CIRP 2012 Results - Summer 2013

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Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) The Freshman Survey 2012 Survey Report

Prepared by the Office of Research & Assessment Division of Student Affairs Summer 2013

Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................2 About Our Students ........................................................................................................................................................2 Typical Weekly Activity in High School...................................................................................................................3 CIRP Themes ...................................................................................................................................................................4 Academics .....................................................................................................................................................................4 Civic Engagement........................................................................................................................................................5 College Choice .............................................................................................................................................................6 Diversity ........................................................................................................................................................................7 Financing College ........................................................................................................................................................7 Future Planning............................................................................................................................................................9 Health and Wellness ....................................................................................................................................................9 Leadership.................................................................................................................................................................. 10 CIRP Constructs ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Predicting College Completion ................................................................................................................................... 13 Discussion & Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Figures Figure 1: Time Spent on Online Social Network as High School Seniors ..............................................................4 Figure 2: Likelihood of Voting in Campus, Local, State, or National Elections While at FSU ...........................6 Figure 3: Current Economic Situation Affected College Choice .............................................................................8 Figure 4: Concerns about Financing College...............................................................................................................8 Figure 5: Students’ Level of Financial Concern by Type of Financial Aid Received ............................................8 Figure 6: Student Mental Health Service Preferences ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 7: Physical Activity Important to Student Well-being ................................................................................ 10 Figure 8: Constructs Longitudinal Comparison ....................................................................................................... 11 Figure 9: Predicted Graduation Rates for 2012 Entering Freshmen vs. Student Expectations ....................... 14

Introduction The Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Freshman Survey, sponsored by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), collects self-reported information on incoming students (biographic, demographic, educational, financial, opinions, etc.) at colleges and universities across the United States. At FSU the Office of New Student & Family Programs administers CIRP during summer orientation. With over 30 years of participation, FSU has accumulated over 107,000 survey participants. The 2012 FSU CIRP results were summarized based on responses from 3,311 first-time, full-time freshmen, which composed 58% of the full-time FTIC population. FSU’s responses, together with responses from 283 other institutions, were aggregated in The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2012. This report contains four major sections. The first section provides detailed information about who are students are, including demographic breakdowns, family characteristics, and typical weekly activities in high school. The second section summarizes CIRP Themes that impact the college experience. The third section examines the CIRP Constructs. The report concludes with discussion points for university administration and faculty.

About Our Students FSU students come from a variety of backgrounds and bring a range of experiences with them to college. This section provides descriptive statistics on who are students are and highlights their high school activity. Demographic Characteristics Age <18 =18 =19 >19 Gender Male Female Ethnicity (all that apply)2 White/Caucasian African American/Black American Indian/Alaska Native Asian American/ Asian Hispanic/Latino Other Citizenship Status U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident International Student Native Language English Other Total Respondents


Univ Hi1

All Public Univ

1.8% 65.8% 32.0% 0.5%

1.8% 67.6% 29.9% 0.7%

1.7% 68.6% 28.7% 0.9%

39.8% 60.2%

48.1% 51.9%

46.8% 53.2%

82.4% 7.1% 1.9% 4.1% 17.7% 3.6%

72.5% 4.8% 1.5% 17.9% 11.2% 3.4%

74.0% 7.6% 2.2% 12.9% 11.5% 4.0%

98.1% 1.5% 0.4%

94.4% 2.5% 3.0%

96.3% 2.2% 1.5%

94.3% 5.7% 3,311

88.5% 11.5% 29,532

90.2% 9.8% 49,994

“Univ Hi” is a comparison group of public universities with high selectivity; “All Public Univ” consists of all participating public universities. 2 This item allows multiple selections. Thus, the total percentage adds to more than 100%. 1

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 2

Biographical Information Permanent Home of Residence 100Miles >100 Miles Places Plan to live Campus residence hall Family or relatives home Other My parents are: Both alive and living with one another Both alive, divorced or living apart One or both deceased Parent Education Level High school graduate or less Some college or postsecondary College degree Some graduate school Graduate degree Parents’ Total Income $0 to $24,999 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more Total Respondents


