20231116_Early Music

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THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Music presents

FSU Early Music Ensembles Baroque Ensemble

Adrienne Tedjamulia Read, Director

Early Vocal Ensemble Sarah Eyerly, Director

Renaissance Instrumental Ensemble Rachel Shapiro, Director

Thursday, November 16, 2023 7:30 p.m. | Dohnányi Recital Hall

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PROGRAM Il ben ti vegna

Francesco Bendusi (d. 1553)

Alex Lee, Rachel Shapiro, Kaleb Ward, recorders

Duo Agnus Dei II

Josquin Des Prez (1450–1521)

Alice Frisch, Cailin McGarry, shawms

Recitativo: Ma poi qualor dalla soave bocca Aria: Nell’incanto del tuo canto

George Fredrick Handel (1685–1759)

Rebecca Gardner, voice Josie Whiteis, bassoon; Johnathan Couch, continuo Bergerette: Sans Roch Madison Drace, Julian Duncan, Alice Frisch, Cailin McGarry, recorders

Tielman Susato (1510–1570)

Sing We and Chant It

Thomas Morely (1457–1602)

Madison Drace, Julian Duncan, Alice Frisch, Cailin McGarry, recorders

Duet “Ich folge dir nach”, BWV 159

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Al sen ti stringo e parto, from “Ariodante” (1734) Derek Hale, voice Rachel Bennett, continuo

George Fredrick Handel

Leah Shewmaker & Mary Botter, voice Liam Sabo, cello; Rachel Bennett, continuo

Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, BWV 56 I. Aria: Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen (Carter) II. Recitativo: Mein Wandel auf der Welt (Sam) III. Aria: Endlich wird mein Joch wieder von mir weichen (Sam) IV. Recitativo: Ich stehe fertig und bereit (Carter) V. Choral: Komm, o Tod, des Schlafes Bruder

Johann Sebastian Bach

Carter Houston & Samuel Shipps, voice Alice Frisch, oboe; Nicole Vega, Tommaso Bruno, Jean-Luc Cataquet, violins Maya Johnson, viola; Liam Sabo, cello; Johnathan Couch, continuo Doi stanchi

Alice Frisch, Cailin McGarry, Rachel Shapiro, Kaleb Ward, crumhorns

Der Allmeyer Tantz (1571)

Alex Lee, Rachel Shapiro, Kaleb Ward, recorders

Sonata in A Major for two flutes and two violins II. Allegro III. Minuet

Francesco Bendusi (d. 1553)

after Johann Ammerbach (1444–1514)

Alessandro Scarlatti (1660–1725)

Emily Eubanks, recorder; Adrienne Read, traverso Maya Johnson, Jean-Luc Cataquet, violin; Thu Vo, cello; Rachel Bennett, continuo O Quam Tu Pulchra Es

K.D. Ward and Logan Williams, voice Nicole Vega, Tommaso Bruno, Jean-Luc Cataquet, violins Maya Johnson, viola; Liam Sabo, cello; Jackie Yong, continuo

Heinrich Schütz (1685–1759)

Ouverture-Suite in D Major, TWV 55: D7 George Philipp Telemann I. Overture (1681–1761) II. Aire V. Furies Wayne Pearcy, natural trumpet; Nicole Vega, Tommaso Bruno, violins Maya Johnson, viola; Marina Burguete Diago, cello; Jackie Yong, continuo

TRANSLATIONS Recit: Ma poi qualor dalla soave bocca Aria: Nell’incanto del tuo canto Ma poi qualor dalla soave bocca sciogli, In note dolcissime a canore, Parolette d’amore, Nei modu lati accenti Si graziose care, Che fermi in aria ed ascoltarle i venti Nel verno renderian La calma al mare Fuor di sé l’alma mia Tutte le pene obblia E lieta, mentre tacita respira, Tutta negli occhi E nell’ orecchie accolta Null’ altro fuor che i tuori bei labbri mira Null’ altro fuor ch’il tuo bel canto ascolta.

But then when you release from your sweet mouth in very sweet notes of singing Little words of love, In broad-accented forms Yes graceful and dear That stop in the air And listens to the wind In the Renderian winter The calm at the sea My soul is beside itself All punishments are obligatory. And happy, while silently breathing, All in my eyes And welcomed in my ears Nothing else outside That your beautiful lips look at. Listen to nothing but your beautiful song.

Nell’ incanto del tuo canto Mi tormenti, mi contenti, Cara del dio d’amor, Bella sirena

In the enchantment of your song I’m tormented, I’m happy. Face of the Goddess of Love, Beautiful siren.

Sei ritrosa ma vezzosa, Superbetta ma diletta Dai pena ma puoi far dolce la pena

You’re shy but charming, suberb but lovely You’re sorry, but the pain is so sweet.

Al sen ti stringo e parto Al sen ti stringo e parto, Ma ferma il core in me, Moto contrario al piè, Mia figlia, addio! Ti lascio, oh Dio, non sò, Se più ti rivedrò, Cor del cor mio.

