Junior Nole Notes 2011

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VOL. XXI, 2011

Florida State University is Florida’s Student University Finding the right fit; you’ll hear that often. While it’s important to find a college that will support your academic dreams and career goals, it’s also important to find a place that you can call home for the next four years. At Florida State, we have a reputation for providing students with a caring and supportive community.

Welcome to ’Nole Notes As you begin to think about college, you’ll have a million questions – from which school to what major best fits you. We’ve designed ’Nole Notes to help answer some of those questions. It’s filled with tips on what to look for in a school, advice from a current student, and information on opportunities available at Florida State. We hope that you enjoy ’Nole Notes and find the information useful as you begin exploring colleges and universities. Florida’s Student University....................................................................1 Jon’s Top Ten Tips for High School Juniors............................................2 The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing a School.............................................3 Your Finances.........................................................................................6 What Can We Do For You?....................................................................6 Florida State University 101: Intro to Campus.......................................7 Find It Online........................................................................................8

• We welcome students from all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and 133 countries. In fact, most of our student population hails from at least 150 miles.

• We connect students to service, leadership, and community action through the Center for Leadership and Civic Education.

• We offer cultural discovery and educational opportunities on a global scale through the Center for Global Engagement, as well as study abroad opportunities available through our International Programs Office.

• We support the development of Rhodes, Truman, and Fulbright Scholars (just to name a few) through the efforts of our Office of National Fellowships.

• We cater to every undergraduate by providing academic support on an individual basis through the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE).

• We provide a complete experience, both inside and outside the classroom. The range of campus activities is as diverse as our student population, with over 500 clubs and organizations located right on campus. You can’t help but get involved!

• We encourage our students to conduct groundbreaking research alongside our dedicated faculty, who love to teach and nurture their students. • We uphold our commitment to diversity. Florida State is in the top five among major public research institutions in awarding bachelor’s degrees to African American students. Our Colleges of Medicine and Law are ranked in the nation’s top ten for Hispanic students. • We give students every opportunity to pursue their post-graduate goals through the support of our innovative and award-winning Career Center.

pen and Options O s, ar E , es y E r u sions you’ll r… Keep Yo to t important deci ec os ir m e D th e of th e on m Fro an open mind, a college is fun with it, keep life – choosing

The three torches denoted in Latin on The Florida State University seal symbolize our philosophy:

Vires signifies strength of all kinds — physical, moral, and intellectual. Artes alludes to the beauty of intellectual pursuits, as exemplified in skill, craft, or art. Mores refers to character, custom, and tradition. Individually, each torch connotes a different aspect of our values and beliefs. As a whole, they form a unique combination that results in a nurturing community which shapes our students into confident and compassionate citizens of the world.

– have g time in your e an adventure This is an excitin e this experienc ak m to u yo e urag make. We enco e a few tips: tuition. Here ar in t to you. ur yo t us es. and tr what’s importan d in m in and opportuniti p ee K u feel ess. courses, majors, of e ntion to how yo ng te • Own the proc ra at e y id Pa w e. a s m er ho a off g at sin th ol e choo • Look for a scho a college, you ar e not choosing ar u yo which ts and faculty. r, en be ud st em • Rem ic departments teract with in d an s pu m ne in the academ ca a eo m sit so vi u ith yo w n k whe u can, spea estions and, if yo We offer the • Ask lots of qu versity in mind. ni U e at St a id keep Flor university – a interest you. a large research ol, I hope you’ll of ho s sc ce ht ur rig so e re e th r with th otes, take some As you search fo college coupled through ’Nole N ts se ar ow d al Br er . lib es l iti al sm personally. Goo opportun advantages of a nce the campus ue educational iq rie un pe ex in se to lts ea us pl su re e, at at visit combination th about Florida St fsu.edu, and then ve any questions website at www. ha r u ou yo se If ru u. pe s. yo to r mpu time at’s right fo seeing you on ca the university th l look forward to I’l u. luck in finding ed u. .fs in missions@adm contact us at ad Sincerely, Janice V. Finney issions Director of Adm

