DSA Annual Report 2014-2015

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The Division of


The Division of Student Affairs provides programs and services to maximize learning and to enhance the quality of student life. Our philosophy focuses on students’ educational, intellectual, leadership, physical, spiritual, and personal development.


This report provides information about the breadth of educational programming efforts and intentional services available to our students. Beyond direct student services, each of the departments demonstrates strong linkages with academic units that support student success and achievement. We appreciate your interest and support.

Mary B. Coburn Vice President for Student Affairs Allison H. Crume Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Brandon Bowden Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs


Division of Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs



ABOUT STUDENT AFFAIRS MISSION The Division of Student Affairs collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create welcoming, supportive and challenging environments that maximize opportunities for student learning and success. Through high quality programs and services, the Division staff facilitates student development, celebrates differences, and promotes civic and global responsibility.


• Selected by the Center for Higher Education Enterprise at The Ohio State University as one of the 15+ Most Promising Places to Work in Student Affairs. This recognition provides further evidence of the Division’s commitment to providing opportunities and support for an increasingly diverse staff. • Welcomed over 6.500 students, family members, faculty, and staff to the academic community through New Student Convocation. • Unveiled a new high-element challenge course at the FSU Reservation consisting of 12 teamoriented high ropes elements that provide teambuilding activities for FSU and the community. Course participation soared to over 10,000 hours, up 61.5% from the previous year.

• Expanded Garnet and Gold Scholar Society initiative, which inducted 145 students this year and has 700 current students participating. • Engaged over 50,000 participants during Seminole Sensation Week, which included concerts, a multicultural showcase, comedians, Breakfast for a Buck, and many additional activities. • Advised Dance Marathon, Florida State’s largest student-led philanthropy. In 2014, over 1,400 dancers raised 11% more donations for a total of $781,196.22 for Children’s Miracle Network at Shands Children’s Hospital and the Florida State College of Medicine’s Pediatric Outreach Programs. • Expanded the Seminole Allies & Safe Zones training program, adding indepth workshops on issues affecting our community and increasing trained and visible on-campus allies by 177% from the previous year.

• Hosted the fifth annual campus-wide TEDxFSU with the theme “Velocity.” Over 100 students, faculty, staff, and community members heard “ideas worth spreading” from 7 speakers. • Collaborated with Academic Affairs, the Center for Violence Prevention, Human Resources, University Communications, and the Women’s Student Union to create the #kNOwMORE sexual violence prevention campaign. • Coordinated Parents’ Weekend with over 1,200 families in attendance, an increase of 39% over last year. • Provided immigration advising and services to over 1,800 international students and over 380 international visiting/research scholars. The Center for Global Engagement also processed 59 H1-B work permits for international faculty and staff and assisted with Permanent Residency applications for over 30 international faculty.

We envision a Florida State University where students, faculty and staff embrace an inclusive learning community with respect, responsibility and acceptance for all cultures. Graduates will make meaningful contributions to a global society through character, competence and integrity. They will make ethical decisions and be committed to a life of service and leadership.

VALUES We value a University community where the tenets of the Seminole Creed are essential to the development of strength (Vires), skill (Artes) and character (Mores). We are committed to providing a caring environment which promotes sustained achievement, and fosters learning and the holistic development of students, faculty and staff.

