Flute Studio Class Recital
Suite de Ballet
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 1:15 p.m.
UKirk Tallahassee
Ralph Vaughan Williams
I. Improvisation 1872–1958
II. Humoresque Maya Sparks, flute
Meditation (from the opera Thasis)
Dain Lee, piano
Kathleen Antman, flute
ZiAn Fan, piano
Three Romances
Jules Massenet (1842–1912)
Robert Schumann
I. Nicht schnell (1810–1856)
Daniel Morgan, flute
Xiao Liang, piano
Dance of the Blessed Spirits
Christoph W. Von Gluck (1714–1787)
Sophie Palm, flute
Elizabeth LaJeunesse, piano
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Town Lights Yuko Uebayashi (b.
Moriah Emrich, flute
Cameron McGill, flute
Elizabeth LaJeunesse, piano
Allie Mattice, flute
Espionagem em São Paolo
Allison Acevedo, flute
Kendall Smith, flute
Yingge Wang, piano