s imagination is great. Children can do wonderful things; paint the wind, dance like a leaf and find joy and happiness in performing simple tasks. These are abilities that adults may have lost along the way. Enter and return for a brief visit into the wonderful world of young children. Enjoy their enthusiasm.


We believe that young children: • Are powerful learners; driven by curiosity, creativity and theories about the world. • Are capable and competent. • Learn best by actively involving themselves in an experience. We use the word ‘curriculum’ to describe all of the learning experiences children have at school. These experiences are consistent with the Early Years Foundation Stage framework which children follow in Nursery and Reception at our school. As staff we plan the curriculum to ensure that different areas of learning and experience are represented in the learning activities we provide and also, through play. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework has both statutory and guidance materials. Three prime areas of learning are; • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Communication and Language • Physical Development Four specific areas of learning are; • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding the World • Expressive Art and Design Our philosophy of education in Early Years

stems very much from a child led perspective. Our staff are experienced in designing a curriculum to meet the needs and interests of the children. This means that our timetable and activities are flexible and reactive to prior learning rather than very structured and specific. Some activities are timetabled into our daily activities, for example phonics which takes place in ability groups every day. We follow the Letters and Sounds Framework and adapt it to match the needs of the group. We read with your child in school and will expect them to read at home once they start to get reading books sent home. Your child will have a library book that they have selected themselves. This book can be read to them and is intended to be enjoyed as a bedtime story for example. Reading books are to help your child develop their own skills as a reader and will have been chosen at an appropriate level for your child. Mathematics is taught every day through a variety of hands on activities. Many of these activities will repeat key concepts such as counting and identifying patterns but in many different forms. Speech and Language activities form a major part of our work in Early Years. These experiences of talk and reasoning are the foundations of writing and we believe that if children can talk about something clearly and with enthusiasm they are only one step away from writing it down. Mark-making is the earliest stage of writing. If your child is recording their thoughts in a series of marks, we encourage them to discuss what they have ‘written’ and praise their efforts.

OUTDOOR LEARNING We use nature and the seasons to deliver our early year’s curriculum. This approach means we spend a great deal of time outdoors, in all weathers where possible. Early experiences with the natural world have been positively linked with the development of imagination and the sense of awe and wonder. Wonder is an important motivator for life long learning. In autumn and moving into winter we expect all children to come with a coat suitable for outdoor play. A hat with muffs that cover ears makes your child more comfortable, as does a good set of waterproof gloves. For the spring and summer a sun hat, tops that cover shoulders and sun cream applied before they arrive at school is essential. Sturdy and waterproof footwear is required all year round as there are many opportunities for climbing and water play. We also ask that parents provide a pair of wellington boots for their child which will be kept in school specifically for outdoor play. We also ask that there is always a change of clothing (including underwear) in school in case the children require clean, dry clothes.

LUNCHTIMES Our school lunches have recently won the Bronze Award Catering Mark and over 85% of the meals are made from scratch on the premises, including our own pastry and cakes. We are lucky to have a catering team that can provide a hot meal each day.

As part of the universal free school meals entitlement, all children in Reception are entitled to a free lunch and pudding every day. We ask that you fill in a short form with details required to access the entitlement as part of the administration process during your admission. Our meals have won a red tractor award for locally sourced produce. This means our meat is not halal, we do however, offer a daily selection of vegetarian meals as an alternative. We are also able to provide for children with allergies and intolerances when we have prior knowledge of a child’s condition. If your child can not have school lunches for any reason please ensure that packed lunches are nutritionally balanced and do not include chocolate bars or fizzy drinks. We are a school with a healthy school award and believe healthy eating is a vital part of helping our children perform to the best of their ability.

SNACK TIME Your child will be provided with fruit every day (and milk whilst in Nursery). We like this to be a sociable time and to form part of the daily routine. Please join us in encouraging your child to try different snacks. They are healthy and offer a refuelling break in the day.

“I like playing outside. I like getting my shoes wet.”

