DSA Annual Report - 2007-2008

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DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS W e l c o m e L e t t e r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 M i s s i o n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 V i s i o n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Va l u e s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 S t r a t e g i c G o a l s a n d D i v i s i o n I n i t i a t i v e s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 U n i v e r s i t y - W i d e C o l l a b o r a t i o n s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 C o m m u n i t y / A l u m n i R e l a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 D o n o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

DEPARTMENTS C a m p u s R e c r e a t i o n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C a r e e r C e n t e r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement......................... 3 C e n t e r f o r L e a d e r s h i p & C i v i c E d u c a t i o n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dean of Students.....................................................................5 I n t e r n a t i o n a l C e n t e r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O f f i c e o f M u l t i c u l t u r a l A f f a i r s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Office of Research...................................................................8 O g l e s b y U n i o n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t A s s o c i a t i o n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 T h a g a r d S t u d e n t H e a l t h C e n t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 U n i v e r s i t y C o u n s e l i n g C e n t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 U n i v e r s i t y H o u s i n g .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 O f f i c e o f D e v e l o p m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

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he Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University is pleased to present its Annual Report for calendar year 2007. We took on many challenges this past year, however, as you will see in the pages which follow, we continue to make advances toward excellence while helping students fulfill their Mary Coburn aspirations both Vice President in and out of the Student Affairs classroom. In the 2007 Annual Report, we focus the spotlight on the accomplishments of individual departments as well as their collaborative accomplishments throughout the Division. With


RECREATION The department of Campus Recreation provides opportunities and experiences that contribute to the health, well-being, development and education of students at FSU through involvement in recreational activity. Campus Recreation includes the Bobby E. Leach Student Recreation Center, Campus Intramural Complex, Rec SportPlex facility, the Fitness/Wellness Program, Reservation lakefront facility, Tully Gymnasium, Outdoor Pursuits, and Sport Clubs Programs. Alicia Crew, Director

• Increased participation in Intramural Sports by 4.93% to more than 145,400 participants • Expanded participation in Fitness Testing and Nutrition Seminars to the overall Fitness increase of 7.45% participation • Supported an increase of participation in Sport Clubs by 10.53% to more than 27,900 • Provided a variety of programming in Aquatics resulting in an increase of 2.75% participants • Supported an increase in visitors to the FSU Reservation by 13.28%

• Coordinated the design, construction and dedication of the new $12.3 million outdoor Intramural “Rec SportsPlex” facility • Received funding and began planning for a $1,000,000 renovation of the front gate and waterfront facilities at the Reservation • Increased overall participation in all Campus Recreation activities by 3.3% • Funded and endowed the Campus Recreation Service Award Scholarship which provides up to $10,000 per year in tuition to deserving Campus Recreation student employees


the help of our students, we have reached some major heights which we are so proud to share with you. We are meeting the needs of the student body, and their positive response to our efforts encourages us to continue providing them with the best quality services we can offer. We appreciate your contribution to the success of the Division of Student Affairs and thank you for reviewing our accomplishments of the past year. We plan to continue playing an integral part in the lives of students at Florida State University as they develop into the leaders of tomorrow. Sincerely,

Mary B. Coburn Vice President for Student Affairs

CAREER CENTER The mission of the Career Center is to provide comprehensive career services to FSU students and alumni, train career service practitioners, conduct career development research, and disseminate information about career services and issues to the university community, the nation, and the world. Jeff Garis, Director

• Ninety-nine percent of respondents participating in the Mock Interview Program agreed that the mock interview process was helpful in preparation for an actual interview

• Increased the number of Career Portfolio student users by 18%, with 10,307 new users

• Provided services to more than 60,000 FSU students, alumni, staff, and community clients

• Advised 12,765 clients (49% increase) through career advising, counseling and assessment

• Facilitated 405 career outreach programs to 23,163 participants (11% increase)

• Coordinated 2,376 student registrants, 484 placements, and 3,352 internship and cooperative education opportunities listed via SeminoleLink

• Served 3,160 registrants (33% increase) via SeminoleLink for on-campus recruiting

• Hosted the Reardon Career Conference in celebration of the work done by Dr. Robert Reardon

• Expanded the Career Planning Class (SDS 3340) to 12 sections, supporting 350 students

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MISSION The Division of Student Affairs collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create welcoming, supportive and challenging environments that maximize opportunities for student learning and success. Through high quality programs, the Division facilitates student development, celebrates differences, and promotes civic and global responsibilities.

CENTER FOR ACADEMIC RETENTION & ENHANCEMENT The mission of the Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement (CARE) is to enhance undergraduate student diversity and facilitate the academic preparedness and success of disadvantaged undergraduate students and pre-collegiate students. Angela Richardson, Director

• Assisted 75% of graduating high school seniors participating in CROP for acceptance for enrollment by post-secondary education institutions • Facilitated 83% of graduating Upward Bound seniors through acceptance into post—secondary education institutions • Identified 66 CARE students who are now enrolled in FSU graduate school programs

Liz Maryanski Associate Vice President Student Affairs

• Increased admission acceptances to the Summer Bridge Program by 50 students • Increased the average test scores and grade point averages of accepted students for the Summer Bridge Program

• Enrolled 61 student participants from pre-collegiate preparatory programs statewide (i.e., CROP, TRIO Programs, Take Stock in Children, College Summit, etc.) • Experienced a 99% promotion rate for all returning CROP participants • Supported more than 1,200 undergraduate students and assisted approximately 300 pre-collegiate students • Implemented separate program orientation sessions for Spanish and Creole speaking parents of entering participants during check-in


CENTER FOR LEADERSHIP & CIVIC EDUCATION Bill Moeller & Laura Osteen, Co-directors

The Center enhances the education of

students for responsible citizenship and effective leadership. • Increased the number of community service hours reported via ServScript to 314,461 hours • Supported 5,672 students through 187 service learning courses representing 31 academic departments; those students’ service totaled 209,277 hours • Welcomed 40 students to the new Social Justice Living-Learning Community

• Launched the Summer Serviceship Program in which seven students received stipends for a summer of intensive service at a domestic or overseas non-profit agency • Issued 72 awards totaling $534,531 through the Florida Learn & Serve program to schools for K12 service-learning projects, involving 25 school districts, an estimated 28,000 student participants and 1,347,556 hours of service

• Reported 8,484 hours of service to the community by 40 Service Scholars

• Provided more than 3,900 hours of mentoring/ tutoring to K-12 students in 12 in-school and afterschool sites

• Facilitated leadership learning workshops for more than 600 students in which they learned, completed, and reflected upon Kouzes and Posner’s Student Leadership Practices Inventory

• Completed more than 3,400 hours of service to 10 local agencies through weekly, student-led outreach projects

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VISION The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) envisions a Florida State University where students, faculty, and staff embrace the learning community with respect, responsibility, and acceptance for all cultures. FSU graduates will have character, competence, Eric Weldy and integrity Associate Vice President Student Affairs in contributing to a diverse and international world. They will be capable of making ethical decisions and be committed to a life of service and leadership.

DEAN OF STUDENTS The Dean of Students Department provides services, resources, and advocacy for all students at Florida State University through creative problem-solving, accessibility, and an emphasis on personal accountability. Jeanine Ward-Roof, Dean

• Enrolled more than 1,000 students in the First Year Experience (FYE) Program • Welcomed 9,325 students through Orientation, along with 9,468 of their family members, resulting in an increase of 1.8% and 3.4%, respectively • Proctored more than 1,500 exams on behalf of faculty through the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) • Assisted more than 600 students in crisis by the Victim Advocate staff and Case Manager • Obtained approval from the College of Education for the Office of Greek Life staff to teach a three-credit, graded course for Emerging Leaders: Complexities involved with the Greek Experience

• Streamlined the withdrawal process to better meet the needs of the students and the academic deans; this included providing materials online, efficiently processing over 1,264 withdrawals, and creating processes to address re-entry issues for those students who have pending criminal, judicial or honor code violations • Adopted the New Code of Conduct • Created the Faculty and Staff Emergency Guide: Resources for Assisting Distressed Students • Organized and facilitated training for FSUPD officers to improve inter-departmental communication and understanding


INTERNATIONAL CENTER The mission of the International Center is to provide immigration advising and support to International students, faculty, staff and their families; and to play a key role in campus internationalization efforts. Cynthia Green, Director

• Collaborated with the NEXUS Steering Committee and supported efforts for the Global Pathways Certificate and development of new FSU website with all international opportunities and events • Designed and implemented a new short-term summer program for international students in collaboration with the Dedman School of Hospitality combining an intensive course at FSU with a 5-month internship at Walt Disney World® • Increased student participation in the International Friends Program and International Coffee Hour • Co-sponsored the Housewright International Music Series with Goodwood Museum, approximately 75 community members in attendance for each of the four performances

• Staff held leadership roles in professional organizations and made presentations at regional and national conferences • Formed partnership with the Woman’s Club of Tallahassee for the IC Cultural Dinner Series, featuring “The Three French Chefs” • Collaborated with Academic Affairs to write policies and procedures for university exchange and cooperative agreements • Developed strategies with the Office of Graduate Studies and Admissions to increase international graduate student enrollment • Published Alumni Newsletter in addition to the semester-based newsletter

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VA L U E S Promote student success and learning through the intellectual, physical, psychological, career, social, and spiritual development of students. Success:

Strive to achieve excellence and professionalism in all programs and services and set high expectations. Excellence:

Treat others as we want to be treated. Teach caring by example with consideration, sharing, and kindness. Caring:

Value high standards of ethical behavior. Demonstrate and expect responsibility and accountability Integrity:

OFFICE OF MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS The mission of the Office of Multicultural Affairs at Florida State University is to create a welcoming environment that is inclusive of all students. To that end, the Office of Multicultural Affairs provides advocacy, support services, and culturally based programs that educate students on diversity and multiculturalism and empowers them to be agents of social change in an increasingly diverse and global community. Juan R. Guardia, Director

• Planned, coordinated, and executed the 2007 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Program with keynote speaker Dr. Walter Kimbrough, president of Philander Smith College • Facilitated mentoring workshops between FSU student mentors and Leon County middle and high school students • Planned, coordinated, and executed Noche de Poetas (An Evening of Poetry) featuring Latina authors Marisella Veiga and Susana Chavez Silverman • Advised the Ambassadors for Multicultural Affairs (formerly the OMA Ambassadors), a peer education/ mentoring program which utilizes students to educate and sensitize FSU students and the campus community on issues of diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion • Successfully planned the annual Multicultural Gathering and Orientation

• OMA staff directly advised the following student organizations/agencies: Asian American Student Union, Black Student Union, Caribbean Student Association, Dominican Student Association, Hispanic/Latino Student Union, Jewish Student Union, Latin American Mentoring Program (L.A.M.P.), Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc., Semper Fi Society, and Women’s Center • Coordinated the Festival in the Union, a program aimed at celebrating the achievements of non-traditional and graduate students • Hosted Native America: An Evening of Dialogue with Joe A. Quetone, executive director of the Florida Governor’s Council on Indian Affairs, Inc. • Coordinated the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship and the Angie Cintron Memorial Scholarship


in all community members. Honor the history, traditions, and culture of all members of the university community and promote a nurturing environment. Celebrate diversity and the unique contributions of individuals. Diversity:

Recognize the dignity, worth, and individuality of all members of our community. Pursue an environment that is fair, open, and just. Respect:

OFFICE OF RESEARCH The mission of the Office of Research is to optimize the capacity of the Division of Student Affairs to support students in their academic, personal, and professional development by facilitating assessment of student programs and services sponsored by the Division. Ta m a r a B e r t r a n d J o n e s , D i r e c t o r

• Surveyed more than 3,500 students, faculty, staff, and alumni on a variety of service and program satisfaction indicators through online surveys • Collaborated with Institutional Research to assume responsibilities for the 2008 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) data analysis and results report • Coordinated development and reporting of Divisional Institutional Effectiveness Outcomes • Administered the Graduating Student Survey to graduating seniors during Spring 2007 and Fall 2007 semesters to obtain baseline data about FSU graduates • Analyzed and reported the 2007 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) data

• Presented original research and findings at annual meetings of the American Evaluation Association, American Educational Research Association, and the International Assessment and Retention Conference sponsored by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators • Assisted with Special Projects for Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Higher Education Program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Seminole Sensation Week activities, and University Housing’s InterResidence Hall Council (IRHC) • Maintained regular communication among and coordinated training for DSA evaluation and assessment coordinators • Coordinated FSU outreach efforts for the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP)

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S T R AT E G I C G OA L S & D I V I S I O N I N I T I AT I V E S Increased Seminole Sensation Welcome Week attendance to 26,845 participants making it the largest SSWeek to date Established a division-wide professional development program which seeks to address the professional development needs of all employees including A&P, USPS, and student employees Joined a higher education learning collaborative consortia led by Eduventures to identify best management practices, benchmark performance, and improve the functioning of core processes

OGLESBY UNION The mission of the Oglesby Union is to foster community among students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests by being a student-centered organization that through volunteers, boards, committees, and student employment offers experiences in citizenship and educates students in leadership and social and ethical responsibility. B i l l C l u t t e r, D i r e c t o r

• Attracted 3,059 patrons to the Art Center through the Paint-a-Pot program • Hosted a record 101,812 people at the Student Life Cinema with 63 sold-out film screenings • Hosted 141,528 bowling games and 8,752 hours of billiards at Crenshaw Lanes • Implemented PE111 Bowling Class program in collaboration with the FSU Bowling Team • Participated in over 1,300 professional development training sessions through departmental, divisional, campus-wide or national training programs

• Processed more than 14,000 total space bookings through Guest Services and served more than 9,000 FSU recognized student groups and departments • Increased the number of rooms available for meetings and overall served more than 690,000 customers • Celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the Flying High Circus selling more than 65,000 tickets during the spring homeshow series • Sponsored 119 events through Union Productions with more than 39,900 participants


Designed a website to connect students with services and programs through an online matching system Researched and created University’s stance against hazing


GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION The mission of the Student Government Association is to provide FSU students with representation, services, and advocacy within the University structure. Student Government Association provides quality leadership for and accountability to its constituency by recognizing that strength arises from diversity, engagement, and dialogue. Joyce Howard, Director

• Allocated a total of $9,523,772 in student activities fees to the Oglesby Union, Campus Recreation, Student Activities and Organizations, and the Congress of Graduate Students (COGS) • Allocated $243,121 in end-of-the-year sweepings monies and $149,203 in unbudgeted fee revenue to the Oglesby Union, Campus Recreation, COGS, and Student Activities and Organizations • Assisted in providing diverse programming including activities for Asian Awareness Month, Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Gay Pride Week, Jewish Awareness Month, Women’s History Month, Stop Rape Week, Human Rights Festival, Sexual Violence Awareness Month, and Middle Eastern cultural programs • Provided services to FSU students, staff, and faculty through the Alumni Village Child Development Center, First Responder Unit, SAFE Connection, and the Starlight Childcare Center

• Funded services for programs such as Student Publications, Student-run radio station WVFS (89.7 FM) , the FSU Service Corps, Off-Campus Housing, Student Legal Services, and the Student Broadcast Center (24/7 residence hall movie channel) • Collaborated on and supported the True Seminole campaign • Continued the Golden Tribe Lecture Series which featured speakers Dennis Haskins and Spike Lee with a combined attendance of approximately 1,800 students, faculty, and staff • Collaborated with the University to create a debt management CD made available to all students • Coordinated approval of the facility fee to help build a new health and wellness center as well as future student buildings

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UNIVERSITY-WIDE C O L L A B O R AT I O N S Implemented mandatory student health insurance for FSU students Reviewed policies and procedures related to early identification of and intervention with distressed students exhibiting behavior of concern to the University community Led the campus-wide effort to host the “Bobby’s True Seminole Tailgate” encouraging alcohol free tailgating prior to home football games Collaborated with Academic Affairs to create the Global Pathways Program and increase opportunities for students, faculty and staff to increase their global and intercultural competence

THAGARD STUDENT HEALTH CENTER The mission of Thagard Student Health Center is to provide healthcare, prevention, education, and outreach services to a diverse student population in a safe and supportive environment. The Center promotes campus wellness, encouraging healthy lifestyles, and personal responsibility to enable students to reach their academic and personal goals. L e s l e y S a c h e r, D i r e c t o r

• Held 245 health promotion events and presentations to 7,626 students • Increased the number of campus buildings with “Breathe Easy” zones from 21 to 45 • Facilitated healthcare education through the mentoring of First Responder students, Nursing students, Athletic Training students, Nutrition interns, Community Health interns, Masters in Public Health interns, Medical students and Medical Assisting students • Eliminated the use of Social Security Numbers as patient identifiers

• Recorded 7,856 total hours (4,049 Member Hours, 1,470 Student “on the job” Hours, 2,337 Supervisor Hours) through the First Responder Unit • Responded to 442 First Responder Unit requests for assistance • Assisted a total of 61,835 patient visitors to TSHC • Filled more than 51,000 prescriptions for students • Administered approximately 4,000 immunizations


Collaborated with Academic Affairs to host the Student Convocation ceremony; attended by more than 5,000 students and family members Continued the Spiritual Development Conversations with guest speakers and roundtable discussions Partnered with departments across campus to celebrate Women’s History Month

UNIVERSITY COUNSELING CENTER The mission of the University Counseling Center is to enhance the academic experience of students by promoting healthy personal development through brief individual counseling, group counseling, skill enhancement and preventative outreach services. Nikki Pritchett, Director

• Provided services to more than 10,770 FSU students, faculty, staff and family members through direct clinical interventions, prevention programming, consultation, outreach presentations and training

• Recognized as 1 of 5 university counseling centers in the state of Florida and one of 104 university counseling centers in the United States in the area of internship accreditation

• Facilitated 8,710 counseling sessions

• Supported 51 active student members of RENEW (Realizing Everyone’s Need for Emotional Wellness), a peer-educator and peer-support student group

• Conducted 513 emergency assessments of students who presented in psychological crisis • Processed 400 mental health-related withdrawals/ course drops • Presented 99 outreach programs offering preventative mental health presentations to 8,765 students, faculty, staff and FSU family members

• Revised the service delivery model to a short term, brief treatment model with solution-focused goals and user-friendly emergency walk-in system • Expanded the group therapy program and offered more life skills workshops

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COMMUNITY/ALUMNI R E L AT I O N S Coordinated the 18th annual Institute on College Student Values with more than 200 participants from all over the U.S. and the world Welcomed past student leaders back to campus to celebrate Heritage Day: A Tradition of Student Leaders Celebrated the ground breaking and commencement of construction on the new Dunlap Success Center which will house the Center for Leadership & Civic Education and the Career Center Raised more than $410,000 for Children’s Miracle Network and involved thousands of individual students in participating and fundraising through the annual Dance Marathon

UNIVERSITY HOUSING The mission of University Housing is to provide a quality residential experience for students which supports their academic goals and personal development. R i t a M o s e r, D i r e c t o r

• Opened two new living-learning communities: The Nursing Learning Community and the Social Justice Living-Learning Community

• Added two new residential facilities for a total of 1,406 additional beds for the on-campus student population

• Collaborated with Undergraduate Studies, the University Honors Program, and each individual learning community to participate in the National Study of Living-Learning Programs, in which FSU was selected for on-site study as one of only four “best practices” institutions in the U.S.

