Fayetteville State University Student Press
The Voice For Students, By Students
Captain Planet and the Green Issue
April 13, 2011 • Vol. 2, Issue no. 11
Founders Day: The legacy continues By Charnell Harris Voice News Editor
Voice photo by John Caldwell
Laura Turner Seydel, Green Activist and Chair of the Captain Planet Foundation, and the daughter of CNN's founder Ted Turner addresses the 300 guest attending the Second National Green Business Conference, hosted by FSU at the Holiday Inn Bordeaux on March 30.
Building a green planet is A life-long crusade
By John Caldwell Voice Staff Writer
“It went back to when I was a child, my father is Captain Planet. I don’t know how many of you watched an episode of the cartoon, but he is a real life Captain Planet. You know him as Ted Turner. I know him as Dad,” is how Laura Turner Seydel began her conversation with the Fayetteville community on her life-long involvement with green issues. “As a national environmental activist and eco-living expert, Laura believes that the path to a sustainable future can be made possible through a collective effort. She aims to
Couch Potatoes page 6
inspire families, youths and individuals alike to do their part by educating them on the benefits and opportunities of earth-friendly living,” states the Captain Planet Foundation website. Mrs. Seydel was a keynote speaker at the Second National Green Business Conference, hosted by FSU at the Holiday Inn Bordeaux on March 30. The Green Activist and Chair of the Captain Planet Foundation said her father’s early lessons formed the basis for her dedication to environmental causes and community involvement. Mrs. Seydel’s dad, Ted Turner, is the one and the same, billionaire businessman who founded CNN in 1980. The environmental-
Four more years for Obama? page 3
themed cartoon was the idea of Mr. Turner, and was first seen on cable from September 15, 1990 until December 5, 1992. It featured five young people from around the globe, each possessing one of five magic rings to control an element of nature and one controlling an element called heart. The five people, called “Planeteers,” worked to solve environmental problems that Gaia, the spirit of the earth, sent them. When the problem was too much for the Planeteers, they combined their rings to summon Captain Planet to save the day. FSU Junior, Christopher Darden, says he see GREEN, next page
2011 Bronco Football season schedule released page 7
“The founders of FSU left a legacy, what will yours be?” said special guest speaker Command Sergeant Major for the US Army Reserve retiree, Michele S. Jones. The 144th Founders Day Convocation was held on Sunday, April 10 at the J.W. Seabrook Auditorium. Members of the board of trustees, faculty, staff, administration, students and members from the community alike were in attendance. The annual ceremony is held in remembrance and in honor of Fayetteville State Universities, seven distinguished founders, David A. Bryant, Nelson Carter, Andrew J. Chestnut, George Grainger, Matthew N. Leary, Bishop Thomas Lomax and Reverend Robert Simmons who founded the Howard School in 1867. The schools first president, Dr. Ezekiel Ezra Smith was also recognized. The ceremony opened up with special greetings from the County of Cumberland representative, Kenneth S. Edge, the city of Fayetteville representative, mayor pro temp D.J. Haire, chair of the board of trustees, Terrence Murchison, student body president, Jermaine Pittman and president of FSU’s National Alumni Association, Vedas Neal. The key message of the event was for students to take advantage of all the opportunities available to them, start building and working on their legacies and to give back whenever and however possible. Chancellor James A. Anderson, who served as the events host, commented that all it took to start the legacy of FSU was $134. He then charged all students and alumni that if they are able to, that they should at the very least give $134 back to the university. Several representatives and alumni from classes ranging as far back as 1948 were present and each donated money towards scholarships to the school averaging around $66,000. “The legacy continues. Think about where we started and think about where we are now,” said chair of the board of trustees, Terrence Murchison. see FOUNDERS, next page
index News page 2 Features page 4 Opinion page 5 Sports page 7
2 The Voice, For Students, By Students
| April 13, 2011
send news tips to the editor; agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu
Social Networking and Relationships
Beware false connections and bonds online By Alicia Bayat Voice Editor-in-Chief
