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The Retail Pulse FSP Retail Business Consultants July 2015
Retailer Births & Deaths
There were 0 administrations in July. There were 8 new additions to the FSP Retailer Database in July, with 1 new retailer proposing to enter the UK market: Gourmet hotdog concept Hungerdog will open its debut outlet in London in late summer 2015 ahead of a wider rollout.
Retail Burn This month, as usual, the big national chains attract the most press. The most talked about retailers, according to the Retail Burn, include: Amazon, Pep & Co, Costa, Halfords ,Mothercare, Crocs, BHS, Sporting Pro, Tesco plc and EAST. The retailer with the highest number of positive news articles in July was Amazon, with the news that it has surpassed WalMart Stores Inc. as the world’s biggest retailer by market value after a surprise secondquarter profit sent the company’s stock into record territory. At the other end of the scale is EAST with the news that it blamed an “inconsistent” approach to design for its worsening financial position in the buildup to its prepack administration in June.
Hot 100 The Hot 100 in July 2015 included; Enjoying its largest quarterly gain in over 2 years, Hugo Boss Continuing to post strong UK results, Zara Embarking on regional expansion, PizzaExpress Opening in WestonsuperMare, Warren James Eyeing expansion having appointed a joint MD, Yours Expanding both in the UK and internationally on the back of strong trading, Primark Opening new restaurants in Stowmarket, Grantham, Rickmansworth and Farnborough, Prezzo Sets new benchmark rent for Oxford Street with Longines shop signing, Swatch These sustainable businesses have substantial sales, a healthy profit and have maintained good financial health.
Retail News Index
The FSP Retail News Index is a 3 month moving average measure of sentiment in reported retail news stories. The July RNI index for All Retailers, at 103, has increased by 1. Leisure, at 114, has increased by 2. Clothing & Footwear, at 96, has increased by 3. Household, at 103, has decreased by 5. Personal, at 107, has increased by 7. Grocery, at 100, has increased by 3. Food & Beverage, at 104, has decreased by 4. For the full report, click here. FSP on average reviews over 350 unique items of retailer news. Each article is scored according to sentiment. RNI is the sum of these scores indexed against 2005 and averaged over a three month period. The RNI time series for all retailers starts from May 2002.
Product Focus Product Focus – What's the Impact? With new schemes including Grand Central Birmingham (which incorporates the largest John Lewis store outside of London), Broadway Bradford and Friars Walk Newport opening this year, the retail landscape in the Midlands, Yorkshire and South East Wales will be changing – but to what extent? And for how long? Who will be the winners and losers? FSP’s Impact Modelling Assessment can provide the answers and not just for those developing the new schemes. For a number of years, impact assessments were primarily the remit of owners, investors and developers of schemes, used to understand the potential for developing new space and convincing themselves and the retailers that it was an opportunity worth pursuing.
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