Free Press Issue 3

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Free Press edition 13

issue 3


14, 2009

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Page 8 Lawrence Guide

4700 Overland Drive, Lawrence, Kansas 66049

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Page - Swapping Spirit Fancy4Dancing - page 5 FS and Minutes, LHS TradeTwo Reporters for aOne DayDance Three Cousins, Note: Just as Entertaining as Wife Swap

"Mission Trips are My Passion" Hannah Markley - Page 6

Free Press Staff

By Sydney Sims

I did not realize it was directed at me, so I continued to watch the game until the group of Free State fans started yelling at me even louder. The other people in the stands around the group began to laugh. I was embarrassed and disappointed. I did not want to move and give the group of rude students, so I stood there for a while I finally left the game but the taunting upset me. Before the event I was excited to cheer my new school on, but after the incident in the stands I don't want to go to any more Free State games. I lost all the school spirit I had for Free State. Sporting events are supposed to be fun for

everyone involved, and it cannot be fun when fans take it too far. The most annoying thing at a game is when fans yell insensitive comments to each other, other fans, the referee, or the teams playing. These comments can be funny but most of the time they're hurtful and uncalled for. Cheering in the stands should be encouraging. We should pump our team and each other rather than knocking people down with hurtful statements. To be fair, most Free State fans are respectful, but it takes only a few inconsiderate people to give our school a reputation for having mean fans. Next time you're at a game think twice before you yell something out. Remember, if you say something that would hurt your feelings it will probably do the same to someone else.

My first sporting event at Free State was a disaster. It was the first football game against Shawnee Mission North. I was excited to go to my first sporting event at the opening of the new stadium and to cheer with my new classmates. I arrived a couple minutes before kick off and got a seat at the end of the second row. I was pumped! Our student section was packed with fans wearing their school colors proudly.While waiting for the teams to run out, our student section would curse, point and yell embarrasing comments at the fans from the opposing school walking by. It was crowded in the student section. Along with others I moved from the stands to the stairs so there would be more room in the row. My gesture attracted the notice of a group of girls in my row. They began to yell at me to move. I was so distracted by the game I did not immediately hear them.Then someone yelled, "If you're a junior get your a-- in the back of the stands!"

Jeff Carmody Editor-in-Chief

Nik Brill Reporter

Allison Harwood

Bailey Schaumburg Managing Editor

Kim Carter Webmaster

Jake Frydman Designer

Emily Johnson Copy Editor

Katherine Corliss Reporter

Miranda Davis Reporter


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Harrison Scheib

Sydney Sims




Alex Santos


Bird's Word: "What makes a fan annoying?" "If they're obnoxious and scream too loud." Callie Brabender Sophomore


"The one's with the loud horns that go on and on."

"Beer." Ian Emerson Senior

Chris Everett Library Media Assistant

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Oct. 14, 2009

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AMERICA: Just Like High School Musical Foreign Exchange Students from Germany and by jake frydman

France Find Intriguing, Stereotypical Environment Among Free State Students

German Exchange

by emily johnson

French Exchange One would think the most difficult part of American high school for a foreign exchange student would be the language barrier. Actually, it’s the lockers. “I was so excited when I saw the lockers because it was just like in the movies,” French exchange student Camille Dubos said. “I had no idea they would be so difficult to open.” Now, of course, Dubos has become a professional at padlocks and all things American. She can even polish off an entire large hamburger. Though most Americans have the idea that the French stick up their noses at us and our fast food, it was our yellow school buses, cheerleaders and hamburgers that intrigued Dubos. “It’s my dream come true to come to America,” she said. “In France we call the U.S the country of freedom, so that’s what I expected.” This expectation is a lot for America to live up to, but apparently we haven’t disappointed Dubos yet, and she’s quite the critic. “It’s really what I thought it would be,” she said. “It’s so huge. The big houses with American flags outside and lots of really big cars. High school is the same as High School Musical and Mean Girls.” Though most exchange students get a mere taste of America’s culture by staying little more than a month, Dubos is getting the full experience. She’ll be here all year. To some this may sound insane: an entire year away from home in a foreign land where you know absolutely no one and live with complete strangers. To thrill-seekers like Dubos, it’s an adventure. “I wanted to experience a different culture,” she said. “I wanted a real change in my life.” However, a dream and an actual decision are miles apart, and making the decision to live approximately

