presents the
Master’s Solo Recital of Landon Holladay, percussion
March for Two Pairs of Kettledrums
Friday, April 26, 2024 7:30 p.m.
Housewright Music Building, Room 105
André Philidor/Jacques Philidor (1652–1730)/(1657–1708)
Kylan Bigby
Cello Suite No. 5 in C minor, BWV 101 Johann Sebastian Bach I. Prélude (1685–1750)
Variations on a Theme by Mozart
Douze Études pour Caisse-Claire
Matthew Strauss (b. 1974)
Jacques Délecluse IX. (1933–2015)
Log Cabin Blues
George Hamilton Green (1893–1970)
arr. Bob Becker (b. 1947)
To Varèse
Kylan Bigby, Miranda Hughes, Drew Jungslager, and Will McCoy, marimba
Joseph Tompkins (b. 1970)
Rudimental Solos for Accomplished Drummers
John S. Pratt Buttermilk and Crackers (1931–2020)
I Ching Per Nørgård III. The Gentle, the Penetrating (b. 1932)
Roshanne Etezady (b. 1973)
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Florida State University provides accommodations for persons with disabilities. Please notify the College of Music at (850) 644-3424 at least five working days prior to a musical event to request accommodation for disability or alternative program format.