Our Golden Rules for Golden Behaviour We promote and acknowledge positive behaviour. When we ask the children not to do something we explain why the behaviour is not acceptable. We try to be consistent and calm so that the children soon become aware of the rules for themselves and begin to learn self discipline. We are always available to discuss any aspects of children’s behaviour with parents. Inside school you will find a WOW board to your left. Please use the stars you find there to tell us about anything WOW your child has done at home be it big or small. These will be celebrated with the children and kept with your child’s learning journey. Please feel free to look at these at any time. We encourage a shared set of school values based on the Golden Rules; 1. We are kind and helpful; we don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. 2. We are gentle; we don’t hurt others. 3. We listen; we don’t interrupt. 4. We work hard; we don’t waste time. 5. We are honest; we don’t cover up the truth. 6. We look after property; we don’t waste or damage things. Children are rewarded for positive behaviour in our weekly Celebration Assembly as well as a variety of different ways in class.

Safety Whilst at Regent Farm First School the children’s safety is of paramount importance. We meet the schools’ legal requirement to adopt practices that conform to health and safety regulations.

We have a legal duty to safeguard children and promote their well-being. In line with guidance from Newcastle City Council we; • Adopt safe recruitment practices. • Have an identified safeguarding officer (Mrs Deborah Ashcroft). • Keep records of concerns raised by parents, carers or members of staff. These are confidential and held securely. We would only share these records with other agencies involved with safeguarding, dependent upon the individual circumstances. We ask that you inform a member of staff in your class if you wish to have someone else collect your child. This helps the staff member ensure your child is safe and also stops any anxiety this may cause for your child. We also ask that you ensure doors and gates are fully closed behind you and that only staff open doors for parents and visitors so that the correct procedures can be followed when entering our building. Safety is paramount when we are teaching children how to access the benefits of activities, manage the risks and participate as appropriate. Bumps, scrapes and knocks may be part of the risk and are always treated accordingly e.g. bathed with water and given plenty of TLC. You will be informed of knocks or bumps to the head by telephone. Therefore it is imperative you keep contact data up to date so we can always get hold of you or a designated adult in times of an emergency.

Inclusive Education All children are valued and we see them as capable and competent learners. We promote equality and diversity and are a highly inclusive

school. Children are welcome in our school community, whatever the cultural, religious or social background. We celebrate differences. We work with other agencies in the community to ensure children have equality of access to the curriculum including health visitors, the English as an Additional Language team and social care. We have our own pastoral team in school consisting of Special Education Needs Coordinators and a Home School Liaison Officer who can direct you to services you may wish to access in relation to any individual issues.

SEN and D Some children at some times may require additional support to access their full potential. Our dedicated SENCOs and SENSAs work tirelessly to provide bespoke support for children experiencing a range of difficulties. Your class teacher may discuss with you any issues they feel the SEN and D team could help with. The team are very approachable and discreet and will liaise with you fully in order to provide the best support possible for your child. We have a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy based on the code of practice 2014 which can be accessed on our website. Please also see our website for our SEN and D local offer. Feel free to make an appointment with your class teacher and SENCO if you have any issues relating to SEN and D that you would like to discuss.

ARC - The Additionally Resourced Centre for Children with Visual Impairment We are very proud to be a school with an ARC. It is a unique feature of our school and enhances all aspects of school life for the children who are privileged to use it. The ARC is centrally funded and resourced by Newcastle City Council with many children travelling from across the city and in some cases, neighbouring counties to access the provision. Each child with a visual impairment is included within a mainstream class with appropriate support from specialist staff. The curriculum is modified and tactile resources are available to enable access to classroom based activities. Each child has a very specific individualised curriculum which often includes mobility training and touch typing. Braille is a fabulous addition to our school life and you may see some as you travel around school. The children in our ARC are lucky enough to enjoy 1:1 Braille sessions with our specialist staff and make good progress whilst at Regent Farm. Our inclusion policies ensure our children become aware of differences, they are respectful and understanding of disabilities and always willing to offer friendship and support.

Absence and Punctuality There may be days when your child is not able to attend school due to illness. Please inform

us as soon as you know, if we do not hear from you regarding your child’s absence we will contact you as a matter of courtesy. You will be contacted by telephone on the first day of absence and a home visit may take place if our home school liaison officer feels it is necessary. In the instance of sickness and diarrhoea, at least 48 hours should have elapsed since the last upset before returning. For infectious diseases your doctor will indicate when they are fit to return. If your child becomes ill at school we will contact you immediately. If we are not able to contact you or the other named contacts right away we will continue trying to get in touch with you. In the meantime we will act in what we perceive to be the best interests of your child. It is vital we have up to date records which include your contact number and an additional emergency contact number.

and listening opportunities that can come from such a special time of the week. We will keep the items in our adult cupboard but do ask that precious possessions are kept at home. This avoids the risk of loss or damage.