DEPARTMENTS Campus Recreation

Oglesby Union

The Career Center

Student Government Association

The Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement

University Counseling Center

The Center for Global Engagement

University Health Services

The Center for Leadership & Social Change

University Housing

The Dean of Students Department


Division of Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs


Student Affairs


CAMPUS RECREATION Campus Recreation strives to support all members of the Florida State community in their pursuit of lifelong wellness by providing a diverse array of high-quality recreational programs, services, and facilities, all designed to “Find What Moves You.” This year, Campus Recreation: • Engaged 75.4% of Florida State students at Campus Recreation facilities and programs, up from 73.2% last year. The department recorded a total patronage of 1,556,020 students, faculty, and staff participating in one or more activities, an annual increase of 2.5%. • Received the David J. Webb Program Excellence Award from the Association for Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) for the Outdoor Pursuits program that provided a record 35 adventure trips this year. The award recognizes one outstanding non-profit outdoor program in the country annually. • Contributed to numerous wellness initiatives through the Healthy Campus 2020 program, including healthy cooking classes for students, the “Eat Smart, Be Active” certificate, and more. Attendance and participation at wellness programs and testing with the department increased 23% from the previous year. • Launched a new staff development program in Intramural Sports focused on peer-to-peer feedback to enhance job skills and performance among student staff members. Student evaluators completed over 3,000 written evaluations and reviewed video of student sports officials during IM games. • Connected with participants through a revamped digital marketing campaign that tallied over 1.3 million page views on the department’s redesigned web site, over 2 million Twitter impressions, over 1 million Facebook impressions, and nearly 20,000 active visits to the department’s blog, Pinterest, and Instagram sites. • Expanded group fitness offerings by programming in new outdoor spaces, including sunrise and sunset yoga at the FSU Reservation, paddleboard yoga on Lake Bradford, TRX circuit classes outside the Leach Center, and sports conditioning classes at the Main Campus Fields.

 850.644.0551  campusrec.fsu.edu L @FSUCampusRec Division of Student Affairs


The Center for




The Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) provides preparation, orientation, success skils, and academic support programming for students who are among the first in their families to attend college. These students often face unique challenges because of educational or economic circumstances. This year, CARE:

The mission of The Career Center is to provide comprehensive career services, train career service practitioners, conduct life and career development research, and disseminate information about life and career services to the University community and beyond. This year, the Career Center: • Advised 17,027 students through career advising and counseling sessions, an increase of 17.5% over last year. • Increased employment opportunities through on-campus recruiting by hosting 707 employers who scheduled 3,544 interviews, with increases of 47% and 13.6% over last year, respectively. • Provided students and alumni 8,611 job listings via SeminoleLink, an increase of 8.9% from last year, and referred 9,666 resumes to employers. • Taught 12 sections of the Career Planning Course in partnership with the Educational Psychology and Learning Systems Department, enrolling 367 students. • Coordinated 18 career fairs, including Seminole Futures, which provided an opportunity for 1,172 employers and graduate/professional schools to connect with 9,433 Florida State students. • Presented 658 workshops on employability skills and graduate preparation to 25,806 participants with increases of 37.6% and and 13.1% over last year, respectively. • Managed the Career Portfolio, providing 91,587 students and alumni users with opportunities to identify and document skills employers and graduate schools seek in candidates.

• Moved into the newly renovated Thagard Building. This new location provides CARE students access to support and resources at the center of the main campus. • Guided students through the College Life Coaching Program, a requirement for all sophomore participants in CARE, which has proven to be highly effective in sustaining student engagement and success. This year, CARE observed a retention rate of 95% for students receiving coaching compared to 84% for students not using this resource in prior years. • Supported at-risk students in their academic pursuits with 92.8% of all CARE students (1,232 in total) achieving satisfactory academic progress and 437 students graduating this year. • Provided academic assistance to students in the CARE Tutorial Lab with 44,644 total student visits, a 10.8% increase from the previous year. • Collaborated with SSTRIDE, Office of National Fellowships, Advising First, University Couneling, Academic Center for Excellence, Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement, and Campus Recreation to develop programs to better support CARE participants. • Continued the Unconquered Scholars Program to serve students previously classified as members of foster care, relative care, wards of the state, or homeless, seeking to increase the peer support and engagement activities for this highly at-risk population at Florida State. Efforts to support these students resulted in a 100% retention rate and an average cumulative GPA of 3.055.

 850.644.6431  career.fsu.edu L @FSUCareerCenter 6

Division of Student Affairs

 850.644.9699  care.fsu.edu L @CARE_FSU Division of Student Affairs


The Center for


The Center for


The Center for Leadership & Social Change transforms lives through leadership education, identity development, and community engagement. Across curricular and co-curricular programs and services, the Center develops students who are aware of and engaged in the world around them, ultimately using their talents and means to create a more just and humane society. This year, the Center:

