Causes of pain in the sole of the foot The feet are very important, taking into account that they are our tools to move us, and that is why we must take care of them with great care. The pain in the sole of the foot or plantar fasciitis can be due to many causes, from some illness or problem in the feet to the use of the inadequate footwear. Many times we do not consider the right shoes for the activities we do and this takes its toll. It is also important to go at least once to the podiatrist to check our feet. It can help us detect what type of tread we do and if we need a template to correct a problem such as a foot problems with a lot of bow or even a higher hip. In addition to helping us with the feet could solve many back problems. In this article we explain you the causes of pain in the sole of the foot.
Causes of plantar fasciitis or pain in the sole of the foot The pain in the soles of the feet usually appears more specifically in the lower part of the heel or in the metatarsal area just before the toes, although it can occur all over the foot. It may appear suddenly or slowly and gradually increase in intensity. In the case of the lower area of the heel is usually caused by a rupture of the ligaments due to excessive pressure. This causes pain and stiffness in the area. The causes for which plantar fasciitis can appear are:
Overweight: Excess weight can cause the foot to hold too much weight and hurt the plantar area. Pregnancy: supporting the weight of the gut can bring pains in the soles of the feet. Inadequate footwear: if you wear heels you should always alternate between heels and flat shoes so that the risk flows correctly and the sole of the foot does not suffer too much. In addition, if you perform any specific activity or sport you have to make sure that the shoes are suitable for it.
Feet flat or too arch: these people suffer from more pain in the area since its curvature is not adequate and therefore the step is not correct and the support at the time of walking makes your feet hurt. Long periods of standing. Achilles tendon tense or inflamed: it is known as Achilles tendinitis causes pain in the lower part of the foot. Running through an area with different types of surface: if you have been doing sports in a mountain area for example the terrain changes from smooth to stony at times and the feet notice it. For this reason, good footwear is also important in this type of activity.
Treatment for pain in the sole of the foot For pain in the sole of the foot you can resort to anti-inflammatory medications, but if the pain does not subside requires stronger techniques.
It is important to go to the doctor who, in your case, will refer you to a podiatrist who will be able to treat the pain better. In some cases, when the antiinflammatory results are not obtained, an injection of corticosteroids can be applied to the affected area. It is an injection that is applied directly in the area and then gives a small electrical charge to penetrate the skin and muscle and can take effect. You can also resort to a physical therapy of stretching. In this case stretches are made to help in plantar fasciitis and the Achilles heel and even in many cases exercises that increase the strength of the muscles of the leg are recommended so that they are more resistant to walking and exercise. . Another treatment consists of the use of templates, when what is wrong is the tread. There are all kinds and always adapted to the foot. The chiropodist will be the one who determines the type of footprint that you make and by means of a padded surface in which the foot is perfectly shaped, the type of template can be determined. There are for pronatorial and supinator people, with a hip for one hip higher than another, for people with flat feet or too steep bow, etc. You can also go to nocturnal splints that what they do is stretch the calf and the arch of the foot so that it does not stay flexed. Thus, the Achilles heel and the plantar area are stretched and it helps to reduce the pain in the mornings.
Natural remedies to cure plantar fasciitis Some tricks and home remedies to cure plantar fasciitis are the following: When there is pain in the sole of the foot it is important to go barefoot when you are at home. You can apply ice to reduce inflammation if it is swollen. Put the ice in a cloth and place it in the area for 20 minutes. It is important to stretch the area especially when you are going to perform some type of exercise. You can also prepare some kind of hot bath for your feet. If you do not have a foot massage machine, put a little warm water in a basin, enough for you to dip your feet. Add a little bit of coarse salt to create a natural serum water. Then dip your feet for a while, at least 20 minutes. In this way the warm water will help to relax the area. Then remove one of your feet, dry it gently and apply some type of cream by giving a massage. Do the same with the other.
Currently there are sprays or refreshing creams that can help you relax or relax your feet and the plantar area relieving pain.
How to prevent pain in the sole of the foot To prevent plantar fasciitis, the most important thing is to use the right shoes at all times and, as we said, not to abuse heels or too flat shoes. It is also important to choose a specific one for each sporting activity that is carried out and always stretch before and after each training. Overweight can favor the pain of the sole of the foot, so it is advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. When the pain comes from congenital problems such as a bad step, it is advisable to go to the podiatrist to carry out a study and be able to choose the appropriate treatment. If you recommend the use of templates you should use them whenever possible, since in some shoes like sandals in summer it will be impossible. But use the templates in all the shoes you can as it will be the best way to relieve pain. Make periodic reviews and when the template is worn out or has lost shape you should go to a new one or the treatment will not do the same. If your work requires standing for a long time or on the contrary sitting, it is advisable to take small walks when possible. In the same way that pregnancy should be done, but also have moments of rest with legs raised. This article is merely informative, we do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.