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

8.3% 91.6%

32.7% 67.3%

47.7% 52.3%

80.7% 2.4% 16.9%

86.8% 3.0% 10.2%

78.4% 13.0% 8.6%

68.5% 28.4% 3.1%

77.1% 20.2% 2.8%

71.3% 25.5% 3.2%







17.6% 17.3% 34.1% 2.7% 28.2%

14.5% 18.9% 40.6% 4.3% 21.7%

15.9% 13.9% 33.3% 2.9% 34.0%

14.9% 15.5% 41.2% 3.8% 24.7%

23.5% 17.9% 30.8% 2.3% 25.5%

20.7% 19.0% 36.8% 2.9% 20.5%

9.1% 14.2% 32.0% 30.1% 16.5% 3,311

8.3% 11.7% 27.5% 31.7% 20.8% 29,532

11.4% 15.3% 31.6% 28.2% 13.5% 49,994

Typical Weekly Activity in High School The survey asked students to report their study patterns and involvement in social activities during their senior year of high school. Over half (57.9%) of the 2012 FSU freshmen reported spending 1 to 5 hours per week studying or doing homework; the vast majority (86.2%) of students reported spending 1-5 hours per weeks talking with teachers outside of class, while 34% of students reported spending more than 10 hours a week exercising. Weekly Activities Studying/homework Talking with teachers (outside of class) Socializing with friends Partying Exercise or sports Working (for pay) Volunteer work Student clubs/groups Watching TV Household duties Reading for pleasure Playing video/computer games Online social networks

=0 1.8% 8.1% 0.3% 33.0% 5.2% 43.1% 14.7% 16.7% 9.1% 16.1% 28.8% 55.3% 4.6%

Typical Hours Per Week 1-5 6-10 57.9% 20.4% 86.2% 3.7% 27.1% 28.7% 50.0% 10.5% 40.4% 20.2% 15.1% 10.6% 65.3% 10.4% 62.9% 10.0% 67.4% 13.5% 73.3% 6.0% 60.6% 6.5% 35.8% 4.4% 68.6% 13.5%

More than 10 19.8% 2.0% 43.9% 6.5% 34.0% 31.2% 9.7% 10.3% 10.0% 4.5% 4.1% 4.6% 13.3%

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 3

% Spending 3 or More Hours Per Week

Figure 1: Time Spent on Online Social Network as High School Seniors 60%





39% 39% 39%

42% 42% 41%

45% 44% 43%

51% 50% 48%

52% 53% 51%

54% 50% 50%








Univ Hi

Public Univ

FSU Trend

CIRP Themes The CIRP Survey is comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics that research has shown impact the college experience. The CIRP themes combine relevant items together for easy access. By examining these items together, the themes illustrate what contributes to specific areas of interest on campus.

Academics This theme addresses topics related to academic preparation, academic enhancement experiences, academic disengagement behaviors, interaction with teachers, and active and collaborative learning. Academics Academic Preparation Self-rated Competencies Academic ability Mathematical ability Self-confidence (intellectual) College Entrance Exams (Self-reported) SAT Critical Reading SAT Mathematics SAT Writing ACT Composite Academic Enhancement Experiences and Plans Did in the past year in high school Seek feedback on your academic work Have a very good change to do in college Communicate regularly with your professors Participate in a study abroad program Work on a professor’s research project


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Highest 10% / Above Average

86.4% 51.6% 69.2% Mean Score 600 602 595 26

85.9% 59.9% 66.9%

75.3% 50.8% 61.3%

626 656 630 28

587 611 589 25

Level of Importance: Essential /Very Important




50.6% 30.0% 38.7%

41.7% 39.5% 32.1%

39.3% 32.1% 29.7%

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 4

Academics Academic Disengagement Behaviors Was bored in class Came late to class Skipped school/class Fell asleep in class Failed to complete homework on time Interaction with Teachers Asked a teacher for advice after class Ask questions in class Seek feedback on academic work Active & Collaborative Learning Tutored another student Studied with other students Performed community service as a part of a class Get tutoring help in specific courses


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Frequently /Occasionally Participated during the Past Year

