@FTCrimson @FTCrimson crimson@fit.edu Issue 8
RIMSON The Florida Tech
The Official Student-Run Newspaper•since
INDEX Editorial........................2 News.........................3,7 Campus Life................5 Entertainment........................6 Sports...................................8 FALL
Florida Tech fails to acknowledge reports of rape required under federal law In 2022, TUI airplanes will land in MLB.
Photo // TUI.co.uk
First MLB-based transatlantic flight to benefit international students ETHAN QUALLE \\
CONTRIBUTING WRITER TUI U.K., an English leisure airline, announced that they will commence service to Orlando Melbourne International Airport. Announced on Nov. 4, TUI U.K. is set to commence this service in 2022. TUI, based in Luton, England focuses mainly on vacation travel for its customers located in the United Kingdom. The British-based airline company primarily operates seasonal vacation routes from its 16 bases, which include cities such as Aberdeen, London and Belfast. TUI Group stated on Twitter,
AIRLINES on page 7
Nearly $200,000 raised for Day of Giving ISABEL CORDERO \\ STAFF WRITER
The Campus Crime Statistics lists zero sex offenses have occurred in the in the past three years. If there have been cases of sexual assaults that were not included in the crime statistics, then that is a violation of the Clery Act. Florida Tech failed to acknowledge multiple reports of rape within the 2019 Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports under the Clery Act. Two students have come forward
Page 2 Congratulations to our graduating editor-in-chief
with accounts of rape and how they reported their cases through Title IX and Security. Their cases did not appear on the Annual Security and Fire Safety
Page 6 Ranking the eight Star Wars movies
Photo // Florida Tech Security
Reports, which is in violation of the Clery Act.
CLERY ACT on page 3
This year’s Day of Giving exceeded Florida Tech’s goal of 1,500 donors with funds reaching just under $200,000 in 24 hours. The funds that were raised will be used for everything from updating technology on campus, providing for scholarship and research grants and funding the new Health Sciences Building. Mary Ida Spradlin, the assistant director of annual giving, is the main organizer for the Day of Giving. The day was dedicated to raising money for the campus, and Spradlin said it is their biggest online fundraising event. Spradlin graduated from Florida
Giving on page 5 Page 8 NCAA passes law on athletes profiting off name
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