Editor's note Francisco Dias, Sofia Eurico Innovation in nature-based tourism: The case of marine tourism in northern Norway Heidi Holmgren Authenticity and eco-cultural tourism development in Kazakhstan: A country branding approach Guillaume Tiberghien, Vladimir Garkavenko Customers´ post-implementation attitudes towards café smoking ban in a transition country Ljudevit Pranic, Snjezana Pivac Online social networks impact on potencial travellers´tourism and hospitality choices Masooma Al-Balushi, Tamer Mohamed Atef Social media and destination positioning: Egypt as a case study Suzan Bakri Hassan Out-of-country training for hotel middle managers in Jordan: Selection criteria and implications Mousa Masadeh Ports of call: In search of competitive advantage Graham Busby, Jennifer O´neill
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/EJTHR_Vol4_1_Art1_Heidi.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/EJTHR_Vol4_1_Art2_Guillaume_et_al.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/EJTHR_Vol4_1_Art3_Ljudevit_et_al.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/EJTHR_Vol4_1_Art4_Masooma_et_al.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/EJTHR_Vol4_1_Art5_Suzan.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/EJTHR_Vol4_1_Art6_Mousa.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/EJTHR_Vol4_1_Art7_Graham_et_al.pdf
VOLUME 4 - ISSUE 2 (JULY 2013)
Editor's note Fernanda Oliveira A model for the sustainable competitiveness of tourism destinations Antonio Magliulo Destination management organizations and their shift to sustainable tourism development Katarzyna Klimek Contribution of international fairs in city branding: The case of Izmir, Turkey Nahit Erdem Köker, Deniz Maden, Aylin Gözta Destination branding: A new perspective for brand Cape Verde Edson Redy Moreira dos Santos Tourism potential in historic towns: Romanian case studies Iuliana Bucurescu “Repellent” tourists versus “slow” tourists Paola De Salvo, José Manuel Hernández Mogollón, Elide Di Clemente Book Review Research Themes for Tourism Nikola Naumov
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/Volume2/EJTHR_Vol4_2_Art1_Antonio.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/Volume2/EJTHR_Vol4_2_Art2_Katarzyna.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/Volume2/EJTHR_Vol4_2_Art3_Nahit_et_al.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/Volume2/EJTHR_Vol4_2_Art4_Edson.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/Volume2/EJTHR_Vol4_2_Art5_Iuliana.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.ejthr.com/ficheiros/2013/Volume2/EJTHR_Vol4_2_Art6_Paola_et_al.pdf
Editor's note Francisco Dias, Sofia Eurico Literary tourism in context Graham Busby, Ekaterina Shetliffe The experience-oriented tourism in Tuscan rural areas Enrica Lemmi, Monica Siena Tangheroni Are backpackers a homogeneous group? Frederick Dayour The effect of destination image on authenticity and loyalty Fidel Martínez Roget, Simone Novello, Pilar Murias Fernández Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty Ana Lúcia Maroco, João Maroco The importance of data triangulation in nature-based sport management in protected areas Paulo Filipe Rosa, Maria do Céu Almeida, Luís Carvalhinho On the multivariate processing of rank-deficient tourism data Lukáš Malec
FULL TEXT: http://www.optimeios.com/back/fotos/ejth2138/documentos/EJTHR_Vol4_3_Art1_Gra ham_Ekaterina.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.optimeios.com/back/fotos/ejth2138/documentos/EJTHR_Vol4_3_Art2_Enri ca_Monica.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.optimeios.com/back/fotos/ejth2138/documentos/EJTHR_Vol4_3_Art3_Fre derick.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.optimeios.com/back/fotos/ejth2138/documentos/EJTHR_Vol4_3_Art4_Fid el_Simone_Pilar.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.optimeios.com/back/fotos/ejth2138/documentos/EJTHR_Vol4_3_Art5_Ana _Joao.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.optimeios.com/back/fotos/ejth2138/documentos/EJTHR_Vol4_3_Art6_pau lo_maria_luis.pdf
FULL TEXT: http://www.optimeios.com/back/fotos/ejth2138/documentos/EJTHR_Vol4_3_Art7_luk as.pdf