2 minute read
Seniors Jase Grady and Brady Kern (team Kern Performance) and juniors Roman Jasso and Braden Walton (team Roman Empire) were selected by their peers to compete in “How Well Do You Know Your Bro?”


The two teams were asked questions to test how well they know each other. One partner wrote down their answer while the other tried to guess what they wrote. If they had the same answer, the team received one point. The final score came out to 10-8, making Kern Performance the winners and the ultimate bromance.

Q:What is your favorite personality feature about your counterpart?

Walton’s Guess: Humor
Jasso’s Answer: Humor
Q: What is your favorite activity to do together?
Jasso’s Guess: Football
Walton’s answer: Football
Q: What is your counterpart’s favorite song?
Walton’s Guess: Vito/ Bad Boy by Headband Andy
Jasso’s Answer: Vito/ Bad Boy by Headband Andy

Q: What is your counterpart’s favorite place on earth?
Jasso’s Guess: Track
Walton’s Answer: Crunch
Q: What is your favorite physical feature about your counterpart?
Kern’s Guess: Hair
Grady’s Answer: Legs
Q: Who is your counterpart’s celebrity crush?
Grady’s Guess: LeBron James
Kern’s Answer: LeBron James
Q: What is the most stupid thing your counterpart did in their childhood?
Kern’s Guess: Spend $200 on Madden Mobile
Grady’s Answer: Spend $200 on Madden Mobile
Q: What is your counterpart’s favorite number?
Kern’s Guess: Seven Grady’s Answer: Seven
You may experience some hot-headedness as an Aries. This full moon, be careful of how your words affect others. With Chiron, the “wounded healer,” having a flowing relationship with this moon, going for peace will be easier than creating conflict.

You tend to care a lot about family and friends. This full moon is a great time to reconnect with old friends or maybe old lovers.
You may tend to have some problems with validation. These feelings may be elevated by this full moon. Libra is the sign of passion and external validation. Be careful that you aren’t relying on others to measure your self worth.

Capricorns can get a little too wrapped up in their work and school. The full moon in Leo is a perfect time for letting all of that stress melt away and spending time with friends having fun.

Tauruses tend to be homebodies. This full moon is the perfect time to get out of the house and have fun.

This full moon is in your home sign. Be careful of how quickly your emotions can change. You may have hot and cold moments with the people you love. Realize how this affects them.
Scorpios may struggle with closing themselves off from the people they love. The full moon is a perfect time to reconnect with people you may have lost or spend time with your friends to get closer with them again.

Aquarius is the opposite sign from Leo. This causes tension with your need for being social and the need to take care of yourself. Make sure to find a good balance between friends and romance and self care.

Due to the impulsivity of fire signs, make sure that you aren’t too rebellious this full moon. A little impulse is a good way to spice things up but don’t let it control you.

Pisces can be in their head often. This full moon is the perfect time to channel your emotions and imagination into something creative.

As a Gemini, you may have some unfinished projects. Full moon in Leo is a perfect time to put your energy back into those projects. Get creative and find new ways to work on projects.

Although there is a time and place for practicality, the Leo full moon is not it. Let go and have fun, you can always come back to your projects the next day.