• Planned and implemented more than 100 programs at Alumni Village serving 2,317 participating residents

• Designed and provided 25 training workshops for a total of 182 hours for 256 staff and community partners through the FSU Child Development Programs • Supported living-learning community students which resulted in retention rates exceeding those of any other first time in college subgroup at FSU

• Provided 528 FSU students with 1,813 hours of laboratory experience through the FSU Child Development Programs • Celebrated the Bryan Hall centennial and the tenth anniversary of the Bryan Hall Learning Community • Converted all cleaning supplies used within the residence halls to “earth friendly” products (certified by the EPA DfE Program)


Raised more than $130,000 for American Cancer Society through FSU’s 4th annual Relay for Life event under the leadership of Thagard Student Health Center Hosted the 3rd annual FSU Class Ring Ceremony with more than 150 people in attendance

OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT The Office of Development fosters on-campus and off-campus relationships to acquire the financial resources necessary to support the overall mission of the Division of Student Affairs. • The Albert and Judith Dunlap Center, having begun construction in May of 2007, will receive its official dedication in September 2008 • The 2008 donations to the Family Fund increased by 6.8% when compared to 2007. Donations to this fund are used to improve the quality of student life • 2008 Donations to Seminole Torchbearers increased by 2% • After holding its 60th anniversary celebration, donations to the Flying High Circus have tripled

Donors The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. Corporations, Organizations, and Foundations Jim Aberman Marketing Co, Inc. AEHA, Inc Alltel Corporation Alpha Tau Omega Fdn, Inc. American Appliance, Inc. America’s Insurance Company Ameriprise Financial Services Inc Anheuser-Busch Foundation Anonymous #0256 Oscar Arroyave Law Office Babies R US Bank of America Bank of America BarrierMed Inc. Belle Group, Inc. Big Bend AHEC

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DONORS The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. Blue Water Bait and Tackle Bontrager Chiropractic Clinic The Burning Spear, Inc. Busch-Transou L.C. Carbo Corporation Carr Riggs & Ingram, LLC Caterpilar Inc Caterpillar, Inc. Cemex Inc CGI Technologies & Solutions Charnam & Friedlander, D.P.M., P.A. Chico’s FAS, Inc. Cirque du Soleil City Furniture Robert P. Collette, MD, PA Colonial Press International Community Fdn of North Florida Co-Op Cable Contractors, Inc. Costley Claim Services, Inc. Daniel J. Brown, P.A. Darrow Total Care The Dawson Group, Inc. Deloitte & Touche Delta Colony Housing Corp DHBA Enterprises Inc. Digital Imaging Services Dillards Dixon Hughes, PLLC Duke & Associates, Inc. Dunblane Restaurant Group Inc Eckerd Family Youth Alternat. The Edwards Partnership Inc Embarq Enterprise Rent a Car Enterprise Rent-A-Car Epsilon Sigma Housing Corp Ernest & Julio Gallo Winery Ernst & Young Essilor of America Inc Far South Auto Inc. Federated Mutual Insurance Manuel F. Fente, P.A. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund FL Board of Regents Fdn Florida Career Centers Florida Commercial Contractors Florida Power & Light Co. FSU Credit Union FPL Group Foundation, Inc. FSU ATO House Corporation FSU Bowling Team FSU Circus Alumni Association FSU Panhellenic Association Geminni 2000, Inc. GFWC Woman’s Club of Talla. Greenfrog Advertising Gregory C. Meissner, Attorney Morty Gudelsky Foundation, Inc Gulf Coast Commercial Ins. Gulfstream Park Racing Assn

H2D Communications The Hair Company, Inc Halftime Enterprises Harris Corporation Henningsen Investments Inc. Herrle Communications Group Holt Family Foundation Home Shopping Network Interarts Design & Millworks, Italiano Insurance Raymond James Financial JC Penney Jim Thielen CPA SK Johnson Design Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Johnson & Hill Staffing Svcs Johnson Scholarship Foundation Max Kade Foundation, Inc. Kaylor & Kaylor, P.A. Keane, Inc. Keep Tallahassee Beautiful Kegel Company Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Kissaway County Foundation Knight Flight Productions Knight Foundation Lawrence M. Kreisberg, MS, PA Kumon Math & Reading Center Lanigan & Associates Leon Cnty Educ Facilities Auth Lockheed Martin Law Office of Drew Lovell Macy’s Florida Manners Foundation Maxim Healthcare Svcs, Inc. McKenzie Tank Lines, Inc. Scott M. Mcpherson, P.A. Mercado Trucking, Inc. Scott Miller Inc. Minark Properties, Inc. Morgan Stanley & Company Morrison Brown Argizt Et Al New Attitudez, Inc. New to You Consignment Noah’s Ark Animal Hospital N Florida Irrigation Systems Northrop Grumman Matthew S. Nugent, Attorney Ocwen Financial Corporation Office Depot Our Work Is Fun, Inc The Paint Mart Painting By Randy Paradies Shops Perfacut Lawn Maintenance PHH Mortgage Pioneer Global, LLC Plant City Realty, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Pristine Pool and Patio, Inc.

Pro Sports Procter & Gamble Fund The Progressive Corporation Publix Super Markets, Inc. Quality Custom Designs Risk Solutions Management Corp C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. The Romero Financial Group Roth Jonas Mittelberg et al. RR Donnelley Salon II, Inc. Scientia Solutions, Inc. Scott W. Gryzich, C.P.A, P.A. Select Motor Car Gainesville The Sherwin Williams Company Sherwin-Williams Company SHS Management, LLC Siemens Power Generation, Inc. Sigma Nu Fraternity SMI Cabinetry, Inc. Southwestern Company Bruce J. Sperry, PA State Farm Insurance Companies Steak ‘n Shake, Inc. Stein Mart, Inc. Success Investment Realty Sunset Chiropractic Assoc. PA SunTrust Bank T O P Jewish Foundation Inc Tallahassee/Leon Civic Center Target Teach for America, Inc. Textron Charitable Trust Thomas Howell Ferguson, PA Toys “R” Us Trustmark National Bank Tu Tu Clean,Inc. United Way of Broward County The USAA Matching Gift Fund V3 Holdings, Inc. Vestal & Wiler CPAs Wachovia Bank Wakulla Bank Walgreens Wallace Computer Services, Inc. WaterOak Plantation David Weekley Homes Wells Fargo Financial David W. Wilcox, Atty at Law Williams Family Fdn of Georgia Wisneski & Associates, P.A. David A. Wollenschlaeger, DMD Wolseley North America Woodmen of the World, Lodge 2 The Work Station Corporation WTAS, Inc. Martin G. Youngstrom Char. Fdn

Friends, Parents, Attendees, & Spouses (includes memorial and honorary contributors) Carlos A. & Maria C. Abaunza Talib-Din Abdul-Wali & Ernestine Harris-Wali James L. Aberman Daniel J. Abramson, Jr. & Terri L. Abramson Christopher C. & Kelly M. Acebal Bettina M. Ackerland Teri L. Ackerman Carl & JoAnne Ackman Roberto & Laraine L. Acosta David L. & Jane A. Adair Larry & Elizabeth Adair Claude M. Adam Barry W. & Sandi Adams Peter J. & Donna S. Adams Moshe Adato & Suzanne DeBlasio-Adato Michael J. & Kerry A. Afflitto Ira J. & Rhonda J. Agatstein Pierre A. Agenor Yolette Agenor Isabell E. Agudelo Larry A. & Mara Ahern Annette M. Ahlers Joseph T. & Donna M. Aiello Soheila Ajabshir Ali Akbar Teresita Albornoz Ali Aldikacti Dan R. & Debbie Alexander Franklyn A. & Karen A. Alexander John A. & Pat Alexander Michael D. & Cherri Alexander Stan A. & Debra Alexander Warren W. Alexander Lucille Alexandre Ted & Catherine R. Alflen Daryl A. & Roseann S. Alfrey John L. & Carla J. Alger Edwin A. & Monica Alicea Donald S. & Marilynne D. Allen Gary D. Allen Monica Allen Timothy Allen William A. & Marina Alley Carol Allison Kristi Allison Teddyann A. Allman Pedro & Marlene Almanza Teresa A. Almanza Andrew R. Altman Carlos & Iris Y. Alvarado Francine Aly John & Terry Amann Joseph Amazan Jack Ambach Phillip I. Ambrose

Debra M. Ambrosio Brian E. & Anne A. Ammons Richard A. & Teresa Amos Hyacinth Anderson Leonard A. & Angelita Anderson Ralph O. & Mary M. Anderson Richard & Ann M. Anderson Richard K. & Ekaterina Anderson Sean J. Anderson Waldie A. Anderson & Carolyn Bridger Ivette Andrade Georgette Andreason Alaina M. Andrews Glenda Andrews James A. & Kim Andrews Joel N. & Lillian T. Angel Mario A. & Ana Maria Angulo Charles R. Anspach Stephen E. & Teresa Anstey Ken Anuszkiewicz Ronald B. & Peggy Appleton Sheila Aquilia Thomas & Deborah Arbuckle Nadine Archbold Clark A. & Arlene Archibald Timothy N. Ard Sandra L. Argenio Nikita Arias Ellen Arky Rebecca Armstrong Robert & Denise G. Armstrong Filomon D. Arnez Kiran Arora Art N. & Tammie L. Arreguin Oscar & Rhonda Arroyave Jose R. & Angela K. Artigas Sara Asencio Debi Ashenden Fawaz M. & Rana A. Ashouri Sandra K. Assidy Ronald G. & Nancy L. Atchley Mary Atkin Pauline Atkins William T. & Judith C. Atkinson Peter B. & Joan M. Atwal Robert J. & Catherine E. Aubel Peter G. & Paula L. Aubin Kedric L. & Connie E. Aubrey Bruce A. & Malee P. Austin Larry T. Austin Marcus D. Austin Lynn M. Avery Edwin A. & Maria Aviles Amir R. Awal Jenette M. Ayala Joseph Ayala Dania A. Aybar Ruth H. Babadi Robert & Robin A. Babes Celia Baca

Brian Bachman Michael & Jean B. Bachrach Manuel & Blanca Bacigalupi Aaron B. & Elaine Back Terry & Diane R. Back Joseph J. & Lorraine R. Badessa Donald W. & Lisa J. Bailey Greggory T. & E. Michelle Bailey Jeffrey N. & Leigh A. Bain Hector B. & Lea Baisburd Derek Baker Roy S. Baker Shemece C. Baker Gary G. & Debra A. Bal Craig S. & Margaret R. Balco Elizabeth Baldwin James G. & Patricia W. Baldwin Christopher & Marsha M. Bale Thomas & Carol R. Ballantine David H. & Catherine C. Bame Michael R. & Marice Band Patrick Banton Jason Barabas & Jennifer L. Jerit Gary E. & Dora B. Barber Robert T. & Cheryl A. Barber Tony B. & Cynthia Barber Raymond R. Barbier David & Barbara G. Barden Douglas Bare Mary-Ann Barfield Ken D. & Nina W. Barker Ricky & Robin B. Barlow Rita M. Barnaby Thomas Barnaby David A. & Jamie L. Barnes Donald L. & Penny L. Barnes Timothy R. & Katrina R. Barnes Donald M. & Robyn L. Baron Jose & Lissette M. Barquin Gustavo & Lilia A. Barrazueta Enrique B. & Pilar Barreto-Maymi Andrea L. Barrington Thomas F. Barry, Jr. & Elizabeth A. Barry Frederick D. & Diane N. Barstein Yuki Bartlett Jacqueline Bartley Jane Bartley Charles Barton & Sheila A. Weston Collin & Megan C. Barton Richard B. & Jamie Bartz Dorothy Baryza Gregory Bass William & Vena B. Bateau Michelle Bates Nancy S. Battaglia Kathy L. Battern Pearl L. Battle John M. & Kathryn M. Bauernfeind Kimbell C. Bauman Robert & Laura Baumiller


Jared Bawa Maureen A. Bawa Terry Baxter & Karen B. Bowman Scott A. & Carol B. Bayer Renee Bazile Carol R. Beard Logan M. Bearden Janina Beaton John C. & Magdaleine B. Beaumont Brad & Jennifer Beck Angela Becker SMSgt (R). Donald L. & Mary K. Beckham Robert & Lisa A. Bedford Guenther & Andrea Beer Robert Beese David Beguiristain Lawrence S. & Grace Behnke Kathy Beilhart Lisa M. Belcher Marie Jose Belizaire Gary N. & Michele Bell George R. & Diana S.A. Bell Vito L. & Jacqueline D. Bell Angela R. Bellamy Susan H. Bello Colleen Bellone Deborah Benami-Rahm Roy J. & Gale Benecchi Arthur S. & Gaye S. Bengochea George J. & Ursula M. Bennett Mark R. & Patricia L. Bennett R. Lee & Marilyn B. Bennett John M. & Fran B. Benso Cristina C. Benson Roberto & Johanne M. Berardo Margaret W. Berck Gary W. & Kristin C. Bercume Esteban Berenguer Luis R. Berenguer Mario A. & Maria B. Berenguer Lynn M. Berg David B. & Robin Berger Lennie & Terry S. Berger Frank Berkey Jean L. & Paule I. Bernardin Lynn H. Bertram Cathy Bestoso Bud B. & Jayne M. Beucher Joseph R. & Terry A. Bigelow James A. & Jodi C. Billings Mar Raymond & Maria C. Binef Riley W. & Teresa M. Binz Sam & Nancy B. Biondo James B. & Barbara Bird Ronald B. & Deborah Bivona Charlotte Blackburn Rex E. & Sarah J. Blackburn J. M. & Layne L. Blackstone Wetsel B. & Maryln C. Blair Lonnie & Jullett Blake Martha Blanco-Herrera James L. & Sara L. Blanton

Thomas J. Blazejack Malcolm D. & Sharon W. Bloom Mark & Laura Bluett Brad B. & Laura Bluhm Phillip R. & Sheryl Blumberg Joseph & Sarah Blumenthal Roy R.B. Bodden, Sr. & Mariela Bodden Charles & Carol A. Bode Alba Bolanos Greg B. & Kim Bolden Roger A. Boldizsar Karen E. Bolea Ray & Constance M. Boler Robyn Bonaquist Henry Bondi Miguel B. & Maria E. Bonnin John T. & Saroj Bono Daniel & Imogene Bontrager Stuart & Deborah S. Bookman Mary Bordelon Darrel & Laura F. Bork Michael A. & Nancy Borkowski Philip B. & Kerri Borneman Victoria D. Boswell George Boue Mary Pat Boue Eric B. & Patria Bourraine T. Mitchell & Laura A. Bowden Richard W. & Margaret W. Bowen Margie Bowers Steven & Terry L. Boykins Frank B. & Nancy Boyle Lori Brabham Selma O. Brabham Thomas Braddy Melanie Bradford Brian K. Bragman Tammy L. Bragman Walter C. & Jean B. Braley Elvira T. Brand Joni Brand Bruce & Nancy J. Brandewie Mary Beth Branham Svetlana Brankovic Karen Brayboy Joni L. Breaux Drusilla Brecher Kevin L. Breen Steven & Susan Breitbart Laurie Brennan Andy Brenseke Robert W. & Joy A. Breske Kim A. Brett Terry Brett Mary C. Brewer A. William & Sheila Breyer Paul A. & Carmen Y. Brezna Elizabeth Bridges Linda Briggs Greg A. & Nancy W. Brigman Paul J. & Joni S. Brinkman Janice Brock Jefferson W. & Jefferson Brock

Peter Brock Robert & Susan M. Brongel Judge Alban E. & Mary Grace Brooke Gregory A. & Kathleen A. Brooks Michael J. Broom Evan R. & Susan H. Brovenick Grover & Beth Brower Brian L. & Mary G. Brown David A. & Jaye M. Brown David G. & Linda S. Brown Don F. & Marguerite D. Brown Donna H. Brown Douglas M. & Lynn M. Brown Gloria J. Brown Hal B. & Mary G. Brown Joyce A. Brown Kenneth M. Brown Oscar B. & Diana Brown Pamela J. Brown Peter & Cheryl L. Brown Richard H. & Nancy E. Kidd Brown Russell S. & Taryn J. Brown Steven S. Brown Vicky N. Brown Gardner B. Browne Richard S. & Debra D. Browne Sylvia P. Browne Ida Browning Raymond B. & Tammie Bruland Sara Bruner John D. & Julie Brunk Alourdes Bruno Cathy Brusseau Roger T. Bryan Vincent N. Bryant, Jr. & Donna M. Bryant Wanda M. Bryant Lawrence B. & Ann Marie Brzostek Mark Buchman Marty & Karen Buchsbaum Larry & Deborah Buchweitz Benjamin W. Buck, Sr. Terry L. & Deborah L. Buckenheimer Debra C. Buckley Joseph A. & Paula A. Budd Gregory G. & Jennifer Budde Randy J. & Leslie R. Buddemeyer O. J. & Janet M. Buigas William T. & Karen A. Bumford Larry E. & Barbara A. Bunce Ken & Anita B. Bunne William P. & Janet Bunnell Charles B. & Darlene Burch Brian Burdick Christopher & Traci Burke Jim Burke Robert A. & Cindy D. Burkett Lezonie Burney Ronald C. & Jeannell Burney Richard L. & Sandra K. Burns Douglas & Brenda C. Burtch Larry C. & Susanne Burton Josie Burzo Nicholas Buschang & Marie E. McBride

Buddy J. & Rosanne K. Bush Jason E. Butera Mia Butler Rick & Sonya L. Butler Robert L. & Catherine C. Butler Matthew W. & Jennifer Stearns Buttrick Robert & Elizabeth B. Buyth Elaine Collett Buza Henry R. & Ellen M. Buzgon James T. & Robin D. Byars Rafael C. Caballero & Rachelle Scott Rich Cacace Othello C. & Henrietta Caday Joseph J. Caddy, Jr. & Rene Caddy Claudia F. Caicedo Juana A. Caines Dennis Cairns Augusto C. & Heneriette Calanni Robert L. & Barbara J. Caldwell Wesley Caldwell Victoria Calibuso Margaret A. Callahan German E. & Mary Trotter Camacho Mary Cameron Connie Campbell Deanna S. Campbell Guy A. Campbell Jennifer B. Campbell Marfie Campbell Robert Campbell Robert M. Campbell William K. & Beverly A. Campbell Bonnie L. Campollo L. Campollo Josephine Camps-Paredes Annette Canales Michael G. Candiotti Jay A. & Barbara Cantor Thomas A. & Susan M. Capasso Daniel J. Capps Sharon Carbo Gwen Y. Carden Col.(R) Eduardo & Mary S. Cardenas James E. & Gwen F. Carey Ira S. & Lisa J. Carlin Wanida Carlisle John Stephen & Ilisa Carlton Joseph P. & Charla K. Carmack Kevin W. & Heidi C. Carmichael Douglas Carmody Leigh Carmody David & Marta Carrazana Sue Carrington Robert C. & Cynthia Carroll Kelly Carron Ryan M. Carson Frank E. & Leslie A. Caruso William C. & Melanie E. Carvalho Steven L. & Rebecca K. Case Kenneth C. & Wanda Cash Scott & Jennifer C. Cash Steven C. & Diana Casker John A. & Ann A. Casper

