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The Retail Pulse FSP Retail Business Consultants July 2014
Retailer Births & Deaths
There w as 1 administration in July:La Senza. There w ere 23 new additions to SnapShop in July, w ith 2 new retailers proposing to enter the UK market:High Heaven and Project Pie. SnapShop members can be notified w hen retailers go into administration or new retailers are added to SnapShop.
Retail Burn This month, as usual, the big national chains attract the most press. The most talked about retailers, according to SnapShop and the Retail Burn, include: Subw ay, Argos, Cath Kidston, Poundw orld, Homebase, Ann Summers, Mothercare plc, Crocs, Marks & Spencer PLC and La Senza The retailer w ith the highest number of positive new s articles in July w as Subw ay, w ith the new s it has opened its 1,800th outlet in the UK and Ireland, and plans to continue to expand its estate. La Senza is at the other end of the scale having fallen into administration for the second time in tw o years.
Hot 100 The Hot 100 in July 2014 included; Maintaining its market share, Iceland
Another 'good' year of trading, Games Workshop Expansion plans on track, Simply Food Opening new concept stores, Monsoon Launching a new ad campaign, Phones 4 U Upsizing at The Marlow es, Perfume Shop, The Sales and profits up, Body Shop, The Revamping its Regent Street flagship, Timberland These sustainable businesses have substantial sales, a healthy profit and have maintained good financial health. For more information on the BIS Wealth Creation Index, please e-mail us.
Retail News Index
The FSP Retail New s Index is a 3 month moving average measure of sentiment in reported retail new s stories. The July RNI index for All Retailers, at 104, has remained steady. Leisure, at 116, has decreased by 3. Clothing & Footwear, at 91, has decreased by 1. Household, at 107, has increased by 1. Personal, at 104, has increased by 3. Grocery, at 101, has decreased by 3. Food & Beverage, at 109, has increased by 3. For the full report, click here. FSP on average review s over 350 unique items of retailer new s. Each article is scored according to sentiment. RNI is the sum of these scores indexed against 2005 and averaged over a three month period. The RNI time series for all retailers starts from May 2002.
Product Focus Out of Town Shopper Surveys
Out of Tow n shopping has seen w idespread change over the last 10 years. There is now increasing demand from shoppers to further improve the shopping experience provided to Park users. As lifestyles and requirements continually change, it is important that ow ners and operators continually engage w ith their shoppers to best meet their requirements and realise the most value from their assets. At FSP, w e know w hat shoppers w ant because w e ask them.
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