Tone & Manner in Advertising

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ABSTRACT Recently in Malaysia, the statistics of dengue fever cases and death rates due to viral infection from Aedes mosquitoes increase every year. The press release by Director General of Health Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohd Ismail Merican (2010) reported that the cumulative number of dengue fever cases in the report until week 46 in 2009 was 36.514. It has increased by 15% in week 46 for the year of 2010 with a total of 42.914 cases. Meanwhile, the death rate in week 46 in 2009 amounted to 78 cases. Then, it increased by 62% in week 46 for the year of 2010 with the a total death of 125 people, putting Selangor as the largest contributor of casualties from dengue fever with 43 people dead from the year of 2009 until 2010. The Ministry of Health has put in a lot of effort to increase awareness and knowledge on the dangers of the Aedes mosquitoes and dengue fever, but the public do not care and participated less in efforts to eliminate and reduce the cases of dengue fever. This issue is highlighted in the newspaper headline: “Dengue cases up, so clean up and wipe out Aedes” which was reported by Annie Freeda Cruez (2010). The purpose of the study is to determine an appropriate approach in presenting information such as numbers, graph or statistics into this campaign using the right tone of advertising approach. This research analyzes all types of infographic, studies the characteristic of each type and then identifies the best approach to present the information or the cases of dengue into this campaign. The infographic in visualizing statistical data is to be applied in the anti-dengue campaign on print advertisement; this study highlights a few theories that can be used as a guideline to develop a creative objective. 3

“We have to take drastic action to stop the spread of dengue virus in a big scale and public involvement is very important.” Datuk Dr. Liow Tiong Lai, (2009)




The main problem of this study is to find a suitable advertising approach that can be displayed in a visual form to increase the awareness, knowledge, and public involvement as recommended in the campaign.

Nowadays, various health problems affect human well-being, including the threat from a vector that carries viral disease, such as Aedes mosquito. Even though the Dengue virus is known to be prevented, minimum action has been taken to overcome this serious problem from the public. Datuk Dr. Liow Tiong Lai, (2009) stated in a press release, “We have to take drastic action to stop the spread of dengue virus in a big scale and public involvement is very important�. The Ministry of Health has launched the anti-dengue campaign throughout Malaysia. The government has spend RM 1.7 million in 2010 for media promotion in providing information about aedes mosquito as a vector that carries dengue virus and educate societies to adopt positive lifestyle in conjunction to curb the epidemic and bring awareness to the public about the dangers of Aedes mosquitoes that can cause to death. Based on the situation, a specific objective needs to be achieved through this campaign to fulfill the needs and goals planned for certain campaigns. This process will lead the idea in developing creative strategy to visualize the message by using visual form to communicate based on the design criteria and production execution of the print ad for the campaign. The question is; is each objective is well delivered, and is the message conveyed effectively through the visual impact in visualizing information? It is in the form of educating behavior and attitude that could attract attention, gain interest and understanding. The main concern for public service advertising is by gaining the attention of the public who allocates some time to stop, read, understand and react after seeing the ads.


Ministry of Health Department has made a lot of efforts to increase the awareness and knowledge of the societies about the dangers of the Aedes mosquitoes and dengue fever. However, the public does not care and do not engage actively in the effort to destroy the Aedes mosquitoes and reduce rate of people suffered from dengue fever. This is one of the reasons why dengue fever continues to increase each year and mortality rates of dengue fever did not decrease. The main problem of this study is to find a suitable advertising approach that can be displayed in a visual form to increase the awareness, knowledge, and public involvement as recommended in the campaign.


Throughout this research paper, the researcher will assess the approach that has been applied in developing a creative strategy that involves in the development of the big idea of advertising in print ads for an anti - dengue campaign that has been applied by the Department of Health Promotion.The purpose of this research is to study the message of the campaign and design elements based on the visual criteria including text, image and layout. The researcher hopes to be able to come up with recommendations and proposals on the new design in developing the evolution of public service campaign such as an anti - dengue campaign. Thus, this will be able to motivate the viewer to be aware about the existence of the issue and understand the delivered message.