Blanca Castaneda Louis R. & Mary Beth Castaneda Ninitia Castaneda Jorge M. & Maria J. Castellano Michael A. Castellano Diego M. Castro Jerry Castro Maria S. Castro Darrell L. Caudill Gina R. Caudill Joseph E. & Linda W. Caudle Eugene S. & Rebecca S. Cavallucci James K. & Betsy Cavnar Loyal & Lori Cayea Andres C. & Karen Ceberio Nehme G. & Candice S. Chakhtoura Richard D. & Debbie Chamberlain Audrey Chambers Nelson P. & Madeleine F. Chambless Robert C. & Doreen M. Chapman Victor C. & Tammy Chapman Herman Charles Robert Charnam Howard M. Chase, Jr. Robin Chase Shabtai & Cynthia Chassan Leroy C. & Gloria Chatman Pete Chaviano Mark E. Chelette & Tami Booge Chelette Dennis Chern Steve & Renee C. Chesley Jeff C. & Angie M. Chessher Paul C. & Ruby J. Chiang David & Carol Childers Spencer M. & Libby S. Childers Dennis & Debbie C. Childress John D. Childs Barbara B. Chinea-Cobo Robert D. Chittenden, Jr. & Elizabeth T. Chittenden David M. & Mary B. Chodnicki Jessica Choi Kai-Fu Chow & Reiko Niiya-Chow Matthew K. Choy Robert L. Christian, Jr. & Rebecca W. Christian Susan Christiano David L. & Heidi J. Christiansen Arthur L. & Linn A. Chuck Tony C. & Mercy Cianfrani Walter & Sherlyn L. Cieslak James R. & Karol M. Cink Miriam Cintron Nancy Ciocio Arlene Cioffi Lance M. Clark, Sr. & Bernadett M. Clark Dawn K. Clark John J. & Suzanne A. Clark John L. & Elizabeth M. Clark Kenneth C. & Karen Clark Leandre Clark Paul R. Clark Virginia T. Clark

Edward M. & Laura J. Clarke Richard J. & Susan J. Clauss James L. Clegg & Faye McKay-Clegg Debrah Clenton Marc Clermont Sean D. & Suzanne B. Clonan Robert & Joann C. Cochran Bradley S. & Suanne R. Cody Michael & Randi M. Coffey William P. Coffing, Jr. & Patricia D. Coffing William J. & Amanda M. Coffman Harvey S. Cohan, C.L.U. & Sharon Wood-Cohan Ronald J. Cohen & Jeanne K. Houser Sanford R. Cohen & Judy Abelow Roselle C. Colapietro Theresa Colbert Cindy S. Cole Mavis Cole Pac & Merrilee Cole David C. Coleman & Sherri Deas Richard & Martha Collazos Scot M. & Denise L. Coller Robert P. Collette Wayne & Lucy Anne G. Collier John J. & Jeanne M. Collins Mark A. & Penny M. Collins Michael C. & Helene N. Collins Nancy H. Collins Thomas E. Collins & Margo Newton Philip L. & Wendy S. Colnon Karen Combs Roger L. & Terri Combs Joseph W. Communale James Connell Vicky J. Connell William R. & Sandra E. Conner Gerald F. & Theresa Connolly David & Karen S. Conover William F. & Peggy B. Conrad Thomas & Nancy Conroy Francisco A. Contreras, Sr. & Ana Julia Contreras Connie Conyers Cliff C. & Maggie Cook William & Mary C. Cook John P. & Julie A. Cooke Bryan C. & Teresa B. Cooksey William R. & Eva M. Cooley Tom & Suzanne C. Coons Lorenza C. & Linda Cooper Larry M. & Maureen A. Copeland D. Lawrence & Maria A. Coppola Bruce C. & Sharon Corbitt Rosalea Cordova-Vallejos Robert G. & Virginia K. Corirossi Gary & Cheri R. Cornn Tas S.G. & Susan C. Coroneos Ward W. & Helen H. Correll Anthony D. & Grazyna U. Correnti Servio T. & Claudia M. Cortes Johanna C. Cortez Roberto J. Cortez & Maria A. Cisneros

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DONORS The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. Jose R. & Ada C. Corugedo Edward J. & Rose G. Coryn Jim A. & Julia A. Cosson Rosa Costanzo Jolynne Costello William Costigan Kenneth S. & Susan C. Cottle Thomas A. Couch Susan Coughanour Linda C. Coughlin Herbret D. & Debbie Coulter Edwin E. Cowen, IV & Janice L. Cowen Richard M. & Sarai Perez Cowin Randall J. Cox, Sr. & Lynn W. Cox Andrew W. & Barbara A. Cox George A. & Kathleen J. Cox James & Cynthia C. Cox Susanna H. Cox Sheleatha Coyners Mark L. & Susan Y. Craft Barry Craig Debra Craig Donald D. Crane Thomas C. & Martha Crane Jeffrey A. & Mary Crastnopol Mary A. Crayton David Cremisi Susan Crews Kirk A. & Pamela A. Crim Bruce D. & Carrie F. Cromartie Paul W. & Joan A. Crompton Jeanette A. Crook Richard C. & Faith Croshaw Doanld F. & Lori M. Cross Donna K. Cross Cathy L. Crowe A. Jilan Crowley Katie Crowley Michael C. & Deborah Crumpler Mark C. & Juanita Crutcher George P. Cruz Judith A. Cruz Carmen N. Cruz-Perez John C. & Mylan Csapo Jorge & Martha Cuenca Walter L. Culbertson, Jr. & Deborah R. Culbertson Michael D. & Lisa C. Cullum Stephen P. Cummings Michael T. & Doris A. Cundle Curtis C. & Naomi Cunningham Stanley R. Currie, Jr. Mellory G. Currie Keith & Sandra J. Currier Joan Curtis

William S. Custer Chuck A. & Susan L. Cuthbertson Addlaide Dacosta Dorothy Daginella Jason M. Dahlberg David & Carol A. Daigle Gregory G. & Lucy M. Daily Joanne Dale Randy & Michelle C. Dale Paul M. D’Alessandro & Jill A. Marsden Mark & Lisa Dalziel Jose A. Dancel, Jr. & Lesley M. Dancel Debora N. Dandridge Kris A. & Tara M. Dane Kathy Danel Danette D’Angelo Mary D’Angelo Emily A. Daniel Gail H. Daniel Steven L. & Alys N. Daniels Pip & Marylou A. Dankelman Susan Darnell Tammy Darnell David & Michelle T. Darrow Warren K. & Dianne C. Davenport Edward & Marie-France D. Davidson D. Kevin & Cynthia C. Davie Billy J. & Darcy D. Davis Christopher C. & Katherine M. Davis Clozer Davis Douglas J. & Gina Davis Esther Davis Jerry H. Davis Martha Davis Paul C. & Karen T. Davis Rochelle L. Davis Stephanie Davis Gregory P. & Denise A. Davison Marie Dawson Michael R. & Debra Day Richard Day John J. De & Nancy S. De Biase Jesus De La Torres Leonard De Lorenzo, III Theresa De Lorenzo Terese E. De Maio David B. & Lee E. de Nagy George De & Cachy A. De Pozsgay Frank C. Deasy Mark Deaton Emalee D. Debevoise John T. & Emalee D. Debevoise James L. & Diane DeBowes Dennis D. & Stacey M. Decarlo James A. & Denise A. DeCicco

James M. & Jacqueline M. Decker Gerard J. & Kathy L. Decristofaro Debra Dedeaux Jeffrey S. Dee Karen O. Dee Jerald E. & Debbie L. DeFord James D. & Jodi Deignan David E. & Catherine C. Delaney Sherry Delano David B. & Mary E. DeLater Rex D. & Kathy S. Delaune Janet Delfiacco Miguel A. & Judith M. Delgado Thomas & Karen D. Delgado Michael L. & Jena M. Delk Carlos & Nimia D. Del-Rosario Ana E. Demoya-Levy Sena J. Demps Robert H. & Jacquelyn A. Denman Andrew D. & Alicia Densemo Tyler S. & Rita M. Denson Frank R. & Deborah M. Derochemont Elaine A. Detrio Kenneth & Michelle Detweiler Joseph & Julie A. Devaney Donald M. & Catherine R. Dewey Hiram & Melissa Diaz Christopher & Kristin D. Dibiase Laura A. Dickerson Scott H. & Pamela S. Dickinson Gary A. & Debbie S. Dicus Frank J. & Lisa A. Digirolamo G. H. Digman & Debra Hart-Digman Greg D. & Chrissy Digsby Jeffrey W. & Carol M. Dill Duane Dilworth Mitchell S. & Melissa K. DiMarco Irene Diminno Lauren E. Dimmer Lynda A. Dimmer Peter & Karen D. Dinapoli Traci Dingess Terri Dinney Diana I. Dixon Frank F. & Karen K. Dixon Dave M. & Sandy F. Docarmo Kevin M. Dodds Kimberly A. Dodds Melissa K. Dodds Rick & Patti Doetsch John T. & Kathleen M. Dolan Robert Dollar Glenn & Clair B. Dollinger Robert & Anne Dollinger Dexter D. & Jane E. Domahoski

Helen E. Domahoski Chris & Stacie D. Dombrowski Anthony J. & Margo R. Donadio Edward & Clarice E. Donahue Stewart Donahue Carlos M. & Milagros Donate Fernando & Ursula Donoso Maria P. Donoso Thomas D. & Sheila Dorsey Betty G. Dortch Mark S. & Voni P. Dotterweich Brian & Angela T. Dowding SMSgt. Robert K. & Lisa K. Downing Gloria M. Drayton Mordecai N. Drazin Robin L. Drazin Kenneth W. & Carol Dresner Deborah Drew John E. Driscoll John Drum & Heidi M. Hill-Drum Francois Dugue David & Ceci Duke Robert L. Duncan, Jr. & Susan H. Duncan Bridget Downey Duncan Joseph T. Duncan Kathleen K. Duncan Minerva Duncan Calvin L. & Cleonese I. Dunkley Albert & Judith Dunlap Cecil F. & Judy G. Dunn Lauren M. Dunn Frantz & Marie Y. Dupiton Steven R. & Catherine J. Dupuis Franklin W. Durbin Kelly M. Durbin Pamela Durocher Dwight E. & Melissa L. Dykes LCDR Christopher J. & Maryann P. Eagle Robert A. & Donna A. Eales Domenick M. & Patricia D. Eanniello Norman C. & Jan N. Easey Lt. Col. James N. Eastman, III & Jan J. Eastman David W. & Kathleen Eberhard Susan R. Ebright Carlos E. & Irasema G. Echeverri Idia Echeverria Karina Eckardt Robert B. & Anita E. Eckerle Barbara K. Edgar Jonathan & Sharon Edie Cheryl Edwards Dale W. & Maria K. Edwards Marion Edwards Mark Lee & Kathleen E. Edwards

Michael R. & Patsy J. Edwards Rosemary Edwards Tabatha Edwards Lt. Col.(R) John W. & Terri L. Eggeman Robert C. & Jeanette Egger Elizabeth B. Eifert Steven & Lauren Eisenberg Mitchell E. Elias & Adela Lewis Enel E. & Myrtelle Elie Lorraine F. Elieff Larry F. & Brigitte N. Elliott William Elliott Andrew M. & Jody C. Ellis Markelda Ellis Stacy E. Ellis & Linda G. Quinto-Ellis Charles S. Ellison Terri W. Ellison John R. & Karen M. Elsey Kahled Eltomi Hector R. & Carla L. Elvir Michael A. & Nancy J. Elwell Patricia Emidy Amanda D. Emley William Eng Robert P. Englaish, Jr. Mary Ellen Englaish W. Rogers & Linda Z. England Malcolm C. & Susan E. Engstrom Richard W. & Pamela P. Eppard Daniel L. & Denise Eppelheimer Joseph & Bonnie L. Erdek Steven J. & Laura J. Erickson James B. & Marjorie R. Errichetti Inell Erskine Natasha Ervin Charles & Andrea E. Erwin Iva Escala Timothy D. & Dorothy M. Esh Johanna F. Espitia Arthur J. & Patricia N. Esposito John M. & Nancy P. Essegian Elena Estelella Timothy E. & Stacey Estep Gwen Ester Salvador Esteva Olsettd Etienne W. Theodore Etzel, III & Kim L. Etzel Stephen Van Eric A. & Evelyn Susan S. Eva Hector E. Evangelista Erick W. & Barbara R. Evans Randolph J. & Eloise W. Evans Susan A. Evans Willie B. & Willie J. Evans Cindy B. Evers

Ian M. Evertz David R. & Dorothy F. Ewing Michelle E. Ewing Hassan & Mariama F. Faal Lorenca Fabre Donald Faby, Jr. & Jennifer Faby Lewis F. & Melody S. Fader William & Janice H. Fagaly Robert M. & Robin E. Fagin James J. Fair, Jr. & Winona D. Fair Jon Fairbank Sue H. Fairbank Harriet Fairchild Chris & Laura J. Falco Arthur J. & Marcy D. Falcone Steven & Vickie F. Falk Deigo F. & Maria Falquez Andy Farach Oscar L. & Ana M. Farinas Frank & Toni F. Farkas Beata K. Faron Andrew W. Farrar Terence M. & Margaret A. Farrell Steven E. & Nadine B. Faucher Luis A. & Aida C. Faverio Nick & Martha F. Favillo Leticia Fawaz Walter & Lynn A. Fedoriw Michelle Feibus Stephen Feibus Todd & Carolyn F. Feit John J. & Paula A. Feitelberg Lawrence I. & Diane A. Feldman Noel A. & Lourdes P. Felipe Judge Walter & Kathryn A. Felton Neal J. & Madge S. Fensterwald Grady & Nancy Ferguson Howell L. Ferguson & Sharon S. MaxwellFerguson Mark F. & Barbara Ferguson Gwen Fern George Fernandez Jose A. Fernandez & Marvella Servin Raul H. & Diana E. Fernandez Richard & Ann McGee Fernandez Micheal Ferrentino C. William Ferris Karen A. Ferro Thomas J. & Susanne W. Ferro Angelo D. & Marcy Fiacco Bobby & Wendy Fields James M. & Mary J. Fiely Enrico & Linda Filippini Antionette Finch Margarite Findley

Mark A. Fine Michael R. Fine James L. & Pamela J. Finney Gail M. Fischer Kathy I. Fisher Steven & Dawn D. Fisher Grace Fitz Mark J. & Ann W. Fitzmaurice Linda Fitzpatrick Phillip J. & Katherine L. Fitzsimmons Bruce F. & Linda Fixelle Renata B. Flament Mark Fleckner Daniel A. & Sabine D. Flesch Mark J. & Karen M. Fletcher Randa Flinn S. Douglas Flinn Kathleen E. Floegel Madeline C. Flores Anthony F. & Dewana Floyd Cheryl L. Flynn Colleen Foerst Daniel F. & Jennifer S. Fogle James W. Folds George Font D. Norman Ford, Jr. Calvin & Deborah Ford Sheryl M. Ford Eric & Maria C. Forman John R. & Kathleen L. Forsyth Lawrence G. Fortino & Elaine L. DavisFortino C. Nicholas Foster Keith E. & Lisa A. Foster Mossad I. & Barbara Fouad Alton N. Fountain, III Gina Fountain Barbara M. Fowle Kenneth Fowle Kathleen M. Fox Robert Jonathan & Deborah C. Fox Tina M. Frady Manuel K. & Patricia A. Fraga Michael R. & Teresa M. Frakes Jorge F. & Ruth Francis Neil J. & Sue Frank Guy Frankenfield Georgia Franklin Simon F. & Maryann H. Franks Michael F. & Cheryl Fraser Walter G. Frauenheim, Jr. & Liselotte I. Frauenheim Marjorie Frazier Gail Freeman Kennth H. & Debra J. Freeman Tracy L. Frei Julio C. Freyre, Jr. & Patricia S. Freyre Barry M. Friedman & Andrea CartonFriedman Lorraine Friedrich Thomas C. & Elizabeth J. Frketic Andrew & Laurie H. Froelich Marie E. Froio

Robert F. & Olga Fry Richard F. Fuhr, Jr. & Lisa M. Fuhr Richard T. & Cynthia L. Fulton John W. & Nancy T. Funk Joseph E. & Procula E. Furiate Jonathan A. & Shari T. Fuss George B. & Karen Lee Fussell Charles & MaryAnne Futch Kathy Futch Kimberly A. Futch Al & Debbie Futrell Maria B. Fwderici David B. & Tina M. Gable Janet L. Gabriel Calvin & Shirley Hammond Gadson Jeffery D. & Juliet Gaines Reyna Galeas Chris G. & Laura Galeta Michael J. Galizia Susan E. Gallagher Joseph G. Gallo, Jr. & Wanda Gallo Claudia A. Galloway Richard Gamret Sandra E. Ganio Mark S. & Brenda Gano Steve G. & Olympia Gapandonis Sev Garcia, Jr. Antonio Garcia & Ana Maria N. Nunes Hadee Garcia Jorge L. & Odalis Garcia Lourdes M. Garcia Orlando Garcia Pedro J. Garcia & Iliana Alonso-Garcia Roger A. & Martha R. Garcia Jamee Garcia-Ortiz Steven G. & Betsy Gard Charles B. & Terri C. Gardiner Michael W. & Suzanne Gardner Jeanine A. Garnes Jeanine A. Garnes Carlos G. & Frances H. Garrandes Connie Garrett Nancy C. Garrett Karen L. Garrett-Kraus Tom Garrett-Kraus Lisa Garson Soraya Garzon Steven L. & Fran J. Gaswirth Sheryl L. Gauthier Scott T. & Linda D. Gay Thomas G. & Sondra L. Gay Janice M. Gaynor Robert D. Gaynor Martin J. & Sandra L. Geary Ralph Gehy Charles Gelfman Thomas Gemuend Richard Gentry & Karen N. Nelson William Erik & Cindy G. Genz Cynthia Geppert Fabian & Maria F. Gerard Charles H. Gerber, Jr. Linda Marie Gerecs

