NSSE 2011 Student Affairs Report - March 2012

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National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2011 Survey Snapshot

Prepared by the Office of Research & Assessment Division of Student Affairs February 2012

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 I. Information Collected in the NSSE Questionnaire ................................................................................................ 2 II. Data Quality ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 III. FSU NSSE Respondent Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 3 IV. NSSE 2011 Benchmark Comparisons ................................................................................................................... 4 Supportive Campus Environment Benchmark Breakdown ........................................................................ 5 V. Overall Satisfaction ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 VI. Garnet and Gold Scholar Society ........................................................................................................................... 7 Leadership Engagement .................................................................................................................................... 7 Internship Engagement ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Service Engagement ........................................................................................................................................... 8 International Engagement................................................................................................................................. 8 Research Engagement ....................................................................................................................................... 9 VII. References ............................................................................................................................................................... 10


I. Information Collected in the NSSE Questionnaire The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is an annual survey collecting information from nearly 1,500 baccalaureate-granting colleges and universities in the United States and Canada (NSSE 2011 Overview, 2011). The purpose of the survey is to examine freshmen and senior student participation in program and activities that institutions provide for learning and personal development. 2011 marked FSU’s third participation in NSSE following the two prior participations in 2008 and 2005. The NSSE questionnaire collects information in five content categories to measure undergraduate experience, document effective educational practice, and assess collegiate quality (Kuh & Gonyea, 2002). Figure 1. Structure of the NSSE Instrument Student Behaviors Institutional Actions and Requirements Reactions to College

Student Learning and Development

Student Background Information II. Data Quality The quality of the FSU NSSE data yielded a continuous improvement. The FSU NSSE 2011 data consisted of a sample of 3,271 respondents (FR: n=1,102; SR: n=2,169). The sampling errors associated with the 2011 NSSE freshmen data were reduced from 4.2% in 2005 to 2.7% in 2011 and from 3.9% to 1.9% for the senior students, indicating FSU had sufficient respondents to represent the entire student population. The improvement of data quality also allowed a more precise and reliable estimate of the benchmark scores and opened opportunities for future research. Table 1. FSU NSSE Data Quality Indicators Sampling1 Sampling Error Year Mode Method FR SR 2005 Web-only Random 4.2% 3.9% 2008 Web-only Random 3.6% 3.4% 2011 Web-only Census 2.7% 1.9%

Response Rate FR SR 23% 28% 26% 27% 17% 21%

Number of Respondents FR SR 512 577 656 674 1,102 2,169

Sampling Error is the deviation of the selected sample from the true characteristics, traits, behaviors, qualities or figures of the entire population. “A large degree of sampling error limits the precision of the estimation about the population provided by the survey” (NSSE Psychometric Portfolio, 2010). 1


III. FSU NSSE Respondent Characteristics Overall, FSU NSSE 2011 respondents fairly represented the diversity of the freshmen and senior student population with some discrepancies in African American students and male students. Black student population was underrepresented in the 2011 NSSE survey. o African American students comprised 7% of the 2011 NSSE Freshmen respondents and 8% of the senior respondents, which were lower than the student population (11% for both of the freshmen and senior classes) according to the 2011 spring enrollment.

Male students were underrepresented in the 2011 NSSE survey. o Male students comprised 30% of the 2011 NSSE Freshmen respondents and 39% of the senior respondents, which were lower than the student population (42% for the freshmen class and 48% for the seniors) according to the 2011 spring enrollment.

Table 2. Distribution of NSSE Respondents vs. Student Populations Category FR

Ethnicity Asian/Pacific Islander African American Hispanic American Indian/Native Alaskan White Other, including Unknown Gender Male Female


FSU Spring 2011 Pop.

NSSE Respondents

FSU Spring 2011 Pop.

NSSE Respondents

3% 11% 15%

4% 7% 12%

4% 11% 13%

3% 8% 12%













42% 58%

30% 70%

48% 52%

39% 61%

IV. NSSE 2011 Benchmark Comparisons NSSE benchmarks were created as indicators of empirically-derived effective educational practices. Each benchmark contains a cluster of NSSE questions that best represent these practices. NSSE Benchmarks indicate the extent to which institutions have engaged their students in five areas known to be related to desirable educational outcomes. •


Both of the FSU freshmen and senior respondents had significantly (P<.001 or p<.01) higher benchmark scores on Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI), Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE), and Supportive Campus Environment (SCE) compared to that of their peers from the Public RU/VH universities and the national norm. FSU seniors yielded a significantly (P<.001) lower score on Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) compared to the Public RU/VH group and the national norm; FSU respondents (FR and SR) also yielded significantly (p<.001) lower scores on the benchmark of Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) compared to the national norm.