4,589 miles away from home is complex, particularly when parents are involved. “When I was 14 I asked my parents if I could leave my country,” she said. “They told me I was too young and tried to convince me not to go, so I just abandoned the idea, but it was still always in my head.” When she turned 16, she came up with a more convincing argument, however, and her parents finally came around. “It took months to convince them, Dubos said. “They disagreed at first but then I put the Rotary Youth Exchange application on the table and they knew I was serious. They called the Rotary and talked.” Rotary is a global charity organization with a renowned year-long high school exchange program. Dubos decided to go with Rotary when a friend of hers spent a year in India and had a fantastic experience. However, the organization doesn’t send just anyone away. “You really have to convince the Rotarians that you’re a good candidate; that you have a serious project,” Dubos said. For Dubos the exchange is so important because she hopes to teach French in America in the future. Though this year in America doesn’t count for her schooling in France and she’ll have to repeat her senior year in her home country, this year away is vital to her education and preparation for the future. Though a year away would be extremely difficult for most, Dubos says she hasn’t experienced any homesickness yet. Well, except for the food. Stacks and stacks of crepes and jars and jars of Nutella can’t quite satisfy her hunger for French cooking. Luckily, the discovery of American treasures like the cinnamon-brown sugar Pop-Tart and Sun Chips have lessened the blow.


Sophomore Elaine Frank prepares for the Homecoming parade by putting on traditional native american makeup. Photo by Sarah Hanson

7 E 7th St




Senior Krysallin Ahtone practices her pow wow dances and shows off her attire. Ahtone spent the summer traveling around the United States participating in Pow Wows. Photo by Jessica Jacobs

To the left, exchange students from both countries, France and Germany are pictured. On the left Camille Dubos and on the right Julia Beben. Beben’s stay in America will be aproximately one month and Dubos will stay for the remainder of the ‘09-10 school year.

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Oct. 14, 2009

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Oct. 14, 2009

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Cousins Krysallin Ahtone and Elaine Frank Dance the Summer Away

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goes through 10th grade.” These culture shocks were not the only difficulties Julia faced. When asked if she was having any trouble communicating with students and teachers, she simply replied, “What?” However, over the course of the interview communication was not that difficult. Comprehending the questions was not the hardest part for Beben, but rather that some of what she wanted to say was “difficult to say in English.” Even after these things, Beben seemed excited for the rest of her stay in America. She was excited to learn more about a foreign culture, and surprisingly was not upset about being in a city as small as Lawrence. In fact Lawrence is much bigger than her hometown of Eutin, and she feels she is “getting a good feel of what America is actually like.” She also added, “I am going to a cattle ranch this weekend.”

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Exchange students bring with them, along with their luggage, preconceived notions about America. “I was surprised that some of the people here are skinny,” Julia Beben said. Finding hundreds of skinny people was not the only culture shock Beben faced. In one of her classes a student was sitting on her desk rather than in her seat, something that would be completely unacceptable in the German school system. She was hesitant to answer whether she felt that the American students in general were less disciplined in school, but ultimately admitted that this was probably so. This is likely because after sixth grade in Germany, “the teacher determines whether you are intelligent or not,” Beben said. “If your teacher decides you are intelligent you go to high school through 13th grade. If not, you go to a different high school which

While most of their peers spend the summer hanging out at home, cousins Krysallin Ahtone and Elaine Frank travel around the country dancing and celebrating their culture in pow wows. "It's a chance for the tribes to gather and show each other who has what," Frank said. "It's a gathering of the different cultures." Pow wows are held across the United States on reservations every week from April to September. "We try to go out as much as possible, so almost every weekend." Participating in pow wows is not, however, for the faint of heart. "You have to practice dancing in the week before each pow wow, and if you don't you tend to get out of shape," Ahtone said. "Dances are usually three to five minutes long, and sometimes you have to do two dances, so it's like ten minutes. It's hard work." Ahtone and Frank travel to


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Indian reservations where the pow wows are held at night and often sleep in trailers. Dancers get up at 8:00 am so they can prepare for the pow wow. "Everyone gets ready at the same so you hear the bells on the costumes jingling," said Ahtone, "Things are flying everywhere. It's chaos." Pow wow dancers also have to choreograph their own routines. Ahtone says she draws inspiration from other dancers. "I'm the only one in my family that dances Fancy Shawl, [a type of pow wow dance] so I usually just watch the other dancers and try and pick up on what they do. My mom and my uncle and aunt also tell what I should do." Pow wow dancers often compete for cash prizes and trophies, but for Ahtone and Frank it's about more than just the money "Pow wows are really important to me. It's my culture. You get a chance to see how it was back then.You get to experience what your ancestors experienced."

