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Review the projected best sellers for Mother’s Day and project how much product you need to fill incoming orders. For your shop’s order estimate, contact your Marketplace representative at 800.767.4000. Review the ZIP codes where you deliver and same‑day delivery cut‑off times. To view the ZIP codes linked to your shop, go to your FTD Florist Scorecard or call Member Services at 800.788.9000.
Update how many FTD orders you can fill on your Order Capacity Tool in Florist Link. Instead of suspending your system, update your order capacity in the Admin Tool. Find more information.
Train your staff on the importance of sending delivery confirmations in a timely manner. The deadline to send in a delivery confirmation is 7 pm local time. Familiarize yourself with the substitution guidance for each arrangement. Develop a backup plan in case you need more delivery capacity. Learn more about how our FTD Delivery Service can assist you. Check out our free business-building webinars on YouTube.
Scrub your existing email database & add new customers to prepare for your new marketing campaigns. Merchandise your website with Mother’s Day products & promotions. If you have questions, call FTD’s Florist Online team at 800.576.6721.
Equip your drivers with mobile phones and the FTD Mercury Delivery App. To learn more, download the app or call the FTD Technology Sales team at 800.767.3222. For Mercury Cloud users, make sure your staff is trained to review orders frequently and acknowledge all orders as soon as possible.
Review results from last Mother’s Day to determine which items & price points were most profitable. Learn about offers and promotions from FTD Marketplace by calling 800.767.4000 or visiting FTDMarketplace.com.
Pre‑book fresh flowers or order labor saver bouquets from FTD Flower Exchange by calling 800.767.4000 or visiting FTDFlowerExchange.com.