Table 3. 2011 FSU Mean Benchmark Scores: FSU vs. FSU Selected Peers Public2 Benchmark Class FSU RU/VH FR 53.6 53.2 Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) SR 55.3 56.0*** FR 40.2 40.9 Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) SR 48.6 48.4 FR 35.3 31.6*** Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) SR 43.3 39.4*** FR 30.3 29.5 Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) SR 42.4 42.0 FR 67.5 61.0*** Supportive Campus Environment (SCE) SR 62.6 56.5***

NSSE 20113 53.7 57.4*** 43.2*** 51.3*** 41.9 40.6** 27.7*** 40.4*** 62.7*** 59.1***

Note: Significance Levels are notated as * for p<. 05, ** for p<. 01, and *** for p<. 001 (2-tailed) in the table. •

FSU multiple-year (2005 to 2011) benchmark scores indicate a general trend of increase for all the engagement areas identified by NSSE benchmarks. Specifically for the benchmark of Supportive Campus Environment (SCE), the 2011 benchmark score increased by 17.4% for the freshmen students (2005: SCE=57.5; 2011: SCE=67.5) and 11.4% for the senior students (2005: SCE=56.2; 2011: SCE=62.6).

Figure 2. FSU NSSE Multiple-Year Benchmark Scores: Freshmen 70.0 65.0


62.2 57.5



55.0 50.0










35.1 29.5

30.0 25.0 '04




27.0 '06 LAC

'07 ACL

'08 SFI

'09 EEE





Public RU/VH represents public universities with very high research activities according to Carnegie classification. NSSE 2011 represents all other 2011 U.S. NSSE institutions (Canadian participants are also included in this group for Canadian institutions). 3


Figure 3. FSU NSSE Multiple-Year Benchmark Scores: Seniors 65.0

62.6 58.5

60.0 56.2 55.0

55.3 53.2










43.3 42.4


39.5 35.0 '04


'06 LAC

'07 ACL

'08 SFI

'09 EEE




Supportive Campus Environment (SCE) Benchmark Breakdown The Division of Student Affairs may use the NSSE results to better assess and meet students’ needs by focusing on their performance on the NSSE Benchmark of SCE (Using NSSE Data in Student Affairs, 2012). A breakdown of the items clustered under this benchmark indicate that FSU respondents (FR and SR) resulted higher percentages of agreement on every SCE items compared to those of their peers from the Public RU/VH universities and the national norm. •


Campus environment provides the support you need to help you succeed academically. FR SR FSU 64% 50% Public RU/VH 51% 38% NSSE 2011 51% 38% (Response= “Quite a bit” + “Very much”) Campus environment helps you cope with your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.) FR SR FSU 48% 33% Public RU/VH 35% 23% NSSE 2011 40% 28% (Response= “Quite a bit” + “Very much”) Campus environment provides the support you need to thrive socially. FR SR FSU 64% 50% Public RU/VH 51% 38% NSSE 2011 51% 38% (Response= “Quite a bit” + “Very much”)

Quality of relationships with other students FR SR FSU 83% 85% Public RU/VH 80% 81% NSSE 2011 80% 82% (On the 7-point Likert scale: Response= 5-7 corresponding to positive attitude towards “Friendly, Supportive, and Sense of belonging”) Quality of relationships with faculty members FR SR FSU 77% 80% Public RU/VH 69% 73% NSSE 2011 74% 79% (On the 7-point Likert scale: Response= 5-7 corresponding to positive attitude towards “Available, Helpful, and Sympathetic”) Quality of relationships with administrative personnel and offices FR SR FSU 65% 60% Public RU/VH 55% 53% NSSE 2011 60% 56% (On the 7-point Likert scale: Response= 5-7 corresponding to positive attitude towards “Helpful, Considerate, and Flexible”)

V. Overall Satisfaction NSSE data may also be used to evaluate students’ overall satisfaction with college. The 2011 FSU NSSE respondents reported very positive feedbacks on the overall quality of academic advising. The majority of respondents indicated that their entire educational experience at FSU had been good/excellent and would attend the university again if they could start again. •

Overall quality of academic advising o Freshmen- 90% good/excellent o Seniors- 75% good/excellent Entire education experience o Freshmen- 94% good/excellent o Seniors- 91% good/excellent Would attend FSU again if they could start again o Freshmen- 91% yes (probably/definitely) o Seniors- 89% yes (probably/definitely)


VI. Garnet and Gold Scholar Society The Garnet and Gold Scholar Society was formed in 2010 to create intentional opportunities for student reflection and growth in five key areas of engagement: Leadership, Internship, International, Service, and Research. Students complete requirements in three of the five engagement areas and an overall synthesis to complete the program and receive formal recognition. NSSE collects data in line with many of the learning outcomes of the Garnet and Gold Scholar Society. Although not a comprehensive assessment of the program, NSSE data do offer insight and perspective on the student population. The items below represent a selection of NSSE data which tie into Garnet and Gold Engagement Area learning outcomes. 1. Leadership Engagement Leadership Engagement


