Brass Chamber Class Recital Monday, March 3, 2025 7:30 p.m. Dohnányi Recital Hall
Dance Wilke Renwick (1921–2014)
That’s A Plenty Lew Pollack (1895–1946)
Sonata from Die Bänkelsängerlieder Anonymous ed. Robert King (C. 1685)
Tyler Bennett, trumpet; Addie Elliot, trumpet; Anthony Santillan, horn
Andrew Walker, trombone; Shane O’Sullivan, bass trombone
Grant Keel, coach
Tuba Quartet No. 1 In C minor, Op. 3
Noah Robertson, euphonium; Fénix Ramirez, euphonium
Vincent Ochoa, tuba; Allegra Hreschak, tuba
Anthony Gonzalez, coach
Kenyon D. Wilson (b. 1970)
Sonata de Chiesa Op. 3, No. 7 Arcangelo Correli (1653–1713)
Makenna Payne, trumpet; Jordyn Payge, horn; Blake Pane, trombone
Thomas Langston, coach
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Ramen Noodles
Satoshi Yagisawa
1. Salt (b. 1977)
2. Miso
3. Ton-Kotsu
4. Soy Sauce
Brass Quintet No. 3, Op. 7
Brianna Bonich, tuba; Brendan Dominique, euphonium
Marcelo Guerra, euphonium; Grant Markiewicz, tuba
Colin Teague, coach
Victor Ewald
I. Allegro moderato (1860–1935)
Nathan Reid, trumpet; Kate Moncada, trumpet
Davis Craddock, horn; Caden Ragsdale, trombone
Caleb Couchois, bass trombone
Connor Altagen, coach
Fanfare from La Péri
Renaissance Dances, 5 Dances from “The Danserye”
Paul Dukas (1865–1935)
Tielman Susato
I. La Mourisque (1510–1570)
II. Bransle Quarte Bransles
III. Ronde
V. Basse Danse Bergeret
Brass Quintet No. 1, Op. 5
Victor Ewald
I. Moderato (1860–1935)
Max McLaughlin, trumpet; Ally Jones, trumpet
David Pinero, horn; Easton Fuller, trombone; Devin Walmsley, tuba
Noah Solomon, coach