Stratton Sixth Form Prospectus 2016

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Sixth Form Prospectus

Stratton Sixth Form A place where you develop … …Achievement, Resilience, Aspiration, Choice As a school at the very heart of our community, our aim is to prepare our students for the opportunities and excitement of adult life by equipping them with the skills and qualifications that will help them succeed. We aim to create a society that is supportive and caring where all are known and valued as the individuals they are. Within such a supportive environment students are encouraged to thrive in their learning and aspire to exceeding their potential. Although our learning and teaching represents the most up-to-date thinking and practice, our ethos remains based on timeless values: respect for all, fulfilment through participation and the opportunity to experience responsibility which prepares our young people to take their place in the adult world.

Rob Watson Headteacher

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Ofsted 2015: “Teaching is good” and students “make good progress in a range of [A Level] subjects.”

We are very proud of our Sixth Form and obviously would like Stratton students to continue to study with us, whilst welcoming newcomers into our midst. Our students are proud to study here, are passionate about their work and persevere when the going gets tough. Our increasing upward trend in student attainment in the face of ever more stringent exam criteria means that more than ever our students are able to follow their chosen path. We believe that we offer a great place to study and this was backed up recently by Ofsted in April 2015 who said that at Stratton.

“Sixth Form provision is good” Pride • Passion • Perseverance / 2


It’s all about

We support you with the increased demands of Year 12 study We guide you in developing the habits of good learning We celebrate your successes and challenge you to always achieve We provide the facilities to support your continued learning so that you can become an…

…Independent Learner ready for progression

to university or to start your career


Our careful guidance ensures our students embark on courses that offer challenge but build upon students’ skills and passions. We help students choose course combinations that support university entrance or are favoured by employers. In the last few years over 90% of our students were accepted into their first choice university. We monitor and support learning from day one to the end of courses. We work hard but play hard too At Stratton Sixth Form we…

“Leave no-one behind!”

... Opening doors to Opportunities & the Future Pride • Passion • Perseverance / 3

We believe in...

Perseverance We aim for everyone to start and finish their programme of study & we never give up.

Timetabled lessons take up the majority of students’ time and therefore organisation, attendance and motivation are key. Learning to manage time and to build in purposeful relaxation is important and responsibility and good habits are rewarded. Students may apply for home study if attendance and progress are good. Our students learn to prioritise and achieve the essential balance between school work, paid work and ‘down time’ which is vital to being successful. It’s all about…

… trying your best

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Partnership We work with you

& Support

The Sixth Form Team have experience, commitment and specialist skill. The team includes: Sixth Form Leadership Team; dedicated Sixth Form Administration Support; Form tutors; Specialist Subject teachers and our Learning Support Department. We are successful Our Provision includes: academic support; specialist courses; liaison with the Learning Support Department; Student Support Officers and dedicated Sixth Form Facilities. We recognise differing needs. Level 3 – bespoke Study Skills, aiming to “Leave no-one behind.” Level 2 - specific support including: mentoring; Study Skills; a bespoke Curriculum Offer; work experience and progression. We encourage and support good habits and develop independent learning through private study, home study, study leave, and reporting home with regular progress checks, subject evenings, and written reports. To contact Sixth Form Team: 01767 220000 Ext: 220 or Follow us on Twitter@Stratton6thForm The more successful you are the more opportunities are open to you in your future. Our aim is to help you to…

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develop choice.

Sixth Form Prospectus Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, SG18 8JB Tel: 01767 220000 Fax: 01767 220002 Email:

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