This research will on cover press advertisements for anti-dengue campaign for the year of 2009 to 2011 Research will only cover press advertisement for an anti - dengue campaign for the year of 2009 to 2011. Why is the study conducted for only two years lately? It is because the idea of COMBI (Communication for Behavioral Impact) has been applied in print ads that highlight the approach developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to control communicable diseases which are influenced by community behavior as applied to dengue fever in Malaysia. COMBI is an approach which includes: health education; information, education, and communication (IEC); market research; advertising techniques; and community mobilization in an effort to inspire people to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Why choose press ad as a mass media platform to study? Based on the studies report from the Malaysia Education of Health Department on the effectiveness of the dengue prevention media campaign, it shows that major exposure is through press ad that covers 16 main newspapers that include Sabah, Sarawak with four different major languages, rather than television commercial that only cover seven major channels and radio ads with only four radio stations.

COMBI is an approach which includes: health education; information, education, and communication (IEC); market research; advertising techniques; and community mobilization in an effort to inspire people to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. 8

Through the knowledge of creating informing, persuading and provoking advertisement, this research will benefit the Health Promotion Division in Ministry of Health Malaysia by highlighting the issue in this campaign.


The objective is towards targeted audience, and formulating an advertising concept that can help advertising agency to set advertising objectives and come out with creative strategy and execution print ads that can pull attention, and is noticeable.




Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) has undertaken various dengue prevention efforts in their campaign. The main focus of the campaign set by MOH is in line with the objective from World Health Organization (WHO) to educate people and participate in an effort to destroy Aedes mosquitoes and prevent dengue fever. According to Azman (2011), each of the campaigns has different objectives and approach to adopt in providing knowledge about Aedes mosquito that is the vector of dengue fever.

Each of the campaigns has different objectives and approach to adopt in providing knowledge about Aedes mosquito that is the vector of dengue fever.

Based on the examples for the advertisement campaign, which describes information of the mosquito life cycles and the message conveys the ways to break the mosquito life cycle, which has been stated in the headline “Break Its Life cycle”. Moreover, the campaign’s objective is to increase motivation by educating positive attitude to be adopted in the lifestyle. The motivational message is shown clearly in the campaign tag line “Eliminate Aedes, it’s easy”.



Each advertisement must have a goal and an objective to drive the message that is displayed in the advertisement, which can be clearly translated and understood base on production of creative design execution and effective media platform so that the main objective will not be neglected. To develop public service advertisement or noncommercial advertising we require different objectives in comparison to other product or services campaign. This is in reference to Courtland L. Bovee, (1986) who stated that, “Likewise, in noncommercial advertising, the targeted general objective is to inform, persuade, or remind people of particular ideas, causes, or philosophy being advertised”.

“Likewise, in noncommercial advertising, the targeted general objective is to inform, persuade, or remind people of particular ideas, causes, or philosophy being advertised”

Willliam F. Arens. (1986) in his book, highlighted the advertising pyramid in setting advertising objective that can be implemented in developing public service campaign objective. The first stage, referring to the pyramid, is to ensure that the advertisement creates awareness, and this is aligned with the definition by Ad council (, “The objective of these ads are towards education and awareness of significant social issues in an effort to change the public’s attitude and behaviors and stimulate positive social change”. It is intended to familiarize the public with the issue that attempts. The next stage is to increase comprehension. David Ogilvy (2009) stated that, “If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use


their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think.” By providing information that explains the characteristic as well as images that can be understood by a certain percentage of the audience, it will help to produce messages that are specific to convince some people to really believe the message, and at this point, focusing on targeted audience is important. According to Leo Burnett (2009), “I try to get a picture in my mind of the kind of people they arehow they use this product, and what it is- they don’t often tell you in so many words- but what it is that actually motivates them to buy something or interests them in something.”. For those who are optimistic about the info, say at the beginning, they can move to the desire of the product. Finally, some percentage of those who are interested will take action.