A Day at the Pow Wow:

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The decorations include intricate bead work of patterns and designs. Top photo by Jessica Jacobs Bottom photo by Sarah Hanson

6:00am Get up, take shower, before the crowd gets there. Go back to sleep. 9:00am Wake up, eat breakfast, begin getting ready for the pow wow; this includes braiding hair, putting on outfit, and placing hair plumes. 12:00pm Grand Entry: All the dancers are introduced in the pow wow arena. During a competition pow wow, this is also the first chance for a dancer to earn points. Also introduces pow wow royalty. 1:00pm Pow wow contesting begins. Dances typically go from oldest category to youngest. 6: 00pm Dinner break. 7:00pm Pow wow contesting continues. 9:00pm Awards ceremony. Shawls, medals, trophies and cash are given. 10:00pm Go to bed.Oct. 14, 2009




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Trey McIntyre Project SUNDAY BRUNCH

Dying for Dollars Student Entrepreneur Sells T-shirts to Raise Money for Mission Trip by allison harwood



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"Mission trips are my passion. I figured I might as well put some work into what will end up being my whole summer. If I work a few months now, then I can have so much fun this summer." -sophomore hannah markley


As a high school sophomore, Hannah Markley hasn't been to business school.Yet her passion for volunteering inspired her to become a young entrepreneur. To raise money for three mission trips this summer, Markley started her own tie dye t-shirt business...with a little help from her mom. "After I signed up for the trips last year my parents told me they didn't know how they were going to pay for it.," Markley said. "This year I figured I'd just have to do it on my own." The idea started small. "I did one shirt just randomly one day and a lot of people commented on it and told me that I should do more." The business idea came when she was visiting her older sister in Nebraska. Her sister told her that if people liked her designs, she could really go somewhere with it. "On the way home from Nebraska I started writing down ideas and different things I could do, and by the time I got home I had a good outline for a business," Markley said. Her family has been supportive of the business run out of their home. Her mom has driven her to get supplies to make the shirts. However, her parents did have a few reservations at first. "I was worried about the time constraint," her mother Rebecca Markley said. "With band, choir, StuCo, youth group and school I was afraid it would take up too much time. So far though, it hasn't been a problem" "I'm jealous, I think it's awesome," her younger brother Drew Markley

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said. All the designs are original creations. She uses bleach and various dye products and gets creative. Some of her shirts are even recycled. The rest are ordered in bulk from New Jersey. "I don't have a plan B. I already have $500 in orders, so I still have a ways to go, but I'm doing pretty good." Markley isn't discouraged about the $900 she has to raise. With 60 orders already in, some from as far as Tennessee and Kentucky, things seem to be moving along smoothly.The total cost of a shirt is $14 dollars. Ten of it goes to her trips and and four towards the supplies. Not going on the trips isn't an option for Markley. "Mission trips are my passion. I figured I might as well put some work into what will end up being my whole summer. If I work a few months now, then I can have so much fun this summer." She hopes to go to a retreat in Tennessee, volunteer in St. Louis and, most of all, work at Camp Barnabas. "I'm going to spend three or four weeks at Camp Barnabas, a camp for mentally and physically disabled children and adults. I love the kids there; it's my passion." The retreat happens in February. Kids from all over the country will be there. The volunteer work takes place in inter city St. Louis. She will help with construction and work with the kids in the area. Markley makes ordering her shirts easy.All you have to do is give her your name and what you want. She's even willing to negotiate if someone can't meet the full $14. "Some of these shirts aren't really $14-quality work. The main thing you have to remember is that it's donations." Oct. 14, 2009

Feature - Commentary

Oct. 14 2009

The Night You Got Owned

Lifetouch Senior Portrait Session October 16 Schedule a free formal senior photo for the yearbook. Sign up in room 115

1. Admit it 2. Don't be Pissed 3. Deal with it

by Kim Carter

We've all done it before. Whether it was lying about where you were, sneaking out, or throwing a party while your parents were out of town. We've all made some major screw ups. The morning after is probably the worst. The

expires November 3, 2009

moment when you open your eyes and realize that it wasn't a terrible dream, that last night really DID happen and now you're in some serious trouble.The grounding can range from days to weeks to months, but that isn't the worst part. The worst part is the disappointed look in your parents eyes, knowing you just threw all chances of them trusting you out the window. However, even though you screwed up big time there are ways to get back into your parents good graces. Here's some hints you might want to take if you ever want them to trust you again. Hint one: Just admit you screwed up. Own up to everything you did wrong and apologize profusely. If