There was a time when relationships seemed easier to maintain if not at the very least they were less cumbersome. You didn’t have to worry about the girl/guy way across the country coming between you and your significant other. Then along came the internet and social networking. The internet and the ability to connect with others across the country, and the world changed everything, but it also changed the nature of relationships. It changed the dynamics and workability of relationships. This was no longer between two people trying to get to know each other, with only each other to focus
on. Now mind you, there were always the possibilities of competition from within the social group. But the stakes are higher when anything goes. Now suddenly the competition can be anyone anywhere at any time. The attention is divided and scattered. Instead of talking to each other about problems, it’s no longer just the people that come into contact with your significant other everyday, but those that have no contact but through the internet that can become an obstacle. Relationships have evolved over time and there is only to adapt to the changing environment. What is the most effective solution for a relationship when the interaction between a couple is impeded by these phantom friends? What is the
GREEN continued from front page
remembers watching Captain Planet and the Planeteers when he was young. The Vice President for the Economics and Finance Club says Mrs. Seydel gave a lot of takeaways we all need to think about, during the conference. “We need to change to better our future. Everyone needs to start doing something to do their part to help take care of our environment. Whether [it is] making use of the recycling bins, turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, using lower heating temperatures during the winter months and putting on extra clothes to stay warm - there are many day-to-day actions we can take to conserve energy. [The Conference] was very informative,” said Mr. Darden. At the Conference, Vice Chancellor Thomas Conway made what was billed as a big announcement, the formation of the Sustainable Community Foundation. It is a collaborative effort partnering a range of public and private entities from across the community. Dr. Conway shared the foundation’s vision of
solution when intimacy is impeded Stability is threatened by all sexual because of the phantom relation- and emotional outlets, which inships that substitute the interaction terfere with intimacy. Companionship is diminished and security is in a relationship? Sometimes people seem to seek eroded. Relationships are comout faux sexual fulfillment plicated at any level, but through online porn and given the influence of the faux emotional relationinternet and social netships through distance working sites, relationrelationships. It strips the ships have suddenly inneed for any mean Finding herited another obstacle. ingful interaction. It my voice The only recourse is to makes reality become secestablish strong comondary. The reality of it is that these phantom relationship munication between you and your fillers, social networking sites, tex- significant other. Of course there is ting, instant messaging and email- always adapting to the change. How many times have I heard ing give individuals a false sense of that WOW (World of Warcraft) desecurity and connections. Long-term/committed relation- stroyed a relationship because the ships are meant to provide stabil- husband/boyfriend spent 16 hours ity, companionship and security. gaming? I’ve done that. It’s just
Alicia Bayat
another outlet, social network and escapism. In the last 10 years, I have known many individuals who have sought out others online to have romantic affairs or hookups. Something so innocent as having someone else to vent to or talk to easily turns into something else. The internet has made connecting with others easier at many different levels. Social networking has brought it to a different level, to help focus and fill that need. The internet influences more than the way we work and communicate professionally. Social networking sites influence the way we conduct our relationships and what relationships we invest in and how.
FOUNDERS continued from front page
our community becoming a nationally recognized catalyst for sustainable living and development. “There has to be an overarching plan, an overarching conversation. There is no planet B in this context. We’ve got to get this right. We started a set of conversations. So let me tell you who the we is. The we here is your university, FSU; your power company, PWC; your chamber of commerce, the Fayetteville-Cumberland County Chamber of Commerce; your Sustainable Sandhill organization; and your military base, Ft. Bragg,” said Dr. Conway to the gathering of about 300 people. Business administration major, Mr. Darden said, “It will be very beneficial to our community if more businesses around the city move towards green business technology. Businesses should be lining up to go green because of the overall savings, especially when one of the presenters spoke of available grant monies for converting to green.”