Policies and Procedure There is a full list of policies and procedures available from the office. Many of these can be found on our website or are available on request.

Complaints Our complaints procedure has been established to deal with complaints and can be accessed via our website or a copy can be obtained from the office.

Holidays are not permitted in term time. A full list of holidays is always available on Newcastle City Council website and also from our office so that you can make decisions about holiday dates well in advance.

Complaints can be considered at three levels: • A complaint to the school. • A complaint to the Governing Body of the School. • A complaint to Newcastle Local Authority.

We appreciate that this can put a financial burden on families, although it is common procedure in all schools to not authorise term time holidays.

Most difficulties can be resolved by talking to your class teacher and this should always be the first point of contact.

In extenuating circumstances the Head Teacher is permitted to authorise time away from school although this is very rare. We ask that parents be respectful of this important rule.

Personal Possessions Your child may be asked to bring in something for ‘Show and Tell’ time. We value the speaking

Uniform One of the best days of the year is the first day in September when the children arrive in a sea of blue with their new uniforms on, ready to learn. At Regent Farm the uniform is as follows: • Grey or black skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts. • White shirt, blouse or polo shirt. • Royal Blue cardigan with Regent Farm First School logo. • Royal Blue Sweatshirt with Regent Farm First School logo. • Black shoes (no high heels). • Blue Regent Farm First School logo book bag. • Water Bottle (available from office). • White plain tee shirt. • Navy blue or black shorts. • Black sandshoes. We work with ‘Tots to Teams’ in Kingston Park to provide uniforms which have our logo. Polo shirts, cardigans, sweatshirts, book bags, fleece jackets and waterproof coats can all be purchased from the store. Uniforms are not available to buy directly from school although directions to the store are available at the office. Uniforms help the children to be comfortable and feel at ease as well as feeling part of a group. We therefore ask that children do not wear designer logos, jewellery or football strips and that shoes are easily manageable. We would ask you to label all your child’s clothes. This will assist in helping any children who may find it difficult recognising their own garments, preventing unnecessary distress. Please also remember children are often outside and will need to have their own wellington boots to enjoy the outdoor area at

its best. School will provide each child with their own waterproofs when accessing the outdoor area. All children will be provided with a peg. This will be labelled with their name. To help keep corridors tidy we ask that belongings e.g., hats and gloves are kept in book bags.

So…How can I help? We understand that you are your child’s earliest teacher and that much of what they know is down to your hard work. Please keep doing what you are doing and share your joy and triumphs with us. We see the childrens’ education as a partnership. You can read with your child at home. Listen to them read, chat about stories with them, encourage them to draw parts of the story and as they grow to write about what they have read. We are always eager to have help in class. If you feel you could offer any spare time to come in and help, please see your class teacher who will explain the procedures in order for you to volunteer. Come along with us on trips and see the world through their eyes. Extra hands and eyes are a great help when we go out and about to explore. Share with us the milestones in your child’s life; use the stars on the WOW board to tell us how marvellous your child is. Communicate with us closely. If your child may be upset for any reason, or having difficulty please let us know. These chats are discrete and confidential. We are here to help.

If the class mascot and book come home please chat with your child about it and fill in the book. Your child is bringing the toy home as a reward and it should be looked upon as a celebration. Please make sure your child has the equipment he or she needs. Please look through this booklet for anything you may need to send with them e.g. wellingtons and water bottles. You can always contribute to your child’s learning journey. If you observe something you think we should know about please tell us about it, send it in or email us so we can add it to their learning journey record. Attend meetings and events. We organise these to enhance your child’s experience at Regent Farm First School and it is appreciated if you attend and join with us in celebrating our successes. Join our PTFA. We have very enthusiastic Friends of the school group who organise events, bake cakes, hold raffles and generally have fun time. We are always looking for new members and appreciate volunteers who can offer a little bit of time to help us out.



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