FSP Retail Pulse - August 2014 | Retail Administrations & New Retailers

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The Retail Pulse FSP Retail Business Consultants August 2014

Retailer Births & Deaths

There w ere no recorded administrations in August. There w ere 13 new additions to the FSP Retailer Database in August, w ith 2 new retailers entering the UK market: Element w ith the new s it w ill open its first UK standalone store in December 2014 in London's Covent Garden, and, Pull'd, a new slow -cooked meat restaurant concept launching in London in 2014.

Retail Burn This month, as usual, the big national chains attract the most press. The most talked about retailers, according to the Retail Burn, include: Lidl, Five Guys, Aldi, H&M ,Argos, Simply Food, Harris + Hoole, Phones 4 U, Mamas & Papas and Tesco plc. The retailer w ith the highest number of positive new s articles in August w as Lidl, w ith the new s it is launching a new ÂŁ20m marketing campaign as it looks to grow sales to over ÂŁ4bn this year. Tesco plc is at the other end of the scale having issued another profit w arning follow ing challenging trading conditions.

Hot 100 The Hot 100 in August 2014 included; Extends partnership w ith Giorgio Armani, Fossil UK Focusing on in its retail performance, Vivienne Westw ood Recording strong annual sales grow th, White Stuff Increasing sales and store openings, Card Factory Boosting its business through Dw ell acquisition, DFS Opening Westfield Bradford flagship, New Look Upsizing in Doncaster, Next plc Expanding jew ellery retailer, Pandora Jew ellery These sustainable businesses have substantial sales, a healthy profit and have maintained good financial health. For more information on the BIS Wealth Creation Index, please e-mail us.

Retail News Index

The FSP Retail New s Index is a 3 month moving average measure of sentiment in reported retail new s stories. The August RNI index for All Retailers, at 104, has remained steady. Leisure, at 112, has decreased by 4. Clothing & Footwear, at 93, has increased by 2. Household, at 109, has increased by 2. Personal, at 102, has decreased by 2. Grocery, at 103, has increased by 2. Food & Beverage, at 109, has remained steady.

For the full report, click here. FSP on average review s over 350 unique items of retailer new s. Each article is scored according to sentiment. RNI is the sum of these scores indexed against 2005 and averaged over a three month period. The RNI time series for all retailers starts from May 2002.

Product Focus Trading Gap Analysis Are your tenants the right retailers for your centre? Are you targeting your marketing spend? FSP’s Trading Gap Analysis informs asset strategy by evaluating realistic potential, using benchmarks and shopper profiling. FSP identifies the most effective opportunities to unlock sales potential. For marketing teams Trading Gap Analysis identifies areas for marketing attention and provides detailed profiles of target locations.

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