41.1% 54.7% 34.1% 47.4% 47.6%

42.7% 53.7% 27.8% 48.3% 47.1%

39.6% 54.1% 28.8% 46.8% 50.7%

Frequently /Occasionally Participated during the Past Year

37.6% 63.2% 55.3%

34.6% 60.65 52.3%

31.35 57.3% 49.8%

Frequently /Occasionally Participated during the Past Year

68.2% 91.4% 58.3% 45.3%

70.5% 90.9% 55.8% 34.8%

62.9% 89.6% 56.3% 34.1%

Civic Engagement This theme contains items related to the levels of engagement and satisfaction with community and volunteer work in high school as well as items that reflect future plans for volunteer and community service. Civic Engagement High School Experiences Demonstrated for a cause (e.g., boycott, rally, protest) Performed volunteer work Voted in a student election Performed community service as a part of a class Discussed politics Worked on a local, state, or national political campaign Publicly communicated my opinion about a cause Helped raise money for a cause or campaign Volunteer work3 Self-rated Competencies Ability to see the world from some else’s perspective Tolerance of others with different beliefs Openness to having my own views challenged Ability to discuss and negotiate controversial issues Ability to work cooperatively with diverse people Awareness and Values Influencing social values Helping others who are in difficulty Participating in a community action program Helping to promote racial understanding Keeping up to date with political affairs Becoming a community leader 3


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Frequently /Occasionally Participated during the Past Year

28.5% 95.5% 28.3% 58.3% 35.6% 9.7% 51.3% 66.1% 9.7%

26.1% 92.7% 21.9% 55.8% 34.4% 9.6% 45.4% 58.0% 5.7%

26.4% 88.6% 20.0% 56.3% 32.2% 9.3% 44.7% 56.6% 5.6%

Highest 10% /Above Average

76.1% 74.5% 70.9% 80.3% 79.6% 76.3% 58.9% 56.6% 55.3% 71.2% 68.8% 66.2% 85.9% 83.6% 81.4% Level of Importance: Essential / Very Important 49.6% 39.4% 40.6% 79.5% 71.3% 71.2% 37.1% 31.2% 30.3% 39.5% 34.0% 34.2% 43.2% 39.6% 35.8% 46.6% 39.7% 36.6%

11 or more hours Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 5

Civic Engagement Plan to Do in College Participate in student government Participate in student protests or demonstrations Participate in volunteer or community service work

FSU Univ Hi All Public Univ Very Good Chance to do in College 9.6% 7.5% 6.8% 6.2% 5.5% 6.0% 44.7% 38.3% 33.3%

Figure 2: Likelihood of Voting in Campus, Local, State, or National Elections While at FSU

very likely



26% 8% 66%

very unlikely

2% 6%

College Choice This theme illustrates the issues students may have considered in choosing to attend college in general, as well as a particular college. College Choice Top Five Reasons to Attend College in General To learn more things that interest me To be able to get a better job To get training for a specific career To gain general education and appreciation of ideas To be able to make more money Top Five Reasons to Attend Your College (FSU) FSU has a very good academic reputation FSU graduates get good jobs FSU has a good reputation for its social activities A visit to FSU Campus FSU graduates gain admission to top graduate/professional schools


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Students Considered as “Very Important Reason”

88.0% 85.2% 81.6% 78.2% 69.2%

83.9% 88.1% 75.5% 73.0% 71.9%

83.1% 88.3% 78.9% 71.7% 74.3%

Students Considered as “Very Important Reason”

73.0% 59.7% 59.3% 48.2%

81.5% 68.3% 48.5% 38.5%

65.9% 56.1% 43.2% 38.3%




Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 6

Diversity This theme relates to students’ behaviors, viewpoints, values, and behavioral expectations regarding social justice issues. Diversity Behaviors and Experiences in High School Socialized with someone of another racial/ethnic group Competencies Ability to see the world from someone else’s perspective Tolerance of others with different beliefs Openness to having my own views challenged Ability to discuss and negotiate controversial issues Ability to work cooperatively with diverse people Viewpoints Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America. Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds should be given preferential treatment in college admissions. Values Influencing social values Helping to promote racial understanding Improving my understanding of other countries and cultures Plan to Do in College Socialize with someone of another racial/ethnic group Have a roommate of different race/ethnicity


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Frequently /Occasionally Participated during the Past Year




Highest 10% /Above average




80.3% 58.9% 71.2% 85.9%

79.6% 56.6% 68.8% 83.6%

76.3% 55.3% 66.2% 81.4%

Agree Strongly /Agree Somewhat; Essential / Very Important










Agree Strongly /Agree Somewhat; Essential / Very Important

49.6% 39.5%

39.4% 34.0%

40.6% 34.2%




Very Good Chance to do in College







Financing College This theme contains items related to the financial issues associated with attending college. Financing College Financial Reasons Associated with Attending College The cost of attending I was offered financial assistance The current economic situation significantly affected my college choice Could not afford first choice Not offered aid by first choice Employment Plans While in College Get a job to help pay for college expenses Work Full-time while attending college