Contact Us:
NEWS, STORY TIPS: 910-672-2210, agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu Come by and see us: 241 Jones Student Center Editor in Chief Alicia Bayat, agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu News Editor Charnell Harris, charri129@broncos.uncfsu.edu Design Editor Stacey Robinson, srobins9@uncfsu.edu Adviser Professor Kevin M. Dilley: kdilley@uncfsu.edu
The FSU legacy is now going global as Chancellor Anderson mentioned, and telling students in attendance that when they graduate they will go on to be representatives of the school. Being a part of the number one ranked education system in the nation, UNC, puts FSU students in a solid position. “So when you graduate, your degree will have some weight,” said Chancellor Anderson. Special guest speaker, retired CSM Jones gave a rousing and sincere speech telling all about what led her to continue her education after joining the military. She was a first sergeant at the time and attended FSU as a full-time student. She used her education to inspire her fellow soldiers into going back to school. During her speech she walked through the audience belting out that if you want something bad enough than you won’t make any excuses about why it can’t be done. Jones quoted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during her speech because she feels the
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greatest thing a person can do is to be of service to someone or something else. “Knowledge is power, but only if you use it. Your experiences mean nothing if you don’t tell anybody.” Jones gave the audience at the J.W. Seabrook Auditorium her “Bones Theory” on how to be successful. Backbone: “Having the courage to stand up when you are tired.” To stand up and speak out about things you feel are important. As well as having the courage to stand up and admit when you’re wrong or need help. “Pride is a terrible thing to have.” Wishbone: If you don’t believe it can happen, it won’t. Funny bone: Every time someone gets in the way of progress, giggle. Tailbone: “Nothing happens if you don’t get off your tailbone! Stop talking and do something.” Jones is a 1993 graduate of FSU. She is a retired Command Sergeant Major for the US Army
Reserve. She currently serves as the special assistant and senior adviser to the Under Secretary of Defense and Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense. The 144th Founders Convocation was a day for all those affiliated with Fayetteville State University to look forward and make clear the goals they have set for themselves and the university. As members of the Bronco family, we should all continue to be ambassadors for the university and keep expanding the dream of those seven black men who for $134 purchased a small piece of land in hopes that education will be widespread within the black community. With the Vice Chancellor of education of China coming to the 2011 Spring Convocation and having a partnership with five universities in China, FSU is quickly moving to become a global force in education. “Have we lived up to the expectation of our founders 144 years ago? I say yes!”
Meet the staff Staff Writers Nicolette Beatty, Krystal McDaniel, Briana Murrell, Nike Pascal, Camellia Sansberry, Tatiana Mosley, Shirley Townsend, John Caldwell, Naadiya Hopkins, Anna Lee, Rasheena Scott Staff Illustrator: Jovian Turnbull Staff Photographers: Tony Nelson, Nathaniel Stevenson, Charles Taylor, Paul Smith
send news tips to the editor; agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu | www.fsuvoice.com
April 13, 2011
The Voice, For Students, By Students
Four more years for Obama?
US involvement overseas in order to win another election. While democrats are working on keeping the president in office, the repubPresident Barack Obama has officially an- licans are working to find a suitable candinounced his plans to run for re-election for date to run as well. Though there are a few the 2012 Presidential election. His first cam- prominent GOP members who have already paign video was recently released and can expressed a desire to run, they all have major faux pas that do not translate to be seen on YouTube. The questhe public very well. Will Obama tion is however, can he do it? be able to win it again and finish Certainly the tide has changed a the work he feels can’t be done in bit in the nation and the popular four years or will he have to turn it things that politicians once prom- NEWS @ over to another candidate. ised the American people are no A GLANCE Racial Profiling in Fayetteville longer the most important things Have many times have you been pulled on the nation’s agenda. Surely the economy and national security will be the two biggest over by the police for doing absolutely nothfactors voters will go by in picking the next ing wrong? Were you ever harassed by law candidates. President Obama’s rankings in enforcement in Fayetteville? Most people the “presidential report cards” have slowly answered yes, and hardly a shocker, new stabeen dropping. And because of the United tistics put together by the State Bureau of InStates involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq and vestigation support the notion that racial pronow Libya have both the Democratic and filing is still a major problem in Fayetteville. Republican Parties fearful that he will bring The facts make this point very clear. The Fayetteville Observer reported in the US into yet another war. One journalist from The Week online newspaper accuses the State Bureau of Investigation’s studies, the president of not being “patriotic enough” “4,227 blacks were stopped and searched durto sway conservative voters, as well ending ing regular traffic stops, compared to 1,315 By Charnell Harris Voice News Editor
Impacting achievement. Influencing lives. Inspiring leaders.