Francis P. & Daisy Gerlits Silleanie Gervin Affan Ghaffari Mohammad A. & Rasheda Ghaffari Alicia Giattino Richard F. & Joan B. Gibbons Calandra Gibson Eamonn G. & Tiffany Gibson Jessica S. Gibson John A. & Jeannie W. Gibson Tyler Gibson F. Gary & Kay Thi Gieseke Barbara M. Gil Eladio Gil Katrina Gilbert Anne M. Gilboy Tony E. Gilboy David S. & Bambi L. Giles Kenneth W. Gillespie Maryanne Gillespie David S. & Ginger Gines Randall K. & Carol Ginzig Carlos A. & Elida G. Giraldi Jaime E. & Maria C. Giraldo Steven D. & Joi M. Girardi Dennis G. Girdena & Marilyn Ronan Anthony P. & Vega G. Girodo Michael G. & Shelly Giufre Wendy Giustino W. Lee Glaze, Jr. & Cindy D. Glaze Henry Glover Jeff Glover Pauline N. Glover Michael & April G. Gluckstern Julian R. & Beth Godwin Wesley W. & Shannon L. Goebel Robert G. & Maryellen Goerke Martin A. & Susan R. Goetz Queen M. Goff Richard H. & Eleanor A. Goff Angela Goins Michael T. & Julia C. Goins Jon Gold Kenneth J. & Shirley A. Golding Jacob Goldszer Joaquin G. & Maria G. Gomez Jose R. Gomez & Haydee C. Manzanero Beverly Gonczar Kenneth L. & Claire Gonick George G. & Mary Gonzalez Hector L. & Argelis E. Gonzalez Maylind Gonzalez Melissa Gonzalez Norma Gonzalez Pamela Gonzalez Edward N. & Kimberly R. Good Timothy A. & Carol G. Good Tanya Gooden Lana Goodman Nancy Goodwin Jack Gootee & Sara Connell Arnette Myriam Gordils Bradley G. & Diane J. Gordner

Donald & Vicky Gordon Kevin W. & Kelly M. Gordon Mark A. & Cindy L. Gordon Dennis P. & Jane S. Gorman Tiffany D. Goss Uwe & Terry M. Grabhofer Dorothy Grady Mildred Graham Thomas M. & Mary Ford B. Graham Donald P. & Darlene B. Grant Horace J. H. & Enid Grant Wiley & Vanessa H. Grantham William & Deborah Grassey Michael J. & Dianne S. Gravette Begatria Gray Kathy Gray Robert L. & Jane Quinn Gray Anthony M. & Sharon E. Greco Frank E. & Mary L. Gredler Annette Green Clark G. & Cynthia Green Dianna A. Green John T. & Emily E. Green Lisa Green Philip R. & Phyllis A. Green Steve D. & Kathleen F. Green Joan Greene Johnnie M. Greene Jonathan & Shari A. Greene Capt. Karl J. & Lynn M. Greene Martin D. & Laura Greene Capt. Wanda R. Greene David & Rosie Greenfield William T. & Patricia M. Greenleaf James & Mary L. Greenlees Roxanne Greenstone George Greenwood Ronald G. & Mary T. Greer Tselane Greer Johnny L. Gregory Daniel J. & Karen S. Gremaux Martin F. & Bonnie J. Greunke Don G. & Dolores Grgas John C. & Mary E. Griffin Henry G. Griffis, Jr. Julie Griffith Steve Griffith Barbara A. Grimes Scott & Leslie G. Grimes Richard Grina & Lisa H. Hall Kerry G. Griner Antoine Grise Glynn G. & Wynn Grisham Mona R. Grissom Robert M. & Janet R. Grobstein Mark T. & Mary Jo Grodsky Joseph K. Groff, Jr. & Diane J. Groff Mark & Brenda G. Grosenbaugh Beth A. Gross Darlene A. Grossman Joseph J. & Linda L. Groszek Leslie L. Grove, III & Rita M. Grove Peter G. & Madeleine A. Gruber

Karen Rosenblum Grun Ken & P. J. Gryp Robert A. Gualtieri Mary Lynn T. Guarino Mary Guarisco Morty Gudelsky Mark G. & Carmen Guerin Sonia Guerra Eugene F. Guerre, Jr. & Shelley G. Guerre Michael & Renee G. Guinessey Thomas & Avis L. Gunnell Debbie Gunter Frederick M. & Janet G. Gurba Charles & Deborah G. Gustafson Guillermo A. & Marina Gutierrez Cecilia Guzman Erica C. Guzman Beth K. Hackett John K. Hackett Heidi S. Hadden Chip & Sen. Kay R. Hagan Maria C. Haggerty Hank G. & Christy Hagins Christopher A. & Carolyn A. Hagon Harold R. & Heloise H. Halcomb Robert J. Halczyn & Eileen ByrneHalczyn William Hale Patrick J. & Mary Susan Haley Dana Hall David Alton & Barbara L. Hall James M. Hall & Christine H. Nye Ronald L. & Conni C. Hall Jolene M. Hamel James P. Hamer, II & Lesley C. Hamer John K. & Mary K. Hamil John N. & Brenda M. Hamill John W. & Mary E. Hammel Jessica Hammett Alan M. & Sarah O. Hammock Walter C. Hanck Edith R. Hancock Mohamed I. & Aurora Haniff Norma Hanley Christopher M. & Ann M. Hansen Phillip D. & Judith R. Hansen Robert J. Harbin Joseph J. & Sharon Hardiman Kerry & Virona Hardison Barbara A. Hardy Richard J. & Colleen M. Hargraves Robert & Mary Ann R. Harkins Michael F. & Karen H. Harley David H. & Mary R. Harmon Andrew P. & Kimberly S. Harris Angie J. Harris Elizabeth Harris Geoffrey S. & Karen W. Harris Jessie Harris Kenneth & Susan Harris Kim S. Harris Raymond G. & Brenda Harris W. David & Carolyn Harris

Lt. Col.(R) William D. & Laura R. Harris Betty L. & Burwell C. Harrison Donna L. Harrison Hortenze Harrison Sherryl G. Harrison Terry Harriston Kim B. Harshbarger Brent & Cynthia Hart Gregg A. & Priscilla M. Hart Frances Hartley Chris & Lisa J. Hartman Christina G. Hartshorn Persena Harvin Andrew R. & Karen J. Harwood Beth A. Haskin Richard & Sherry Haskins Michael H. & Denise Hasson Brian K. & Jennifer T. Hastings Steven W. & Susan C. Hatfield Jimmy H. & Camille Hathaway Thomas M. & Debra A. Hatz Lisa Havard Douglas S. & Elizabeth M. Havens Dan L. & Lisa M. Hawkins Jerome H. & Matrell Hawkins Joshua C. Hawkins Thomas H. & Gail Hayden Benjamin J. Hayes Harriet Hayes K. Bruce & Kim S. Haynes George H. & Jedi M. Haynesworth Susan R. Heabock Leo C. Hearn, Jr. & Anita K. Hearn Alfred A. & Beverly H. Heartley Annie O. Heath Maureen Heath Dirk & Cynthia H. Hebert Linda O. Heiberger Brenda Henderson Chris & Lindsay H. Henderson Cindy Henderson Wesley & Julie Henderson Patrick J. & Helen K. Hendrick S. Keith & Annie L. Hendrick Denise Hendricks James B. & Melanie Z. Hendricks John & Donna D. Hendrix Duane M. & Cathy R. Hennarichs Grace Henriquez Dan Henry Thomas Henry Verna E. Henry Jeffrey & Joan Herig Julie Hermann David H. & Rose Hernandez Ibis Hernandez Karrie E. Hernandez Roman & Eloisa Hernandez Ruben B. & Judith C. Hernandez Richard G. & Gaye Herndon Fatima Herrera Jose M. & Georgette Trelles Herrera John & Linda Herring

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DONORS The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. David Herst Alfred V. & Nancy L. Hess Judson E. & Mary Louise Hester Frederick W. & Faith B. Hettler Karl Hewling Donald L. & Marilee E. Hibner Kelly M. Hickey Allen & Christine H. Hieb Bonnnie D. Higginbotham Harry Highsmith Gregory J. & Claire M. Hila Ken & Georgine R. Hill Kathy Hinden Cynthia M. Hinds Kent & Patricia A. Hinebaugh Michael S. & Anne C. Hingst Elizabeth D. Hirschman Nancy Hirt Deborah L. Hlavsa Walter T. & Cindy Hnatusko Edward H. & Cheryl Hobbs John Hobbs Carol Hochstein Sam H. & Monette Hodges Keith R. & Dana L. Hodgins Karen M. Hodson Thomas & Madeline C. Hoesten Donna B. Hoffman Gerald R. Hoffman James R. & Deborah H. Hoffman Joseph & Patricia A. Hoffman Terry A. & Janet Q. Hoffnagle Rich & Teresa Hohman Bruce A. Hoke & Consuelo Garcia-Hoke Barry H. & Christine Holes Frank A. Holguin Thomas W. & Audrey I. Holland Emmett & Lucille Hollis Hans & Amanda Lee Hollmann Kenneth W. & Vicki L. Holloman Dennis & Stephanie L. Holmquist Michael R. & Faith H. Holowicki Maria Holstein Charles T. & Christina S. Holt William L. & Debra K. Holt Rachael Homer David S. & Lisa L. Hood Dale C. & Elmira B. Hooge Edwin E. & Patricia E. Hooker Curtis Hooks C. G. Hooten Suzanne M. Hooten Ron & Nancy C. Hopkins John P. & Joette Y. Horan Karen M. Horan

Michael M. & Margaret S. Horn Joyce Horne Robert D. Horner Steven & Debbie Hornstein Franklin Hornung P. Sean & Tammie L. Horrell Wayne M. Hosid Jerry E. Hoskins James A. & Tamara R. Hosner Steve H. & Robin Houlberg John Houle James H. Houser, Jr. & Betty E. Houser Karen A. Houser David C. Hout Nancy Hout Stella Hovde Bryan W. Howard Mike & Debbie Howard Joseph & Pamela Howard Thomas R. & Cynthia M. Howard Susan Howarth William L. Howe, II & Anne A. Howe Deborah Howell Jean Howie Linda Howison Jerry L. Hrdlicka Kimberley Hubbard William C. Hubbard Charles H. & Vicki L. Huber Eric Huber Riley Huckaby, Jr. & Amy J. Huckaby Charlene M. Hudak Jeff H. & Karen Hudgins Clinton C. & Margarita L. Hudson Michael S. & Petina Hudson Mable J. Huey Kimberly L. Huff James M. & Patracia M. Hug Linda Hughes David L. Huie Lynn M. Hulbert Joseph M. Humphrey Paget K. Humphreys Michael T. & Patricia D. Hunsader Leslie R. Hunt Richard S. Hunter Kimberly Hurley Tazreen Hussain Jo Ann C. Hutchens Samuel C. Hutchens Richard E. & Suzanne C. Huth Paul C. & Janice L. Hutinger Jeff A. Hyde Joy P. Hyde Zafar Hyder

Jesse & Colleen Ihrig Cary Inderbitzin Susan Inderbitzin Orien B. Ingham Myriam Ingle John Ingram & Christine B. Stewart-Ingra James W. & Cindy Inklebarger Robert Innis Susan Ionescu Anibal & Eileen Irastorza Louis H. & Michelle Isaacson Tia S. Island-Hooker Bartolo & Mary E. Iturrey Leah C. Jack Cathy Jackson Dino J. & Susan Jackson Kathy Jackson Therese L. Jacobbe Isaac Jacobson Stephen P. Jacoby David D. & Marianne Jaffee Garry & Karen L. Jaggard John Jamerson Coulter C. & Marilyn F. James Danny James Jeffrey M. & Mary Anne James Jennifer James J. Greg & Victoria Jayne James Capt. Charles E. Jamison, Jr. & Susan Jamison Bruce & Lynn J. Janasiewicz Mark A. & Sharon Jank Carol Jankowski James M. Jankowski James M. & Penelope M. Janowski Bonerd Jean-Marie Richard & Marcia J. Jebailey Harold J. & Barbara L. Jefferson Phillip A. & Jeanene L. Jeffries Jenora Jenkins John Jenkins Mary Jenkins Walter T. & Darla D. Jenkins Jeff J. & Janet P. Jessup Jeff J. & Sue Jeter Alvaro Jimenez Gabriel & Inge Jimenez Regina Jimenez Gary W. & Judith C. John Lester B. Johns, Jr. Rev. W. W. Johnson, Jr. & Reville S. Johnson Anand S. Johnson Beverly T. Johnson Carter W. & Vicki Carter Johnson

Charetta N. Johnson Curtis K. & Debra H. Johnson Derryl Johnson Don & Doni G. Johnson Harriet Johnson John & Sherri J. Johnson Julie W. Johnson Karen Johnson Melissa Johnson Robert J. & Miranda Johnson Roxie R. Johnson Victoria Johnson Peter & Donna J. Jonas Andrew D. Jones Anthony & Janet M. Jones Barbara E. Jones Charles J. Jones & Cathryn Galla-Jones David D. & Jennifer L. Jones David M. & Jenise M. Jones Deborah K. Jones Diane Jones Esmond J. & Veronica Jones Faletta Jones Kevin & DonEthlyn Jones Louis J. & Kimberly Jones Lynn Jones Martha F. Jones Michael E. & Lorri S. Jones Paul R. & Kimberly A. Jones Robert T. Jones S. Allan Jones Sherry Jones Tammy J. Jones Terre S. Jones William D. & Sharon Jones Cynthia Jordan Darrell B. Jordan Gary B. & Jennie M. Jordan Patricia L. Jordan William & Joyce J. Jordan Jim & Helen Joseph Chrislene Journal Philip D. Juckem Wieslaw & Diane C. Juda Diana Judah Timothy A. & Jill R. Judge Margaret Juliano Frank T. & Kathy A. Jurkowski Daniela C. Jusino-Manzaner James M. & Denise D. Kagey Claudia A. Kahn Majid & Jolanta Kalaghchi Don K. & MaryEllen Kalina Arlene Kallinger Rudolph J. Kallinger

Paul D. & Julia R. Kalv Mark & Karol G. Kamrath John P. Kane & Dorothy Stark-Kane Kathleen T. Kane Michael C. & Carol L. Kane Phillip B. Kane Ken & Patti J. Kanline Robin Kapatkin Mark & Susan K. Karlen Michael A. & Amanda A. Karoff Wayne & Lisa G. Karolewski Elizabeth A. Karow Cori Kasten Rev. Dale R. Kaster Pamela B. Kearney Harry K. & Kellie Keathley Chuck & Doris M. Keeler Jean E. Keenan J. Barry & Mary G. Keene Russel E. & Susan H. Keene Robert L. Keeran, Jr. & Kathryn K. Keeran Victor E. & Kelly Keesling Thomas H. & Mary V. Keller Susie Kelley Peggy L. Kellogg Daniel & C. Markee Kelly Betty J. Kemp Cindy Kemp Brion R. & RoseMary D. Kendrick William D. & Linda B. Kenney Bruce A. & Diane M. Kerekes Donald & Camille Kerley Robert & Judith P. Kermitz David & Cindy Kersey Bill J. Kesl Brian Jay & Colleen Trievel Kesneck Michael J. & Colleen M. Kessler Edward M. & Elham E. Ketchum Thomas L. & Carol W. Kilgore Russell K. Killinger & Ruth C. Durkee Shannon L. & Sharon A. Kilpatrick Lance Y. & Marie L. Kim Bruce W. King, Jr. & Evelyn H. King Bembry B. & Dione R. King Darren L. & Terry A. King Glenn King Rubye J. King Susan M. King Carmon Kington Kevin S. & Susan K. Kinsella Michael Kinsey Lonnie L. K. & Lucy Kinzer Robert B. & Edythe G. Kirk Jeffrey Kirkpatrick Jimena D. Kirkpatrick

Richard Kishner & Marilee Bentz Jerre W. & Tassey A. Kittle Marc L. & Norma R. Klein Russ K. Klenet & Comm. Stacy J. Ritter Edson & Debra F. Kline Stanley C. & Cynthia B. Knott Terry Knowles Virginia B. Knowles Benjamin J. Knowlton, Jr. & Kim M. Knowlton Ted & Robin Koepfinger David & Liz K. Kofsky Jeff Kohmuench Laura Kohmuench Ralph C. & Susan R. Komives Bill K. & Teresa Korade Sally Kormos Kathleen Koshy Albin E. & Eileen S. Koteles Daniel K. & Lori J. Krause Elizabeth A. Krauzlis Arthur & Susan Kravetz Lawrence M. & Joan Kreisberg Joseph A. & Trina Kriss John J. Kronawitter Kevin B. & Kerri A. Krueger Allen H. & Jane D. Kuczynski Louis Kuhl Jennifer S. Kuhling Jerry A. & Victoria E. Kuhn Roger & Mari G. Kuhnle William Kuntz Randy & Donna Kupper Barbara Stein Kuvin James K. & Annette Kuwik Anders A. & Wendy C. Kverne Rachel M. La Croix Chip Laborde Patrick G. & Terri L. Labrada Jim Lacerenza Richard L. & Kelly Lacerra Ben W. Lacy, IV & Judith S. Lacy Edward H. Laderer, Jr. & Amy Q. Laderer Debra C. Ladow Marie-Paule Lafontant Gladys Lafrance Carol Lahey George & Gale Lam Stan L. & Jackie Lamb William R. Lambert, Jr. & Karyn M. Lambert Ross & Barbie L. Lammers Yvonne Landa David S. Landeta Reed Landis


Richard D. Lane Susan La Motte Lane Jacqueline L. Lanese Thomas A. & Kathleen Lang Martin H. & Tina M. Lange John L. & Andria D. Lanham Douglas L. & Lori J. Lareau William H. Larimore, Jr. & Carmen M. Larimore James J. Larkin, Jr. & Mary K. Larkin William R. Larosa, Jr. & Sheila Larosa Janice L. Larson Jeffery P. & Angela Larson Rodney J. & Frances L. Laster Glenn P. Lattz James A. & Consuelo H. Lauer Phillip L. & Ruth Laugois Dameon R. Launert Maureen Laverty Frank Lawandales John P. & Karen Lawler Antwaun Lawrence Daniell A. & Tina G. Lawrence Robin Lawrence Gwennyth Lawry Larry A. & Katherine A. Laws Janece Lawson Stephen M. & Sarah J. Lawson Arnold J. Lazar & Melanie A. MinearLazar Robert J. Le Blanc, Jr. & Linda G. Le Blanc Harry & Julie Leboeuf Mark G. & Jill C. Lecouris Patrick Ledan, Sr. & Ketty Ledan Yuetkwai J. Lee Jay J. & Laura B. Legeai James E. & Julia F. Lehman Marianne C. Lehman Thomas Lehman Richard & Susan W. Leisner Lowell Jay Leistner, Jr. & Colette G. Leistner Luke J. & Conna H. Leitz Debbie Leo Carlos J. & Donna S. Leon Caryl Leone Reba Lessiter John & Faithe S. Lett Michael J. & Mary Leudesdorff Laura J. Levene Joseph R. & Linda E. Levens Kathlyn J. Leverock Nissim & Ilona E. Levi Robert Levit Sharon Levy Christine G. Lewis Terrence N. & Lillian A. Lewis Alison M. Lex Chris & Mary C. Leyden Michael A. & Jerrie L’Heureux Yong Cheng Li Alan Liemer

