Our Time

This is an extraordinary time at Fayetteville State University. Hope, long deferred, is being transformed into reality all around us. It is a time of renewal, potential and opportunity.
A time to move forward in bold, new ways. A time to make our mark – in our community and the world. A time to shine. Reverence and a sense that history was unfolding filled the Felton J. Capel Arena as Darrell T. Allison took the solemn oath of office administered by the Honorable Judge Toni King –with a hand on his late father’s Bible held by wife, La Nica – to officially become the 12th Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer of Fayetteville State
University. The overarching message was clear in the sea of Bronco Blue. From its humble beginnings to a world-class institution of higher learning – and the second oldest university in North Carolina – Fayetteville State University exemplifies a vision that continues to take shape to serve the greater good. Enjoy this commemorative issue of Bronco Pride magazine, a review of the stellar events that celebrated the installation of Darrell T. Allison as our 12th Chancellor. This is OUR time, Broncos. Res Non Verba. Deeds, Not Words.
Chancellor Darrell T. Allison, J.D., delivers the installation address following the oath of office and presentation of the chancellor’s medallion and mace. The platform party includes representatives from the UNC Board of Governors, FSU’s Board of Trustees, elected officials and other state dignitaries.
1. A particular time, especially as marked by certain circumstances or occurrences. 2. A special or important time, event, ceremony, celebration, etc.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 Installation Ceremony
Capel Arena
The Bible used for the swearing-in ceremony belonged to Chancellor Allison’s late father.
“Today, we officially welcome a leader who is tailor-made for a new era in FSU’s history, a time when Fayetteville State is gaining the recognition to match its promise and the resources to match its ambition. Darrell Allison is a man with the energy and drive that Fayetteville State deserves, and his tireless advocacy on behalf of this university has already paid remarkable dividends for the University and the broader community.”
~ President Peter Hans, UNC System
must recognize and speak the names of Fayetteville State University’s founders – the brave men who, back in 1867, founded what would become today’s FSU.
These seven men – two years post the Civil War (1867) – planned, strategized and funded what would be the second-oldest public university in the state.
$136 dollars is what they mustered between them to buy the parcels of land. However, what we all know and realize today – some 155 years later – is that those seven men had a lot
more working for them than a mere $136. They added their strong faith to that $136 – strong faith and belief that despite what it looked like in 1867, the dream was possible.
Now, as the 12th chancellor of Fayetteville State University, I am standing as living proof of their good and faithful work.
So today, I speak the names of founders David Bryant, Nelson Carter, Andrew Chesnutt, George Grange, Sr., Matthew Leary, Jr., Thomas Lomax and Robert Simmons. I stand before you today upon the shoulders of these seven men.
e fully understand that our first calling is to our students and ensuring that we have the best faculty to help educate them.
No doubt, I am proud of the fact that we are one of the most affordable universities in the nation due to NC Promise.
We are proud that we have just experienced the largest enrollment numbers in over 20 years. We are proud that our faculty is working to have highly desirable and highpaying degrees in cybersecurity, supply chain and construction management, business, nursing and more.
These are all important and will continue to be of high priority for this administration. It will require transformational thinking and action. A willingness to do what’s never been done and a dedication to seeing it through. But, ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to say that it is already happening, and we’ve only just begun.
General Michael X. Garrett, retired commanding General of U.S. Army Forces Command, speaks at Installation about FSU’s commitment to serving military-affiliated students.
hen I arrived at FSU in March 2021, I was aware of the close proximity of our campus to Fort Bragg and the percentage of militaryconnected students who were enrolled at FSU each year.
However, I wanted our administration to leave no doubt about our commitment to go even further in establishing an even stronger partnership with military members and families.
By the numbers, FSU’s footprint was pretty solid in the state, especially as an HBCU who at that time had the 5th highest number of military-affiliated students enrolled out of 16 institutions within the UNC System.
Thanks in part to the hard work of our research firm, we announced earlier this year
that Fayetteville State University ranked #1 out of 102 HBCUs across the country in educating the most military-affiliated students in the nation! In strengthening our commitment to our military students and military families, we also announced this past February that we would offer free tuition to all undergraduate militaryaffiliated students.
Now we’re in September and fall semester is here. I am elated to report that we have our largest ever military student population. FSU educates more than 2,000 military-affiliated students, representing 30% of our overall student population.
Our goal is to provide greater access to our military community and remain an affordable option for a quality education for our military.
FSU ranks No. 1 of 102 HBCUs nationally in educating the most military-affiliated students.
eyond making a transformative difference in the lives of our students, we have a responsibility in the community in which we live. Our local and regional governments are depending upon us to do and support as only we can. Our fellow regional partners are counting on us like never before to ensure that our citizens, who reside in rural North Carolina, have the same access to a quality of life as our citizens who reside in the more urban areas of North Carolina. Fayetteville State University is busting out of these four walls — for they were not built to contain us. We are not comfortable doing business as usual. I have asked my leadership team to tear down the silos that seem so normal in higher education.