The key element in creating Advertising concept explained by Robin Landa (2004) is to look into visual and the concept. This is one of a complex process because all the problems need to be reviewed, and this requires an analytical analysis study on the issues and also to answer the problem statement, seeking to find an appropriate concept to be translated into verbal or visual. This is also called visualization or concept, which is one of the important components in creating an advertisement, where every advertising creative professional talks and dreams of “the big idea”. In developing creative strategy for Jom Ganyang Aedes anti-dengue campaign by Ministry of Health, which started in July 2010, Director General of Health Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohd Ismail Merican has selected wellknown celebrity, Aznil Hj. Nawawi as an icon to use the power of celebrities in promoting a human attitude; assist the Ministry of Health to invite society especially the youth community to join the fight against dengue.

The big idea mention by Robin Landa (2004) is the unique thinking or idea behind an ad or campaign, usually based on an emotion or functional benefit, or on the “brand spirit of the style”. Developing and implementing the big idea is the next step in the creative process. The concept behind an ad is known as “central theme”, a “great idea” proposed by David Ogilvy (2004), or the “unique selling proposition”.


Another approach is to use infographics. Infographics is defined as visual elements such as charts, maps, or diagrams that aid comprehension of a given text-based content.

This is one of the print ad campaign from Ministry of Health Malaysia for Jom Ganyang Aedes anti-dengue campaign that applies number as the indication of people suffering from dengue virus, by using shocking, interesting facts or data with a creative graphical element. This will be a big potential to capture eye attention and the message can be absorbed into the mind.

Another approach which were used in the dengue virus campaign is to state the total number of deaths in the print ad. The ideas apply in this ad by show fact is to develop a perception on danger of dengue virus by using statistic had shown endemic situation. There are various options in visualizing data or statistic. One of it is infographic. Rajamanickam (2005) defines infographics as visual elements such as charts, maps, or diagrams that aid comprehension of a given text-based content.



This is one of the sample print ad that apply numbers indicating 1 out of 7 people suffer from diabetes, by the Ministry of Health Malaysia for Diabetic campaign.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Exploratory Case Study Oral Interview Preliminary Survey Prototype Development & Testing



The design methodology for this study is to identify and define the problems to handle the design. Researcher became aware that there is a sharp increase in deaths from dengue virus outbreak is linked to the attitude of the society. Therefore, the design problem is to increase public awareness that there is a connection between the death cases and preventive action. In this research, the researcher explored the websites to know more about antidengue campaign. The researcher also made an analysis on the campaigns in the press ad and news reported on television. Then, the researcher also analysed any reported of updating the current statistics regarding the issue in Klang Valley only.


The first interview is with the Health Promotion Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Mr. Azman Ab Rashid as a Senior Assistant Director, The purpose of this interview is to identify that category approach has been applied and the big idea in the message has been portrayed in the press ad campaign from 2009 until 2011. From the interview, the researcher defines that most of the objective of the campaign is to persuade people by motivating them to discharge ideas and gain public support and together involve in control and prevention methods that have been suggested in the advertising message on the campaign.This research also conducts an interview with Dr. Khairul Rafizah as the Head of Assistant Director in Quality Control Unit of Selangor Health Department. He gave detail explanation regarding the main issue on the potential facts of Aedes mosquito - from the possible breeding areas that includes internal and external environment to the process of virus transmission until the final stage of dengue symptom. 24




The questionnaire survey has been conducted at Selangor district with two focus area groups that were reported as higher dengue cases in 2011. From the random sample survey, the selected groups of participants are from two different residential areas in PJS 8 and PJS 10 Petaling Jaya. The question from the questionnaire formulated into four different types of section.

Based on the survey it shows that, 60% of the public can clearly identify Aedes mosquito as a vector for dengue virus.



Awareness among the public about dengue cases are still in the lower level with 60% of the respondents who did not notice the real situation on dengue.


Government has conducted varies activities against the Aedes epidemic. Based on the survey, only 30% has joined in the activity and another 70% are not involve and do not cooperate in any activities.


Based on the survey, almost half of the respondents - 53.3% of them agreed that content in body copy conveys the message more clearly by showing the statistical information on dengue cases and death cases; in comparison with others that conveys the effects of dengue virus in a more emotional manner.

