Elementary Education (Undergraduate)

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Jeanne McDowell

Academic Support Assistant 850.645.8316 jmcdowell@fsu.edu




G107 Stone Building 1114 W. Call Street Tallahassee, FL 32306-4459

Office of Academic Services and Intern Support

School of Teacher Education

Program Contacts OASIS




Bachelor of Science in

School of Teacher Education


The Florida State University College of Education bachelor of Science Degree in eLEMENTARY Education

Admission Procedures And related Requirements

Program Overview The undergraduate program in Elementary Education is designed to provide students with both the academic foundation and the hands-on experience necessary to become a successful beginning teacher of Kindergarten through Grade 6. In addition, those successfully completing the program will be eligible for both the Reading and ESOL Endorsements. The program is continuously refined to meet and exceed the changing expectations of the Florida Department of Education and other professional organizations.

Career Opportunities The undergraduate program in Elementary Education curriculum leads to the bachelor’s degree and to certification for teaching grades K-6 in the Florida public schools. The program is NCATE approved; program graduates are eligible for certification in other states beyond Florida.

The undergraduate program in Elementary Education is recognized for the quality and preparation of their graduates. Only a limited number of students will be admitted to the program during each admission cycle to guarantee the continuation of a high level of quality in teaching, field experience and internship placements. Please note that admission to The Florida State University does not automatically make a student eligible for admission to the program. Minimum admission requirements: 1. 2.5 GPA 2. passing all sections of the General Knowledge portion of the FTCE 3. reporting scores on the SAT/ACT The above requirement will be considered in addition to:

4. an acceptable essay 5. a record of work with children 6. completion of, or current enrollment in, EDF 1005, EDF 2085, and EME 2040 (The state of Florida requires these three education prerequisites to be successfully completed before beginning the program.) Students must take and pass all sections of the General Knowledge portion of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) before applying to the program. Applications are due March 1st for fall admission and October 1 for spring admission. All information submitted will be considered in making admissions decisions.

For Transfer Students When admission requirements and course prerequisites are satisfied, please visit the Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS) in 2301 Stone Building and apply for formal admission to BOTH the University and the desired major in the School of Teacher Education.

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