I hold you to my chest and depart, but my heart remains strong even as I leave, my daughter, goodbye! I leave you, oh God, I do not know if I will see you again heart of my heart.

Ich folge dir nacht Ich folge dir nacht Ich will hier bei dir stehen Durch Speichel und Schmach Verachte mich doch nicht! Am Kreuz will ich dich noch umfangen, Von dir will ich nicht gehen, Bis dir dein Herze bricht. Dich lass ich nicht aus meiner Brust, Wenn dein Haupt wird erblassen, Im letzten Todesstoß Und wenn du endlich scheiden musst, Alsdann will ich dich fassen Sollst du dein Grab in mir Erlangen In meinen Arm und Schoß.

I follow after you I shall stay here with you through spitting and insult Do not despise me! I shall still embrace you on the cross, I shall not leave you, Until your heart breaks. I shall not let you go from my breast, When your head grows pale, at the last death blow and when you must finally depart, Then I shall embrace you You will find your grave in me In my arms and bosom.

Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen 1. Aria (Baß) Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, er kömmt von Gottes lieber Hand, der führet mich nach meinen Plagen zu Gott, in das gelobte Land. Da leg ich den Kummer auf einmal ins Grab, da wischt mir die Tränen mein Heiland selbst ab.

1. Aria (Baß) I will gladly bear the staff of the cross, it is extended from God’s dear hand, it leads me, following my plight, unto God, in the promised land. There I will lay my troubles all at once in the grave, there my Savior himself wipes away my tears.

2. Rezitativ (Baß) Mein Wandel auf der Welt ist einer Schiffahrt gleich: Betrübnis, Kreuz und Not sind Wellen, welche mich bedecken und auf den Tod mich täglich schrecken; mein Anker aber, der mich hält, ist die Barmherzigkeit, womit mein Gott mich oft erfreut. Der rufet so zu mir: ich bin bei dir, ich will dich nicht verlassen noch versäumen! Und wenn das wütenvolle Schäumen sein Ende hat, so tret ich aus dem Schiff in meine Stadt, die ist das Himmelreich, wohin ich mit den Frommen aus vielem Trübsal werde kommen.

2. Rezitativ (Baß) My sojourn in this world is like a ship’s voyage: grief, burden and despair are waves which cover me and daily terrify me to death; my anchor, however, which secures me is the compassion by which God often cheers me. He calls out thus to me: I am beside you, I will not leave nor abandon you! And when the ferocious foaming reaches its end, then I will step off the ship into my city, which is the kingdom of heaven, into which I, along with the devout, will emerge from great tribulation.

3. Aria (Baß) Endlich, endlich wird mein Joch wieder von mir weichen müßen. Da krieg ich in dem Herren Kraft, da hab ich Adlers Eigenschaft, da fahr ich auf von dieser Erden und laufe sonder matt zu werden. O gescheh es heute noch!

3. Aria (Baß) Finally, finally, my yoke will be released from me once more. Then I will gain strength in the Lord, then I will take on the qualities of an eagle, then I will journey upward from this earth and run without growing weary. O might this happen yet today!

4. Rezitativ; Arioso (Baß) Ich stehe fertig und bereit, das Erbe meiner Seligkeit mit Sehnen und Verlangen von Jesus Händen zu empfangen. Wie wohl wird mir geschehn, wenn ich den Port der Ruhe werde sehn. Da leg ich den Kummer auf einmal ins Grab, da wischt mir die Tränen mein Heiland selbst ab.

4. Rezitativ; Arioso (Baß) I stand ready and prepared, with yearning and longing, to receive the bequest of my blessing from Jesus’ hands. How well it will occur to me when I do behold that port of rest. There I will lay my troubles all at once in the grave there my Savior himself wipes away my tears.

5. Choral Komm, o Tod, du Schlafes Bruder, komm und führe mich nur fort; löse meines Schiffleins Ruder, bringe mich an sichern Port! Es mag, wer da will, dich scheuen, du kannst mich vielmehr erfreuen; denn durch dich komm ich herein zu dem schönsten Jesulein.

5. Choral Come, O death, you brother of sleep, come and simply lead me forth; release the rudder of my tiny ship, bring me into safe harbor! Whoever wants may shun you, you can delight me all the more; for through you I come within unto the loveliest baby Jesus.

O quam tu pulchra es O quam tu pulchra es, Amica mea, columba mea, formosa mea Oculi tui columbarum, Capilli tui sicut greges caprarum, Dentes tui sicut greges tonsarum. Sicut vitta coccinea labia tua. Sicut turris David collum tuum. Duo ubera tua sicut duo hinulli. O quam tu pulchra es.

Oh, how beautiful you are, my love, my dove, My beautiful one, my perfect one. Your eyes are the eyes of doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats. Your teeth are like a flock of ewes. Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon. Your neck is like the tower of David. Your breasts are like two fawns. Oh, how beautiful you are.

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