Keith R. & Barbara C. Lietzke Nancy H. Lilley Brian L. & Mary R. Lindholm Don L. & Virginia Linick Randall & Evelyn T. Link Robert S. & Catherine L. Linkous John P. Linstroth Kenneth W. & Madelyn B. Lipman Sandy M. & Sonia Lipson Dayle Little Trent & Stephanie L. Little Stephanie L. & Trent Little James H. & Lisa L. Littlejohn Daniel A. Littrell Mary Ann Littrell Jospeh L. & Irene Lo Jacono Mary S. Lockamy M. P. & Patty A. Locke Louis Loffredo Nancy S. Lomauro Anthony M. & Barbara Lombardo Debrah Longo Jose R. & Lynnette P. Longo Robert J. & Martha L. Longtemps Frank F. Lopez & Sunny M. Galdo-Lopez Jennifer M. Lopez Karen Lopez Richard P. Lopez Anthony J. & Kathelen A. Lopiccolo Sheryl R. Louden Agatha A. Louis Julio M. & Rita Loureiro Paul & Maryanne Lovallo Debra Love Robert C. & Kathy L. Lowery Tamar Z. Lubow Steven J. & Dawn C. Luca Robert F. & Patricia Lucas Eric H. & Joanne Luckman Al & Virginia M. Ludlam Ernest Lumpkin Franco & Barbara Lungo Robert & Suzanne Luntz Janice B. Luth John Lynch Russell W. & Lynne S. Lynn Nicholas Lyonnais David T. & Lauren G. Lyons Richard J. & Hilda V. Lyons Suzann M. Maass Miles L. & Elizabeth D. MacEachern Bernard A. MacIk, Jr. & Linda L. Wittmershaus-Maci Gabriela MacKee Donald J. & Donna M. Macko Robert M. & Elise Madden Charles W. Maddox Vicki L. Maddox Douglas P. & Sharon L. Madill Gail G. Madriz Julio A. Maggi Leslie A. Maggi Laurie Magyar

William L. & Susan Maholm John J. Mahoney, III & Laura L. Mahoney Nicholas J. & Sandra A. Maiorana Nancy Mak Theresa E. Makrush Jaime F. & Isabel F. Maldonado Annette Males Robert & Robin R. Malinky Daniel B. & Susan C. Malone Jere J. & Wendy S. Mammino Noel M. & Carolina Manarang Joseph A. & Beth A. Mancini Michael M. & Marcy L. Mandell Paul F. & Patricia Mangus Neal & Linda N. Manners April L. Manning Richard V. & Laurie H. Manning Joseph M. & Deborah V. Mannino John D. & Leigh A. Mantione George E. Mara, Jr. & Kristine A. Mara Peter T. & Arielou J. Marcy Tom M. & Deborah Margio Janet Margrave MIilorad Maric Michelle Mariconda Daniel W. & Diane C. Marignoni James M. & Linda D. Marini Daniel A. & Lauri T. Marino Diane L. Marks Dale R. & Diane R. Marlow Steven J. & Gail L. Marlow Michael M. & Elizabeth M. Maroney Allen G. Marquez Diane Marriott Jane Marsden-Bruno Allison S. Marsh Cheryl Marshall Michael & Kathleen P. Martella Gary M. & Candy L. Martin Georgeann Martin William & Odalys M. Martin George R. & Jean M. Martinac Sarah Martinac Antonio & Laura P. Martinez David F. & Clara X. Martinez Elijio & Sylvia Martinez Karen R. Martinez Nanita Martinez Saul M. & Francis Martinez Shelia Martinez James L. & Bari E. Martz Neil I. & Freda L. Maryanoff Robert E. & Elizabeth P. Maryanski Mark & Mara W. Marzano Michael W. & Brenda L. Mask Linda A. Mason Barber Daniel W. Mason, III & Cynthia A. Paganini Larry A. & Sue S. Massa Michael Massari Akram Massey Hamilton W. & Janis R. Massey Susan Massey

Tasneem Massey Lawrence P. & Elizabeth D. Massinello Robert W. & Donna M. Massol Leonardo & Martha B. Mastache Antony C. & S. T. Mastalski Dawn Masters Angel & Celia Mata Lee M. & Janice Mathers Della L. Matheson James E. & Marysue W. Mathews Eddie B. Mathis Marian A. Matras J. Michael & Sally W. Matson Howard E. M. Matthews, II & Pamela J. Matthews David F. & Elaine G. Matthews Isa Matthews Roberta A. Matuske-Medere Stanley A. & Christina Matuszewski Mavin M. & Darlene L. Matz James A. & Tammi F. Mauldin Mark A. & Dawn L. Maurer Deborah P. Mauro Richard L. Mauro James M. & Wendy C. Maus Larry & Melody L. Maybin John E. & Katherine S. Mayers Miriam Maypoles Zina Mazyuk Casey McAleer Ronda McAlpine Bruce & Elaine M. McArthur Vincent & Donna McAteer Charles W. McAuley Steve A. & Debora A. McCabe Eileen McCaffrey Thomas M. McCaffrey R. Michael & Margaret A. McCain Donna A. McCalley Al & Debbie M. McCambry Terence J. McCarthy Robert K. & Dianne M. McClain Paul F. McClay, II & Teresa McClay Ralph & Christine W. McClure James D. & Cheryl L. McCluskey James McConlogue, Jr. & Margaret McConlogue W. Everett McConn Dawn L. McCormick Kirk McCormick Michael McCormick Beverly F. McCrory Deborah R. McCrory Bryan A. & Dana B. McCue Shereka McCullough Melanie L. McDaniel Neal E. McDonald, Jr. Steven K. & Nancy E. McDonald Julie McDowell William M. & Cheryl J. McDowell Gerald D. & Holly S. McElroy Jack C. & Ann P. McElroy Micheil R. McElvey

Paul & Julie McFarland John K. & Fawn R. McGee Susan S. McGee Fionna McGillivray Tony M. & Patti S. McGinnity Joseph M. & Paulina McGlashan Deanna L. McGurgan Jacqueline R. McIntosh Shelly A. McKanstry Elizabeth E. McKay Mary McKay William J. & Lisa O. McKean Frank M. & Debra L. McKeen W. Guy McKenzie, Jr. & Brigitte R. McKenzie J. Kevin & Susan W. McKeown Dale A. & Kimberly J. McLarty Deborah McLaughlin Michael W. & Deborah C. McLaughlin George M. & Elaine McLeish Mary McLemore Philip A. & Doreen D. McLeod James T. & Kimberly Lovelace McMahon Veronne McMain Joan M. McMurtry Thomas D. & Janet L. McMurtry Patrick M. & Janice D. McNeely Laura McNeill Brian M. & Mary M. McNulty Kevin M. & Carolyn K. McNulty Scott M. McPherson George A. & Joanne C. McQuain Morgan M. McRoberts William L. & Sonya L. McShane Thomas L. & Susan A. Meador Bonnie A. Mechtel Eva C. Medina Carlos & Vioma Medio Robert J. & Gina L. Medred Jerrone E. Meekins Sr. & Dinnitie L. Meekins Micheal Y. & Dana Meixner L. Robert Melendy & Lezlie A. Hildebrand Stuart Mellish & Andrea Woods Diane Melnick Eston E. Melton, III Magdalena Mendez Jose M. & Wilma Mendoza Jackie Meneses John J. Mennel David E. & Joyce C. Menz Michael M. & Joan Menzo Maria I. Mercado Donnie & Brenda Mercer Pareen Merchant Ian M. Merle Harold Merry Bonnie L. Mertzlufft Roberto & Mayra Mesa Ion & Mihaela N. Metianu Penney Metz Lawrence E. Meyer, Jr. & Susan E. Meyer Anthony L. & Sherri J. Meyer

Rhonda L. Meyers Barbara F. Michael Greg & Dorie M. Michalik Stephen G. & Carole L. Mickulas Harold & Toomi Middleton Thomas J. Mikell Karen D. Milicic Deborah Miller Edward D. & Laura K. Miller Lt. Jack & Marilyn B. Miller Jodi A. Miller John J. & Susan B. Miller Johnny R. Miller Joseph R. & Susan C. Miller Raymond V. & Elizabeth A. Miller Richard Miller Richard A. & Sherry L. Miller Roderick Miller Scott Miller Scott & Nancy M. Miller Twyla Y. Miller Steven R. & Deborah L. Millheiser Dennis K. & Judith F. Mills Stacy Mills Terry G. & Sharon D. Mills Ivan A. & Darlene T. Milo Richard M. & Sandra C. Milstead Karen Minor Susan Minotti Barry M. & Rita M. Miskin Allison Mitchell Bridgette Mitchell Crusita Mitchell Lesly & Guirla M. Mitton James S. & Karen S. Mitts Dean R. & Fay B. Mlinarich Ricky E. & Deborah A. Mobley Daniel & Mindy A. Moccia Jennifer Modglin Marilan Moir Mary Anne Mola Jose & Elsa M. Molina Manuel O. Molinet & Sarah CipolloneMolinet Gregory J. & Nancy M. Molis Jonathan C. Moller Randy & Cathy Moller Larry & Judith Momyer David L. & Judy L. Monaco Russell & Lynda Monckton Beth A. Monk Mary Montes Bertha Montgomery Debbie Montgomery Edwin F. & June C. Montgomery Jerome Montgomery Michael L. & Terrye A. Moon Adriene Moore Amanda L. Moore E. Paul & Mary P. Varn Moore Jeffrey L. & Kathy R. Moore Jimmie A. Moore Kim Moore

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DONORS The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. Laura S. Moore R. Scott & Karen L. Moorhead Steve M. & Jisela Mooring Lisa D. Moose Rocco Morabito Analia Morales Michael A. & Cynthia L. Morales Cesar Moran Sheila Moran Mike M. & Karen Moreen James & Brenda Moreno Beth Morgan David J. & Colleen Morgan Fletcher J. Morgan James F. & Mary L. Morgan Lance C. & Patricia J. Morgan Thomas & Wanda M. Morgan Ray & Lori L. Morganti Charles E. Morris, Jr. & Mary E. Morris Bruce E. & Alice C. Morris Douglas & Cheryl M. Morris Esther A. Morris Gary H. & Lee A. Morris Charles E. Mortensen, Jr. & Barbara A. Mortensen Steve T. Mortensen David R. & Robin A. Morton Ray & Ann M. Mossmna James D. & Patricia A. Motta Charles E. Mould, Jr. & Carol Ann Mould Reinaldo J. & Marta Mouriz Terlum M. & Katherine Moy Maureen D. Muir Gerald R. Mulberry, II & Brenda F. Mulberry Mike Mulcahy Sheryl Mulet Michael T. & Juanita B. Mullaney Jon P. Mundorf & Laura A. Shiver Steve & Diane S. Mundree Pedro & Madeleine Munilla Jeffery W. & Nancy B. Murie Fred L. & Sherry M. Murphy Jim M. & Jane Murphy Michael K. Murphy Constance C. Murray Pamela J. Murray Marco & Julie Musa Thomas J. & Nancy J. Musella Jeffrey S. & Marylynn Musser Thomas E. Myers, III & Holly S. Myers Michael Wayne & Michele Edith Myers Ashley K. Myerscough Teresa L. Myerscough Paul N. & Lisa A. Nadeau

Mark J. & Maureen A. Nadell Mohsin A. & Mansoora Naeem Frank H. & Linda S. Nagatani Connie A. Nall Robert J. Nall A. Mercedes Nalls Idelsy Napier Kenneth J. & Cynthia A. Napier Roger N. & Minerva Napier Maria Naranjo Lucia Nathaniel Louis I. & Cynthia M. Navarro Forrest R. Neal & Debra J. Neal Makeba Neal Paul W. & Christine M. Neal Lidia A. Nebb L. Dow & Peggy H. Needham Debie Neel Diana Negrette Robert N. Neidhardt & Belinda A. Williamson Arlene G. Neitzel Kevin N. & Holly H. Nelligan Brian V. & Gail T. Nelson Gary N. & Brenda G. Nelson Jill Nelson Robert & Tanya Nemnich Ronald W. Nentwig John & Linda P. Nesbitt Gregory L. & Linda H. Nesmith Richard N. & Michele Nester Larry & Melanie Netti Gretchen A. Newberry Stephen & Lucy Newbold Barbara Newell Jocelyn Y. Newell Bruce & Barbara S. Newman Laurence B. & Brenda S. Newman Michelle Newman William F. & Denise A. Newman D. Yvette Newton Pierre D. & Lucie A. Ngnepieba Kimberly D. Nicholas Joan Nichols Mark N. & Maria B. Nichols Robert E. Nichols Jack E. & Carolyn C. Nicholson Darrell R. & Sheila F. Nickerson Stuart A. Nicol & Susan P. Millar-Nicol Daniel M. & Julie G. Nigro Robert N. & Kathy Noble Enrique C. & Rosa Noguera James N. & Mary L. Nolan Melinda Nolan John C. & Laura L. Nolin

Steven M. Noll Peter M. & Bernadette F. Norden Harold N. & Donna B. Norman Michael N. & Teresa A. Norris Robert J. & Karen S. Norton Bonnie Norwood Ivan & Anna N. Nossa Kenneth A. Novick Vincent L. Nuccio, Jr. & Mary Nuccio Matthew S. & Caroline Nugent Irma R. Nunez Cathy Nye Monica F. O’ Connor George O. & Sue Oats Kelly Oberg Teresita P. Obermann Michael Obi Brigid O’Brien John & Patrice M. O’Connor Kathleen O’Connor Mark & Suzanne O. O’Conner Michael E. O’Connor Robin O’Connor William & Petra O. O’Connor David A. & Heather M. Odahowski Vicky L. Odem Bruce & Patricia E. O’Donnell Neil O’Donnell Deborah Offutt Luis O. & Elizabeth A. Ogrodnik Brian J. & Key G. O’Keefe Kevin & Paula O’Keefe Beverly V. O’Keeffe Timothy F. O’Keeffe Naomi Oldham John & Michele O’Leary Michael O. & Debrah Olenick John B. & Tamara A. Olinger Tina Olinski Gwen Oliver Maria Olivera Marilyn A. Olliver Robert M. Olliver Loreen Olson Robert Olson Joe & Manya O. Ondriska David A. & Kimberly T. O’Neal James F. O’Neill, Jr. & Joyce K. O’Neill Jim O. & Susan O’Neill Kevin J. & Janie L. O’Neill Kathi L. Oppel Susana Oquendo Robinson Orandi Mia Orange Alex & Patricia Orban

Scott & Joanne Orcutt Javier & Laura Orizondo Suzanne S. Orkin Phillip L. & Sheryl B. Oropesa Cesar & Maria O. Ortiz Darlene Ortiz Moreen Osborn Glenda E. Ostrander Fredric & Bernadette O. Oswald Kathryn A. Oswald Jean E. Otte Glen G. Outlaw, Jr. & Colleen P. Outlaw Donnie E. & Wilma L. Outlaw Betty Oved Dan A. Overleese Karen Overleese Robert O. & Ann Owen Gary W. & Donna Owens James O. Owens & Anita R. SerraOwens Philip W. Pacific & Joanna P. Castillo Jane Pacinhik Suzanne R. Paedae Antonio Pagan, Jr. & Maria A. Pagan Gerassimos M. & Chrisoula Pagoulatos Tom Painter Fernando J. Palacios Roger D. Paladino & Mary K. Crownover Debra Palatta Shaofen C. Pan Phillip P. & Phyllis Panici Dianne Panka Raymond P. & Karen L. Pannone J. Dean & Nancy Aul Papapetrou Gregory S. & Suzann W. Pape Roland R. Parent, Jr. & M. Barbara Parent Rolando P. & Lydia Parets Karen Parisi Benjamin L. & Elizabeth G. Parker Brent & Mary F. Parker John E. Parker Leslie Parker Timothy J. & Diane Parker Susan J. Parkinson Tivi Parks Ligia Parrado Eddie & B. Yvonne Parrell Paul & Deborah P. Parrino Sarah C. Partridge Jamie & Hellen Pasternak Nalin Patel Susan Patrick Jerald P. Patterson, Sr. & Debra Patterson Scott J. Patterson Robert A. & Virginia C. Pavlik

Alvin & Chanell Payne Audrey M. Payne Jane M. Pearce Donald & Jean M. Pearson Michael H. & Janice L. Peaton Deborah Peck Col. Joseph & Cheryl A. Pelchar Michael J. Pembroke Carolina Penaranda Jack H. & Anya P. Pence Charles E. & Terry S. Pendleton Christy M. Pendleton Eric Pendleton Michele L. Penrod Kenneth R. & Sharon R. Penrose Ralph P. & Barbara Pepe William P. & Gail Pepe Irene J. Peplowski Suzanne Perdue Guellys Perez Richard & Vivian P. Perez Roy Perez Sandra Perez Jude M. Pericles John F. & Beverly A. Perkins Sharisse D. Perkins Mike & Arlene Perl John R. & Maxine A. Perlman George O. Perreault, Jr. & Mary Sue Perreault William P. & Joan Perretti Andrea Perrillo Charles R. & Michele M. Perry Kimberly Perry Ralph N. & Chyrll A. Person Susan M. Peterson Arben P. & Lindita Petriti Andrew R. & Karen Pettit Rosalia T. Pezzi Richard P. & Brenda H. Pfeifer Robert C. & Alice R. Pfeifer Barbara Pharis Capt. Thomas P. & Donna R. Phelan Leslie A. Phelps Kathleen G. Philips Brian S. & Juliet A. Phillips Gary & Priscilla Phillips George R. & Andrea A. Phillips Gladstone O. & Kathleen W. Phillips Joshua D. Phillips Ronald L. & Elizabeth M. Phillips Terry & Theresa P. Phillips Flora Philpart Richard E. & Debora S. Pica Joseph A. Piccorossi

Kimberly S. Piccorossi Luther P. & Barbra Pickles John W. & Lisa E. Pickelsimer Barbara A. Pickett William R. & Alice J. Pickett Dennis M. Pickle & Mary O. AndersonPickle Barbra & Luther P. Pickels Lisa Pierce Walter Pierce Frank M. & Brenda C. Pierson Bruce N. & Kathryn S. Pikaard Denise Pinar Constance M. Pinckney Martin D. Pinckney Tammy L. Pinnella Georgina Pino Matias Piorno & Maria E. Argote Anthony J. Pipitone & Myriam F. Marquez John Pisano, Jr. & Lynne E. Pisano Vincent Piscatelli David J. Piterski Jere F. Pitman Lawrence A. Pizza, Jr. & Irene E. Pizza Anthony T. Pizzo, Jr. & Lillian A. Pizzo Bernardo J. Pla Toyanna Platt Stephen D. & Mary T. Podnos Jerry J. & Marsha E. Polacek Jesus P. & Ana Polar Jon & Barbara Polenberg Richard Polisner Bennett & Shelli E. Pollack Teri E. Pollack James & Kaye L. Pollard Marshall P. & Alice H. Pollard Harry J. & Ellen Polsky Daniel B. & Rebecca B. Pope Tyrone & Jana P. Pope Michele Popken Anne Popp Anne L. Porcaro Terry & Sharon P. Porch Rosalyn Gist Porter Don P. & Carol J. Portugal Joyce T. Potts Tamatha F. Poulton Jane Powell Joseph R. & Elizabeth M. Powell Terry J. Powell Eddie Power & Yolanda Y. Thomas Jack P. & Angela M. Powers Jeffrey S. Prashaw Belen I. Presas Linda L. Preuss