Researcher has collected a few samples of anti-dengue advertising campaigns which was done by MOH from 2009 until 2010 and categorized them by formulating an advertising concept into 10 different great advertising ideas.





Based on the visual analysis, it shows that the most frequent ideas apply in three years’ time are The Facts, Motivation & Inspiration, Life Experience and The Problem is the Solution.

The process of building a prototype of a new visual design through new media is in order to create an appropriate advertising appeal and the visualization on the visual. This will be discussed in the next chapter in the design process. In this process, a structured observation on public awareness regarding on the public understanding on the carried vector, together with acceptance on the message with visual information has been conducted. The observation will be held in the Selangor area, which reported as the greatest dengue cases and death cases. It will cover Shah Alam, Klang Valley and Ampang district. This observation was conducted to help the researcher design a new visual design based on respondent’s opinion and to study of the effectiveness and influences of the visualizing information data to the public. This method will help the researcher build up a strong visual by understanding their level of readability which consists of an attractive and memorable combination of layout. The observation also helped to assess the new medium by using an information graphic in delivering the message in advertising platform to make an awareness campaign for anti-dengue campaign. The report of this finding will be presented in Testing & Evaluation chapter.
















This Anti-Dengue Campaign in Press ad as select to be improved in terms of visualizing statistical data according to the determined design criteria in developing new approaches. In order to to create a new advertising approach in Anti-Dengue Campaign, some primary data had been conducted and secondary data were collected to support the development of the idea by referring to the literature review on planning effective advertising objective and develop creative strategy, this will be the guideline in constructing the ad campaign and helpful to understand the data and visual analysis. After all information are gathered, the mind mapping is designed to allocate the data input accordingly, and come out with design flow that easily to explain the design process from the start until the final execution of the ad. In this stage, area of study has been identified in terms of limitation and delimitation in developing an ad strategy by categories of ad approach. Knowing that the potential of media platform can benefit the campaign to be established, print base medium as press ad has been selected because of the wide range in media coverage that cover 16 main newspapers including Sabah, Sarawak with four different major languages, rather than TV commercial that only cover seven major channels and radio ads with only four radio stations. 46

The big idea in developing new Anti-Dengue ad campaign is by using fact and statistic to convey a message. The advertising objective of this new campaign is to create awareness among urban citizen on the dengue virus situation by highlighting the dengue fever cases and death cases. The creative objective is to design print based advertising by using data statistic that can arouse fear by showing the result on dengue epidemic and outbreak by providing a noticeable and attractive statistical data cases for the Anti - dengue campaign, infographic is the practical approach in visualizing the data information by referring to the categories and principals in designing infographic, The exploration on categories of infographic in plotting data was conducted to determine the appropriate categories that can be applied in final design and also, this funding will be discussed in Testing & Evaluation chapter. The tone of communcation used for this new campaign is psychology, and the reason this tone has been selected is to induce fear feeling that portrayed in the headline and sub headline in the advertisement

Three campaign series have been developed during this phase and each of the series will consist of two advertisements, the teaser advertisement and the main advertisement or the launch advertisement. All three campaign series will then be used as test items during the Testing & Evaluation phase to determine its preferability, and to obtain modifications needed in finalizing the endproduct for this research.










Questionnaires have been distributed to 50 public among three major races in Malaysia mainly Malay, Chinese and Indian, around Selangor area, Petaling district and Gombak district. The selection of these places and respondents is based on the location: in urban and sub-urban areas.