The mission of the Center for Global Engagement (CGE) is to facilitate international diversity and foster global understanding and awareness within the Florida State community. The CGE is committed to enhancing Florida State’s internationalization initiatives through Intercultural Programs, the Global Pathways Certificate, Cross-cultural Exchanges, Immigration Services, and collaborative efforts with administrative departments and Academic Affairs. This year, the CGE: • Expanded the Special Academic Programs designed to attract talented international students to complete their senior years of study at FSU, graduate from their home institutions, and enroll in FSU graduate programs. Twelve programs in four different colleges were set up, a 100% increase from the previous year. • Collaborated with Academic Affairs to manage and expand the FSU bilateral exchange agreements and increase student participation. Fifty-three incoming international students and seventy-five outbound FSU students participated in FSU bilateral exchange programs, a 28% increase from the previous year. • Prepared 142 students to engage in opportunities abroad, including service, study, research, internships, and employment, through the Theory and Practice for Global Engagement course. The course saw a 71% enrollment increase over last year. • Received approval to have the Global Perspectives class designed by CGE faculty to serve as a Liberal Studies class. • Coordinated the Bridging Cultures for Service Excellence Intercultural Training workshops to 220 staff members, representing a 33% increase in participation. This workshop helps faculty and staff gain insight and sensitivity needed to provide customer service in a culturally diverse environment. • Provided the Global Partner Program for 45 FSU staff members, an increase of 165% from the previous year. The Global Partner Program is designed to help staff members increase intercultural competencies, broaden understanding of cultural differences and interact more successfully with diverse cultures. • Offered 34 Intercultural Communication Workshops with 690 participants from across campus, a 38% increase from last year.


Division of Student Affairs

Center for Global Eng agement

 850.644.1702  cge.fsu.edu L @fsucge

• Facilitated community engagement with 6,345 students who participated in ServScript, completing 323,151 hours of service to the community, a 2% increase in student participation and 2.4% increase in service hours from last year. • Celebrated the 11th anniversary of the Service Leadership Seminar with 42 first-year student participants, 12 student facilitators, and 2 student coordinators. This year comprised the most diverse group to date with a record 160 applications. • Hosted 179 students at the 7th Annual Multicultural Leadership Summit, a 12% increase from last year. Through 20 presentations, cohort discussions, and keynote address, 95.4% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they gained knowledge of perspectives other than their own. • Identified 210 service-learning courses (135 undergraduate, 75 graduate) available to students with a total of 529 class sections. Through their coursework 6,198 service-learning students completed 646,563 total hours of related service through the teaching of 319 service-learning faculty members. • Led four Leadership LOGIC (Learning in the Outdoors for Group and Individual Change) at the Rez weekend retreats for 75 students. In partnership with the FSU Reservation, LOGIC is developed for students who have not had previous leadership development experiences and want to develop specific leadership skills. • Increased the number of students graduating with the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies by 24% from last year. In partnership with the College of Education, a total of 679 students enrolled in 27 sections of 13 different LDR courses, a 50% increase in student enrollment from last year. Additionally, 11 LDR courses were approved for the Scholarship-in-Practice Liberal Arts designation. • Honored graduating seniors and our Seminole traditions through the Rite of A-rak-ke-ce-tv. This cultural graduation ceremony celebrated 95 graduates and their 275 family, friends, and guests. Over 97% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that the event increased their awareness of the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s culture.

 850.644.3342  thecenter.fsu.edu L @TheCenterFSU Division of Student Affairs





The Dean of Students Department supports the holistic development of students through advocacy, empowerment, leadership, accountability, and community. This year, the Dean of Students Department:

The Oglesby Union is the community center of the university for students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests. Serving as a unifying force that honors each individual and values diversity, the Union fosters a sense of community that cultivates enduring loyalty to the university. The Union provides services and conveniences for members of the university community and creates an environment for connecting with and understanding others through formal and informal associations. This year, the Oglesby Union:

• Welcomed 9,527 students and 8,412 family members to the University community through Orientation and worked with over 21,000 families through the Family Connection program, an increase of 7.7% from the previous year. • Provided 828 students with Victim Advocate support and services to help minimize the impact their victimizations had on their academics, a 30.8% increase from the previous year. • Served over 880 students in distress or crisis through the Case Managers, a 35.4% increase from the previous year. • Collaborated with university departments and students organizations to manage the Food for Thought Food Pantry for students in need. This year, the food pantry served an estimated 1,300 students. • Advised 834 students through the withdrawal process, nearly 5% more than the previous year. Withdrawal Services supports students who endure a hardship that may require leaving the University. • Facilitated more than 8,150 exams to the over 1,700 students registered with the Student Disability Resource Center, an increase of nearly 5% from last year. • Adjudicated 551 Student Code of Conduct Violations cases in Student Rights and Responsibilities.