Ashleigh K. Price Edward F. & Dolores H. Price James E. & Joanne P. Price Roger G. & Pamela C. Price Jodie Priefer John M. & Julie Prince David & Gretchen P. Pritchett James C. Pritchett Susan M. Pritchett Maria Proenza Alas P. & Robin Prokosch Thomas L. & Denise M. Prongay Raymond D. & Susan L. Propst Vito & Kathleen P. Proscia Chrystal Provencal Tom P. & Sarah R. Province D. Scott Pryor & Elisabeth Dupont-Pryor Dennis J. & Pamela F. Prysner Roxanna Przychodny Joye Ptack Calvin M. & Hope Pujol Anthony M. & Teresa M. Puleo Charles T. & Laurie F. Puleri Timothy & Jennifer Pullar Andrew L. Punzirudu Debbie J. Punzirudu James S. & Marilyn P. Purdy Donald R. & Nancy L. Pyle Carol D. Pyles Ronald T. & Sandra Ringo Queen Antonio S. & Joyce G. Querido Evelyn Quick Isabel Quiles Chris & Jodi M. Radcliffe Michael W. & Katherine T. Radcliffe James W. & Sherrill W. Ragans Mohammed F. & Gulshan Rahman Scott A. & Renee W. Rains Terence C. & Michaela B. Raley Denise Ramirez Hector E. Ramirez Andrea G. Ramseur Curtis & Jeannette Ramsey Wallace Randell Mary Ann Randolph Toni L. Ransbottom Alan & Lori Rash Sam & Geri R. Rashid Sue R. Raudebaugh Janice Ray Jenna Ray Selden & Violeta A. Ray Albert J. & Debra M. Raymond Mitchell G. & Roseanne Reanier Fay D. Rebell Dale S. & Susan W. Recinella Charles R. & Leslie S. Redding Mark J. & Barbara M. Reder R. Edward & Joy H. Reding Steven Redmond Delores A. Reecy Carl J. & Maureen B. Reed Janice Reed

Jeffrey W. & Kim R. Reed Ralph W. & Jean S. Reed Sharon W. Reed Paul E. & Rachel A. Reese Chris Reeves Cornelius & Cheryl Regan Kevin & Eileen M. Regan Mabi Rego Wilfredo F. & Elena Victoria Rego Edward R. & Ellen A. Reichel Scott A. & Paula R. Reichle Vernon H. & Jasette R. Reid Mark S. & Cheryl C. Reina Carolyn W. Reis Scott J. & Ann Marie Reit Michael R. & Sharon Renner William R. & Cindy D. Renner Juan A. & Susan L. Resto Randolph C. & Melje A. Reyes William J. & Pamela E.A. Reynolds William S. Reynolds Mark & Susan Rhein Kurt & Carol L. Rhodaback Jorge Riascos Charles R. & Kathleen A. Ricci Ramona Ricci Rana Ricciardi Gail Rice Steven & Marcia Rich Dan R. & Stephanie A. Richards Kevin & Catia R. Richardson Audrey K. Richey Daniel R. Richey Gary Richter Lynn M. Rico Teresa Riddle Jerry & Mary Riley Stephen B. & Patricia C. Rilling Mark A. & Marian K. Ringle Rachel A. Rippey Francesco M. Ripple Liliane N. Rique CMSgt(R) David W. & Vickie H. Ritchson James R. Ritter, II & Sarah Le Blanc-Ritter David P. Ritter Digna I. Riva Luis F. & Ana Maria Rivas Hector C. & Lourdes E. Rivera Walter O. & Audrey C. Rivera Roselia T. Rivers Patrice T. Rivet Dale R. & Sandra Rizzins Rebecca M. Robbins Benjamin R. & Teresa Robelo Kathryn K. Roberts Michael Z. & Tance E. Roberts Rory N. Roberts William L. Robinson, Jr. & Teresa G. Robinson Cedrick & Jill W. Robinson Denise P. Robinson Elle Robinson Greg & Joanne M. Robinson

James F. & Leannah K. Robinson Margie L. Robinson Mark D. & Capt. (R) Lorri Robinson Andres & Colleen M. Rocafort Andrew M. Rocafort Chris R. & Kathy Roddy Gaston R. & Kit Rodriguez Kim Rodriguez Migdalia Rodriguez Kenneth & Katie M. Roeper Thomas B. Rogan, Jr. & Kristi A. Rogan Kevin P. & Linda C. Rogan Jackie Rogers Chris Roker & Janice A. Mitchell Jennifer E. Rollins Mark W. & Caren S. Rom Jerry & Irena T. Roman Linda Romanosky Christina Romero James J. & Tersea F. Ronayne William R. & Linda M. Roof Charles R. & Gladys Rose Francine R. Rose Jeffrey H. Rose Jeffrey L. & Sharon L. Rose Mark D. & Susan Rose John F. Rosen Wilma M. Rosenbloom Brian Rosenboom Sharon F. Rosenboom Michael A. Rosenfeld Mary E. Ross Stanley & Carolyn Ross Judith G. Rossetti Gregory R. & Ann W. Rossini Jean L. Rosso Lori A. Rosson Martin R. & Leslie Roth Stepahanie Rothenberger Timothy S. Roush Shayne & Kelly R. Routh Peter & Carla Rowe Shere Rowell Julie D. Rowse Tyrone R. Rowse Carol Rozas Juan Jose Rozenberg & Debora Rosental Glenn T. & Deborah M. Rubadou Everton Rudd Nanette J. Rudolf Maria Ruiz-Margenot Donald E. Runk, III & Patricia A. Runk Mary Beth Rush Joseph W. & Maryann G. Russano John M. & Roberta J. Russell Lanny & Denise Russell Mary Russell Alicia L. Russi Ken Russi John & Julie Rutledge Carlos J. Ruzal Philip Ryan, Jr. Jim R. & Margie Ryan

Peter A. & Kimberly H. Ryan Susan Ryan Julie Ryder Gene R. & Kathy M. Rye Joaquin A. & Caridad O. Sabater Jorge L. & Marisol Sabido Eric Sabin Adam R. Sackrin Alan & Cindy D. Sackrin Bruce & Mary Sadler Tim L. Sadler Robert D. & Marvilene M. Sage Dan & Jan Sahm Marie Saint-Juste Abdul Salam John P. & Jean C. Salamon Jaime Salazar Jeeg Salbian & Lois M. Cox Diego A. Salcedo Hernando & Olga Salcedo Leroy Saldivar & Ada Campos John S. & Elizabeth Salley Lee N. Salm Kathryn L. Salo Shanmugham & Saraswathi Sampathkumar Charles Moore & Sheri L. Sampson Vita L. Samuels Anelys San Jose Willers J. & Gina A. Sanabria Arturo & Martha A. Sanchez Joseph E. Sanchez Luis A. Sanchez & Adamantia A. Mammas Raymond R. & Anita A. Sanders Steven D. & Nancy J. Sanders Shauna K. Sandridge Michael S. & Nancy M. Sands Kristie A. Santana Marcella Santana Teresa D. Santos Angel Santos Antonio & Palmira S. Santos Elisabete C. Santos Francis D. Santos Jose S. & Georgina C. Santos Kevin S. & Monique Santos Anthony J. Sapienza Connie M. Sapienza Mark G. & Sandra Sarafian L. Steve & Teresa L. Sarbeck Nellie P. Sargent John E. & Linda K. Sather Barbara L. Saunders Gail Sawyer Richard M. & Corinne M. Sbaratta Thomas J. & Sharon H. Scanlan Philip G. & Eileen E. Scarantino Ronald S. & Terry Scarcelli Lee W. & Rebecca G. Schafer Barry & Sharon Schecter Harold D. & Kimberly M. Schemer Robert K. & Diane M. Schergen

Elena Schettini Kali L. Schildecker Bruce & Helene Schilian Eric & Shere L. Schiller Monica Schmelzinger Debra H. Schmidberger Annette L. Schmidt Bobbi L. Schmidt Charles Schmidt George L. & Helen I. Schmidt Stephen F. Schmidt Troy Schmidt David & Connie R. Schmitt Thomas & Michelle S. Schumtz Constance Schneider Diane Schneider Robert Schneider Maj. Shirley P. Schneider Stuart & Eileen T. Schneider Mark E. & Karen K. Schreiber Jack & Diane L. Schrier Scott E. & Julie Schroeder Steven M. & Sharon A. Schrull William R. & Robyn W. Schubert Bryan S. Schulis Linda Schultz Barbara A. Schumacher Judith M. Schuyler Michael R. & Linda G. Schuyler Micheal S. & Barbara S. Schwaid Joan M. Schwartz Lewis A. & Heather M. Schwartz Melinda S. Schwartz Rick & Linda Schwartz Barry M. & Leslie Schwartzman Gregory L. & Mary L. Schweigert Robert W. & Doreen Schwirian Tanner & Cathy Scofield William E. Scoggins, Jr. & Deborah Scoggins A. David Scoones Geoff & Riotta M. Scott Lisa M. Scott Paul & Valerie Seasholtz H. Craig & Karen L. Seay James J. & Sandra Gail Sebesta Paul F. Secord & Ida Santos Stewart Ramona See Tom & Lynnette K. Sefcik Thomas E. Segers, Jr. & Lauren E. Segers Charlott Seignon Alix J. Selinsky Keith M. & Assunta S. Sellers Frances Senez Karen Sepot Nancy Serre Phillip J. Serre Robert E. & Paula J. Servis Cynthia Setticase Howard J. & Joann G. Sevel Milton S. & Lorna Seville Donald B. & Cynthia E. Seymour Carol Shaffer

Randall S. & Mary Ann Shaffer Eric S. & Deborah Shafran William & Maureen Q. Shallcross Abdul R. & Hanan A. Shamseddine Joyce Shapiro Lisa Shapolsky Megan G. Sharp Deborah A. Shearer James R. Sheeran Lew C. Sheffler Philip D. & Deborah Shenefelt Clifford B. Shepard Craig R. & Ann E. Shepard Mary L. Shepard Warren G. & Karen M. Shepherd Rodd & Cynthia L. Sheradsky Linda Shidler Susan Shiekman Clevelan Shields Thelma B. Shields Denee Shipley Daniel E. & Miriam Shir Machelle R. Shirk Neil T. & Patricia S. Shmunes Patricia Sholtz Kevin J. & Lorraine T. Shuba Becky Shuler Jay D. Shuler Stephanie J. Shumate Robert A. Shupe John L. Shuster, Jr. & Susan D. Shuster Steven D. & Vivian B. Sichel Kevin & Glenda Sidman Selwyn S. & Michellle Sifontes Erin K. Sigerson Debrah Siggins Mike & Joan M. Sigler Mary Sikora Edna S. Silangil Osmando Silangil Adalberto Silva & Piedade Oliveira-Silva Andre O. Silva J. Preston & Sarah S. Silvernail Maria Silvestre James A. & Theresa E. Simak William E. & Judy A. Simmel Robert V. Simmons, Jr. & Rebecca B. Simmons William M. & Diana Simmons Leonard Simon Michael Simon Diana Simonelli James M. Simonelli James N. Simons, Jr. Javier & Cynthia Simons Larry Simons David S. & Kathy Simpson David & Kathy S. Sims James & Suzanne S. Sims Lezlie Sims Mike S. & Theo Sims Mary Beth Singh Sarah P. Singleton

D S A A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 7


D S A A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 7

DONORS The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. Vicky Sipes James T. & Susan M. Sirak James A. & Therese M. Sirignano Kimberly Sisisky Kevin & Katherine R. Sisson H. L. & Cherry Skarpalezos Victor M. & Janet S. Skibicki Timothy & Debby S. Slade David A. & Jan M. Sleeper Sherman Slone & Eileen D. Jacobs James R. & Gail G. Slotter Carlton E. Small & Miriam A. ColemanSmall C. Carroll Smith, III Alexandria P. Smith B. Thomas & Pam C. Smith Barbara S. Smith Bernard M. & Delores A. Smith Brian & Vicki M. Smith Charles & Pamela H. Smith Cherry W. Smith Cindy Smith Edward R. & Barbara A. Smith Gary M. & Rita B. Smith James K. & Ann R. Smith James W. & Judy M. Smith Janette Smith Joanne T. Smith Kathy Smith Kenneth T. & Cynthia L. Smith Maria Smith Mary Smith Michael N. & Elizabeth W. Smith Robbin R. Smith Sandra J. Smith Steve Smith Susan J. Smith Susan S. Smith Terrol S. & Mona E. Smith Tina Smith Veronica Smith Willett R. & Joan H. Smith Erin L. Smitherman John T. & Laura B. Snead Mary Ann Snell Fredric B. & Kathleen Snitzer Susan J. Snyder Michael L. & Kathy L. Sobel James & Mari S. Solanick Filepe & Louisa Solari C(R) David P. & Patricia D. Solliday Jeff Solomon David A. & Judy D. Solovey Angela Somereville Greg Somerville & Geri A. Atonowingh

Mary Somerville Lynne Soobitsky Jacqueline Toms Sorensen Mabolin Soriano Iieana Sosa Ryan Soucy Steven R. & Sandra C. Spangler Donnie R. & Rita T. Sparkman Karen Spataro Brent A. & Gisele M. Spechler John P. & Loretta Speckman Dennis A. & Lauren M. Speed Donna Speelman Christopher M. & Joann Spencer Lala Spencer Bruce J. Sperry James S. & Carol J. Spikes John L. & Kathleen C. Spillman Lynn Spinner David & Debby Sprechman Brad Stackpoole James R. & Jennifer Stafford William Stalnaker, Jr. Joseph P. & Mary L. Standaert Col.(R) Karl F. & Peggy F. Stark Myles & Patricia L. Starkman Richard Starling Chris Stearns Robert J. & Jamie L. Stein Samuel & Terri S. Steinhauer Debbie Stenstrom Mark D. & Mary Anne P. Stephen Kurt A. & Carol L. Stephens Myka K. Stephens Ian S. & Ruth Sterling Albert J. Stevens, Sr. Linda Stevens Robert S. & Katherine A. Stevenson Clyde & Ivorie C. Stewart Gerald B. & Betty Stewart Barbara Steyer Jeff & Sue S. Stidham Marianne Stimper Arlen R. & Marla C. Stock Byron C. & Beverly J. Stockseth Guy P. & Elaine G. Stockton Brenda Stokes Thomas S. & Debie Stokes MSGT (R) John W. & Tuptim R. Stone Mechelle J. Stone Suzie Stone Garry K. & Teri T. Stonebraker Vic Stonecipher Howard L. & Elane Stoughton Mandy S. Stoutamire

Mark S. Stoutamire Diane Stover Gary Edward & Denise Baker Strauch Daniel P. Strickland Jacqueline Stroffolino John P. Stroke & Virginia J. Stouse John G. Stroup Cathy Stroupe Fredrick Studnick W. Edward & Debra L. Stultz Tom & Beverly Sturch Greg S. & Mindy Sturgis Michael R. & Elizabeth A. Sturman Guille Suarez Kenneth M. & Leane T. Suarez Richard & Gwen Sulak Dan Sullivan Jeff Sullivan John J. & Susan G. Sullivan Penny Sullivan Stephen C. & Lisa Cozzati Sumby Frank & Beth Lynne Suriano Kirk & Arlene Suttell Anthony R. & Margaret R. Suveg Deborah Swanson Inez Sward Mary F. Swartz Julie Swearingen Frank & Mary Ann Swerdzewski Mark S. & Karen A. Swider Loren Sydney Peter L. & Barbara A. Sypien Donald J. & Shirley Szepelak John & Donna Szwed Stephen C. Taber, Jr. & Veronica Taber Brian K. & Susan Tahaney Caroline Taliaferro Teresa Tamayo Raul H. & Michele Tapia Herman H. & Barbara A. Tarnow Charles D. Tart, Jr. & Susan W. Tart Chad T. & Stephanie Tarter Lawrence R. & Claudean E. Tate Richard & Nancy T. Tattoli Barry T. & Teresa Taylor James E. & Karen K. Taylor Lillian L. Taylor Wayne R. & Jennifer D. Taylor Miles & Karen L. Tedder Thomas T. & Linda Tegtmeier Ernest T. & Ana R. Telleria Stephen & Barbara Tellone Raymond J. & Jean A. Temeyer Miriam Templeton D. Dee & Kelley Terrinca

Gary J. & Deborah T. Testa Mark & Carol Testa Clark H. & Maria L. Tester Keith W. & Seletta Teston Steven J. Thacker & Vicki R. McCarren Robert H. & Janice I. Thayer Joseph B. & Mary Ann Then Anastassia Theodore Dexter & Sharon T. Thigpen Bradley Thomas Carol L. Thomas Michael & Lori R. Thomassy Charles Thompson James P. & Joan A. Thompson Jay & Andrea M. Thompson Jeffery J. & Anne E. Thompson Marvia Thompson Michael & Rhonda Thompson James I. & Kimberly Thomson Valerie N. Thornquest Reuben T. Thornton, IV & Cathryn Thornton Russell B. Thorp, Jr. & Renee B. Thorp Garry L. & Patricia O. Thrash Deirdre M. Tiernan Jacquelyn Timan David M. & Mary M. Timlin Elizabeth Timpane Lisa D. Tinsley Nagesh R. Tirumalasetty Lin F. To N. Tocco Lorin Todd Julie S. Toha George Toledo, Jr. & Lia M. Toledo Maria Tolentino Mike & Sharon Tollin Rosanne Tomaselli Jo Ellen Tomlinson Beth Tona Kenneth & Katherine Toney Robert W. & Sharon A. Tonkin Lori Torman Richard T. & Melody Torrens Alma C. Torres Eduardo & Zeida T. Torres Enrique S. Torres Fernando Torres Octavio N. & Ana V. Torres Petro T. & Alba E. Torres Robert T. Touchton & Karen S. TouchtonTravis Craig H. & Lisa Tover Teresa Towery Anthony C. & Julianne Townsend

