presents Jazz Combos Concert
Andres Aybar, Owen Robinson, and David Detweiler, Directors
Aybar/Robinson Combo
Just Friends
Alone Together
Body and Soul
What Is This Thing Called Love
Aybar/Robinson Combo Personnel
Jackie Borkenhagen, baritone saxophone; Tyrell Varnado, trombone
Sunday, March 2, 2025
7:30 p.m. Dohnányi Recital Hall
John Klenner
Arthur Schwartz
Johnny Green
Cole Porter
Nate Jost, piano; Ruben Orrigo-Aguilera, guitar; Garrett Mclees, bass; Javiar Quiros, drums
Off the Cliff
At the Riverbed Where the Brambles Grow
So in Love
Honors Jazz Combo
David Detweiler, Director
Nygel Anderson
Asher Pereira
Eden Rewa
Cole Porter arr. Pereira/Urbine
Honors Jazz Combo Personnel
Eden Rewa, vocals
Tyler-Pauletti, alto saxophone; Harrison Rook, tenor saxophone
Chris Goldwire, trumpet; Zach Urbine, trombone
Asher Pereira, piano; Kaleb Thompkins, bass; Nygel Anderson, drum set
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