• Provided the opportunity for over 4,000 individuals to express their creativity during walk-in Paint a Pot hours in our Art Center; a 14% increase from last year. In addition, Leisure Classes offered by the Art Center saw a 25% increase in student participation. • Performed for over 9,000 individuals during the nine FSU Flying High Circus Home Shows, an increase of 6% from last year. • Added a new billiards class with 6 sections and an average of 18 students per section in Crenshaw Lanes, the on-campus bowling and recreation center. • Re-established three chapters in the fraternity and sorority community. Students involved in a Greek organization on average had higher GPAs than the average undergraduate. • Recieved two American Graphic Design awards for the 2014 Dalton Institute on College Student Values program booklet and the 2014 Holopaw (Orientation guidebook), both designed by students in the Marketing and Communications office. • Entertained over 50,000 patrons, a 29% increase, through performances hosted by Union Productions with 31% more sold-out shows.


 850.644.2428  deanofstudents.fsu.edu

 850.644.6860  union.fsu.edu L @OglesbyUnion


Division of Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs




The Department of Student Government (SGA) at Florida State University assists students in reaching their full potential by focusing on leadership and identity development, belonging and inclusion, civic engagement and participation, and financial responsibility and stewardship. This year, the Student Government Association:

The University Counseling Center’s (UCC) primary mission is to address the psychological needs and personal concerns that may impact students’ academic progress, social development, and emotional well-being. The UCC provides free and confidential psychological counseling to currently enrolled Florida State students, as well as outreach and consultation services to the Florida State campus. This year, The University Counseling Center:

• Advised student organizations in leadership development, programming, response to national and local issues, and development of student voices in campus campaigns, such as #kNOwMORE and #FSUStrong. The identitybased SGA Agencies hosted over 175 cultural, educational, and social events open to the entire campus community, highlighting the diversity of the student body and attended their first All Agency Advance to develop leadership skills and knowledge. • Hosted world-renowned speakers to students and the Tallahassee community through SGA entities and the Golden Tribe Lecture Series, including Bill Nye the Science Guy, African-American author and television personality Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry, transgender activist Laverne Cox, the first Indian American woman selected as Miss America Nina Davuluri, and former Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul. • Created “Celebrating the Spectrum: A History of LGBTQ+ Progress and FSU’s Pride Student Union,” a historical narrative and resource and continued to work with departments to make strides in All Gender restrooms availability across campus. • Allocated Activities and Service funding of over $13,700,000 to the Oglesby Union, Campus Recreation, Student Activities and Organizations, and the Congress of Graduate Students. SGA provided training and resources to encourage fiscal responsibility, planning, and stewardship through the expansion of the online budgeting process. • Increased Student Publications graphic-design projects by over 140% from the previous year, providing photography and artwork services to Recognized Student Organizations, SGA entities, and university-wide events. Student Publications also implemented student internships in writing, photography, and video-production to complete these projects.


Division of Student Affairs


 850.644.1811  sga.fsu.edu L @FSUSGA

• Delivered 15,229 individual and group counseling sessions to 3,206 students, a 2% increase in students and services over the previous year. • Offered therapeutic services to 1,488 students who walked in to the UCC without a scheduled appointment, a 58% increase over the previous year. • Presented 216 outreach programs promoting mental health awareness to approximately 12,000 students, a 60% increase in outreach programming over the previous year. • Completed the UCC expansion/renovation project, adding a welcoming new reception and waiting room, data entry room, conference room, 2 new group rooms, a new biofeedback lab and seven new individual offices. • Provided clinical internships for four doctoral interns in psychology and offered a two semester practicum program for four doctoral students from the FSU Combined Counseling and School Psychology Program. UCC staff supervised two post-doctoral residents for licensure in psychology as well as two Master’s degree counselors from FSU for licensure in their respective fields (Mental Health Counseling and Social Work). In addition, the master’s internship program was reinstated with two interns joining the staff. • Increased efficiency by decreasing the amount of time students had to wait for services by initiating a pilot clinical program in which students had the option to schedule an appointment or walk-in to speak with a counselor. As a result of the findings of this pilot, the UCC changed to a walk-in system for new clients. • Launched UCC after-hours program in collaboration with ProtoCall Services to provide immediate access for students to speak with a counselor by telephone after regular office hours as well as on weekends and holidays.