whites in the past three years.” who tried to “break his neck.” The older boys This means that black drivers are being tar- than hung him by a hook on the stall door geted more by the police, and more so than until he was left unconscious. All awhile, any other demographic. More disturbing is officials say the teacher was standing by the the fact that this trend has gone by without door. School officials have yet to release if the proper authorities they know the two boys investigating it sooner. responsible and if they The city of Fayetteville Surely the economy and were punished for their held an open meeting actions. Weary parents national security will be with City Council to have already begun to discuss with lawmakers keep their children out the two biggest factors and law enforcement of school. They feel as voters will go by in pick- if the school is not beways to improve executing traffic stops and car ing the next candidates. ing transparent and want searches. New proceto explain how such an dures went into action incident could occur and on April 1, said Police Chief Tom Bergamine, in an elementary school nonetheless. School in an interview with the Observer. Now of- officials stated that they followed correct proficers have to explain to drivers why they are tocol for the incident. In an interview with getting searched. Wave3.com, the school principal says that Second Grader is found hanging in bath- the boy was new to the school and that this room. was an “isolated incident.” But is this a good No, eight year- old Mohamed Hussein did enough excuse as to why a child was hanged not die, but still this is bullying at its worse. from a bathroom stall without anyone interThe boy said when he went to use the bath- vening? As for Hussein, his father has called room at his school, Frayser Elementary, he for his son to be transferred to another school. was ganged up on by two fifth grade boys
Honor society makes a comeback
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Voice Photo by Paul Smith
Mr. Peter Eley, adviser to Fayetteville State University’s chapter of the Honor’s Society, Dr. Leontye Lewis Professor and Dean of the School of Education, and Dr. Jon Young, Provost, induct Christine Williams into the Honors Society, Wednesday evening in the SBE building’s Shaw Auditorium. This award was presented to 18 other students during the reactivation of the Rho Beta Chi chapter of the National Honors Society.
4 The Voice, For Students, By Students
April 13, 2011
send news tips to the editor; agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu
Entertainment The Rockshop Music Hall Fri Apr 15 08:00 PM • OAKCREST • Evans City Saints • The Jupiter Tide • Mumu Tutu Tickets: $7 at the door Sat Apr 16 08:00 PM • Apathy Is My Name • Dreamkiller • Move To Destroy • rebel inc. Tickets: $7 at the door Tue Apr 19 08:00 PM • Open Mic Night Details: EVERY TUESDAY is Edwards Music presents Open Mic Tickets: free Thu Apr 21 06:00 PM • Hawthorne Heights • After Midnight Project • Handguns • Self Centered • and by love Tickets: $12 advance ($5 surcharge for under 21) Fri Apr 22 08:00 PM • Phuket Underwater • WAKING TERA • The Mortis Sermon Tickets: $7 over 21/$10 under 21
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April 13, 2011
Restaurant Review: The Fig Cafe Grill
A taste of the Mediterranean By Alicia Bayat Voice Editor-in-Chief
At first glance The Fig Café Grill appears like any other coffee shop in town. You might just pop in for your daily latte. It may be a way station between going to dinner and a movie. Well that’s just at first glance. You didn’t just enter another strip mall coffee shop. You’ve walked into an experience. As you walk in the door you don’t get the typical, sterile coffee shop feel. But you also don’t get the “home” cozy feel of other shops with people sleeping on over stuffed-chairs or hard at work on some forehead creasing issue that must be resolved. Instead you get an airy, somber feel like you’re walking into a friend’s eclectic loft. You just know to expect a smile from across the room, but privacy and comfort as well. The warm browns and burgundies set you at ease almost immediately. The huge spiral staircase in the centre of the room seems to set the stage. The music flows through the shop in waves like a slow embrace. As you first walk in the door you see what appeared to be typical coffee style tables in the entry way with a large bar nestled into the corner of the room, and a few smaller tables against a wall and a small section of over stuffed chairs and couches in a not too brightly lit room. It seemed like the perfect breakfast spot. The light mixture of fruity incense, and spices brings to mind milky hot teas and warm thick soups. If you thought only to grab a quick cup of coffee you quickly change your mind and want to try out the menu. As I walked in the door my first thought was to find a small table in a corner to sit and write. The lower level is bright, warm and sunny. The attendant smiles up warmly from
behind the counter as to acknowledge your presence but not to intrude on your solitude. They have a fully functioning kitchen with a menu that has a myriad of delights from gyros, tabouli (a cracked wheat salad), dolma (stuffed grape leaves) to sweet crispy baklava. You can also find anything from a hot Panini to hot soups, hot and cold teas and coffees. If you’re so enclined you may also order french fries or hot or cold subs. Sitting in the brightness just didn’t set the right mood for me. I decided instead to explore the upper levels as I walked up the spiral staircase. I felt the room suddenly become more comfortable in the dim light. The upstairs includes a full bar, leather straight-back couches lining the walls, and small tables strewn about. What makes this café different from others is the full service bar and hookah (Shisha or water pipe). Another very distinct aspect is that they seem to be the only café in town that serves Arabic tea. I sat against the wall in a straight-back couch. The attendant brought me the Hookah list, beer list and menu. I opted for a beef kabob platter with falafel, a pot of hot Arabic tea and cherry Hookah. It was the perfect afternoon. The atmosphere was great, the bathrooms were clean, the prices were right. It’s not family friendly. According to the attendant you must be 18 years or older since everything is served in an adult environment. It’s a good place to take a date. With a ten-foot projection television, good food and drinks it’s a good place to just hang out with friends. I would definately go back. I am dying to try their Jerusalem Salad. The Fig Cafe Grill is located at 253 Westwood Shopping Center in Fayetteville.