In this survey, the researcher faced numerous numbers of respondents, and a long set of question regarding the campaigns and the new prototype. The researcher chose locations where it is easier to access by the public. The government clinic is selected to conduct this survey. The reasons why this environment is chosen because in the clinic, there are plenty of posters campaign about health issues; including anti-dengue campaign poster and other educational information and facts about dengue and Aedes mosquito. This is a good start to gain trust among respondents in introducing the idea of doing the research and testing prototype to respond. The survey was conducted outside the clinic around the waiting area to make sure this survey session doesn’t interrupt other patients. In Klang valley area, the researcher went to one of the government clinics in Petaling Jaya. The feedback from the respondents were also encouraging, except for those who were reluctant to answer the questionnaires. To overcome this problem, the researcher explains the purpose of doing this questionnaire, the aim and objective of the research as well as the significance of the finding to the society. To prove that this research is done by a valid researcher, all of the letters that researcher obtained from the university were shown. Researcher started the questionnaire survey by showing a few samples of the existing anti - dengue ad campaign in press ad by the Ministry of Heath Department to recall their attention on the campaign and compared with the new prototype by the researcher. This technique is really helpful because the respondent can understand from the beginning of the issue being discussed and the respondent can get the overall picture about the outcome from this research.

According to respondents from Petaling Jaya, they know about anti-dengue campaign on prevention, treatment and symptom of dengue virus and Aedes mosquito as a vector, but not specifically on the statistic of the dengue cases and death cases. Researcher also brought some sample of dengue cases statistic report on newspaper article, sample on press releases and sample statistic on poster design. The outdoor printed material banner and a sample from press ad advertisement also shown to the respondents. The researcher faced so many unexpected situations and had to put a lot of effort to overcome the problems. The researcher hopes that this experience will be a guide for other researchers in the future thus gives solutions and new ideas of producing a better visual survey in testing a prototype for developing an advertising campaign.

The researcher faced so many unexpected situations and had to put a lot of effort to overcome the problems in hope that this experience will be a guide for other researchers in the future, thus, gives solutions and new ideas of producing a better visual survey in testing a prototype for developing an advertising campaign.

The total number of respondents is 50 people and the opinion is based on the majority of the respondent from women (60%) and men (40%). Most of the respondents are middle aged, from 20-35 years old with 40% and followed by 36-50 years old with 36% and 13-19 years old 14%. The minority comes from 50 years old and above with only 10%. The majority of the respondents are Malay with 48%, Indian 30% and Chinese 22%.



From three different sizes of ads, most of respondents preferred to choose teaser ad series 3 (62%), follow by teaser ad series 1 (50%) and only (25%) for teaser ad series 2. Researcher noticed that the abnormal size of the ad will attract the readers to view the ad.

The size of an ad will attract the readers to view the ad.








The survey shows 3 series ad using icons and images to show information. Overall, the 3rd series teaser ad is most preferred (62%) followed by 1st series teaser ad (44%) and 2nd series teaser ad (36%).


The usage of icons & images will increase the comprehension of an ad



In line with testing the effect of headlines among the respondents, most of the respondents refuse the 3rd series teaser ad except (4%) followed by 1st series (46%) and 2nd series (60%).

Direct headlines in ads are highly preferable.






Based on the majority, the 1st series teaser ad enhances more respondent to see what actually the main issue being highlighted in the next ad by showing greatest scale, (50%), next is a 2nd series (36%) and only (24%) for the 3rd series. 64

From the survey, the 2nd series launch ad has attracted most of the respondents who read the newspaper by showing the greatest vote, (76%) followed by 1st series (58%) and only (22%) for the 3rd series



AWARENESS From the 3 graphs above, the majority of the respondents have chosen the 1st series launch ad (74%), there are slightly decreasing for 2nd series which is 4% (70%) followed by 3rd series (14%)







It has been proven that by using the icon in quantity to show the number of death cases and bar graph to show high and low dengue cases does help people to understand statistical information on result change of death cases from 3 years’ time caused by dengue virus. This is due from the high support from the respondent which is 70%.


There is a big proportion of voting by respondent, 82% clearly shows that by using shape with different size to show number of dengue cases and typography to show number of death cases over dengue cases does help the viewer to understand statistical information to see the differences in dengue virus cases by area.



The graph stated that only 36% of the respondents have agreed by using shape in quantity to show number of death cases and sequence to arrange the most and less death cases by state does help people to see the difference on dengue virus by state. 70




The majority of the respondents (54%) agreed that tagline “Step Out, Save Life� does motivate them to seek and obtain the information about dengue virus statistic and will take any prevention action of dengue virus.


