How does Reflexology work? On the way how reflexology works there are several hypotheses that we will describe next. The most important thing and of what there is a lot of evidences and testimonies is that it works, restoring the health of those who submit to it: digestive, respiratory, circulatory problems, which are corrected; migraines, spinal pain, allergies, which heal; and sinusitis surgeries, varicose veins, stones, cysts, which are avoided. From all this we are collecting scientific evidence that we will share later. Although the effectiveness of this therapy already exists enough evidence that we can find in the books of Dr. William Fitzgerald, United States, (1917), the Physiotherapist Eunice Ingham, United States, (1930), the Little Sister of the Annunciation, Cecilia InĂŠs, Colombia, (2012), Dr. Ann Guillanders, Barcelona, 1996, Dr. Joan Cosway-Hayes, Barcelona, 2008, hundreds of web pages and many other authorities on reflexology. That is, that reflexology works we have no doubt, what requires more scientific research is the way it works in the body. According to Sister Cecilia InĂŠs, founder of the FUNCERE therapy center, who has been practicing reflexology for more than twenty-five years, she acts through the nervous system. When the therapist applies a type of stimulus to the reflex point of a specific organ, take the liver as an example, the stimulus travels through the nervous system to the part of the brain that controls the liver, at which point the brain recognizes that there is something that does not work well with your liver and puts into operation all the necessary mechanism for it to recover. The first thing that happens is that there is a greater blood supply to this organ, which allows a better circulation, a sweep of toxins and, therefore, a detoxification. This is why before and after each therapy you should consume at least one glass of water, and during the treatment consume plenty of water to help the blood circulate and there is a greater sweep of toxins. According to Ann Gillanders, author of the book "Reflexology: a step-by-step guide", "the object of reflexology is to correct the three negative factors involved in the process of the disease: congestion, inflammation and tension. Congestive pictures are responsible for pathological growths; inflammatory conditions cause
colitis, bronchitis or sinusitis (and everything finished in itis); and the tension is guilty of the decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system. " Reflexology massages improve blood circulation and accelerate the elimination of toxins before they reach a harmful level in the liver, kidneys or intestine. Another result of reflexological massage, according to Guillanders, is that it stimulates the release of endorphins from the pituitary gland, which are the body's natural analgesics. That is why with a simple pressure at a specific point we can free ourselves from a strong headache, ear pain or even an unbearable toothache. Joan Cosway-Hayes, author of the book "Reflexology for all", describes several theories about how reflexology acts. One of them surprises because of its simplicity. The mere fact of touching, of someone touching our feet, generates a series of chemical reactions in our organism, for example, the release of neurochemical substances such as enkephalins and endorphins. Enkephalins are substances much more potent than morphine; This is why, perhaps, reflexology acts so effectively relieving acute pains and generating a sense of general wellbeing. We cannot leave aside the studies of Dr. William Fitzgerald and his Zonal Therapy. This specialist American otolaryngologist, after several years in hospitals in London and Vienna where he studied the energy system of traditional Chinese medicine, discovered that by pressing on specific points of the fingers and toes, could achieve analgesic effects on the arm, neck, ear, eyes and the face of their patients. As a result of his study, he published, in 1913, along with a colleague of his, Dr. Edwin Bowers, a treatise called "Zone Therapy or Relieving Pain at Home" (Reflex Therapy at Home or Pain Relief). Dr. Fitzgerald divided the body into ten longitudinal energy zones, which ascend from the feet to the top of the head. The ten zones separated them in turn into five pairs, five zones in each hand and foot corresponding to each of the fingers. Zone 1 begins on the thumb of both feet, ascends the inside of the leg to the genitals and continues, one, through the inner center of the body to the top of the head. When reflex points are stimulated in this area of the feet or hands, the effect occurs in the nose, mouth, spine and sexual organs. And so, each zone has its emphasis on certain parts of the body. Similarly, the feet and hands are divided
into three transversal areas, which allows us to establish the position of the organs and their corresponding reflex points in both extremities, fig.5, 6 and 7.