Write a letter to the editor The Voice is only as strong as yours. We encourage participation by seeking and printing letters to the editor. You may write a letter about any topic in the paper, on campus or in your life. Please refrain from personal attacks, instead stick to issues and ideas. Letters should be 300 words or less, signed with your full name and include your phone number for verification. You can submit your letter through our website at http://www.fsuvoice.com/home/ lettertotheeditor/
The Voice, For Students, By Students 5
Movie Review: Insidious
Heart skipping scary By Anna Lee Voice Staff Writer
Imagine moving into your dream house with hopes of a fresh start and a happy family. Now imagine seeing ghosts. Thinking the home is haunted you decide to move but the ghosts are still there. A coincidence? Not really, because the houses aren’t haunted. But someone in your family is. This is the life of Renai (Rose Byrne) in the new thriller Insidious. After convincing her husband, Josh (Patrick Wilson), to move a second time she begins to question her sanity. Are the ghosts really following her or is she slowly losing her sense of reality? In desperation, she calls in a team of Ghostbusters along with a spiritual advisor. After investigating the house it is evident that Renai is not losing her mind and the ghosts are in fact following her family. The spiritual advisor, Elise (Lin Shaye), tells Renai something shocking: her house is not haunted but her son Dalton is haunted . An outlandish claim because Dalton has been in a ‘coma’ for the past few months. Elise tells Renai that Dalton is not in a coma but that his spirit has left his body. Renai has been seeing ghosts because the entities miss
being alive and want to inhabit Dalton. The only way to save Dalton is to get his spirit back. The family must hurry to save Dalton’s spirit before a ghost, or even worse, a demon takes over his physical body. I wasn’t expecting much from this movie but I was surprised. I’m not a big fan of thrillers because they are either too gory or just don’t frighten me. Insidious is one of those movies that will make you jump out of your seat. There were times I would cover my eyes because the movie is truly creepy. To be honest, I was a little scared to go to bed the night I saw it. Everything about the movie flowed together: the acting, the plot and the instrumentals. The director was very creative in making a spiritual afterlife and demons look believable. I loved is the foreshadowing. There are subtle details in the movie that let you know something crazy is about to happen. Of course, Insidious is not going to win an Oscar but it is definitely worth seeing. After learning that the makers of Paranormal Activity are also behind Insidious you can be assured that you’ll get your money’s worth at the theater.
6 The Voice, For Students, By Students
April 13, 2011
send news tips to the editor; agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu
Book Review: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Cooperation and teamwork breed success By John Caldwell Voice staff writer
“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare,” is how Patrick Lencioni introduces his NY Times best-seller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Mr. Lencioni is the president of The Tabletop, a management consulting firm whose clientele include At&t, Fedex and Westpoint. Mr. Lencioni has written six books. . Regardless of what brings you to campus on a regular basis, you make up part of a team we could call “Team FSU.” Certainly many relate to FSU being a family. But family members must recognize the role teamwork plays in their effort to be effective in all matters concerning that family and their established desires and goals. “Cooperative effort by the members of a group or team to achieve a common goal,” is the simple way Webster’s II New Riverside Dictionary defines teamwork. And by definition, FSU is made up of small teams, that come together to form larger teams, that ultimately serve the goals of the FSU team, by way of teamwork. As a member of the “Bronco Family,” you are a part of that team, deriving benefits for yourself and hopefully, for your teammates . Whether in the classroom with students in the role of team players and the professor as their team coach, or in the multitude of campus organization and clubs, or in any of the many administrative and support teams that see to the needs of the university family, all can benefit by placing value on teamwork.