Based on the graph above, most of the respondents preferred launch ad series 2 (88%) by using inform approach in the headline, followed by persuading approach (74%) and provocative approach (36%). 73



Overall, it shows that from all the three series of an Advertisement, the 2nd series of ad has shown the highest voting (56%) from respondent comparable to the 1st series (32%) and 3rd series (12%). 75

The advertising objective should be specific, realistic and measurable. The advertising objective should be specific, realistic and measurable. What is meant by William F. Arens (1999) with measurable is the formula that can be applied to determine the objectives of the advertising campaign to produce a wellfunction advertisement. One of the methods can be applied such as the concept of DAGMA, an acronym for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results.


There are three different approaches that can be applied to develop a convincing ad message, persuasion, Instruction and raising awareness. Generally, the PSA campaign objective is to prevent negative attitude, to stop negative behavior and to encourage adoption of a better behavior. Changing attitude or behavior is a complex process, to overcome the problem; the objective must convince the person that the issue or problem are related to them and drag their desire where they intend to change their behavior and provide the way to overcome the problem. There are three different approaches that can be applied to develop a convincing ad message, persuasion (impact on beliefs, attitudes, behavior), Instruction (interaction necessary to correct mistakes) and raising awareness (to show an effect and consequences)

Three major elements that influenced the success of an advertising campaign for public service advertising are clarity on the objective of the campaign with realistic target, specificity of target audiences and appropriateness in qualitative features. 79

Focus on targeting an audience should be specifically defined as the personality of the ad and the more likely response on the campaign. It is also to identify relatively group acceptance to be influenced, and to consider what would be the main focus to change.

To grab attention from audience to notice the ad, the message must be remained in the mind of the viewer.

To grab attention from audience to notice the ad, the message must be remained in the mind of the viewer. It depends on the appropriate type of appeal applied, with the message well delivered, easy to understand and relevant to the audience. The technique’s selection and tactic in creating creative execution of the message are also important factors in developing an advertising campaign. From the prototype survey, researcher manages to find out the same important element that influences respondents’ perception while judging the prototype layout. The most prominent element includes visual presentation, message and character of text and the message should be appealing.


Before starting any development idea to apply in the advertisement, the early stage is to determine design process; the researcher has outlined the stage in developing advertisement campaign by applying infographic as a stylistic feature in visualizing data statistic.



The public service advertising has evolved for centuries to contribute to the well beings of humanities. The public service advertising has evolved for centuries to contribute to the well beings of humanities. It involves various approaches, most of them are emotional appeal, and it clearly applies in educating people about prevention, treatment and awareness. After conducting a research and survey on the design issue, a transformation on the changing scope in different approach has been determined. As discussed earlier regarding specific target audience, the design that is recommended focuses more towards the targeted audience by stating specifically the location where the highest number of cases are reported, based on real cases report. Hence, using print ads to represent statistical data is an effective method for the government and local authorities to report dengue cases and death rates due to dengue in locations where the disease is prominent so that immediate actions can be taken and those in close risks will take necessary precautions.




Throughout this research, the finding has highlighted visualize statistic infographic in Press ad advertisement for anti-dengue campaign. In the future, researchers researching on the visual statistic infographic studies can apply the technique and tactic in developing other public service advertising with different channels of media to seek the other exploration and guideline referring to the suitability of media platform. This is because consumers nowadays embrace the ‘inbound worlds�, they access on their own thought, websites, mobile apps, on-demand contents, and more using a host of devices. Presentday technology offers a variety of ways for consumers to access content through smart phones, e-readers, notebooks, tablets, and the standard home computer, with popular online channels including, social media, on-demand video, mobile apps, blogs, and forums. The message objective of a public service campaign can be widely spread and notified through the selection of the new media service.

The execution for statistic infographic for the advertisement should consist of combinations of visual layout and big ideas. This helps in grabbing attention by applying stylistic features that are attractive and content that is interesting and also can stimulate mental or emotional arousing to convey a message.



Applying statistic infographic for public service advertising campaign as a trend in visualizing stylized data oriented can attract attention. The main objective is for it to be readable with the help from images to translate the data so that the message will be well presented to the targeted audience.



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