2 • Florida State University Junior ’Nole Notes

Tips for a Successful Campus Visit • Preparation is the key to a successful college visit. Learn as much as you can about the college beforehand. Many schools post valuable information for prospective students on their websites. • Experience a college or university when classes are in session, and faculty, staff, and students are available to answer your questions. • Wear comfortable shoes and clothing. • Check the local weather ahead of time. • Arrive fifteen to thirty minutes early to allow time for parking, check-in, and restroom breaks. • Print out visit directions from the school’s website before you leave home. Your electronic navigational devices can’t help you find parking. And while you’re on a college campus, remember to: • Grab a bite to eat at a campus restaurant. • Visit the main library. • View a residence hall or sample showroom (for the security of all residence hall students, you may not be able to see a student room). • Meet with faculty or staff of your intended major. • Attend a sporting event or musical or dance performance if you can. • Pick up a school newspaper. • Relax and do some people-watching. • Take photos of your favorite sites on campus.

Vol. XXI, 2011

JON’S TOP TEN TIPS FOR HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS It’s time to start making some big decisions, and you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. I was in your shoes not so long ago, and I know how you feel. I’ve jotted down a few tips to help you now and once you’re in college.

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on’t get Senioritis. Work hard until the very end. By taking D challenging classes during your senior year, you’ll be better prepared for your freshman year in college.


e proactive. Start working on those college essays early. B The sooner you get them done, the quicker you can get feedback from your teachers, and the faster you can get your applications in to your top colleges. Don’t miss those deadlines.

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on’t stress. You might not get accepted to your first choice, D but don’t freak out. There are many colleges out there for you – take time to explore all of your options.


on’t be afraid to ask questions. Whether you want to D know more about how to register for classes or where to pick up tickets for football games, don’t hesitate to ask for information. Upperclassmen are a wonderful resource; they always know the inside scoop – like where the free food is!


ave fun. Going to college is one crazy adventure. Be sure H to embrace the ups and downs, take time to relax, and experience all that college life has to offer. After all, these ARE the best years of your life.

• Visit the campus bookstore. • Check out the student recreational facilities.

You are almost a senior – and, unbelievably, you have only one more year until you go to college. Are you prepared? Have you done your research? Do you know the college jargon? What’s the difference between Early Action, Early Decision, or Rolling Admission? What is the FAFSA or an FTIC? The jargon is easy to master. Aid Package/A combination of aid (possibly including a scholarship, grant, loan, and/or work-study), determined by a college or university financial aid office. Credit Hour/A unit of academic credit which often represents one hour of class time per week for a period of study (semester, quarter, etc.). In order to earn three credit hours, you usually need to spend three hours a week in class for one semester/quarter. Early Action/An admission plan which notifies you of a decision prior to the regular notification date. Admission does not obligate you to enroll.

ake sure to visit before you apply. The summer before your M senior year is the perfect time to visit colleges. Make sure you take a tour, eat on campus, and, if possible, check out the residence halls. pply for scholarships. Be sure to start the scholarship A search early. Ask your guidance counselor for information; check out www.fastweb.com; and explore the websites of the universities that interest you. Live on campus. Start off your first year of college by living in a residence hall. It’s an easy way to make new friends, learn more about the university, and get to class on time. And, you won’t have to worry about parking; you can just walk to class.

Study abroad. College is the best time of your life to get out and see the world. Step out of your comfort zone. Be sure to take advantage of your college experience by challenging yourself to do something new. Take a yoga class, sign up for an intramural sports team, or volunteer and give back to your new community.

Early Decision/An admission plan which notifies you of a decision prior to the regular notification date and obligates you to enroll.

Best of luck as you begin your college search. “Go ‘Noles!”

Grants/Awards based on financial need that do not require repayment. Grants are available through the federal government, state agencies, and educational institutions.

Jon Bonura is completing his junior year as a Hospitality Management major. He is a graduate of Nease High School in Ponte Vedra, Florida. Jon is a University Ambassador, a member of the Marching Chiefs, and president of band fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi.

Major/The subject in which you choose to specialize; a series of related courses taken primarily in your junior and senior years. Notification Dates/An admission plan which notifies you of a decision on scheduled dates based on the date your application and materials were received. Admission does not obligate you to enroll. Rolling Admission/An admission plan which notifies you of a decision as soon as your application is complete and processed – usually in four to six weeks. Acceptance is not binding. Scholarships/Financial awards based on merit and/or need which you do not have to repay. Wait List/Admission on a space-available basis when you meet minimum entrance requirements. FAFSA/Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The application required for you to be considered for federal student financial aid. Processed free of charge, it is used by most colleges and universities. Apply online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. FTICs/First-Time-In-College students. New additions to our academic family.