Jeff & H. Darlene Toy George T. & Kathy Tracy Coy Trawick, Jr. & Barbara K. Trawick Tom & Teri Trebitz Michael R. & Linda W. Tregler Jean M. Treimanis Tom Tremellen Ben D. & Leslie G. Trevathan Anthony Tricarico Robert Trice Erin N. Trickel Vera N. Trimble Clay B. Trotter, Jr. & Sue H. Trotter Scottie Truitt & Erika E. Miller-Truitt John F. & Bobbie K. Tschirhart James M. & Diane C. Tucker Jerome W. Tucker Kenneth S. & Cheryl D. Tucker Kevin L. & Ruth M. Tuohy Susan A. Turmes Charlene Turner Doretta G. Turner Eric W. Turner Frederick Turner James M. & Lorie A. Turner John W. & Pamela S. Turner Jonathan E. & Kathleen M. Turner Khristina D. Turner Michael A. & Cynthia L. Turner Patty Tworkowski John Tyrrell Charlene Tyson Hugh W. & Kathryn A. Tyson Ryan J. & Jacqueline P. Uitti Ronald L. & Terry S. Underhill Tom & Carol L. Unglaub Paul J. & Karen B. Usztok Gary J. & Kimberly A. Uzonyi Tony & Kim V. Vandala Charlene M. Vail Warren R. Vail Marty & Francine Valderrama Pablo V. & Lisa Valdivia Herbert M. & Gail Valencia Robert V. & Nancy F. Valene John S. & Donna K. Valenti Richard V. & Linda Vales John A. & Arlene L. Valis Nila A. Valvo Jeannine Van Reeth Robert E. & Irie A. Vance Judy L. Vandeventer Jackie Vanterpool Kanaka Varanasi Ralph & Michelle Lemieux Vartanian

Mary Vastola Shyrlynn Vaughan Linda Vazquez Margaret Veeninga David & Amarilys A. Vega Edward B. Velasco Michelle C. Velasco Sonia M. Velez Cassandra Veltman James G. & Rose M. Vendetti Lewis & Wendy Venieri Cynthia Vento Peter S. Verbanac Janis Verdell James Vergho Kirk & Wanda V. Vermillion Alan S. & Mary L. Vidal Monica V. Villalobos Alfredo V. Villarraga & Maribel Portacio Jullie Vincent Gene & Christine M. Viviano Geraldo V. & Ana Vizcaino Mark W. & Gail Nardiello Vlasek Richard U. & Milla P. Voellinger Brian J. & Kim S. Vogt Kathy N. Vogt Daniel M. & Alina T. Vogtner Kathleen Voigt Gary D. Vosburgh Mary B. Waddell George & Helen M. Wade Sam & Sherlyn Waghalter Wally & Julie W. Wagoner Richard W. & Lynn Walbert Dwight A. & Robin G. Walker Lilly Walker Lisa Wallace John W. Wallauer, Sr. & Debra Wallauer Donald S. & Denise A. Walls Matt F. & Barbara Walsh Henry S. & Lorraine M. Walter Glenn E. & Debra A. Walters Harold J. & Mary Beth Walters Jan Walters Wayne J. & Beverly A. Walton William H. Wannall Linda Warburton Shaun Warburton David T. & Susan C. Ward Donald S. Ware, Jr. & Linda Ware Tod Warmack Greg & Lisa W. Warren Gustina L. Warren Lori A. Warren Debra A. Washington


Louise Washington Michael D. Washington Diana Washnock Andy & Jacquelyn A. Wasson Lauri Waters Nathaniel R. & Cynthia R. Watkin Peter L. & Laura A. Watkins Willie C. Watson, Jr. & Selena C. Watson Beverly Watson Greg W. & Angela Watson C. Allen & Peggy M. Watts Marguerite L. Watz William S. & Cathy Weatherford Alfred Webb Jackie & Marilyn Webb Marilyn Webb Jamie Webster Thomas N. & Paige R. Webster Mark S. & Julia Weinstein Stuart W. & Lisa Weintraub Raymond & Salma W. Weisbein Janet Weisenford Kenneth R. & Susan E. Weiss Michael J. Welch, Sr. & Rita A. Welch Debra J. Welch Rick J. & Tracy D. Welch Eric A. Weldy Michael & Elizabeth Weldy Jeffrey M. & Linda W. Welker Mary Susan Wells Michael Wells Sandra Welsh Margo Welter Kent & Janet Wenger Donna Werner Marcy S. Werner Scott R. & Holly A. West Paul B. & Susan B. Westerfield Lauralee Westine Robert A. & Kristy Wetzel Debbie Wexler Carol Whalen John L. & Allison Wharton Robert F. & Helen A. Wheeler Jefferey & Joyce W. Whitaker John D. & Kathryn W. Whitaker Jerry R. White, Jr. & Carolyn M. White Charles A. White Gary C. & Patricia Z. White James & Michelle White Janderlyn E. White Kim W. White William E. & Lisa E. White Robin D. White-Brown Kelly W. Whitehead Yvonne Whitfield Gary M. & Robyn D. Whitmore Lance & Mary E. Whitney Billy W. Whittaker Perrie S. Whitten David L. & Cynthia P. Wickham Eric C. Widness Larry S. Wieder

Ralph A. Wieder Beatrice Wienskoski Juanita Wiggins Claire E. Wihnyk Kathleen A. Wilborne Bill Wilcox Jeanne M. Wilder John P. & Bonnie A. Wilhelm Theone S. Wilkenson Robert A. & Pamela L. Wilkerson James E. Wilkins, Jr. & Myrtice C. Wilkins Teresa T. Wilkins Jan Wilkins-Barbier Charles C. Williams, Jr. Ivey L. Williams, Sr. & Mamie L. Williams Carlyn B. Williams Daniel F. & Sherry W. Williams Darryl E. Williams Donna H. Williams John W. & Perry Williams Joseph & Susan B. Williams Joseph & Cathleen A. Williams Joseph A. Williams Judy Williams Norm & Cissy Williams Randall G. & Susan L. Williams Ronald D. & Mary R. Williams Sandra M. Williams Sherrie H. Williams Tammie Williams Tom W. & Natalie Williams William J. Williamson, Jr. & Greta S. Williamson Kevin K. & Jonna H. Wilson Melissa A. Wilson Nelson J. & Judy L. Wilson Robert & Diane Wilson Sandra C. Wilton Michael F. & Dena B. Winant Jacqueline Winder Norma M. Wingard David A. Winters, Jr. & Kimberly M. Winters Alan Wirth Philip H. & Kathleen Wirth Glenn E. Wise, Jr. & Kim G. Wise Robert F. & Kathleen Wise Donald P. & Kathy S. Wisniewski William F. & Lisa W. Witcher Claudia D. Wittenberg John R. Wittenberg Paul & Paula Wittmann John R. & Mary T. Woelfel Boyd H. & Jennifer P. Wolf David W. & Paula Wolfe David A. & Theresa Wollenschlaeger Mark Wollett Paul G. & Elfriede Wolmarans Carole M. Wolynski Wanda E. Womack Thomas G. Womble George A. & Thera B. Woodruff Leon S. Woody

Sherry J. Woody Mark & Kelly R. White Robert W. & Debbie Worzalla Doug Wright Frances R. Wright Gregory D. & Rosemarie W. Wright M. Felton & Bonnie D. Wright Richard & Sandra G. Wright Herschel K. Wynn Araceli Yapor Jon C. & Mary J. Yarbrough Thomas M. & Mona L. Yarnell John D. & Angela M. Yoho Frank J. & Victoria R. Yong Helga Younanof Beatrice Young Jeffrey A. Young Timothy & Waneece Young Joseph Y. & Kathy Yurko Chris Z. & Jina Zametz Eloy Zamora Speros M. & Eliane D. Zanetos Brian & Donna Zatkowsky James J. & Patricia L. Zavesky Sue Zawacki Georgina Zayas Jeffrey P. & Cynthia Zeigler Robert W. & Gale A. Zeliff Jack & Marcy Zeltzer Virginia A. Zender Brent E. Zerby Janet L. Zerby Edward Z. & Randi Zevetski Debora M. Ziccardi Joao N. & Margarete N. Ziccardi Mark W. & Valerie T. Ziebarth Jerry Zigman Thomas W. & Patricia L. Zilch Eric Z. & Lori Zimmerman Jerome & Trudy E. Zimmerman Gary M. Zirin Alan J. & Carol M. Zoldos John J. Zovath Maria Zuidema Michael Zukowsky & Mindy ShaferZukowsky

Alumni Henry A. Abarca Stephanie E. Acuna John Dale Adams Madhu H. Advani Hon. Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. & La Grande J. Aikens Katrina A. Aikens Alexandra E. Akshar Michael V. Albanese Elizabeth C. Alberts Jorge L. & Andrea M. Aldecoa Jorge L. Aldecoa Caroline F. Alexander Laurel J. Allie

Max B. Ambach Nicholas S. Ancheta Hadley J. Andersen Ayla Paige Anderson Desiree L. Anderson Jessica N. Anderson Leslie Anderson Richard R. Andrews, Jr. & Debra M. Andrews Shanell M. Andrews Victoria S. Andrews Robert F. Anno Raymond C. Appen, Jr. & Christina B. Appen Leah M. Applebaum Christina R. Arenth Keith W. Armstrong James W. & Patricia W. Arnold Susan S. Arnold Dana M. & Katrina D. Arnott William R. & Mary Z. Ashlock Harry T. Aubin James K. Aubrey Tiffany A. Avril Sarah T. Axelrod Philip S. Babick Eric B. & Sandra Bailey Robert M. Bailey Cara R. Baker Jacquelyn G. Baldeon Donald L. & Susan Baldwin Brandon B. Balkcom Joyce D. Ball Thomas S. Ball Karly L. Ballard Kevin Bally Melissa L. Baniak Stephen M. & Scheznarda L. Barbas Bryce M. Barbato Orion Barker Javier Barrero Thomas A. Barrow, III & Nancy T. Barrow Courtney L. Barry Tara N. Battle Germaine Smith Baugh Max M. Bayard, Jr. Daniel S. Beasley Erwin D. Beavers Bradford M. Beebe, Ph.D. Jeanne E. Belin Douglas D. Bell, Jr. Paul Bennage Christopher R. Benson Georgia H. Berck Richard L. & Eva S. Berg Cathleen E. Bergin April L. Berrian Robert E. Berson Robert L. & Joan M. Berto David W. & Brooke B. Billmeier Michael Bizimis Stephen D. & Judy Blades Hugh W. & Marilyn C. Blair

Stanley R. & Sheryl L. Blakey Kelly J. Bleakley David W. Blosser V. Michael & Jane C. Bocchino Yasar Bodur J.R. & Delia D. Boehm Christophor J. Bogdan James A. Bohn Audrey E. Boistol Robert W. & Kathleen M. Bond Stephen R. Bonnell Samantha R. Booth Brent W. Borgemeister Barbara W. Born Christopher M. & Debra G. Bosler Jessica G. Boudreaux Jihan C. Bou-Raad Bruce W. & Megan A. Bourne Steven J. & Jennifer V. Bouschet Jason J. Boutilier Earle A. Bowen, Jr. & Dorothy N. Bowen Jennifer S. Bowes Aron M. & Jill J. Boyette Kimberly A. Boykan William H. & Anne P. Boykin Robert J. Brecht Jenna B. Bredesen Brian W. Brennan Kathleen C. Brennan Thomas J. & Kathleen C. Brennan Eric J. & Ange M. Brickman Shelton S. Bridges, Jr. & Diana Bridges Jordan A. & Shannon C. Bright Mark A. Brody Irv & Connie C. Broughton Grayson C. Brown, Jr & Adele B. Brown Daniel J. & Jeanne M. Brown David S. & Roberta H. Brown Demetrius L. Brown Jazmen D. Brown Jennifer L. Brown Justin C. Brown Justin S. Brown Tricia Brown-Ferrigno, Ph.D. Lisa A. Brundage Weston L. & Patricia M. Bruner Judge Catherine M. Brunson Christopher Bruscino William A. & Marian C. Bryan Contessa S. Bryant James B. Bryson & Tracey E. Hellgren Tracy L. Buchman Tina N. Bullard Jack B. Burgess, Jr. & Colette B. Burgess Fred A. Burkhart Todd R. & Todd Burmeister Mary Kay Burnett-Nolan Doris M. Burr Evan H. Burton Sharon L. Burton Col. William H. Byerley, Jr. & Mary Lou Byerley James M. & Marcia M. Byles

Deborah D. Bylica Leekea T. Byrd Melissa C. Caballero David M. Caesar Jerome A. Calloway Kristi D. & Brian E. Camera Marilyn M. Campbell Giancarlo V. Cangelosi Julie S. Cannon Bradley C. & Rosa W. Canon Wenzhong Cao Mandi N. Capeletti Matthew & Sheila J. Cappello James J. Capps Jamie M. Carloni Brian R. Carr Brian G. Carrico Curtis V. Carro Michael P. Carroll Jerry L. & Rebecca L. Carter Tony L. Carter Renaldo J. Castillo Thomas H. Cate Rachel A. Cato O. Patricia Ceraolo Daniel G. & Dana C. Chandler Richard E. Chatfield Barbara B. Chazal Thomas L. Clarke, Jr. & Maryann B. Clarke Kevin C. Cleary John P. Cleland Mark R. Clow Lauren Cobb Mary B. Coburn Jennifer L. Cogswell James C. Cole April S. Colley Lauren B. Colombo Colleen T. Comfort Nancy A. Condon Sam D. Cook, Jr. & Andrea N. MartinCook Cleve M. & Melissa S. Cooney Carrie L. Cooper Edmond R. Cooper Howard C. Copen Sheila K. Cordle Carolyn E. Cornelison Thomas A. & Katharine M. Coryn James N. Costley Marshall T. Courson Rob C. & Kathryn W. Cowdery Alicia A. Crew Eric M. Critzer Kristene M. Crocker Thomas M. & Joan A. Crook Michael D. Crump Lauren B. Csar Vincent L. Culver, Jr & Deborah E. Culver Ashley F. Cummings Michael W. Cummins LTG Chas. J. Cunningham, Jr. & Letitia D.

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DONORS The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. Cunningham Andrew M. Curtis Haley N. Cutler Fernando E. & Kristi H. Cuza Nicholas J. & Nicole M. Cyr Leonard D. Dahlberg, Jr. & Charlene B. Dahlberg Katherine A. D’Alessandro Kendall M. Dalton Sofia D’Amelia Tantawan Daniels Clarence W. Dasher, III Anita S. Davis Debra F. Davis Jessica L. Davis Mark S. Davis & Aimee Molina-Davis Tina M. Davis Valerie C. Davis Robert C. Dawson, Jr. Robert C. Dawson, Sr. & Ande K. Dawson Rebecca M. Dean Rebecca H. Deas Kendra P. Declouet Alex L. Decubas Sara M. Deese Mario & Helen M. Del Rey Holly K. DeLaura Susan R. & Richard J. DeLuca Shaomin D. Deng Jacqueline D. Deramo Rachel L. Derby Mark B. Deshetler Gouri S. Deshpande Maj. Abner Devallon, Jr. & Dee Dee L. Devallon Kerry A. Devine Lyndol L. & Susan B. Dew Kristen M. Dewitt Zachary F. & Heather A. Diaz Marie C. Dieppa Anastasia M. Dieter Tony Diez, Jr. & Jacque Diez Liesl K. Disch Gerard R. & Kay T. Dobson David A. & Diane Donaldson Mary A. Doolittle Peter D. & Cynthia L. Doragh Carla I. Dormeus Joseph W. & Rebekah A. Dorn Rev. Daniel H. & Robin B. Doster Bob & Diane Douglas Blake A. Draper Martha W. Dresher Randal H. Drew, Sr. & Julie J. Drew

C. Stephen Driggs, Jr. Douglas J. & Catherine C. Driscoll Gloria M. Drogosz Fivos R. Drymiotis Yongheng Duan & Aiwu Yao Howard D. & Stacey M. Dubosar Mark I. Duedall Michael J. Duffy Weston L. Dulin Rory Dunbar Lance A. Dunning, Jr. Lyndon B. & Alecia M. Dupont William A. Dykeman Arnold S. Dzelzkalns Brittany N. Eastman Jason T. Eastman Scott M. Ebeling Brian A. Eby Lauren E. Eckerle John A. & Yvonne Economides Janice B. Eddy Ghazal H. El Miranda B. Elliott Wayne L. Ellis Cory S. Ellison Lindsey K. Emmi William A. Eng Philip L. & Mary M. Ennen William E. & Pamela P. Epting Yesenia M. Escribano Babak & Judy Etemadi Kimberly K. Etzel Michael A. Evans Arielle I. Ezersky Williams A. Falcon Helene L. Falkinburg Cordero F. Febres Richard C. & Pamela W. Feldhoff Erin N. Feldkamp Manuel & Mary F. Fente Matthew J. & Lori L. Ferguson Samuel L. Ferguson & Jeannie McLendon-Ferguson Bonnie A. Fernandez Lisa C. Ferrier Daniel S. & Weslee L. Ferron Gerard G. Figari, Jr & Anne D. Figari Laura R. Figley Ashley M. Fink Brittany K. Firth Frita M. Fisher Jonathon R. Fishman Kerry M. Fitzsimmons Alan M. & Ann T. Flassig Charles J. Fletcher

Christopher J. & Lorraine W. Fluehr Ashley M. Fogg Joshua I. Folb Christopher P. Folds Chandra D. Foreman David A. Forsyth Christopher P. Forte Ross D. & Rosemary Forte Jackie W. & Faye O. Fortune J. Price & Sam N. Foster Judith B. Foster Lynn L. Francis Edward Frank David C. Frasch Sharron A. Freeman Chad B. French Charles B. Froemke, Jr. & Henrike S. Froemke Holly E. Fulkerson Sharlene A. Funchess Jeff P. & Teresa A. Fusile Fabio Galarce Michael E. Gale Gregory S. Galliford Melinda Ensley Galloway Gregnel Garcon Scott E. Garner Thomas C. Garwood, Jr. Michael N. Gaviria Sandra F. Genetin Danielle H. Geracaris Quincy P. Gerber Rachel A. Gerlits Brad A. Gesek Teguh M. Ghazalie Carmen S. Gibson Jason L. Gibson Melissa L. Gierach Kacy D. Gilbert Holly L. Gillice Stephen D. Gilmer Michael V. Giordano Brian A. Girten William L. Glenn, Jr. & Janet G. Glenn Michele C. Glidden Kay Gluesenkamp Joyce K. & Earl R. Godwin Amanda J. Goeke Christopher M. Golfin Emma L. Goliff Jennifer M. Gonterman Lawrence A. Gonzalez Tristan E. Gonzalez-Sanz Evelyn L. Goodson Kevin W. Goodwin

William A. Goodwin Morgan A. Graham William S. & Carol Graham Celena M. Grant Tiffany K. Grant Maxwell H. Gray Motney H. Gray Jasmine R. Greene Priscilla M. Greenfield Nicole E. Greenwald Kimberly C. Gregory Gregory A. & Marie Greunke Allison N. Griswold Dave & Margaret B. Groves Scott W. & Ruth B. Gryzich Juan R. Guardia & Leah E. Ross Douglas M. Guetzloe Jurgen J. & Mary Gwin Brandy L. Haddock Robert D. & Virginia G. Hair Amanda G. Hall Julie Z. Hall Douglas R. Hamilton Warren H. & Pam Hamilton Barbara C. Hanck Emily B. Hand Tom C. & Dianne G. Haney Yasmin Haniff Courtney J. Hansen Jessica M. Hanson Alice J. Harbin Benjamin F. Harper Kevin R. & Susan M. Harrington Taijalon V. Harris Ricky J. Harrison, Jr. Lisa D. Harrow Kenneth R. & Carol G. Hart Robert L. Hartsell Joseph M. Hassey, Sr & Maura A. Hassey Dorothy A. Hastey Sandra M. Hawkins Curt I. Hayashida Anthony L. & Jacqueline K. Haynes Mimi Hearn Blake M. & Courtney D. Heidelberg Christopher R. & Lisa C. Helfrich Lisa M. Hellier Jennifer E. Hemenway J. Sherman Henderson, III & Judie Henderson Jessica J. Henderson Rachel E. Hendrix Bryan J. Henry Leigh K. Hermann