Couch Potatoes
All FSU students, staff, and administrators rely on others at some point during the course of their day. Most times those interactions are crucial to productive outcomes to all concerned. Sometimes we don’t recognize how our actions, or lack thereof, impact our team(s), for the better and for the worst. “For all the attention that it has received over the years from scholars, coaches, teachers, and the media, teamwork is as elusive as it has ever been within most organizations. The fact remains that teams, because they are made up of imperfect humans beings, are inherently dysfunctional,” writes Mr. Lencioni. “Like so many other aspects of life, teamwork comes down to mastering a set of behaviors that are at once theoretically uncomplicated, but extremely difficult to put into practice day after day. Success comes only for those groups that overcome the all-toohuman behavioral tendencies that corrupt teams and breed dysfunctional politics within them.” “The Fable,” and “The Model,” are the two sections Mr. Lencioni divides his work into. He first tells the fable of a realistic but fictional organization that he says allows the readers to learn more effectively by allowing readers to relate to the characters. In “The Model,” Mr. Lencioni outlines what he defines as the five dysfunctions of a team in detail, and includes a team assessment with suggested tools to overcome the issues that might be plaguing your team. In summarizing the dysfunctions, Mr. Lencioni writes that they can be mistakenly interpreted as five distinct issues to be addressed in isolation of the others. “But in reality they form an interrelated
model, making susceptibility to even one of them potentially lethal for the success of a team.” He gives a cursory overview of each dysfunction as follows: The first dysfunction is absence of trust amongst team members. If team members are not genuinely open with each other about their mistakes and weaknesses, it is impossible to build a foundation of trust. Absence of trust creates the circumstance for the second dysfunction, fear of conflict. Teams that lack trust are incapable of fully and honestly debating issues as they resort to veiled discussions and guarded comments. The inability to openly discuss issues leads to a lack of commitment. If team members are unable to fully air their views, it is unlikely that they will be fully committed to the decisions of the group. Team members will inevitably avoid accountability if are not fully bought into the decisions of the group. How can they stand up and be counted on issues if they were not completely committed to them initially? Inattention to results occurs when team members put their individual needs (such as ego, career, recognition or reward) or even their division above the collective needs of the team. Failure to hold one another accountable creates an environment where the fifth dysfunction can thrive. Ray Thomas knows all too well the benefit derived from effective teamwork. The FSU general manager of the student run “BroncoiRadio.com” says he always preferred team oriented sports to individual competitions, during his youth and collegiate days. Mr. Thomas explained that those earlier experiences of teamwork have served him quite
well throughout his career in broadcasting. He described a multiplier effect when individual members recognized and honored the group as a team effort. “Teamwork is the essential of any activity that brings together more than one person working toward a common goal. You have to put the personal feelings aside along with the ego, and understand what the common goal is, and be focused on that,” said Mr. Thomas. “At the end of the day it’s gonna benefit the entire team as long as that person overall in charge of the team is a fair and genuine person, the entire team will be rewarded. It’s like that old saying you reap what you so. If we all sow together we will all reap together. The ultimate consequence of teamwork is that we can all dream together for a common goal, and reap the ultimate success. Everyone wants to be successful. When I hear ‘team’ that’s what has been instilled in me from my younger days, from my various coaches over the years.” If you recognize your role as a teammate on at least one the multitude of teams that make up “Team FSU,” and wish to see the maximum expression of the inherent potential the “Bronco Family” is imbued with, pick up a copy of Mr. Lencioni book. Relate the work to your team(s), to see if it speaks to any shortcomings, then seek ways to implement those lesson learned as well as share your insight with your teammates. “I sincerely hope (the book) helps your team overcome its particular dysfunctions so that it can achieve more than individuals could ever imagine doing alone. That, after all, is the real power of teamwork,” is how Mr. Lencioni sums up his vision.
send news tips to the editor; agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu | www.fsuvoice.com
April 13, 2011
The Voice, For Students, By Students
McIlroy beats the heat, NBA championship draws near, and the Panthers hope for Cam... Charnell Harris News Editor
It was the best of times and the worst of times… “Woods was dropping expletives and screaming at himself,” as reported by Fox Sports. After missing seemingly easy puts and tying for ninth place in round 3 of the Masters Golf tournament held in Augusta, GA, there was a lot of ground to cover for Tiger Woods to catch up in the rankings. Golfer Rory McIlroy of Ireland led the tournament in first place shooting 2 under 70 during Saturday’s round. However at the end of the day, it was South African, Carl Schwartzel, who took home the coveted green Master’s championship jacket. He shot four birdies on his last four shots to win it over the other contenders. Tiger Woods wound up finishing in a tie for fourth place, while Saturday’s leader, McIlroy finished a staggering 10 shots behind first place.