“I have been awarded an Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Award to complete my first book of poetry, which rewrites fairy tales with pop-culture references.” – Joni Wildman, Honors in the Major, Studio Art; Creative Writing

Vol. XXI, 2011

Florida State University Junior ’Nole Notes • 3



ll college mail has a tendency to look the same, don’t you think? Every school claims to be home to the best programs, most exciting activities, friendliest students, finest professors, and, well, you get the drift. How can you assess your choices intelligently by only exploring brochures and websites? Clearly, some schools will simply be a better fit than others. Look beyond the pretty pictures and advertising hype to what’s really important. Approach each institution with an open mind, review what each has to offer, and ask these questions: What majors are available? Most students change their majors before graduation. Are enough majors offered so that you won’t be forced to switch schools if your plans change? Does the school offer an honors program? If you’ve taken advanced courses or programs in high school – such as AICE, AP, IB, or honors – you may want to take similar classes at the college level. Are undergraduate research and internship opportunities available? A combination of solid coursework and practical experiences is the best career preparation.

Can I study abroad? A school with a variety of international programs makes it easy to incorporate a semester abroad into your personal academic journey.

Is the campus diverse? Your friendships and the insight you gain from your peers are an invaluable part of your college experience.

Can I afford to attend? This may be a significant factor in which college or university you will choose to attend. You need a clear picture of all costs.

Does campus technology support an environment for interaction with my professors and classmates? Many schools offer secure applications which enable students to access course syllabi and view test scores online, post assignments, and engage in class discussion.

Do the campus facilities support my interests? Does the school have innovative research facilities in your academic area? Do they offer professional and recreational opportunities?

Are financial aid and scholarships available? Both may help you attend a school that might otherwise be financially out of your reach. Review your offers carefully. Remember that you should compare the ratio of free money to loan money. Sometimes, the larger financial aid package only establishes a higher level of debt.

Can I see myself living here? Is the campus large or small, residential or commuter? Your university will be your next home. Will you be comfortable with its location, climate, and atmosphere?

Will I find staff to assist me with my career goals and graduate education? Although you might not be worried about this now, any college senior will tell you how important this career support will be in your future.

“I’ve worked on more than 50 films while I’ve been here; I’ve had experience with every part of the process; I’ve written screenplays and created music for soundtracks; and recently, I got to work on the first 3-D film made at Florida State.” – Tavarius Eberhart, Film

Choose Your College or University Because: 1. You’ve done your research. You know what’s out there, and your choice is a good fit. 2. It offers a full range of academic programs. Lots of majors; lots of options. 3. The price is right. You’ve studied the costs and the financial aid package. 4. The faculty is widely respected. The professors could have gone anywhere. 5. You’ve visited a number of colleges, and this feels right. Trust your instincts.

DON’T Choose Your College or University Because: 1. Your girlfriend or boyfriend is going there. Sometimes relationships change after you get to college. 2. It’s too close to, or too far from, home. Neither matters. 3. Higher tuition buys a better education. Not necessarily. 4. It offers a great social life. Don’t they all? 5. It has a winning football team. How does that affect your degree?

Junior ’Nole Notes Vol. XXI, 2011 Editor: Donna Bostwick admissions@admin.fsu.edu • http://admissions.fsu.edu/