Henry L. Herrera Natalie N. Hester Ashley M. Hicks Donna E. Hicks Joshua R. Hicks Melanie S. Hicks Marlon A. & Carla G. Hill Susan E. Hirschberger Deborah A. Hoban Ronald H. & Carolyn F. Hobbs Lindsay R. Hoffman Luke P. Hoffman Adam J. Holland Kenneth E. Holloway, III & Lynne T. Holloway Martin L. Holmes Paula B. Holmes Peter H. Holzberger John Jay & Mari Jo Homko Kendall S. & Marcia J. Hopkins Eric Horbal Nancie L. Howley Weidong Hu & Leila Su Manxing Huang William E. Hudson, Jr. Michael J. & Michael J. Hughes Miles W. & Leigh Ann Hughes Marshall B. Hunt, Sr & Martha H. Hunt Cara L. Hunt Ivory J. & Joan G. Hunter Susan Banks Hunter Tyler J. Huston Robert G. Hyden Jeffrey H. Hylden Natalie J. Imhoff Jennifer L. Isaacson Taneo Ishikawa Nelson A. Italiano, II Jemirah H. Jackson Patula V. James Raquel T. James Kristin M. Janson Benjamin H. Jata Jennifer L. Jeffries Howard B. & Carla C. Jemison Kenneth A. & Lorraine B. Jessell Kaye M. Jesson Yaohua Ji Young-Heon Jo James E. Joanos, Jr. Judge James E. & Betty Lou Joanos Laura E. Johnson Jennifer B. Johnson John M. & Mary Johnson John P. & Maurie R. Johnson

Nellie L. Johnson Peter C. & Sandra Z. Johnson Robert D. & Sandy Johnson Robin G. Johnson Sharron G. Johnson Stephen L. Johnson William A. & Janette A. Johnson Pete D. Jones, Jr & Brenda C. Jones Leo J. Jones Marquita D. Jones Sara D. Jones Floyd D. Jordan, Jr. & Marjorie Jordan Jasmine N. Jorge Felicia S. Joseph Bernard A. & Valerie Kahn Lara F. Kahn Jessica M. Kaser Daekwang Kau L. Mark & Diane Low Kaylor Laura L. Keaton Patrick C. Kennell Teresa H. Kent Beverly B. Kercher Ellen R.F. Kincaid Joseph C. King James E. Kinsey, Sr. Erin K. Kirk Zachary R. Kirkland Thaddeus D. & Lavigne A. Kirkpatrick Katherine A. Klose Mark A. & Cynthia M. Knoblauch Justin W. Knuckles William R. & Frances K. Kochan Patricia H. Kohler Jascinth R. Kong Ronald M. & Peggy L. Koons Kostadin Kostadinov Ronald J. & Jennifer F. Kovanis Sandra A. Kowalski Alan M. Kracht Christopher L. & Kellie A. Kraft Matthew S. Kramer Brittany K. Krbec Megan B. Kriss Tabitha J. Krol Karl J. Kuersteiner Tony La Russa, Jr. Yaremi Labrada Corey F. Ladow Daniel B. & Theresa A. Lahey Yuan M. & Lin Lai-Hsu Lisa C. Lakes Andre Lamb, II Dirk C. & Laura J. Lampron James M. & Marian D. Lanahan


Devon Lanatta William M. Lane Brian D. Larkin Vincent B. Latham Hegel M. Laurent William M. & Connie G. Lavalle William E. Lawrence & Maureen P. Perkins Leah R. Layman Kate M. Lazar Hong Le Ha Cindy T. Le Stephen W. Leachman William S. & Michele Lebo Ivonne Ledesma Altony Lee, III Kari K. Lee Walter P. Leggett Brooke N. Legleiter Marissa V. Leighton Linda R. Leinback Jennifer N. Leon Thomas M. & Laurrie J. Leonard Elizabeth A. Lesiak Amyleigh Lesseig Caitlin E. Levens Daryl R. Levine Howard L. & Judy M. Levy Krystle L. Lewis Ricardo D. Leyva Xiaozhong Liao & Jimei Tong Rachel E. Lim Susan M. Limestall Craig H. & Marinellla S. Lipinski Stephen E. Loflin Gregory P. & Sabra L. London Marissa H. London Dax J. & Sarah R. Lonetto Brett L. Longenecker Michelle Longenecker Enrique & Rocio D. Lopez Natalie C. Lora Donald L. & Tara C. Loucks Eric V. Lu Aaron F. Lucier & Cliff Hill Edward W. Luczynski, III & Joy M. Luczynski Kati M. Luczynski Eric N. Lundblom Karyn Lynne Richard D. Lyons Lt. Col. William C. & L. Jane Macak Justin J. MacAskill John J. Maceluch, Jr. Slayden L. & Kathleen G. MacGregor Margaret M. Machaby Dennis D. MacKee Gregory J. Madden Alda M. Maduro-Fielteau Melvin C. Magidson, Sr. & Dot C. Magidson Tara M. Mahtani Kevan L. Main

Debra L. Makar Andres A. Malave S. Shawn Mallet Marc E. Mangold Bryan T. Manhold Douglas L. & Mary W. Mannheimer Evan R. & Sherrie Marbin Velibor B. Marcevski John J. Margnelli David S. Margolin Nicholas D. Marlow Christine M. Marneris C. Durfee & Ann C. Marshall Angela L. Martin Charles B. Martin Harry M. Martin Kenneth B. Martin William S. & Marian S. Martin Walter R. Martindale, III Theresa A. Martino Lynsie R. Matern Matthew W. Mathias Roy E. & Zebbie S. Mathis Joseph H. & Mindy A. Mathos George V. & Jeryl R. Matlock Christa N. Matuszewski Thomas R. & Sharon B. Maurno Paul Mavima Matthew T. & Amy L. Maynor Clayton D. Mayo Dominic C. & Denise M. Mazzone Susan A. Mcalister Nicholas J. McCarthy Marilyn J. McConnell Allan J. & Rosemary H. McCorkle Stefanie G. McCormack Jennifer M. McCoy Phyllis C. McCray E. Mike McDonald, III Anne L. McGihon Mark A. McGuire Michael A. & Barbara H. McHaffie James L. Clegg & Faye McKay-Clegg Jodi M. McKinley J. Jeffery & Jennifer M. McLeod Dupheslo S. McNealy Ryan M. McReynolds Daniel E. Mears Lee M. Mears Francisco A. Medina Gregory C. & Deborah E. Meissner Joseph A. & Dianne M. Melita James H. & Patricia S. Melton Daniel Meneses Kaleb F. Mercer Frederick P. & Cindy P. Mercurio Kyle M. Mertz Kristin L. Mestre David W. Metzger Kellie L. Meyers Michael D. Miars Charles R. Middleton, Ph.D Charles J. Miles

Joseph L. Millado Charles D. Millard, III & Peggy S. Millard Clinton D. Miller Colette N. Miller Stephen P. & Lisa M. Miller Robert S. & Donna C. Miller David A. Milligan Thomas J. & Selby A. Mills Charles L. Minter, Sr. & Dorothy K. Minter Annamarie Mitchell John B. & Jayne H. Mittan David G. Mobarak Paul E. Monroe, III & Cheryl E. Monroe Richard B. & Charlotte B. Moore R. June Moore Kimberly C. Moorman Michael P. Moran Blaise Morgan Julie M. Morgan Carolynn J. Morizzo Jo Rae Morris Jon-michael Morton Karin P. Morton Rita M. Moser Lt. Col.(R) Gregory D. & La Quitta J. Moultrie Bruce J. Moyant Laura S. Moyant Mkunde C. Mtenga Benjamin R. Mueller Nicole Muir Alexander R. & Michelle G. Mullineaux Matthew T. & Kristin Mullins Joseph N. Naiman Aimee K. Nguyen John G. & Karen R. Nicholas Nina R. Nickels Rev. Dennis E. Nickle Alain Nicolas-David Clemer D. Nix, Jr. & Dorothy C. Nix Sean M. & Heather M. Nolan Carolyn M. Norris Sumedi P. Nugraha & Dewi H. Susilastuti Shirley K. O’Born Lillian A. Odongo Lauren W. O’Farrell Marie S. Oliver Ryan J. Orner Scott G. & Elizabeth C. Oropeza John E. O’Sullivan, III & Maureen E. O’Sullivan Sezen Z. Oygar Anthony J. Pacheco Lynda A. Page Lucy E. Paige Emily A. Painter Tobi C. Pam Roberto Pando Michael J. Panicci Peter Papagianakis, Esq. Michael L. Parker John M. & Marilyn M. Parrott Trina R. Parton

Nathan D. Pasco Samuel H. Pasley, IV Erik M. Pastrana Jitenkumar K. Patel Krupa R. Patel John Paulich, III Derek J. & Stacey C. Paulsen Jennifer L. Payne Mark & Ari Peach Luke T. Peffers Sonya Chamberlain & Jason S. Penley Charles L. Pennington Jose L. Pequeno Jorge A. Perez, Jr. Krizia L. Perez Daryl H. Petersen Anne M. Peterson Christopher J. & Joy S. Peterson William B. & Bonnie F. Pfost Amanda L. Phillips Emmylou E. Philmon William C. & Teresa Jean Piastuch David J. Piech Greg J. Pierce Jan R. Pietrzyk Christina L. Piper Susan S. Pitman Sean A. Pittman Jonathan W. Pitts Sarah E. Plaut Brandy R. Plummer Steve W. & Haven L. Poirier Paul M. Pomier Ashley L. Porter Chrismery Portorreal Ann S. Potter Christopher M. Potter Geoffrey M. Powers Penny R. Powers Robert E. Poysell, Jr. & Peggy G. Poysell Patricia F. Press George H. Pringle James B. Pritchett Jennifer S. Pruett Don A. Pumphrey, Jr. & Joy L. Pumphrey Kenneth L. & Valerie H. Quaglio Patricia J. Quartin Lenora L. Quimby Alexander E. & Sandra M. Quince John H. & Hallie Quinn Erin R. Rachesky Sandra W. Rackley Lauren M. Ragans Norma T. Ragsdale Steven A. Ramunni Leslie A. Rapach April N. Rauch James D. Ray, Jr. & Barbara J. Ray Thomas N. & Leah T. Ray Tracey L. Ray Elizabeth Z. Reardon Brett S. Reis Kimberley S. Renick

Jacob T. Rettig Tyler Reynolds Sally B. Rhoden Patricia L. Rice Clayton S. Richardson Hon. Curtis B. Richardson & Nina N. Ashenafi Alex E. Ritter Emily K. Robarge Jena L. Roberts Shantia T. Roberts Keziah A. Robinson William B. & Cheri W. Robinson Alyse J. Robison Jennifer L. Roche Joseph T. Rodgers, Jr. & Joanne E. Rodgers John B. Rodriguez Thomas R. Rogan Donald T. Rohel Jeffrey P. & Michele L. Rohr Andrew S. Roland Matthew S. Roland George D. Romagnoli Frank O. Romaine Walter J. Rothenbach, Jr. & Elaine Rothenbach Tulia M. Rubero Wayne L. & Chris L. Rubinas Rodney D. Rudolph John D. Russell, Jr. Samantha L. Ryan Frank M. Ryll, Jr. & Patti C. Ryll Nickole D. Sabin Steven J. Sakata Rabbi Jared H. Saks David Sampedro Eugene P. & Elva L. Samuels Homer A. & Lee A. Samuels David P. San Pedro Matthew E. Sanabria Leonard R. Sanderson, Jr. & Ann C. Sanderson Elin R. Sandy Harry Sargeant, III & Deborah Sargeant Lindsey A. Sargent Elizabeth A. Saunders Sarah E. Sauter Sue V. Saxon Steven F. & Eva L. Schiess Charles W. & Debra M. Schildecker Michael J. Schimpf Bryan S. Schlein John P. & Ann M. Schlichting Robert & Suzanne Schmelz Michael T. Schmitz Kent L. & Andree C. Schroeder Jessica Schwieterman Mark K. & Elizabeth B. Scott Pierre J. & Joanmarie K. Seacord Kerry Seal James W. & Elizabeth F. Seegers Veronica A. Sehrt

Roy H. & Veronica Ferguson Seivwrigt Gracjanna A. Sekula Robert T. & Lois C. Self Laura Selman Brent W. & Debbie Sembler Ryan J. Serra Carolyn S. & Steve Shackelford Michael & Jean M. Shahnasarian Douglas O. Shank Richard A. & Ruth R. Shapiro Jeffrey B. Sharkey Gwendolyn W. Sharp Harold R. Sharpe, II & Virginia M. Sharpe Tarik A. & Lori Sharrieff Doug J. & Holly W. Sherman J. Gordon Shuler Christine P. Sikes Geneen M. Simmons David R. Sims William S. Sinclair Kelli D. Sirmans Christina A. Skidmore Gregory D. & Angelisa P. Slagle R. Mark & Susan P. Slappey Matthew D. Slatkow Catherine A. Slocum James W. Smith, II & Patricia C. Smith Alison K. Smith Ann C. Smith Bryan D. Smith Christopher M. Smith D. Shane & Kristi W. Smith Jennifer S. Smith Jessica R. Smith Lashaun M. Smith Lillian B. Smith Margaret W. Smith Mark W. & Gloria I. Smith Phyllis W. Smith Renita C. Smith Ryan L. Smith James C. Smithers Edward J. & Norma Smoker Daniel R. Snow Wesley E. Soell Frank M. Sohn Hassan G. Soltani Sergio A. Soltero Nancy C. Sorensen Edna A. Spencer David W. & Beth C. Spicer Joshua C. Spivey Jessica L. Springer Rose C. St Jacques Joyce C. Stalnaker Kevin L. & Lynes D. Stanfield George L. Stansbury, IV Elizabeth J. Stanton John M. & Carol L. Stanton Craig F. & Ann Stark Spencer J. Stein Christopher A. & Lisa G. Steiner John C. Steinmetz

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D S A A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 7

DONORS The Division of Student Affairs graciously thanks the following alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and organizations for their contributions to the enhancement of student life and learning during 2007. Taryn L. Sterling Gregory L. Stevens Sarah I. Stevens N. John Stewart, Jr. & Maxine C. Stewart Melissa D. Stiles Kathleen Stillwell-Myers Jovita E. Stites Janet L. Stoner Shea T. Strickland Mark G. Striffler Naomi L. Stroh Sidney A. Stubbs, Jr. & Annette M. Stubbs Charles E. Stubbs, Sr. & Joy A. Stubbs Jeri L. Suarez John L. Sullivan Nicholas J. & Nicholas J. Suszynski Paul H. Swartz Whitney A. Swedlow Zach J. Swerdzewski Ryan A. Tabor Christopher M. Tambasco Kristin K. Tamulis Diana L. Tatem James E. Taylor Thomas L. Taylor Jamie-Ann Tedtaotao Billy D. & Clara J. Teel John B. Telesca Steven A. & Estelle S. Templeton James Thomas, Jr. Kimberly L. Thomas Nolan W. Thomas Patricia N. Thomas Cynthia A. Thompson Diana D. Thompson Gloria Thompson & Robert E. Stephens Tashauna M. Thompson Col. Timothy T. & Linda S. Timmons Tuck Tinsley, III Cynthia L. Tinsley Lainey Z. Tobin Karla M. Tomfohrde Kasian C. Tomyn Patrick W. & Katherine O. Toole Kathleen M. Tooma Salvador Torres Michael C. Touhey Michael D. Trammell & Mary J. Ryals Rep. A. Trey Traviesa, II & Andreina B. Traviesa Thomas L. & Sandra R. Trotta Lt. Col. Roy E. Truba, Jr. & Robin Truba Kristen A. Tucker Charles F. & Cynthia S. Tunnicliff Shawn T. Turk

Randolph R. Turnbull, III Nancy A. Turner Catherine R. Tweeddale-Tat Megan P. Tworkowski Huann-Shyang Tzeng Frank A. Unger Joseph M. Uricchio Marjorie Uzquiano Beth I. Valentine R. Scott Vedder Alan O. Velarde Lisa K. Vera Randall N. Vitale Stephen F. Voigt, Jr. & Lona D. Voigt Byron L. Wade Kristina M. Wade Eric S. Wahlen Devyn B. Waitt Paula L. Walborsky Gene & Virginia M. Walden Carolyn B Waldron Ms Ma Ryan T. Walker Vicki R. Walker William W. Wallis, IV Matthew K. Walsh Lih-Ji Wang & Fang-Yi Chang Kierra D. Ward Kimberly L. Ward Marcia L. Ward Stanley E. Watkins Berine W. & Lisa K. Waxman Kenneth J. Wazyniak Paul N. & Joy D. Weaver David E. & Kathy C. Webb Larissa S. Webb Lt Col Edward Nicoll Weighton & Mona K. Styskal Benjamin M. Weingard Leonard H. Weinstein Christopher L. Werner Sheryl A. Wetzel Allison R. Wharton John L. & Allison Wharton Brandon A. White Heather S. White Lauren White Natalee J. White Madison O. & Elizabeth A. Whitfield James C. Wiggen Lynne D. Wilbanks C.D. Wilford, Jr. Louise R. Wilhite Christopher R. Wilkie Jessica L. Will Alyce N. Williams

Christopher Williams Latavia R. Williams Rodney E. & Carolyn J. Willis Sidney M. Wilson, Jr. & Mary Ann Wilson Gary K. & Sharon L. Wilson Jean S. Wilson Natalie A. Wilson Rachel A. Wilson Susan S. Wilson Ronald Henry & Jonica Lin Wisneski Nakeidra Witherspoon Barbara B. Woellner Woodie Woodward Wilbur L. Wright Robby Youd, Jr. & Leslie W. Youd Miao Yu George J. & Kerry Zack Kristie M. Zapata Lucy V. Zapata Carlos R. Zerquera Zhan Zhang Summer N. Zick David N. Zinn Jesus Zubillaga

Faculty & Staff Robert A. Brandewie Lourdes Colorado Jon C. & Beverly A. Dalton Jeffrey & Julie L. Doherty R. William & Norma M. English Kimberly M. Field Charles R. Figley & Kathleen R. Regan Peter J. Gielisse Robert M. & Joyce N. Howard Stuart M. Kaminsky & Enid P. Perll Anjaneyulu & Kumari Krothapalli Meredith & Elsa McKinney H. Jay & Kathleen H. Mottice Thomas A. & Dena E. Painter David L. Sagaser Michael J. & Deborah S. Wernke


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