Who Wants It More? It is the final week of filling out all the loose playoff spots, and fans are anxiously waiting to see who will go on to compete for the NBA championship. Will the winner be from the Eastern division with the Miami Heat or the Boston Celtics? Or will the West take it with the San Antonio Spurs or Los Angeles Lakers? Right now, everything seems possible. The Spurs recently suffered a six game losing streak while the Lakers struggled to defeat the Sacramento Kings. During the post game interview, Lakers Head Coach, Phil Jackson blamed their loss on the team being inconsistent and only playing good defense during the fourth quarter. Tune in tonight for the match-up against the number one team in the Atlantic division, the Celtics and the number two team, the New York Knicks, with Boston holding a 3-0 lead. The Charlotte Bobcats will also go against the Atlantic Hawks; both games air at 8 pm eastern time tonight.
We Want You! For football fans, April 28th is circled on their calendars. The first round picks for the 2011 NFL draft begins. With the effects of the lockout not completely dealt with and doubts still lingering in the air, the futures of those picked this month may seem a bit foggy, yet the title of being called up to join some of the world’s best athletes is as good enough reason to join anyway. First pick goes to the Carolina Panthers, who had the worst losing record in the NFL, last season, only 2-14. Sports commentators mostly agreed that the Carolina Panthers need a new quarterback. Desperately, need a new quarterback. And they hope that Heisman winner, Cam Newton, quarterback from the championship team Auburn, will be available to them. Another team looking forward to this year’s draft is the Cincinnati Bengals. Sport insiders claim they basically need a complete team overhaul to include new lineman, new quarterback and a new safety.
Broncos release 2011 football schedule
FAYETTEVILLE, NC - Football season never feels like it is too far away, and it feels even closer for Fayetteville State Broncos fans as the tentative 2011 football schedule has been released. Fayetteville State will open its 2011 season with the third annual Two Rivers Classic against UNC Pembroke at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 3. The game will be played at Luther “Nick” Jeralds Stadium as the two programs clash to open their respective grid seasons for the third consecutive year. The Broncos, who finished the season 5-5 a year ago to complete a season at .500 or better for the eighth time in head coach Kenny Phillips’ 11 years at the helm, are then scheduled to travel to play St. Paul’s for their first road game of the season on Sept. 10. After that, Fayetteville State will begin a stretch of four home dates in a span of five games, kicking off with a 6 p.m. game against Elizabeth City State on Sept. 17 before traveling to rival Winston-Salem State on Sept. 24 to open CIAA play. Fayetteville State will then host St. Augustine’s (Oct. 1, 6 p.m.) and Virginia State (Oct. 8, 6 p.m.).
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8 The Voice, For Students, By Students
April 13, 2011
send news tips to the editor; agarcia1@broncos.uncfsu.edu
DID YOU KNOW? Also…Did you know that the FSU Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is part of FSU’s Reaffirmation of Accreditation?
!ea$rma'on of ,S./s Accredita'on takes place every 10 years and we will have a
EP? eQ h t s ti Wha ~ ~ ~ ~ EP is… ~ he Q r: T e w s An
Campus On‐Site Visit Dy the Southern Associa'on of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges on
Learn more , visit: www.uncfsu.edu/qep
April 19‐21, 2011
See !"#!$%&'()'*+,-$"./'0$1)'.23*.$4%"1.5$$ www.uncfsu.edu/sacs
Students Are Central to our Success You are very important to FSU’s Reaffirmation of Accreditation
Students( cri-cal thin1ing and anal3-cal reasoning s1ills and Enhancement of the learning environment at FSU
Why? You are evidence of FSU’s commitment to • S t u d e n t l e a r n i n g a n d a c h i e v e m e n t • Q u a l i t y e n h a n c e m e n t t h r o u g h c o n t i n u o u s i m p r o v e m e n t • S u p p o r t a n d r e s o u r c e s f o r y o u r t o t a l g r o w t h a n d development
How? Through your feedback and comments… • C o u r s e e v a l u a t i o n s ( e a c h s e m e s t e r ) • S t u d e n t s u r v e y s , s u c h a s t h e • N S S E ( N a t i o n a l S u r v e y o f S t u d e n t E n g a g e m e n t ) • P a r t i c i p a t i o n i n R i s i n g J u n i o r E x a m s a n d S e n i o r E x i t Exams …as well as your academic performance, student life, and ultimately your graduation!
Remember, Broncos…Students (You)
Are Central to your Success