you hide any details you'll only get in more trouble. Parents have this magical way of ďŹ nding out everything that went on the night you got owned. So in the confessional process be open about what you were doing to ward off future punishments. Hint two: Don't act pissed. At the time, it may feel like a completely unfair punishment, but getting pissed and arguing that point is not the right decision. Keep your mouth shut and take the yelling and words of disappointment. Not arguing back shows respect for your parents and how they're feeling. Staying calm and listening gives them time to calm down. Don't do anything that might further frustrate them. Hint three: Deal with the punishment. Sure, it could be better and it could be worse, but whining and complaining about it isn't going to make it any easier. You screwed up and got caught, now you have to deal with the consequences. No matter how harsh or stupid the punishment is, telling your parents they are ridiculous is only going to annoy them and get you in more trouble. Going along with the punishment and following their rules shows your maturity and they'll start to trust you more. Just pretty much do what they say and don't do anything stupid and you'll be good. Accepting you screwed up and not being a kid about it is what they want to see.

Guide: October 14 - 28 Lecture by Washington Post Correspondent T.R. Reid Thursday, October 22, 7:30 p.m. Woodruff Auditorium, Lawrence free

Midnight Movie Madness presents “Evil Dead 2” Friday, October 23, 11:30 p.m. Liberty Hall, Lawrence $5

I know what you’re thinking. For what reason would you, after a full day of school and likely a full plate of extracurriculars, want to then go to a lecture on the University campus late in the evening? I’ll give two: the speaker and the issue. T.R. Reid, though likely unknown to most Firebirds, is one of America’s best known foreign correspondents. He has a syndicated column in the Washington Post and often provides lighthearted and clever commentary on NPR’s (that’s 89.3 or 91.5 if you were wondering) morning addition. The issue he’s talking about is health care...but wait don’t stop reading here! I know most, especially being high school students, are tired of the entire health care debate, but this is a discussion that is important and needs attention. Reid will examine and compare systems used by other countries to provide high quality affordable care to their citizens.

The 1987 cult comedy/action/horror film Evil Dead 2 is the next installment of the monthly MIDNIGHT MOVIE MADNESS!!! at Liberty Hall. This is not your normal movie experience. There will be yelling, screaming and cursing... and the movie will entertain, too. This event requires dedication. All the screaming is tiring when it's done at 2 am, so bring anything that will help you stay up later and laugh harder. The bad part: there will be people near you trying to replicate Mystery Science Theater 3000 and they will not be funny. You are allowed to kindly or harshly tell them to shut up.

by Jeff Carmody

From the Spencer: Big Shots highlights a recent gift from the Andy Warhol Foundation of rarely seen photographs by Warhol, dating from 1970 to 1986, presented within the context of the dynamic period of art and cultural production during which they were made.The photographs include celebrity portraits shot as black-and-white prints or as unique color Polaroids using the eccentric Big Shot camera that Warhol made famous. In light of Warhol’s near iconic status and his views on the topic of fame, the exhibition features artists and other celebrities in New York City during the late 1970s and early 1980s, looking at the interconnections between Warhol’s Factory, performance art, the underground music club scene, punk and new wave and the cult of celebrity. True to the spirit of this intermingling of different art forms and social interactions, the exhibition encompasses a variety of media. There will be photographs, prints, posters, music and music videos. There will be a vintage photo booth to allow visitors to shoot self-portraits and enjoy their own “15 minutes of fame.”

Downtown Lawrence Farmers’ Market Ongoing until Saturday, Nov. 21 Saturday 7:00am - 11:00am 8th and New Hampshire Yes, it does start at 7am on a Saturday, and I realize you are probably hung over from Friday night, but it would be hard to find something else that is such a quintessential part of the downtown Lawrence community. The Farmer’s Market is the same thing to Downtown Lawrencians that the Moonbar, or in current affairs, Burge Union, was to the Kansas Basketball team: it’s where things go down. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a vegan push the closet pie vendor down the stairs for cooking with eggs. In all seriousness the Farmers’ Market provides such a unique feeling. It’s hard to put into words the atmosphere that comes when walking around such a lively and peaceful group of people who celebrate a respect for the environment, creativity and great food. When you come upon this scene early on a Saturday morning in the fall, as the masses are already out with preKU game excitement. Where the crisp autumn air is soothed by the lingering smell of freshly baked pastries and warming sunlight, the only words I can match with this feeling are “utterly content.”

Big Shots: Andy Warhol, Celebrity Culture and the 1980s Spencer Museum of Art 10am-4pm Until Dec. 13

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