 850.644.2003  counseling.fsu.edu L @FSUUCC

Division of Student Affairs




University Health Services (UHS) provides healthcare, prevention, education, and outreach services to a diverse student population and eligible recipients in a safe and supportive environment. University Health Services promotes campus wellness by encouraging healthy lifestyles and personal responsibility to enhance students’ capacity for reaching academic and personal goals. This year, University Health Services: • Provided services with a total 68,698 patient visits, a 19.5% increase over a two-year period. • Offered psychiatry services with a total of 5,808 psychiatry visits, a 34.9% increase over a two-year period. Additionally, the hours that the Psychiatry Clinic is staffed was extended by an additional hour each day. • Delivered diagnostic imaging services through a total of 5,941 imaging studies, a 66% increase over a two-year period. UHS continued to provide x-ray services at the home football games for both visiting and FSU athletes. • Dedicated one clinician to a Fast Track Clinic for patients with eye, ears, nose, and throat infections. This allows 25 walk-in sick patients to be seen the same day and freeing u more time in the clinics for more complex health issues. Over a two-month period this winter, the Fast Track Clinic saw 474 patients. • Implemented an “after hours” telephone triage service through a partnership with MDLIVE to better serve students. Students can access after-hours care from a Nurse at no cost or access to a board-certified physician for a nominal fee. • Contracted with local specialists to provide availability for students, faculty and staff in the Health and Wellness Building for the following specialty care: Allergy\Immunology, Cardiology, Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Dental, Dermatology and Diabetes Educators. These services saw a total of 6,097 patient visits this year. • Developed a Campus-Based Sexual Assault Primary Prevention Plan for Florida State University and coordinated the Sexual Violence Prevention Continuum of Care and Curriculum Development Committees.

The mission of University Housing is to provide exceptional living opportunities for students to succeed academically. Residence life fosters the lifelong learning of every resident through the promotion of responsible citizenship, appreciation of differences, personal wellness, and involvement. This year, University Housing:


Division of Student Affairs

• Housed 6,626 undergraduate and graduate students in 18 facilities. • Improved the housing contract system to provide a faster, simpler, more convenient way for incoming students to initiate their arrangements for oncampus housing. • Accelerated Phase 1 of the Dorman\Deviney Replacement Project, with Dorman now scheduled to open for Summer 2015 and Deviney on track to open for Fall 2015. • Administered the annual EBI resident assessment to students in the residence halls with an 84% response rate. Among its selected comparison institutions, University Housing ranked #2 for Overall Satisfaction, #2 for Overall Learning, and #4 for Overall Program Effectiveness. • Expanded University Housing’s academic support and recognition programs, initiating Seminole Scholars Week and collaborating with the ACE Learning Studio to implement in-hall tutoring services. • Collaborated with Academic Affairs to provide seven living-learning communities accommodating 405 first-year students. • Provided 120 student parent families with child care.

 850.644.6230  uhs.fsu.edu

 850.644.2860  housing.fsu.edu L @HousingFSU

Division of Student Affairs


OVERALL DIVISION STRATEGIC PLAN The Florida State University’s Division of Student Affairs maintains, expands and protects the University’s focus on students. We achieve this by: • Advocating for students individually and systemically • Educating students through courses, programs and activities • Assisting students’ intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual development • Collaborating with campus and community partners to design policies and programs that are student-centered • Consulting with all University divisions to anticipate student needs and resolve issues The Division accomplishes these tasks through utilizing best practices as identified by international higher education professional organizations to create evidence-based programs and services.

STRATEGIC GOALS • Build Community: Facilitate a student-centered campus through fostering greater interaction, integration, understanding and appreciation of all cultures in our community and beyond. • Educate Leaders to Make a Difference: Prepare ethical leaders for a global society. • Integrate Learning: Educate students and collaborate with Academic Affairs to provide a comprehensive culture of learning. • Ensure Operational Excellence: Maximize resources to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments.

OVERALL STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 1. Develop strategies to increase student engagement, promote learning opportunities, and foster inclusiveness across campus. 2. Enhance and support student leadership learning initiatives. 3. Expand internship and experiential opportunities. 4. Expand internationalization efforts in partnership with Academic Affairs. 5. Increase mental health and wellness resources. 6. Implement Division of Student Affairs student leader learning outcomes assessment. 7. Encourage the study of the college student experience and program effectiveness to promote student success.

With your support, we look forward to a successful new year.


Division of Student Affairs


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