4 • Florida State University Junior ’Nole Notes

Vol. XXI, 2011

Get Involved • Get Away • Get Fit Get Going • Give Back Your primary reason for attending college is to develop your academic and scholarly strengths, but what will you do after class? We encourage you to get involved, get away, get fit, get going, and give back. Here’s a sampling of things to do: • Get engaged with students, professors, researchers, and scholars from over 100 countries through the numerous multicultural activities offered at the Center for Global Engagement. • Get acquainted and make new friends by participating in one or several campus organizations (we have over 500). • Get going and enjoy kayaking, skiing, and other outdoor adventures at state and national parks with the skilled staff of Outdoor Pursuits. • Get loud at all ‘Nole athletic events. • Get away from it all as you sunbathe, study, flirt, or sip lemonade in the bright Tallahassee sunshine on Landis Green – a favorite spot on campus. • Get involved with every aspect of University life as a Student Government official. • Get noticed when you perform and march to the sounds of the Marching Chiefs. • Get popcorn and gain free admission to independent, foreign, and blockbuster films in the Student Life Cinema. • Get entertained by talented students and faculty as our music, theatre, and dance programs present hundreds of performances each year. • Get experience while developing leadership and management skills in ROTC. • Get moving when you soar with the Flying High Circus, one of the oldest all-collegiate aerial circuses in America. • Get active at the Rec SportsPlex, the largest collegiate recreational facility in the country. • Get fit on the track or racquetball, basketball, volleyball, and squash courts at the Leach Student Recreation Center. You’ll also find extensive cardiovascular and strength-training equipment at the Center. • Give back to the community through ongoing or one-time service coordinated by the Center for Leadership and Civic Education.



Imagine the chance to travel abroad – to steep yourself in another culture amidst incomparable academics, a distinguished University faculty, and a supportive staff, in many breathtaking locations worldwide. International Programs (IP) at Florida State, a recognized leader in international education, offers more than forty diverse programs and has made this extraordinary experience a reality for our students for more than fifty years. IP makes it possible for you to spend up to three consecutive semesters in one of over twenty locations, including our four permanent Florida State centers in London, England; Florence, Italy; Panama City, Panama; and Valencia, Spain. Each year, over 1,600 Florida State students spend a semester abroad; they complete coursework which meets their major or minor requirements, undertake internships, and avail themselves of a safe atmosphere in a magnificent location among outstanding academic amenities.

“Through the LeaderShape Institute, I realized my personal goal for positive change was to help increase the number of women in math and science.” – Amanda Schram, Civil Engineering

Vol. XXI, 2011

Meet a Few of Our Recently Honored Faculty… English professor Anne Coldiron won two fellowships, one from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the other from Folger Institute (home to one of the world’s greatest archives of rare books).

C.F. Sirmans, the J. Harold and Barbara M. Chastain Eminent Scholar Chair in Real Estate, was ranked the most prolific research author in the history of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association’s Journal between 1973 and 2008.

Thomas Joiner, the nation’s leading professor on the cause and prevention of suicide, was named the 2010/2011 Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Psychology.

Brian Inouye, Fulbright Fellow, Biological Science, is spending this spring semester at Stockholm University in Sweden studying the interaction between beetles and purple loosestrife, an invasive wetlands plant. A book written by religion professor, Amy Koehlinger: The New Nuns: Racial Justice and Religious Reform in the 1960s, won the 2009 Eric Hoffer Prize in the culture category.

Leonard Mastrogiacomo, a professor of music, was named a fellow by the Music Teachers National Association.

“I took advantage of the research opportunities available to undergraduates at the end of my sophomore year when I began working for the Center for Oceanic-Atmospheric Prediction Studies. COAPS allowed me to fulfill my desire for research and dive right into my field immediately.” – Daniel Gilford, Meteorology and Applied Mathematics


Florida State University Junior ’Nole Notes • 5


Florida Campus Compact Honors FSU as the “Most Engaged Florida Campus of the Year”.

Spotlight on Alumni Meg Crofton Bachelor of Science in Marketing; MBA As President of Walt Disney World Resort, Meg Crofton oversees a work force of more than 58,000 Cast Members. She administers a property that is more than 40 square miles in size and includes four theme parks, two water parks, 22 resorts, Downtown Disney, Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex, and other attractions at a world-premier vacation destination. Meg and her husband, Rich, live in Winter Park, Florida.

Montego Glover Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre With a thriving and successful career on Broadway (The Color Purple, MEMPHIS) and in the recording studio (original cast recording for MEMPHIS, the Dreamgirls 20th Anniversary CD, Life Begins at 8:40), Montego also finds the time to appear in creative outlets such as commercials, concerts, radio, and TV. She is an exciting and innovative artist.

Mark S. Wrighton Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Among Lara’s international experiences: an anthropology internship in Portugal, native culture and literature studies in Ireland, and grammar and conversation courses in Italy. Collectively those experiences provided Lara with the range of global opportunities FSU makes available to students.

