1 minute read
Shamanism has – for a long time – been understood as a phenomenon of traditional cultures only. But shamanic world view and practice have arrived well in the middle of “modern” societies. This is expressed by rising numbers of shamanic practicioners as well as an increase of scientific research and publications on the topic.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies has been taking a key role in shaping this process for several decades. As a professor of anthropology and part of the scientific community, Michael Harner has carved out a system, which is grounded on scientific as well as shamanic principles, which is rooted in scientific paradigms and attempts or demands the integration of spiritual aspects and scientific research and teaching.
Core-shamanism follows the proven shamanic knowledge that nature – including humans – consists of matter and spirit, and that therefore true insight becomes possible exclusively by considering both ordinary and nonordinary reality. Such a realization does not only imply the attempt to build bridges between shamanism and science, but also points to the complimentary function of both areas.
The broad range of contributions in this publication mirrors the diversity of concepts of reality that come into play when shamanism and science are understood as complimentary. Viewing them together indicates the potential that can result from this link. May this book serve as encouragement and inspiration to think beyond the boundaries of the conventional.
Wartberg ob der Aist / Vienna, April 2016
Book available at: https://issuu.com/fsse/docs/fsse_shamanism_and_science