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Students Considered as “Very Important Reason ”

76.2% 63.0% 61.9%

71.9% 54.1% 59.2%

79.7% 66.2% 64.5%

21.0% 18.1%

20.4% 17.9%

25.7% 23.0%

Very Good Chance/Some Chance

81.6% 27.5%

80.2% 23.9%

83.8% 31.9%

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 7

Figure 3: Current Economic Situation Affected College Choice



Agree Strongly


Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat 41.8%

Disagree Strongly

Figure 4: Concerns about Financing College 11.7%

Public Univ

56.4% 31.9% 9.7%

Univ Hi


36.7% 10.2%


53.7% 36.1% 0%







% Indicating Financial Concern

Figure 5: Students’ Level of Financial Concern by Type of Financial Aid Received 4 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Major Some None 4

Aid Which Need Not Be Repaid 10.6% 53.9% 35.5%

Aid Which Must Be Repaid 22.4% 62.4% 15.2%

Family Resources 4.5% 51.4% 44.1%

Student's Own Resources 14.9% 53.9% 31.3%

Other Resources 16.3% 53.1% 30.6%

Only includes students receiving $3,000 or more in one or more aid types Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 8

Future Planning This theme highlights items on students’ plans for the future, including programs of study and careers. Future Planning Highest Academic Degrees Planned None Vocational Certificate Associated (A.A. or equivalent) Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S., etc.) Master’s degree (M.A., M.S., etc.) Ph.D. or Ed.D. M.D., D.O., D.D.S., D.V.M. J.D. B.D. or M.DIV. (Divinity) Other Top Five Probable Occupation Business Doctor (MD or DDS) Health Professional Attorney Engineer Top Five Probable Majors (aggregated) Business Biological & Life Sciences Arts & Humanities Engineering Social Science Uncertainty of Career Plan Change major field Change career choice


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 14.8% 43.4% 20.3% 13.5% 6.5% 0.1% 1.0%

0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 15.7% 40.2% 21.4% 16.0% 5.2% 0.1% 1.0%

0.4% 0.1% 0.3% 21.1% 40.3% 19.6% 12.9% 4.0% 0.2% 1.1%

14.2% 11.4% 7.2% 5.8% 5.5% 16.6% 16.5% 8.3% 6.8% 6.7% Very good chance to do in college

14.5% 14.1%

15.6% 14.8%

14.1% 13.1%

Health and Wellness This theme gauges student behaviors, attitudes, and experiences related to health and wellness issues. Health and Wellness Behaviors and Experiences in High School Smoked cigarettes Drank beer Drank wine or liquor Felt overwhelmed by all I had to do Felt depressed Exercise or sports Partying


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Frequently /Occasionally Participated during the Past Year

1.4% 32.7% 38.2% 35.0% 6.7% 34.0% 6.5%

1.4% 34.9% 39.8% 30.3% 6.2% 32.2% 4.2%

2.6% 34.8% 40.1% 30.0% 7.0% 32.3% 5.0%

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 9

Health and Wellness Self-rated Competencies Emotional Health Physical Health Self-understanding Plan to Do in College Seek personal counseling


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Highest 10% /Above Average

60.6% 59.9% 64.3%

56.0% 58.5% 60.4%

53.5% 56.0% 58.6%

Very Good Chance to do in College




Figure 6: Student Mental Health Service Preferences

FSU University Counseling Center


FSU University Health Services

2% 20%


Community Clinics Private practitioners

Figure 7: Physical Activity Important to Student Well-being



60% 40%






stronly disagree


strongly agree


Leadership This theme addresses issues related to leadership and how students feel they compare to their peers on leadership-related skills and abilities. Leadership Awareness & Values Becoming an authority in my field Becoming a community leader Self-rated Competencies Drive to achieve Leadership ability Self-confidence (social) Plan to Do in College Participate in student government


Univ Hi

All Public Univ

Level of Importance: Essential / Very Important

66.6% 61.6% 46.6% 39.7% Highest 10% /Above Average 85.8% 82.9% 68.3% 65.9% 54.0% 49.1% Very Good Chance to do in College 38.4% 34.3%

59.7% 36.6% 77.8% 62.8% 48.8% 32.4%

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 10

CIRP Constructs Since 2009, HERI has incorporated a series of constructs measuring various aspects of student life. These constructs were identified using Item Response Theory (IRT) and were designed to allow institutions to make benchmark comparisons as well as use the data locally for internal assessment needs. The CIRP Constructs identified by HERI include:        