Serving since 1995 as the 14th Chancellor of Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Wrighton has made significant progress in student quality, campus improvements, resource development, curriculum, and international reputation. He has authored and coauthored hundreds of professional and scholarly articles; holds 14 patents; received numerous national awards and recognitions, and has served on a variety of advisory boards. Dr. Wrighton delivered the commencement address for Florida State University’s graduating class of 2007.

In spite of her extensive travel – or maybe because of it – Lara has qualified for the Honor Roll or Dean’s List every semester, and was inducted into the Phi Eta Sigma honor society.

Todd Combs

> > > M E E T


Ireland, Portugal, Italy – Lara Musser hasn’t exactly confined herself to the learning opportunities available on Florida State’s main campus during her time as an undergrad. Nor has she limited herself to a narrow field of study. With a double major in anthropology and English literature, Lara, an Honors Program student, also has applied to be a Fulbright Scholar in South Korea and for the Council for International Educational Exchange Teach Abroad Program in China. “Studying abroad has not just provided me with a global perspective,” said Lara. “It’s also helped shape my perception of humanity and the world at large.”

“What’s really inspired me at FSU is knowing that this is a place where it’s cool to have a love of learning. To appreciate the library, read things beyond those assigned in class, search for knowledge in other parts of the world.” That willingness to explore and learn is likely what led to Lara winning the Department of Modern Languages’ outstanding undergraduate award in Italian two years in a row. “For me, it’s especially gratifying to interact with so many professors who truly love what they do. Their enthusiasm and encouragement have inspired me to seek out what it is that I really love to do, too.” That inspiration has motivated Lara to explore a doctoral degree and a career in academia.

What’s really inspired me at FSU is knowing that this is a place where it’s cool to have a love of learning. To appreciate the library, read things beyond those assigned in class, search for knowledge in

other parts of the world.

Bachelor of Science in Finance and Multinational Business Operations Todd Combs is an American hedge fund manager who has been tapped as the potential successor of Warren Buffett. Todd is most recognized for his work at the investment firm, Castle Point, where he grew a modest $35 million portfolio into $400 million since joining them in 2005. His wife, April, is also an FSU alum.

6 • Florida State University Junior ’Nole Notes



Vol. XXI, 2011


M O N E Y . . .

By researching financial programs and scholarship opportunities in advance of your senior year, you can begin to eliminate some of the worries of paying for college. (You’ll also score big with your parents!) Below, you’ll find a sampling of funding options: • The University awards renewable scholarships to students who have conducted outstanding community service in high school and wish to continue their commitment to service during their college years. You can apply in your senior year; the application and deadline will be posted at http://thecenter.fsu.edu. • The Office of Admissions automatically considers accepted freshmen for merit-based scholarships. Go to http://admissions.fsu.edu/freshman/finances/scholarships.cfm to learn more. • Through the Southern Scholarship Foundation, qualified students are awarded scholarships in the form of rentfree housing to live in one of twenty-five, furnished scholarship houses that are adjacent to campus. Information is available at http://www.southernscholarship.org/index.html. • The Office of National Fellowships sponsors the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Awards, given to talented students who use the award money to work on original projects in the summer. Visit http://onf.fsu.edu for details. • The Office of Undergraduate Research sponsors the $1,000 Mentored Research and Creative Endeavors Awards to help fund students’ research in the fall and summer terms. For more information, visit http://our.fsu.edu. • International Programs offers numerous scholarships and discounts to students choosing to study in one of over twenty locations around the world, including our four permanent Florida State centers in London, England; Florence, Italy; Panama City, Panama; and Valencia, Spain. Go to http://international.fsu.edu/Students/ Prospective/College/Scholarships.aspx to learn more. You can learn about scholarships as well as federal and state financial aid programs at Florida State University by visiting http://financialaid.fsu.edu.

YOUR FINANCES Given the current economic climate, it’s very important that you and your parents get the most value for your money. As you’ll see when you compare the typical first-year expenses at Florida State to other institutions, we offer a top-notch education at an affordable cost.