Fayetteville State University is meeting with community leaders in more meaningful ways.
Our Broadwell College of Business and Economics, for example, has long sponsored outreach activities to assist small businesses in our region. Through a collaborative effort with the City of Fayetteville, the Cumberland County Commissioners, and our state, we were able to take the university’s regional economic assistance to a completely different level. On September 14th, we opened the Fayetteville – Cumberland Regional Entrepreneur and Business HUB. FSU led this project, investing over $800,000, but I am honored to also recognize the following leaders and their agencies who
invested as well:
Mr. Scott Hamilton of the Golden Leaf Foundation: nearly $400,000
The City of Fayetteville: $250,000
Cumberland County: $250,000
North Carolina General Assembly: $1 million
We are engaging in positive partnerships; building on collaborative ideas; working to expand not only our footprint, but that of Fayetteville, Cumberland County and the Sandhills region. There is a new energy and real synergy. Yes, FSU is taking its rightful place as that powerful engine in this region.
1. Friendly relationship; companionship.
2. Community of interest, feeling, etc.
The VIP-studded luncheon had the feel of a large family reunion – all dressed up with white tablecloths, white floral centerpieces, wonderful food and hugs all around.
Military Appreciation Football Game Luther “Nick” Jeralds Stadium
1. Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
1. The action of marking one’s pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social, activity.
It was a magical evening of sparkling gowns, dapper tuxedos, wonderful food, music by the band Placebo Effect and dancing. Emcee Ray Thomas kept the show moving along as celebrants feasted, made toasts and posed for photos to remember the special occasion.
Installation Ball, A Black-Tie Affair Cape Fear Botanical Garden
Three generations of the Allison and Timberlake families – a legacy of strength, service and success.
FSU Day With Lewis Chapel Missionary Baptist Church J.D. Fuller Recreation Center
1. The quality of being thankful.
2. Readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Broncos packed J.D. Fuller Recreation Center with a grand entrance by the Marching Bronco XPress bringing everyone to their feet. Praise, worship and angelic voices prevailed - and the Word from Pastor Christoppher D. Stackhouse Jr.
And a big surprise: In a demonstration of its solid partnership, Lewis Chapel Missionary Baptist Church bestowed a check to Fayetteville State University – for $100,000.
1. The act of entertaining; agreeable occupation for the mind; diversion; amusement.
What better way to end an eventful weekend than a show of praise and laughter?
Musical performances brought down the house and included Grammy Award-winning singer/ songwriter K.J. Scriven as well as singer and Raeford native Todd Galberth, a worship leader in South Carolina. Also noteworthy: a duet by Kiyana Adams and Avanti Akpan.
Comedian Rod Allison – yes, he’s the chancellor’s kid brother by 18 months and an attorney, too –kept the audience in stitches with his animated style of humor and stories of growing up with his special family in Kannapolis, North Carolina.
A Night of Music and Laughter: A Gospel and Comedy Celebration
Chancellor and Mrs. Allison K.J. Scriven Todd GalberthDr. Clarence E. Lloyd, Jr. ’65 and Chancellor Darrell T. Allison celebrate the naming of the College of Health, Science, and Technology in honor of Dr. Lloyd’s generous contributions to FSU.
1. Freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone).
“As you can see, it is an extraordinary time to be a Bronco! Fayetteville State University was founded to make a difference in people’s lives, not just for our students, but also for our families, friends and neighbors in our communities, our city and beyond. Thanks to our founders and all those who helped blaze this trail of opportunity, we’ve come a long way! We’re proud of our accomplishments, but there is still work to do and we need your support. I think of Dr. Clarence E. Lloyd, Jr. 65, FSU’s most generous individual donor. He came from humble beginnings and told me how he started small, giving what he could along the way. Today he’s given over $1 million dollars to support the important work we do.”
– Chancellor Darrell T. Allison“I love FSU with all my heart, for the opportunity it has given me and that is why I’ve given generously, throughout the years, over $1 million. However, it did not happen overnight. I started small with one dollar at a time. I encourage you to do so as well. Every donor counts and every dollar counts.”
– Dr. Clarence E. Lloyd, Jr. ’65 Reminiscing on his days at FSU.
Fayetteville State University is a special place. Founded to open doors of opportunity where none existed, FSU was born from the collective vision of seven men who pooled their resources — all $136 — to create what has become an educational beacon and economic driver for Fayetteville, the Sandhills area and beyond. Our potential is tremendous and there is much more we can accomplish.
But we can’t do it without YOU.
What is the Bronco 365 Giving Campaign?
FSU’s university-wide giving campaign to increase unrestricted support to help meet the university’s greatest and most immediate needs.
Why is this campaign needed?
Because unrestricted, annual support helps create a margin of excellence that differentiates a good academic experience from a great one.
Bronco 365 Fund.