Freshmen Public NSSE RU/VH 2011


Leadership Experience Tried to better understand someone else’s views by imagining how an 65% 60% 62% 71% issue looks from his or her perspective Participating in co-curricular 75% 70% 60% 67% activities Contribution of Collegiate Experience to Leadership Skill Development Speaking clearly and effectively 66% 59% 67% 75% Solving complex real-world problems 64% 60% 59% 68% Develop a personal code of values 66% 58% 61% 64% and ethics

Seniors Public RU/VH

NSSE 2011





66% 64%

72% 64%



Note: Leadership Experience Item: Response= “Very often” + “Often” or Response= “1 to 30+ hrs/wk” Leadership Development Item: Response= “Quite a bit” + “Very much”

2. Internship Engagement Freshmen Internship Engagement


Public RU/VH

Seniors NSSE 2011


Public RU/VH

Internship Experience Talked about career plans with a 37% 30% 31% 43% 36% faculty member or advisor Practicum, internship, field experience, or clinical assignment Plan to do 80% 80% 76% 26% 26% Done 8% 7% 7% 50% 52% Contribution of Collegiate Experience to Internship Knowledge/Skill Development Acquiring job or work-related 68% 64% 64% 72% 70% knowledge and skills Note: Internship Experience Item: Response= Very often + Often Internship Development Item: Response= Quite a bit + Very much


NSSE 2011 42%

27% 50% 74%

3. Service Engagement Freshmen Service Engagement FSU

Public RU/VH

Seniors NSSE 2011


Service Experience Participated in a community-based project (e.g., service learning) as part 13% 13% 14% 16% of a regular course Community service or volunteer work Plan to do 50% 44% 43% 14% Done 35% 41% 39% 64% Contribution of Collegiate Experience to Service Engagement Development Contribute to the welfare of your 56% 49% 49% 54% community

Public RU/VH

NSSE 2011



14% 65%

17% 60%



Note: Service Experience Item: Response= “Very often” + “Often” or Response= “1 to 30+ hrs/wk” Service Development Item: Response= “Quite a bit” + “Very much”

4. International Engagement Freshmen International Engagement


Public RU/VH

Seniors NSSE 2011


Public RU/VH

International Experience Included diverse perspectives in class 74% 58% 62% 64% 56% discussion or writing assignments Had serious conversations with students of a different race or 62% 55% 52% 67% 57% ethnicity than your own Had serious conversations with students who are very different from 64% 57% 54% 66% 58% you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values Study abroad Plan to do 50% 50% 42% 10% 10% Done 2% 3% 3% 14% 18% Foreign Language Coursework Plan to do 47% 30% 33% 7% 7% Done 17% 25% 20% 51% 47% Contribution of Collegiate Experience to International Perspective Development Understanding people of other racial 66% 56% 58% 63% 54% and ethnic background

NSSE 2011

63% 55%


10% 15% 9% 40% 56%

Note: International Experience Item: Response= “Often” + “Very often” International Development Item: Response= “Quite a bit” + “Very much”


5. Research Engagement Freshmen Research Engagement FSU

Public RU/VH

Seniors NSSE 2011


Research Experience Worked a paper or project that required integrating ideas or 80% 71% 78% 83% information from various sources Analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience, or theory, such as examining a particular case or 86% 82% 81% 86% situation in depth and considering its components Synthesizing and organizing ideas, information, or experiences into new, 72% 71% 70% 75% more complex interpretations and relationships Making judgments about the value of information, arguments, or methods, such as examining how 71% 67% 70% 74% others gathered and interpreted data and assessing the soundness of their conclusions Applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new 77% 77% 76% 81% situations Work on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements Plan to do 44% 42% 36% 14% Done 5% 5% 5% 21% Contribution of Collegiate Experience to Research Ability Development Writing clearly and effectively 77% 67% 74% 75% Thinking critically and effectively 86% 83% 83% 88% Analyzing quantitative problems 77% 75% 73% 77% Note: Research Experience Item: Response= “Very often” + “Often” Research Development Item: Response= “Quite a bit” + “Very much”


Public RU/VH

NSSE 2011











15% 24%

15% 20%

73% 87% 76%

77% 87% 76%

VII. References Gonyea, R. M., & Kuh, G. D. (2011). Using NSSE in Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2009, 55-69. NSSE 2011 Overview (2011). In National Survey of Student Engagement. Retrieved January 18, 2012, from http://nsse.iub.edu/2011_Institutional_Report/pdf/NSSE Overview_2011.pdf NSSE Psychometric Portfolio. (2011). In National Survey of Student Engagement. Retrieved on Dec. 2011 from: http://nsse.iub.edu/pdf/psychometric_portfolio Using NSSE Data in Student Affairs. (2011). In National Survey of Student Engagement. Retrieved on Feb. 2012 from: http://nsse.iub.edu/institute/documents/Handout Student Affairs Use of NSSE_for_Web_060308.pdf

The NSSE Survey is coordinated by the Office of Institutional Research at Florida State University. For official NSSE data and reports, please visit http://ir.fsu.edu. 10

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