2010-2011 Estimated Basic Costs Estimated costs cover two semesters (15 hours per semester)

Florida Residents

Non-Florida Residents

Tuition/Fees On-Campus Housing Food (Meal Plan) Books/Supplies SUBTOTAL Health Insurance*

$5,238 5,280 3,900 1,000 $15,418 1,415

$19,682 5,280 3,900 1,000 $29,862 1,415




*FSU has a mandatory health insurance policy for new students admitted to the University. Costs of meeting this requirement will be included in financial aid considerations. Students who currently have health insurance may show proof of comparable coverage and may not be required to purchase the University policy. Refer to www.tshc.fsu.edu for additional information.

$ FSU was named a Budget Ivy university by Edward Fisk. $ The Princeton Review recognizes Florida State as the fourth best value in public colleges across the country. ccording to Kiplinger, Florida $A State University is among the top 50 Best Values in Public Colleges in the nation.

What Can We Do For You? Our Office of National Fellowships (ONF) can help prepare you to compete for the top academic awards and scholarships in the country. In the last five years, our students have won more than 80 nationally competitive awards, including three Rhodes, three Truman, five Goldwater, and five Hollings scholarships; three Pickering fellowships; and 35 Fulbright fellowships and assistantships. The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) can help you get involved in research opportunities at Florida State. You will be encouraged to engage in an academic discipline outside the classroom by conducting experiments in a laboratory, working in an archive, conducting fieldwork, or performing an artistic project in a concert hall. As a high-achieving student, our University Honors Program can provide you with an enriched curriculum. Students will enjoy the ability to take small, honors-only courses and special topic seminars with exceptional researchers and professors. Within the Honors Program is Honors in the Major, in which students complete a thesis project in a major area of study under the guidance of a defense committee. The Garnet & Gold Scholars program will encourage you to become a well-rounded citizen during your study at Florida State by helping you develop skills in three of the following areas: Leadership, Service, Internship, International Experience, and Research. Students who complete this program are recognized as Garnet & Gold Scholars upon graduation. Just imagine what you can accomplish at Florida State! To discover other opportunities for undergraduates, take a look at http://undergrad.fsu.edu.

Vol. XXI, 2011

Florida State University Junior ’Nole Notes • 7

Florida State University 101: Intro To Campus Join us now for a pictorial and historical stroll through campus. When you get a chance, come spend the day with us. We really think you’ll like what you see. 01)

estcott Fountain marks the oldest continuous site of higher education in W Florida.


e Francis Eppes Statue honors the grandson of President Thomas Jefferson. Th Eppes was head of the Seminary West of the Suwannee (River), which would eventually become the Florida State College for Women, and, later, The Florida State University.


e Suwannee Room was the original dining hall for the Florida State College Th for Women. Recently renovated to its former glory, it is, once again, a place for students to meet and eat.


odd Hall is the most elaborate example of Collegiate Gothic architecture D on campus, and was originally built as the library. Over its main entrance, rendered in gold leaf, is the inscription, “The half of knowledge is to know where to find knowledge.”


egacy Fountain commemorates the school’s transition from the Florida State L College for Women to The Florida State University in 1947. The figures in the fountain represent students from both eras, and the wall of water in the center symbolizes the passage of time.


ontgomery Hall, built in 1929, was once the gymnasium and center of M campus life. Renovated in 2004, it is now home to one of the top dance programs in the nation.


e Integration Statue honors students who worked for integration in all Th aspects of campus life. Maxwell Courtney was the first African American to graduate from Florida State in 1965. In that same year, Fred Flowers enrolled and became the first African American to wear a Florida State athletic uniform, and, in 1970, students elected Doby Lee Flowers, Fred’s sister, the first African American Homecoming Princess.


e Paul Dirac Statue stands in honor of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Th who was a Florida State professor from 1972 until his death in 1984.


e DeVoe L. Moore University Center, which houses academic and Th administrative offices, is said to be one of the largest brick structures in the Southeast. At its center is Doak Campbell Stadium, where the Seminole football team plays to the roar of 84,000 garnet-and-gold-clad fans.


e Unconquered Statue celebrates the legacy of the Seminole people – a Th spirit of courage, integrity, strength, and determination which inspires all of our students today. The spear is lit at sunset the night before each home game and burns until sunrise on the morning after the game.


e Seminole Family Statue is a tribute to the Florida Seminole Indians who Th withstood three wars against the United States government.


e King Life Sciences Building is one of the newest facilities on campus. The Th floor in the main lobby features various biological images, such as starfish and palm berries, as well as an imaginative rendering of a procession of ants, which honors the work of Dr. Walter Tschinkel, a renowned expert on fire ants.