Habits of Mind: a unified measure of the behaviors and traits associated with academic success. These learning behaviors are seen as the foundation of lifelong learning. Social Agency: measures the extent to which students value political and social involvement as a personal goal. Social Self-Concept: a unified measure of students’ beliefs about their abilities and confidence in social situations. Academic Self-Concept: a unified measure of students’ beliefs about their abilities and confidence in academic environments. Pluralistic Orientation: measures skills and dispositions appropriate for living and working in a diverse society. College Reputation Orientation: measures the degree to which students value academic reputation and future career potential as a reason for choosing this college. Likelihood of College Involvement: a unified measure of students’ expectations about their involvement in college life generally. Civic Engagement: measures the extent to which students are motivated and involved in civic, electoral, and political activities.

Figure 8: Constructs Longitudinal Comparison5



Univ Hi

All Public

Construct Mean Score

53 52 51 50 49

48 Year 47





Habits of Mind




Social Agency










Social Self-Concept Academic Self-Concept

The construct “Civic Engagement” is a new construct that was incorporated in the 2012 survey. Therefore, the scores on this construct only contain the data from the 2012 survey administration. 5

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 11


Univ Hi

All Public

53 Construct Mean Score

52 51 50 49 48

47 46

Year 45





Pluralistic Orientation

CIRP Construct



Habits of Mind 2009 51.8 2010 50.8 2011 50.9 2012 51.6 Social Agency 2009 50.5 2010 50.3 2011 50.5 2012 51.6 Social Self-concept 2009 51.4 2010 51.5 2011 51.3 2012 50.4 Academic Self-concept 2009 52.5 2010 52.8 2011 52.1 2012 51.9 Pluralistic Orientation 2009 51.6 2010 51.2 2011 51.3 2012 51.6


College Reputation Orientation

FSU Mean






Likelihood of College Invovement

Univ Hi Mean

FSU Diff

51.7 50.9 51.5 51.5

+0.1 -0.1 -0.6 +0.1

49.0 48.8 49.1 49.6

+1.5 +1.5 +1.4 +2.0

50.1 50.4 50.1 49.6





Civic Engagement

All Public Univ Sig.


FSU Diff


50.6 49.6 50.0 50.5

+1.2 +1.2 +0.9 +1.1

*** *** *** ***

*** *** ***

48.0 48.3 48.5 49.3

+2.5 +2.0 +2.0 +2.3

*** *** ***

+1.3 +1.1 +1.2 +0.8

*** *** *** ***

49.4 49.5 49.3 49.2

+2.0 +2.0 +2.0 +1.2

*** *** *** ***

52.9 53.8 53.4 52.4

-0.4 -1.0 -1.3 -0.5

** *** *** **

50.4 50.5 50.6 50.2

+2.1 +2.3 +1.5 +1.7

*** *** *** ***

51.4 50.6 51.0 51.1

+0.2 +0.6 +0.3 +0.5

50.3 49.6 50.1 50.4

+1.3 +1.6 +1.2 +1.2

*** *** *** ***


*** ***

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 12

CIRP Construct

FSU Mean

College Reputation Orientation 2009 49.4 2010 48.9 2011 48.9 2012 49.8 Likelihood of College Involvement 2009 47.8 2010 50.8 2011 50.8 2012 51.2 Civic Engagement 2012 52.1

Univ Hi

All Public Univ


FSU Diff



FSU Diff


51.2 50.8 51.3 51.2

-1.8 -1.9 -2.4 -1.4

*** *** *** ***

49.3 48.5 48.8 48.8

+0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +1.0

47.9 51.1 51.7 50.9

-0.1 -0.3 -0.9 +0.3

* ***

46.2 49.1 49.7 49.6

+1.6 +1.7 +1.1 +1.6

*** *** *** ***







*** ***

Predicting College Completion HERI conducted a degree attainment study in 2011 in which they examined the effects of CIRP survey characteristics on the likelihood of college completion. Specifically, HERI augmented 2004 national freshman survey data with attainment data from the National Student Clearinghouse. In total, HERI constructed a dataset of 210,056 students at 356 four-year non-profit institutions. After implementing the multivariate normal approach to account for missing survey data, HERI applied a weighting scheme to account for the nearly 1.3 million entering first-year students from 2004. For analysis, HERI relied on logistic regression and created a model in which degree attainment was regressed upon CIRP survey item responses, allowing HERI to calculate odds ratios for the effects of individual traits and characteristics on attainment. These odds rations are used to predict individual degree attainment, and, therefore institutional four, five, and six-year graduation rates. More information on the HERI model is available at The predicted graduation rates and figures provided below rely on the predictive national data from the 2011 study and are calculated using FSU’s 2012 CIRP Survey responses. Significant predictors used in the regression models include:            

