Lib-ParentsMailing2010_Letter_onlineversion (2)

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The Libraries are a pillar of student life at The Florida State University, a unifying force for our diverse student body. Our student population has increased to more than 40,000 individuals from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. With such a large and varied student body, the Libraries offer a place to not only access the best resources academia has to offer, but to meet and learn from each other. Funding for higher education has been drastically cut by the Florida Legislature in the last few years. Due to these reductions, FSU’s Libraries were at risk of losing $1.5 million from their operating budgets over a three-year period. This cut would have resulted in the loss of numerous academic resources that are vital for our University to remain competitive with our peers for the nation’s best students and faculty. Learning of these proposed cuts, the Student Government Association took action. Student-led lobbying of the University’s Budget Crisis Committee generated thousands of dollars for our Libraries to retain staff and hours of operation. In addition, contributions from University Athletics and students themselves have aided in renovation projects and technology enhancements. Even with these efforts, with yet another tough budget year ahead, the Libraries still need your support. We humbly ask you to make a contribution to help maintain and enhance the crucial services offered at our University Libraries.

Your gift could be used to acquire much-needed books and journals, cutting-edge educational tools such as computers and smart boards, or to continue our tutoring program, The Learning District, used by hundreds of students every week. I thank you in advance for your support of The Florida State University. Your commitment will surely make a difference to the thousands of students who utilize our Libraries

every day, helping them to achieve their goals and make their dreams a reality. In Seminole Pride,

Reginald Cuyler, Jr. President of the 62nd Student Senate The Florida State University The Florida State University Foundation 2010 Levy Avenue, P.O. Box 3062739, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2739 Phone: 850.644.6000 • Fax: 850.644.6211 • Web:

Easy Online Giving at Gifts can also be mailed to The FSU Foundation at 2010 Levy Avenue, P.O. Box 3062739, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2739

Name: Spouse/Partner Name if joint gift: Address:

 $50.00  $100.00  $150.00  Other $

Gift Designation:  Library Development Fund–F06478

City: State:

Gift Amount:


Preferred e-mail address:

 Other

 Enclosed is my check [payable to the FSU Foundation]  Charge my credit card:  Visa  MasterCard  American Express Card number: Expiration date: Name as it appears on card [please print]:

The FSU Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and gifts made to it are tax-deductible.



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