e College of Medicine trains physicians who are responsive to community Th needs, especially through service to elder, rural, minority, and underserved populations. The College is ranked among the top five schools in the United States for percentage of graduates who choose to specialize in family medicine.


e Call Street Corridor, a manicured pathway which links the medical school Th complex to the north quadrant of campus, highlights the rich history of the University.


e bronze T.K.Wetherell Statue is a life-size memorial to our thirteenth Th president, who left office at the end of January 2010.


e fountain located at the DeVoe L. Moore University Center is known as Th the Heritage Tower. Its arches represent the matriculation of Florida State students, and the cascading waters, which signify the passage of time, flow into a circulating pool – a symbol of Florida State and our campus. The torch on top of the Tower was a gift from the graduating classes of 1946, 1947, and 1948. These classes experienced the transition from the Florida State College for Women (FSCW) to Florida State. The class of 1946 is considered the last true class of FSCW.

















8 • Florida State University Junior ’Nole Notes

Home to the state capital, two major universities and an array of museums, attractions and unique experiences, Tallahassee shares a deep-rooted history and culture with unparalleled nature and outdoor recreation. Stretching along the Florida Panhandle, Tallahassee is a place where college town meets cultural center, politics meet performing arts, and history meets nature. Population: 172,574. Forty-four percent of residents age twenty-five and older have a bachelor’s or advanced college degree.* Location: Northwest Florida, often called the Panhandle. Close to pristine beaches along the Gulf of Mexico. Average Annual Temperatures: 56.4 to 79.7 degrees; residents experience all four seasons. Outdoor Recreational Activities: Canoeing, kayaking, picnicking, and swimming at the University’s 73-acre facility, the Rez; boating, fishing, and tubing on nearby rivers and lakes; hiking, biking, and walking on 300 miles of trails; and enjoying recreational pools and parks rated among the best in the nation. Cultural Activities: Scores of museums, theatres, galleries, and monuments; Tallahassee Ballet; Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra; Springtime Tallahassee Festival; Seven Days of Opening Nights, Florida State’s annual festival which features a spectacular array of worldrenowned artists and performers; and Railroad Square Art Park, Tallahassee’s creative district, which features more than fifty studios, galleries, and small shops. Airport: Tallahassee Regional. Unique Opportunities: Internship and research opportunities through more than 100 federal and state agencies.

The Florida State University Office of Admissions 282 Champions Way P.O. Box 3062400 Tallahassee, FL 32306-2400

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit #55 Tallahassee, FL 32306

*Population and statistics provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

APPLY YOURSELF Start applying to colleges early in your senior year. To apply to Florida State University, simply: 1. Go to http://admissions.fsu.edu, click on Online Application Portal, complete the application in its entirety, and submit the $30 application fee. The application will be available on August 1, 2011. 2. Ask your guidance office to send us your official high school transcript. 3. Make sure we receive all ACT (#0734) and/or SAT (#5219) scores. (The University requires the optional portion of the ACT.) 4. Monitor the status of your application 24/7 at https://admissions.fsu.edu/StatusCheck.

FAST FACTS Founded: 1851/the oldest continuous site of higher education in Florida Character: Comprehensive, Research, Traditional, Residential, Public, and Coeducational Enrollment: 40,838 total, 31,005 undergraduate, 45% male, 27% minority, 6% international Faculty: 2,285 Affiliation: Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Colors: Garnet and Gold Email: admissions@admin.fsu.edu Website: http://admissions.fsu.edu


Get to Know Tallahassee, Florida’s Capital City

Vol. XXI, 2011

All about Florida State...................................... www.fsu.edu Come see for yourself.................................www.visit.fsu.edu Major choices...........................www.academic-guide.fsu.edu $MONEY$...................................http://financialaid.fsu.edu Home is where your hall is...................www.housing.fsu.edu Did someone say food?.................www.seminoledining.com Student activities............................. http://union.fsu.edu/sac Fun and fitness.............................. http://fsu.campusrec.com Career ideas............................................. www.career.fsu.edu International programs................. www.international.fsu.edu Make a difference............................. http://thecenter.fsu.edu Go ’Noles!............................................http://seminoles.com

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