Background and academic characteristics High-school background Student background Parental background Student finances Activities in past year (as senior in high school) Hours spent per week in the last year (as senior in high school) College choice Students’ self-ratings Students’ goals and values (including degree aspirations and choice of major) College plans (including planned place of residence in the first year) Institutional characteristics (including selectivity and institutional type)

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 13

The table below provides a selection of stronger degree attainment predictors from CIRP along with their odds ratios. Predictors with a negative impact on degree attainment are highlighted in blue. FSU response data provides the percentage of respondents meeting or exceeding the predictor. 2004 Predictors (Odds Ratio) 4 Years 5 Years 6 Years Reasons for Choosing Your College Early Action/Early Decision Cost of Attending Size of College A Visit to Campus Wanted to Live Near Home Graduates Get Good Jobs Senior Year High School Experience and Behaviors Use Internet for Research/Homework Hours Per Week on Studying/Homework Perform Volunteer Work Came late to Class College Expectation Participate in Student Club Work Fulltime Attending College Transfer to Another College Self-Rating Skills and Traits Emotional Health Drive to Achieve Reasons for Going College To Gain a General Education Residence Hall Plans during First Year Live with Relatives vs. College Residence Hall Live in other Private Residence vs. College Residence Hall

FSU 2012 Response

1.128 1.10 1.078 1.064 1.049 _

1.075 1.092 1.053 1.059 _

1.068 1.083 1.060 1.051

15.7% 36.9% 39.5% 48.2% 7.6% 59.7%

1.077 1.058 1.049 0.881

1.080 1.062 0.910

1.076 1.065 0.926


1.063 0.940 0.844

1.073 0.916 0.810

1.079 0.910 0.796

58.5% 5.7% 2.3%

1.062 1.061

1.060 1.083

1.064 1.085

60.6% 85.8%













95.5% 54.7%

Figure 9: Predicted Graduation Rates for 2012 Entering Freshmen vs. Student Expectations 98.6% 90.5% 74.3% 50.2%




85.9% 73.9%


59.6% 40.5%


5-Year FSU-Calculated All Public Univ-Calculated

6-Year Univ Hi-Calculated FSU-Student Anticipated

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 14

Discussion & Conclusion The following are some points of discussion from the CIRP results:  Typical Weekly Activity in High School: According to the data, the majority of incoming students spent only 1-5 hours per week studying and doing homework, yet over 85% of incoming students place themselves in the top 10% in terms of academic ability. Incoming students clearly think very highly of their academic abilities, but 1-5 hours of work per week is clearly not sufficient for college success. What programs and services can be brought to bear to increase students’ out-of-class academic efforts?  Social Media Activity: Since 2007, social media usage among college students has increased dramatically, and a higher percentage of FSU students indicate spending three or more hours per week on social media than students in both comparison groups. What challenges and opportunities do students’ increased social media presence offer to FSU?’  Student Engagement: Incoming FSU students are exceeding their peers at other participating institutions in terms of commitment to civic and social issues as well as their leadership aspirations, both on campus and in the broader community, as evidenced largely by the longitudinal increase in the Social Agency construct scores. In what ways are we effectively providing students the experiences they need to grow in their social agency, and what can we strengthen?  Diversity: Although we exceed our comparison groups in most measures in the Diversity theme, the Pluralistic Orientation construct has remained largely flat over time. How do we challenge our students to grow in their skills and dispositions for living and working in a diverse community while also supporting what for many may be identity crises?  Health & Wellness: Incoming FSU students exceed peer groups in their feelings of depression and of being overwhelmed in high school, yet the majority told us they consider themselves in the highest 10% in terms of emotional and physical health and self-understanding. What do we make of this seemingly contradictory finding, and what implications does it have for programs and services?  Predicting College Completion: On examining the list of strong predictors for degree attainment, which predictors are we doing well on, and what are some areas that given their effect on degree attainment need some additional attention from the University?

Student Affairs Office of Research | 2012 CIRP Report | 15

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